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Hello, miss

ir: hi guys
a: hi guys, how are you?
a: hello, pretty good.
ir: i am great
la: jai gayis, i’m fine, jau abaut you andrea?
a: i am fine thanked you. Guys, would you like to go to formula kart?
t is open three times a week.
ia: what days are they?
ea: it is open on mondays, thursdays and sundays.
ir: then we can all go on thursday. Cinthy, are you busy on
hy: i'm sorry, but i'm busy on thursday. I always get up at seven
o'clock nd have breakfast. Then i go to work. Then sometimes lunch
at the ffice or i go out to eat at two o'clock and return at five pm to
my house. I'll finally make dinner and go to sleep at nine o'clock.
ea: and your pamela, are you busy that day?
la: ai'm bisy tuu. Tussdei, ai get ap at six o'clock tu run, ten ai teik a
ath end brekfast. end then enter mai classes at half pass nine entel
tu o'clock in di afternun. Teen sometimes ai gou out for lainch wif
mai cousins. At di end of lainch, wi always gou tu bai de missing
things at da supermarket, and wi ritatiun to my house to meike lunch
en fainally ai gou to sleep sometimes at nine o'clock p.m.
r: ok, i support them. They are very busy. And what day is cinthya
y: i am free on mondays and sundays. la, are you busy on sunday?
la: yes, i'm bisy. Lunch and dinner with my parents guan so wik. And
sunday is dat dey. And you are busy?
ea: yes, i am busy, i leave work at seven in the morning and i always
sleep until two o'clock. Then i go out for lunch and sometimes i go
shopping at the supermarket. Finally, i return home to prepare
dinner and i always go to sleep at seven o'clock at night. And you,
are you busy that day j?
ir: yes, i'm busy. Sometimes i get up at seven in the morning, to
prepare my breakfast. And i always go to visit my parents, and i
never come back before seven o'clock at night because i have
dinner with them. And sometimes i stay to sleep at their house.
ea: Oh, then on monday. everyone is free that day?
air: yes, i'm free that day
ia: me too
ela: cool , me too,
air: what times are available to go?
rea: there are two schedules. One at twelve o'clock at noon and the
other at five o'clock.
ir: i take my dog for a walk four times a week. And one of those days
is monday at twelve o'clock in the middle of the day
rea: then we checked in at five o'clock time.
ir: yes, i am free at that time
hia: me too
ela: me too fantastic

ea: then we are in kart formula half an hour before five. Are you all in
ia: yes, i agree
ir: me too
la: me too
ir: well see you later, i have classes in 10 minutes.
rea: ok, goodbye
air: bye guys
hia: goodbye
la: bye, see you later

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