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Abrielle Robb

April 27, 2022

Professor Charles Freeland

Eng. 1201

Got To Give It Up

Aaliyah and Marvin Gaye are two musical artists that come from two different

musical eras. What brings these two together is the song “Got To Give It Up”. Marvin

Gaye is the composer of this upbeat tune. Aaliyah pays homage by remaking the song

for the current audience of her time. The song describes a person stepping out of their

comfort zone and expressing themselves without caring about judgment. This makes
their audience feel carefree and brings them close together.

Marvin Gaye was born on April 3rd, 1939 in Washington, DC. During this time

several events take place that shape the world we live in today. World war 2, Israel is

created as an independent Jewish state, Cold War, Civil Rights Movements, Protests,

the Vietnam war, assinations of influential leaders, Womens rights, Gay rights, etc..

During these years, people have segregated, created opinions that developed

controversial movements. Music was a way to express and influence people’s minds.

(, A&E Television Nteworks, April 2021)

In the music video of Marvin Gayes “Got To Give It Up”, there are only African

American individuals in the video. The hair and clothing styles from the 70s, the smiles,

the carefree steps, shows a happy event at a time of turmoil. The video shows a closed

in event with a live band, not many changing angles, Gayes stylish outfit are the same

as the audience in the video, and the video seems to be for the African American

community. The claim in this video is to feel free and stop holding yourself back. The

appeal that is used in this video is pathos, because of the emotional arousal it gives the


The singer, Aaliyah, was born on January 16, 1979 in Brooklyn, New York.

During this time, the AIDS crisis came about, new computer technologies, Ronald

Reagan presidency, Berlin Wall, Space Shuttle Challenger, LA riots, Columbine High
School shooting, World Trade Center bombing, etc.. During these years, there were so

many tragedies, new economic rules, and influential discoveries. People were learning

more about the world and becoming more involved with the changes of the world.

(, A&E Television Networks, January 2021)

Aaliyah’s music video for the song “Got To Give It Up” takes place in a busy

street. Aaliyah steps into a room and starts to perform the fun tune. People on the

streets stop and notice Aaliyah as they are walking or driving by. People start to come

together and dance. Aaliyah pays homage to Marvin Gaye by dancing next to his

hologram, showing the difference in eras. Aaliyah, while wearing stylish baggy

clothes(showing how women can express themselves), breaks free from the room and

joins the people on the street. The people are dancing around carefree in street clothes

and this is a mixture of races. The claim in this video is to break free from what is

holding you back, come together and enjoy life. The appeal used in this video is pathos,

because of how Aaliyah connects with Marvin Gaye and when she breaks free and joins

the crowd. Everyone is coming together and having fun.

Both Aaliyah and Marvin Gaye grew up in eras that came with several

monumental changes that happened to the world. “Got To Give It Up” is a song that

encourages others to give up on dysfunctional restrictions, come together and enjoy the

time they are in. There are ups and downs in life, but you can not allow the negativity to

dictate your happiness. Both artists represent the positive side of life and push for
people to have more of an open mind.

Links:, A&E Television Networks, January 2021


(Aaliyah), A&E Television Nteworks, April 2021

(Marvin Gaye)

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