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Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075


TOPIC: Civics: Chapter- 1 The Indian Constitution

I. Objective based questions

1. a. Preamble

2. c. 2006
3. a. Both A and B are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

4. d. Drafting Committee

5. a. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

Long Answer Questions:
1. “A Constitution is a must for a democratic country.” Explain.

Ans. A democratic country needs a constitution because-

 It gives valuable information about the composition of the government
regarding its structure, organs, duties and responsibilities.
 It regulates the relationship between the various organs as well as between
citizens and the government.
 It lays out certain ideals that form the basis of the kind of country that the
citizens aspire to and the fundamental nature of our society.
 It has a system of checks and balances which prevents the misuse of power
vested in the government.
 It also defines the country’s political system.
 It guarantees several fundamental rights to citizens in order to protect them
for any injustice faced by them.
 It also saves us from ourselves, i.e. if we ever think of taking any steps that
might harm us or go against us in the long run, it helps guard us.
 It protects the rights of the minorities from the suppression faced by the

What would happen if there were no restrictions on the power of
elected representatives?
If there would have been no restrictions on the power of elected
representatives, the power would have been misused by them for their needs.
 This would have resulted in gross injustice against the people of the country.
 As the Constitution safeguards the interest of the people against the misuse of

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Describe the key features of the Indian Constitution.
 Federalism:
means more than one level of government in the country. India has a 3
tier government. India needs a 3 tier government because of the diverse
religious and cultural composition of its citizens. A government at the
centre alone could not be effective for everyone.

 Separation of Powers:
In order to prevent the misuse of power by the elected representative the
constitution advocate Separation of powers. Each branch of the
government has its powers fixed by the Constitution. The Constitution
ensures that a balance of power is maintained between the Legislature,
the Executive and the Judiciary.

 Fundamental Rights:
Fundamental Rights guarantees the rights of individuals against the
State as well as against other individuals. It protects minority
communities and guarantees rights against the majority.

 Parliamentary Form of Government: In a Parliamentary form of

government, the constitution guarantees universal adult franchise for all
citizens. That is, all adults have a right to vote, irrespective of whether they
are poor or rich, educated or uneducated, a Hindu, Muslim or a Christian.
The idea of universal adult franchise is based on equality.

Write a short note on the Directive Principles of State policy.
The Directive Principles of state policy constitute a very comprehensive social,
economic and political programme for a modern and welfare state. These
principles emphasises that the State shall try to promote welfare of people by
providing them basic facilities like shelter, food and clothing.

5. ‘The Indian Constitution safeguards the minorities of the country.” Justify the

Ans.  The Indian Constitution ensures that the dominant group does not use its
power against the other, less powerful people or groups.
 The Constitution contains rules that ensure that minorities are not excluded
from anything that is routinely available to the majority. It also prevents the
domination of the majority over the minority.
 To prevent tyranny and domination by the majority of a minority.
 This can be referred to as inter-community domination or intra-community

6. Discuss the factors that the drafting committee had to take into
consideration while drafting the constitution of India.
Ans. The committee had to keep in mind that India was a land of many
communities, languages and many religions. India was a land of diverse
cultures and the Princely states in India had to be considered. The

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partition of the country into India and Pakistan was about to happen and
drafting committee had to bear this in mind. Finally, the biggest
consideration was the socio-economic condition of a majority of Indians
which was in a bad state.

7. What do you mean by the term ‘Right against exploitation?’

Ans. The right against exploitation seeks to protect citizens from being forced to
work against their wishes. Some forms of exploitation have been declared illegal.
One of these is beggar, or bonded labour, which involves making people work
without wages to repay loans.

8. Explain Cultural and Educational Rights.

Ans. The Cultural and educational Rights preserve the right of any section of citizens to
conserve their culture, language or script, and right of minorities, religious or
linguistic to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice. The
right to constitutional remedies is present for enforcement of fundamental rights

‘Right to Constitutional Remedies is the most important Fundamental Right.”
Elaborate the statement.

Ans. Right to Constitutional Remedies allows citizens to move the court if they believe
that any of their Fundamental Rights have been violated by the state. It gives the
citizens the right to approach the Supreme Court to get any fundamental right
restored in case they are violated. Thereafter the Supreme Court or high Court can
issue an order or directives for the government regarding the enforcement of these

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