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The Shakespearean WebQuest


To successfully complete this assignment you must complete the 5 steps

listed below in order:

1. Select a topic from the list in Step 1 and bring to your teacher for

2. Research your topic and take NOTES (note page provided) using the

resources located in the resources tab


4. Complete an IMAGE ONLY GOOGLE SLIDES Presentation

5. Complete a WORK CITED PAGE

Step 1

Select 1 topic from the list below:

1.)Shakespeare’s Life

2.) Love and Marriage

3.) Globe Theater

4.) Household

5.) Plays & Sonnets

Once you have your teacher's approval on your topic you may proceed to Step 2
Step 1 Task

You will be researching one of the events of Shakespeare listed below

and writing a documented expository essay using the knowledge you acquired
in the research process.

1.) Shakespeare’s Life

2.)Love and Marriage

3.) Globe Theater

4.) Household

5.) Plays & Sonnets

Click on the Step 2 tab to proceed

Research and Note Taking Instructions:

1. Print and complete 1 NOTE SHEET for each source

2. Be sure to write down the appropriate citation information for each resource that you use

3. Paraphrase or summarize your notes

4.  If you copy something word for word, put it in quotation



Script Directions

1.  Click here to access a blank script sheet for your presentation

2.  Type your script directly on the sheet

3.  Click here to view a sample script

4.  Don't forget to add parenthetical citations to the end of each sentence (see guide

5.  Save your finished script to the Student Shared Drive AND your number

6.  Print 2 copies.  1 for you to use while you present, and 1 to be turned in with your
work cited page to be graded

After completing the script proceed to Step 4 Google Slides presentation

Google Slides Directions  

1.  Begin creating Google slides:

      Google-Grid bar in upper right corner-Click "Slides"- Click " Blank"

      (must be login to Google to access Google slides)



3.   You will create 6 slides:

      Slide 1:  Title (include your name, date and bell)

      Slide 2:  Introduction

      Slide 3:  Important Parts

      Slide 4:  Shakespeare Message

      Slide 5:  Impact

      Slide 6:  Conclusion.

     DON'T add �bells and whistles� (color and transitions) until all information is entered.   


If you don't know how to use Google slides, continue reading

To Create a New Presentation

 -  Click the SLIDES tab

 -  Click BLANK

 -  Click CREATE
To Insert a New Slide

  -  Click the Insert Tab

  -  Click NEW SLIDE
To Change Slide Design 

 -  Click on SLIDE tab

 -  Click on Change Theme button

 -  Choose a design 
To Insert Images 

 -  Click the INSERT tab

 -  Click the IMAGE button

 -  Locate the image you want to insert

 -  Click INSERT

 -  You can move the image around to where you want it on the slide

Click here to view a sample Google Slides Presentation

Work Cited Page Directions

1.  Click here to view a sample Work Cited page

2.  Type the Works Cited page as a Word Document to be turned in with
the script

     Times New Roman - 12 pt.


     HINT:  Copy the full citation that you wrote on your note sheet

3.  Don't forget to include your images as well as the book, internet, and
database citations

4.  Save your Work Cited page to the Student Share folder

5.  Print a copy of the Work Cited page for your folder

Click on Research Style Sheet for citation guides

Shakespeare WebQuest

Use this WebQuest as a way to gain background knowledge before tackling one of
Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, Romeo & Juliet.
Follow the directions carefully, visit the chosen websites, read and gather information, and
type your findings into a well-organized Word document. Save the word document and
print BEFORE the beginning of the class period in which it is due.

All About Shakespeare:

Short Bio | FAQ

Read about William Shakespeare. Answer each of the questions using COMPLETE
SENTENCES. Include a title or heading for this section.

1. What day do we consider to be Shakespeare's day of birth and how do we know it?
2. What school and what university did Shakespeare attend?
3. Whom did Shakespeare marry, how many children did he have, and what were their

names? 4. Romeo and Juliet was said to be written somewhere between 1594 and 1597.

What tragic family event occurred around the same time as his writing of this tragic


5. What did Shakespeare's great financial gain in 1605 allow him the time to do?
6. What two plays are considered Shakespeare's greatest or most famous?
7. How large is the average person's vocabulary, and how does Shakespeare's compare?

The Elizabethan Theater

Answer the following questions in numbered form and complete sentences in your word
Globe Theater
1. When was the original Globe Theater built?
2. Where was the original Globe Theater located?
3. From what was the Globe Theater built?

Owners of the Globe Theater

4. How many owners of the original Globe Theater were there? List their names.
The Plays & Sonnets of Shakespeare
Answer the following questions in numbered form and complete sentences in
your word document. Shakespeare's works

1. What three categories of plays did Shakespeare write?

2. List the title of one play from each category.
3. For Shakespeare’s History plays, from what work did he get the bulk of his information?
4.Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 compares his love to what?
5. List Shakespeare’s History plays?
6. What is the meaning of Farce comedy?

All About Elizabethan Love & Marriage:

Betrothal and Wedding | More Wedding Customs | Love and Marriage

Read about the Elizabethan society's norms regarding love and marriage. Answer each of the
following questions using complete sentences. Once answered, write a short paragraph of
your personal reaction to these customs.

1. At what age may a boy and girl marry, and at what age is marriage for non-noble
families common? 2. When a marriage is arranged for a younger couple, what is the
usual reason?
3. When is it considered “luckiest” to have the marriage?
4. How is a wedding engagement announced, and what is thought of an
unannounced wedding? 5. Marrying for love is generally considered what?
6. Why are most noble marriages arranged, and even some common people’s marriages?
All About Elizabethan Language:
Shakespeare's Language | Life in Elizabethan England | Proper Britannian
* Note: “wherefore” means “why,” not “where.”

Write a short creative passage (about 100-150 words) using Elizabethan English. Use at
least ten of the Elizabethan words correctly; highlight them with bold font. It might be
easiest to include dialogue. (Need inspiration? Write about a huge feast or party, or write a
boy-meets-girl story.) Title this section "My Elizabethan Language Paragraph."

The Elizabethan Household:

Services & Occupations
Look at the list of services and occupations common in Elizabethan society. Answer the

following questions in numbered form and complete sentences in your word document.

1. From whom do you purchase necessary drugs?

2. From whom do you purchase cloth for making clothing?
3. In your own household, what is the title of the person who nurses your baby?
4. Who helps to educate your child?
5. Who is the man who helps to oversee your finances and business affairs?
6.Who would you go too to have a portrait done?

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