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The portfolio web page that I have constructed demonstrates academic writing, web design, and writing

in the genre of reports. I have written about the declining mental health of adolescence in these genres
and have made that argument that there is a rapid decline of mental health in adolescence in the 21st
century. I feel that my work on this portfolio of writing demonstrates my growth as a writer and my
continued practice of Threshold concepts, as outlined in Naming What We Know. You can find my web
page at

Throughout my second semester I have learned a lot about my writing and writing in general.
With respect to my personal writing, I learned how to improve my introductions and conclusions while
keeping a steady flow in my body paragraphs and following a readable rhythm. For example, in my
midterm portfolio my introduction and conclusion kept a steady flow through the entire piece and did
not veer away from the intended purpose of the essay. This used to be a struggle for me in past years as
I always lost the main idea in transitions. Another thing I learned this semester was how to write to a
target audience. This is prevalent in my genre writings where I wrote to a specific audience. The specific
genre writing is based on the research of declining mental health in adolescence where I wrote the
presentation as if I were presenting to parents.

Emotions play a very important role when writing. They can determine how and why you write
as well as how good the writing can be. My emotions change during my writing depending on the topic I
am writing about as well as how fast I am writing. If I am happy to write, then my writing turns out very
adequate and has a happy tone however if I am tired or bored of writing it is very toned down and I run
out of ideas very fast. I think I feel these ways due to the fact that I have been taught to write for
assignments and to stay on the track that I am told to write about rather than add my own flare and self
to the piece.

This semester I have grown a lot as a writer by improving on previous pieces and learning new
forms of writing. For example, in my midterm portfolio I improved on the weakest parts of my writing by
creating a creative and free flowing introduction and conclusion. I believe that this is because I felt less
stressed while writing the piece and kept to the assignment instructions while adding my own style. I
also learned about genre writings and how to portray a piece to a specific audience when writing. This
allowed me to adapt to more styles of writing and keep a piece of literature to a specific audience and to
think of them when writing the piece.

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