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To be completed by candidate

Submitted by: ____Jorge Ramirez_________________________________________

Assignment title: ________LSRT_______________________________________

Assignment number: _____________3_________________

Number of words: ___________782________________

Submitted on (date): ____________April 10th, 2016__________________

This assignment is my original work and I have acknowledged all sources.

Full name: __________Jorge Eliaquín Ramírez Salvador_______________

To be completed by tutor

Overall grade: Pass (on second submission)

General comments:

You have a good text and write clearly and refer to background reading. Good rationale on choice
of text. Your lead in and reading tasks are great and your follow-up is rather good fun and allows
for some reaction to the text.

Areas for consideration: your rationale for the scanning task could be stronger and assign less time
to gist reading (1-2 mins).

Online Course Tutor: Orlando Delgado.

Practising Teacher: Jorge Eliaquín Ramírez.


For this assignment I have chosen an authentic text which is from the website
surprising-things-that-happen-to-your-body-because.The text is about the changes
our body experiences when we are in love. I think it can be appealing for most
students since love is something which everyone has experienced at least once in
their life. I am aware of the fact that this can have some disadvantages because
some people might be going through a break up, or a situation in which love is not
welcome, however the text does not talk about this sensitive matter.

The length is appropriate for exploiting the material with more than one task, and
the language of this text is suitable for an upper-intermediate level due to the
complexity of the structures and the lexis it contains. I consider that this is a type of
text that students may read outside the classroom since I found it on the internet.

I will have a lead in in which students have to predict. This will prepare them to
have an idea of what they are about to read. “Students need constant practice in
forming hypothesis (i.e. predictions about the text)” (Teaching Reading Skills in a
foreign language. Christine Nuttell).

I will attract the students’ attention and interest by telling them that my best friend
has been behaving in such a way that I can barely recognize him. I will project
some pictures of people with ‘love symptoms’ on the whiteboard and tell them that
this is how my best friend currently looks. I will ask them to describe the pictures
and predict what my best friend has. They will expose their ideas openly.

Estimated time for this activity: 5 minutes.

Initial Reading Task

Reading for gist (skimming).

I will project the following question on the whiteboard: ‘what happens to us when
we fall in love?’ I will direct them that they have two minutes to discuss it with one
of their peers, and then they will read to confirm whether what they concluded in
their discussion was right or wrong. Then in the open class feedback they will
expose their answers.
I chose this question since reading for gist is just to have the general idea of a text.
“A typical skimming task would be a general question from the teacher, such as ‘is
this passage about Jill’s memories of summer or winter?’ or ‘is this story set in a
school or a restaurant?’”. (Learning Teaching. Jim Scrivener).

Estimated time for this activity: 10 minutes.

Second Reading Task

Reading for specific information (scanning)

I will give the students a handout that contains open questions which they have to
answer by scanning the article. “A typical scanning task would be ‘What time does
the Birmingham train leave?’” (Learning Teaching. Jim Scrivener). The students
are to work individually in this task, and once they have finished, I will direct them
to compare with a partner, and justify their answer by underlining where in the text
they found that piece of information. “When we ask students to give answers, we
should always ask them to say where in the text they found the information for their
answers. This provokes a detailed study of the text which will help them the next
time they come to a similar reading passage”. (The Practice of English Language
Teaching. Jeremy Harmer). Afterwards we will have open class feedback.

Estimated time for this activity: 10 minutes.

“Scanning and skimming are important techniques; they do not remove the need
for careful reading, but they enable the reader to select texts or parts of texts that
are worth spending time on”. (Teaching Reading Skills in a foreign language.
Christine Nuttell)

Follow-Up activity
Productive skill (writing task)

In this stage of the lesson, the students will be asked if they fully agree on what the
article says. Then I will give them another handout containing a format similar to
the text in which they are to write ‘three surprising things that happen to your body
when you are… angry, disappointed, surprised or scared’. “Teaching reading does
not mean excluding speaking, listening and writing”. (Teaching Reading Skills in a
foreign language. Christine Nuttell). They are to develop this activity in small
groups with a time limit of five minutes to do so. When they finish, they will stick
their piece of writing somewhere in the room and walk around to take a look at their
peers’ work. Then when the open class feedback is engaged, they will share their
points of view.
Estimated time for this activity: from 10 to 15 minutes.

