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dì yī kè dǎ zhāohu

【第一课 打招呼】

CIC 1 打招呼 2021 版权所有 侵权必究/ Hak milik terpelihara/ All right reserved.
The differences between English and Chinese


Introduction: There is not one single Chinese language, but many

different versions or dialects including Wu, Cantonese and
Taiwanese. Northern Chinese, also known as Mandarin, is the
mother tongue of about 70% of Chinese speakers and is the
accepted written language for all Chinese. Belonging to two different
language families, English and Chinese have many significant
differences. This makes learning English a serious challenge for
Chinese native speakers.


Alphabet: Chinese does not have an alphabet but uses a

logographic system for its written language. In logographic systems
symbols represent the words themselves - words are not made up of
various letters as in alphabetic systems. Because of this fundamental
difference, foreign learners may have great difficulty reading Chinese
texts and writing words correctly.


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Phonology: Most aspects of the English phonological system cause
difficulties for Chinese learners. Some English phonemes do not
exist in Chinese; stress and intonation patterns are different. Unlike
English, Chinese is a tone language. This means that it uses the pitch
(highness or lowness) of a phoneme sound to distinguish word
meaning. In English, changes in pitch are used to emphasize or
express emotion, not to give a different word meaning to the sound.
Here are some typical mistakes:

1. 水饺 shuǐjiǎo 睡觉 shuìjiào
2. 看书 kànshū 砍树 kǎnshù
3. 好吗 hǎoma 号码 hàomǎ
4. 大人 dàrén 打人 dǎrén
5. 火车 huǒchē 货车 huòchē

Grammar - Verb/Tense: In English much information is carried by

the use of auxiliaries and by verb
inflections: is/are/were, eat/eats/ate/eaten, etc. Chinese, on the
other hand, is an uninflected language and conveys meaning through
word order, adverbials or shared understanding of the context. The
concept of time in Chinese is not handled through the use of different
tenses and verb forms, as it is in English. For all these reasons it is
not surprising that Chinese learners have trouble with the
complexities of the English verb system. In the other hand, English
learners have trouble with the Chinese adverb, auxiliary word and
particle which has not real meaning but very important in a sentence.

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Here are some typical mistakes:

wǒ míngtiān hé māma qù chī wǎncān le。

● 我 明天 和 妈妈 去 吃 晚餐 了。
(I have dinner with mother tomorrow night. -- wrong particle
“了” which express the completion of action)

wǒ shì gāoxìng。
● 我 是 高兴。(I am glad. -- In Chinese normally will use
adverb of degree instead of verb to be in front of adjective.)

jīntiān tiānqì shì hěn rè。

● 今天 天气 是 很 热。(The weather today is hot. -- In
Chinese normally will use adverb of degree instead of verb to
be in front of adjective.)

wǒ shàngkè zài xuéxiào。

● 我 上课 在 学校。(Wrong word order of preposition

wǒmen yìqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng zuótiān wǎnshang。

● 我们 一起 去 看 电影 昨天 晚上。(We went for
movie together last night. -- Word order mistake, in Chinese
we put the time just before or after subject.)

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kèwén (yī) Text 1

lǎoshī níhǎo!

老师 你 好!

XiǎoMíng nínhǎo!

小明 您 好!

lǎoshī nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?

老师 你 叫 什么 名字?

XiǎoMíng wǒ jiào ChénXiǎoMíng。

小明 我 叫 陈小明。

shēngcí (yī) Vocabulary 1


níhǎo nín you(polite)

01 hello 02 pron.
你好 您 kamu (hormat)
nǐ you wǒ I, me
03 pron. 04 pron.
你 kamu 我 aku, saya
to call,
jiào shénme what
05 v. to be called 06 pron.
叫 什么 apa
míngzì name
07 n.
名字 nama

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kèwén (èr) Text 2

XiǎoMíng : nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?

小明 你叫 什么 名字?

ĀLǐ : wǒ jiào ĀLǐ。

阿里 我 叫 阿里。

XiǎoMíng : xièxie nǐ!

