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Unit 1 Class 7 Global

Core of International Marketing & International Business
Art of Managing across cultures without losing yourself in the
process (Give in but not Give up)
- Andy Molinsky (Harvard Busines School)
People (HR)
(Adaption to each global culture without
losing your own in process)

Plausible Global Planet

Dexterity (ecosystem)

Products (Mktg)
(Transformation & NPD : Tailor-made
for each cross culture need-gap-fit
Knowledge - Skill - Attitude Paradigm

Skill Attitude


Competence Challenge; Authencity Challenge & Resentment Challenge

Global Dexterity (Backdrop)
Culture has far been relegated to a “soft and non significant” variable - 0ther factors
being constant, Global Dexterity provides disruption or destrcution for Indian FMCG
companies in global space (recorded case studies)

As Indian companies move to international geographies, the cultural variables change.

The competence of adapting behaviour to a country culture & innovate product baiss
cultural insights of the country - is the win or lose lever

Failure of Walmart (American Supermarket giant), in Germany ??

A similar example is of Lenovo, a Chinese company, after it acquired IBM ThinkPad

Taiwan professor in an American class American Head for Indian Company I led.

Chinese Manager in India

Indian CEO in Egypt

What influencers say about Global Dexterity (the
new Power skill)
“Global Dexterity is the critical new skil for a global citizen, which is an art of learning & then adapting to
other cultures without losing your own authentic self in the process. It has both phychological & emotional
challenges in mastering this art” - Andy Molinsky (Harvard)

“Global Dexterity helps manage people from across the world” - Ted Manley (VP-Dunkin Brands Inc, USA)

“Global Dexterity is indispensable for successful leaders in a globalizing world, to crack the code of culture
and adjust their visible culture accordingly” - Steven Rochlin (Beyond good companies, Cambridge)

“Global Dexterity provides roadmap to conquer the quest for cultural diversity which is critical for
innovation and in today’s flat world - Mansi Madan Tripathi (CMO, Shell India)

“Global Dexterity demystifies the challenges operating with other cultures, it is not a choice but a must” -
Matthias Kempf (Director, Adidas Group)

“Global Dexterity is about art of managing business across cultures, and the only to do it by acquiring
knowledge and appreciation of cross cultural differences without losing value of your own” - Simon &
Schell (Faculty and Authors, Cambridge)
Global Dexterity
Why ?
• Global Dexterity is a matter of choice ?

üSteve Job established a case for Cultural Diversity igniting

disruptive innovation - Apple iphone, ipads, Macbook being
his examples.

üGlobal Dexterity competence related to the business

performance (research)
Conventional Wisdom vs Reality
The layers of Culture

(Nation, History, Religion, Beliefs.
Mythology, Norms & Values)



Culture is the human-made part of the human environment - the sum total of knowledge,
beliefs, art, morals, religion, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by
humans as members of society.
Global Dexterity -
The Spectrum

*Source : Candid Marketing Research

Left of the spectrum is China, Middle is India and Right is USA
Global Dexterity Portfolio*

*Global Dexterity by Andy Molinky (Harvard Business Review Press) - How to Adapt your
behavior & products across cultures without losing yourself in the process page 137)
Global Dexterity -
Art of mastering this power skill

Diagnosis Knowledge Adaption Global


Global Dexterity competence has direct co-relation with Global business performance
of companies - estabilished by research

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