 Teaching Reading Skills in a foreign language. Christine Nuttell.
 The Practice of English Language Teaching. Jeremy Harmer.
 Learning Teaching. Jim Scrivener.

Authentic Text
 Source:

What Happens When You Fall In Love? 8 Surprising

Things That Happen To Your Body, Because There's A
Reason That Love Got You Lookin' So Crazy Right Now

May 29, 2015LIFESTYLE

If human beings were unable to experience the beautiful and all-consuming sensation
known as falling in love, we would have never created some of the world's most powerful
music, art, literature, or film. We would also be missing out on one of the most profound
facets of human existence. Falling in love is confusing, scary, funny, and life-changing all at
the same time. While many of the physical effects of being in love may be unique to you,
scientists have been able to pinpoint neurological and physical explanations for some of
the most common symptoms known to the lovesick: racing heartbeats, nervousness,
obsessive focus, etc.
Dr. Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist and author of Why We Love?,breaks the
process of falling in love into three different stages: lust, attraction, and attachment. The
body reacts in specific ways during each stage based on brain chemistry and the release of
various hormones. Your body's physical response throughout these stages also depends on
whether you are happy or dissatisfied in the romantic relationship. Your willingness to
continue or break off the relationship is also influenced by these neurological factors.
Many aspects of love will always be a mystery to us, but there are universal effects that
falling in love has on many people's physical beings. Here are eight things that happen to
your body when you fall in love:

1. Love is physically addictive.

Falling in love activates areas in the brain that scientists have also found activated
in the brains of cocaine addicts. In a 2010 Syracuse University study published in
the Journal of Sexual Medicine, Stephanie Ortigue and her team of
researchers observed the brains of subjects while they looked at photographs of
their romantic partners. Researchers found that the dopaminergic subcortical
system in the subjects' brains lit up (which is the neurological region also activated
in cocaine addicts). When this area and other areas of the brain start working, they
“release euphoria-inducing chemicals” — hormones including dopamine, oxytocin,
adrenaline, and vasopressin. Oxytocin is also known as “the love hormone”
because it's what causes that warm and fuzzy feeling, and vasopressin can cause
“aggression and territorial behavior.” So that's why falling in love feels so
wonderful, and why you'll lose it if someone tries to make moves on your boo.

2. You get sweaty palms and a fluttering heart.

There is increased blood flow to the brain's pleasure center when you develop an
attraction to someone new, and the adrenaline and norepinephrine hormones are
released into your body. Those two hormones contribute to the sweaty palms and
heart-skipping-a-beat thing that you experience in those first magic moments.
Adrenaline and norepinephrine also lead to feelings of “elation, craving, and
focused attention.” This explains the one-track mind you often adopt at the
beginning of a courtship, unable to think about anything besides that cutie you
met at your friend's party the other night.

3. Butterflies in your stomach, for real.

The sensation that we call “butterflies in our stomach” is based in reality. Falling
in love releases oxytocin, creating feelings of happiness, but it also releases
cortisol, or “the stress hormone.” Romance is emotional, confusing, and stressful.
(But what did he ~really~ mean when he texted me back with “OK”??!!, etc.)
When that stress hormone is released, it “contracts the blood vessels around your
gut,” which then leads to nausea. Yay, love is the best!

4. Your lover can help calm the stress, though.

The good news is that once you and your dream lover start kissing, some of that
stress will be reduced! When you kiss, your body releases feel-good endorphins
and dopamine.

