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Analytical Essay of AI Systems in The Medical Feild

Richard Handy

Appalachian State University

RC 133

Professor Brown
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Abbas Dhilawala is a respected engineer, developer, and programmer. He has over

fourteen years of experience in medical device software. Abbas writes an article discussing the

benefits that Artificial intelligence systems can bring to the medical field. Abbas provides facts,

data, examples, charts, graphs, and research to help win over readers and influence people to

want more AI systems in the medical field.

The article begins with an explanation of the technological advancements of Artificial

intelligent systems and the potential that they could bring to the medical field. During Abbas's

explanation, he states “explosion of data in the healthcare organizations” (Abbas, 2022). Abbas

uses this phrase to explain all the data that has been received, due to the events that have

happened in the past few years. Along with the newly received data, these data servers have

already been filled up with numerous amounts of data from the past. With all of this information

being interpreted, Abbas is hopefully already persuading readers toward AI systems and the

benefits they can bring to the medical field, due to all the information that can be organized and

all the data that can be held at one time by these artificial intelligence systems. As Abbas

continues to explain the benefits that AI systems provide to the medical field, it is possible that

Abbas is using the logos appeal. The Logos appeal method is a way of persuading an audience

with reason, using facts and figures. Abbas states in the article “Additionally, investors are also

realizing the benefits of healthcare AI and continue to invest to fund advancement in the field.

As reported by Fierce Healthcare, in 2019, AI-based startups raised $26.6B across 2,235

investment deals, with healthcare AI startups being the most funded industry of all” (Abbas,

2022). You can see the use of the logos appeal where Abbas states the amount of twenty-six
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billion dollars, and the two thousand investments the AI industry received in 2019. When stating

this data to the readers, Abbas is hoping to persuade them by showing them the money and

investments that have been donated to the creation and improvement of these systems for the

medical field. Again in the article, you can see the logos appeal being used by Abbas. As stated

by Abbas “Another study found that, when diagnosing on their own (without the aid of AI),

pathologists miss up to 60% of small tumors” (Abbas, 2022). Here Abbas explains a study that

was conducted and proved that pathologists miss up to sixty percent of small tumors when not

assisted by AI systems. Abbas states this information to show the occurrence of human error on

something as serious as a tumor. With this information being public, Abbas is hoping to persuade

more people to want AI systems in the medical field, because of the risk of human error. Later on

in the article, Abbas begins to explain where AI systems are already being used in the world

today. Abbas states “There are already many examples of AI’s appearing within everyday life

applications. A good example of this is the Nest devices for home automation, using AI to

determine personal preferences and adjustments for our everyday needs. Google Assistant on

your smartphone is another example, supplying users with helpful just in time information based

on what it learns about your preferences and past user behavior” (Abbas, 2022). Here Abbas

explains the AI systems in the common world like Nest devices and Google assistant. He does

this to show the readers the ways AI systems are already being used and the potential of how

they can be used in the future. The main purpose is to show readers how unnoticed these AI

systems are today even with the benefits that they provide us and the potential they have in the

future. Hoping people will want more AI systems in the medical field, due to the realization of

how many AI systems are already in our everyday lives.

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In conclusion, Abbas Dhilawala provides facts, data, examples, charts, graphs, and

research to help win over readers and influence people to want more AI systems in the medical

field, as many authors have before and will. Abbas's article can be used as time and technology

advances to help persuade the people of the world to push for more AI systems in the medical

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Dhilawala, A. (2022, January 21). Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare & Medicine.

Dicuonzo, G., Donofrio, F., Fusco, A., & Shini, M. (2022). Healthcare system: Moving forward
with artificial intelligence. Technovation.

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