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At present values, ethics and professional conduct is one of the perceived problems in
the government including the law enforcement service where most of criminology graduates
and practitioners are employed with. Agent of law enforcement services are commonly accused
of unethical and unprofessional conduct in the performance of their official functions. We even
heard in the news that criminology students are accused of lack of good values due to allege
involvement in violation of law where people started to believe that criminology schools might
be the breading place of criminals.

This module presents the compelling reasons to provide educational tool to effectively
inculcate values and ethics that can be utilized by criminology professors in their teaching to
prepare this future criminologist to become the type of professionals that can change this bad
perception of the public towards criminology and law enforcers.

At the end of the lesson, the student is able to;
 Define Human Relation
 Understand the Human Relation under the Civil Code of the Philippines
 Memorize the elements of abuse of rights
 Understand the concept of liability without fault
 Identify the rights and liberties under the civil



Lesson 1:

Human Relation, Defined

Human Relation is defined as the interaction or interrelation of one person to another
person or relationship of persons among each other, in accordance with mores, habits,
customs, and public policy not contrary to laws.

It is based on the old adage or golden rule: “Do not do unto others, what others don’t
do unto you.”

Sources of Understanding Human Behavior

 Psychological (biological)- study of the behavior of man. It deals with the overt or
observable action and to covert or unobservable metal process and states such as
perception, thought, reasoning, problem-solving, emotions and feelings.
 Philosophical- man is always conventional. He acts in line with the act of community.
Always go with the mentality of the people.
 Theological- it is an intellectual discipline that aims at setting forth in an orderly
manner the content of a religious faith.

According to Bermas, the following are the principles in understanding Human Behavior
a) Theological
b) Philosophical

c) Psychological

Significance of the Existence of Law on Human Relations

1. Human beings, in their interaction with one another, comes into certain relations
from which system of social control becomes a necessity.
2. In the course of life, the interest of one man may conflict with those of others.
Hence, its primary function is to create legal protection of these interests. Social
philosophy dictates that, in the ultimate ideal social order, the welfare of every
man defends upon the welfare of all.
3. Law of Human Relations contains basic principle which are to be observed for
rightful relationship among persons and for the stability of social order.
4. This guides for human conduct should run as golden threads through society, to
the end that law may approach its supreme ideal, which is the sway and
dominance of justice.

Note: The law on Human Relation can be found on Chapter 2, article 19 to 36 of the Civil Code
of the Philippines.


Article 19, Civil Code of the Philippines

“Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, act with
justice, given everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith.”

Right, Defined
Right simply means equitable, reasonable, just or something which is due to other.
Actually, rights are attached to a person, such as rights to life and property as vested by the
Constitution. However, constitution is not only the sources of rights. There are actually different
sources of rights such as:
 Natural rights
 Legal or statutory rights
 Constitutional rights

Duty, Defined
That which one is bound, by any natural, legal or moral obligation, to pay, do or
perform, as an act or deed. Also, it is a specific obligatory service or function. The obligation to
do that which is prescribed or required, especially by the moral law; moral obligation; right

Exercise of rights must be done within certain limitations, hence it is not absolute. A
person should be protected only when he acts in legitimate exercise of his right, that is, when
he acts with prudence and in good faith, but not when he acts with negligence or abuse.

Elements of Abuse of Rights

1. There is a legal right or duty;
2. Such legal right or duty was exercised in bad faith; and
3. The sole intent is to prejudice or to cause injury or damage to another.


Choose the best or nearest answer by writing the corresponding letter of your choice.

1. It is defined as the interaction or interrelation of one person to another person or

relationship of persons among each other, in accordance with mores, habits,
customs and public policy not contrary to laws.
a) Relationship
b) Human Relation
c) Interaction of Individual
d) Human interaction

2. The following are the principle understanding of Human Behavior according to

Bermas except:
a) Philosophical
b) Psychological
c) Theological
d) Logical

3. “Danum absque non injuria” is the Latin term for:

a) Loss or damage without injury
b) After the fact
c) By that very facts or acts
d) A culpable action states

4. The equitable, reasonable, just or something which is due to other.

a) Duty
b) Right
c) Left
d) Liberty

5. It is a specific obligatory service or function.

a) Duty
b) Right
c) Left
d) Liberty

6. Is the exercise of Rights absolute?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe

7. The following are the Elements of Rights, except:

a) There is a legal right or duty.
b) It is not permissible to abuse our rights to prejudice others.
c) Such legal rights or duty was exercised in bad faith.
d) The sole intent is to prejudiced others.

8. The study of the behavior of man. It deals with the overt or observable action and to
covert or unobservable metal process and states such as perception, thought,
reasoning, problem-solving, emotions and feelings.
a) Psychological
b) Theological
c) Philosophical
d) Illogical

9. It is an intellectual discipline that aims at setting forth in an orderly manner the

content of a religious faith.
a) Psychological
b) Theological
c) Philosophical
d) Illogical

10. Where can we find the Law of Human Relation?

a) Chapter 16, Article 1 to 16 of the Civil Code of the Philippines
b) Chapter 2, Article 19 to 36 of the Civil Code of the Philippines
c) Chapter 36, Article 1 to 19 of the Civil Code of the Philippines
d) Chapter 19, Article 18 to 39 of the Civil Code of the Philippines



PRACTITIONERS/ Brian B. Guerrero/Roneth L. Molato/Edwin F. Cortejo 2016


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