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Running head: Technology Teaching Competency

Technology Teaching Competency

Samuel Black

Regent University
Running head: Technology Teaching Competency

Technology Teaching Competency


Technology is everywhere. Are cars are quickly becoming are laptops. With that being

known it is the teachers responsibility to wield technology for the good of the students.

Researcher Heidi Hayes Jacobs said, “Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the

curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.” Technology has the

potential to reach young people in ways that our parents generation couldn’t technology being

used seamlessly in the classroom as Mrs. Jacobs suggest could be the beginning of Americas

most advanced technological advances, even trips to the moon. We should not shy back from

these things but embrace them, while still utilizing the tools that continue to work today.

Artifact # 1 Shakespeare Webquest

For my first Technology artifact I created a WebQuest for class as a lead in for our

Shakespeare Unit. Students were required to complete a scavenger hunt of information. In the

past students would use pens, pads, and books to gather the information they needed. Now all

they need is a computer. Students were given questions, websites, and other online databases in

order to find the information. Students would have to, over the course of the week, check in so

that I could be sure they were on task and gathering the right information.

Artifact #2 Kahoot.

The second artifact I created in the classroom is a Kahoot game.This application is

excellent for the flipped classroom approach or for an exit ticket. Kahoot is a game based

educational platform. It makes it easy for educators to create, share, and play fun learning games.
Running head: Technology Teaching Competency

It seeks to make learning fun by making the classroom more inclusive; students are then more

responsible for their learning. The teacher can cater activities to make learning more

individualized. Teachers can use Kahoot to make boring subject way more interesting and


Theory to Practice Reflection

I would like to start right off and say that I am no the biggest fan of technology in the

classroom. Without the ability to monitor what students are doing on the computer or to block

outside sites it can make instruction time more challenging because student can get off track

with games and other distractions. In my classroom, I saw firsthand how difficult it can be to

keep kids on task and off computer games. It became helpful to use paper and pen periodically to

change things up. Even though I am not over the top about tech I see its advantages. Professor

Dawson says, “Educational technology in education is important because it helps today's

teachers to integrate new technologies and tools into their classroom. Teachers are able to

upgrade and improve the learner-centeredness of their classroom. It enables teachers to engage

their students in unique, innovative, and equitable ways.” (Dawson, 795) It is imperative as a

young teacher to embrace technology and use it for the benefit of students. Computers are only

growing in their influence in the world today.

Running head: Technology Teaching Competency


Dawson, K., & Barron, A. (2017). Explaining technology integration in K-12 classrooms: A

multilevel path analysis model. Loyola School of Education Educational Technology Research

& Development, 65(4), 795-813.

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