小明 谢谢你!

ĀLǐ : búkèqi!
阿里 不客气!

XiǎoMíng : zàijiàn!
小明 再见!

ĀLǐ : zàijiàn!
阿里 再见!

Shēngcí(èr) Vocabulary 2
xièxie to thank bù no, not
01 v. 02 adv.
谢谢 terima kasih 不 bukan, tidak
you're welcome,
búkèqi zàijiàn goodbye
03 don't mention it 04 v.
不客气 再见 jumpa lagi

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cāi yi cāi Warm-up



A: 你 好!
níhǎo! □
B: 你 好!
A: 对不起!
méiguānxi! □
B: 没关系!

A: 您 好!
3 nǐmenhǎo! □
B: 你们 好!

A: 再见!
zàijiàn! □
B: 再见!

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HànYǔ pīnyīn Phonetic
汉语 拼音

1. 汉语拼音 HànYǔ pīnyīn (Phonetic system) :


Pin Yin, or HanYu Pinyin, is the official phonetic system for

transcribing the Mandarin pronunciations of Chinese characters into
the Latin alphabet. It is often used to teach Standard Chinese and a
Pinyin without diacritic markers is often used in foreign publication to
spell Chinese names familiar to non-Chinese and also used as an
input method to enter Chinese characters into computers.

2. 声母和韵母 shēngmǔ hé yùnmǔ (Initials and Finals)

声母 Initials

b p m f
d t n l
g k h
j q x y
z c s w
zh ch sh r

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韵母 Finals
i u ü
单韵母 a ia ua
Simple Finals o uo
e ie üe
ai uai
复韵母 ei uei
Compound Finals ao iao
ou iou
an ian uan üan
en in uen ün
ang iang uang
Nasal finals
eng ing ueng
ong iong

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3. 声调 (四声)shēngdiào (Four Tones)

There are four basic tones in Chinese, respectively called the 1st
tone (55), the 2nd tone (35), the 3rd tone (214) and the 4th tone (51).
They make difference in meaning.

Tone Mark Read

1st high and level. It’s near the top of your comfortable

第一声 voice range.
Starts around the middle of your voice range and
/ rises straight toward the level of the first tone. Do not
let it sag.
Starts near the bottom of your comfortable voice
range, proceeds to reach the bottom, then turns
3rd upward to end above the middle. Thinking of this rise
V at the end, many students make the mistake of not
reaching the very bottom of their range at the
beginning. You must think low in pronouncing the
third tone.
4th Starts at the top of your comfortable range (same as

第四声 the First Tone), then drop quickly to the bottom.

Neutral (Shown by the absence of a tone mark) is unstressed

and takes a feeble tone in the middle of your voice

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4. 汉语音节 HànYǔ yīnjié (Chinese Syllables)

A Chinese syllable is usually made up of an initial, a final and a tone.
Generally speaking, one Chinese character corresponds to one
syllable. A Chinese syllable can have no initial but must have a final
and a tone.

initial final h ao

汉语的音节 声母 韵母 声调
Syllable Initial Final Tone
māo (猫,cat) m ao

yú (鱼,fish) ü /
jiě (姐,elder sister) j ie V
èr (二,two) er \

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Look at the pictures and read the monosyllabic words aloud.

yī 衣 wǔ 五 yú 鱼 ěr 耳

bǐ 笔 māo 猫 dǎo 岛 huā 花

jī 鸡 qī 七 xié 鞋 xuě 雪

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二、连一连 Match the pictures with the words.

shénme míngzì
什么 ◎ 名字 ◎
xièxie duìbuqǐ níhǎo
谢谢 ◎ 对不起◎ 你好 ◎

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huódòng Activity

Work in pairs and greeting to your partner, ask her/his name.


níhǎo, nǐ jiào shénme míngzì?

A: 你好,你 叫 什么 名字?

wǒ jiào ........。
B: 我 叫 ........。

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