5. You become obsessed with your love interest.

Donatella Marazziti, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Laboratory of

Psychopharmacology at the University of Pisa, discovered that people at the
beginning of a new romance produce less serotonin in their brains. There are also
diminished serotonin levels in the brains of those who have Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder. As explained in mental floss, “Since both conditions (to different
extents) also give rise to feelings of anxiety and obtrusive thinking, it is tempting
to think of early love as a mild, temporary form of obsessive behavior.” However,
your relationship alone shouldn't cause you to feel anxious and obsessive forever,
since serotonin and the aforementioned stress hormone return to previous levels
after one year to a year and a half of dating.

6. There's a reason your crush got you lookin' so crazy right now.

We've talked about which regions of the brain become hyperactive when finding
that special someone, but which parts of the brain deactivate? Semir Zeki of
University College London and, again, Dr. Helen Fisher from Rutgers University's
Department of Anthropology utilized MRI scans to observe the brains of smitten
persons, and what they discovered provides insight into why love makes us act so
damn foolish. The amygdala and frontal and prefrontal cortecies demonstrated
diminished activity, and it just so happens those are the neurological regions
“associated with fear, ...learning from one's mistakes, ...analysis and judgment,
delayed gratification, and predicting the outcomes of events.” If the areas of our
brains responsible for these critical thinking abilities aren't fully functioning, is it
any wonder that many of us make the same mistakes over and over again in love?
Or that we just can't help falling for scrubs, no matter what Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes
tried to tell us? It's awful to look back on past courtships only to ask yourself,
“What the hell was I thinking?!” But at least you'll know that your erratic behavior
wasn’t entirely your fault. Your body BETRAYED you, after all. Ugh, this is some
of that “love is blind” bullsh*t.

7. The eyes have it.

When you stare at the one you romantically desire, your pupils dilate. All of the
excitement and nervousness leads to "stimulation of the autonomic nervous
system's sympathetic branch," causing pupils to grow in size.

8. ~Love conquers all~ (or at least helps your headaches)

Since the increased levels of oxytocin in your system reduce stress, romance may
lessen the frequency of headaches and migraines! In 2010, the Stanford University
School of Medicine researched the success of oxytocin therapy, studying (often
including terrible migraines). The researchers gave the study participants, who
had not been able to achieve relief from any other treatment, a nasal spray
consisting of a dose of oxytocin. The results were quite impressive: 50 percent
reported their headache pain as cut in half after four hours, while 27 percent
reported feeling no pain after four hours. See, all of the butterflies, nervousness,
and anxiety are totally worth it in the end!

Lead-in Material
Second Reading Task

Answer the following questions.

1. Which two hormones provoke sweaty hands?

2. What does cortisol provoke?
3. Which hormone is called “the love hormone”?
4. Who conducted a research compering the brain activity of cocaine addicts to the brain
activity of in love people?
5. How long does it take serotonin and the “stress hormone” to return to standard levels?
6. What is produced less in the brain that makes us feel obsessed when we are in love?
7. Which are the stages in which Dr. Helen Fisher classifies the process of falling in love?


Answer the following questions.

1. Which two hormones provoke sweaty hands?

…………………Adrenaline and norepinephrine.……………………………………………..
2. What does cortisol provoke?
………… Nausea …………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. Which hormone is called “the love hormone”?
………… Oxytocin …………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Who conducted a research compering the brain activity of cocaine addicts to the brain
activity of in love people?
………… Stephanie Ortigue ……………………………………………………………………….….
5. How long does it take serotonin and the “stress hormone” to return to standard levels?
…………from a year to a year and a half…………………………………………………………
6. What is produced less in the brain that makes us feel obsessed when we are in love?
………… serotonin…………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Which are the stages in which Dr. Helen Fisher classifies the process of falling in love?
……… lust, attraction and attachment………………………………………………………………
Follow-up activity

What Happens When You __________? 3 Surprising

Things That Happen To Your Body.

1. _

2. _


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