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Coby Chambliss

ENC 1143
Over the course of the semester, I think that I have improved as a writer but I have a long
way to go. Writing is not my favorite thing to do, and I do not always think I am the best at it.
However, with all of the feedback and chances I have gotten to interact with my peers and
professor over the semester, I have seen some improvement. I tend to write like I talk, and this
course has helped me keep the voice that I have as a writer, while also learning to clean up my
writing and give myself a more polished tone. Looking at some of my grade from the beginning
of the semester, I did not do the best, because I was not taking the time to review my work and
truly look at the feedback and the comments. Towards the end of the semester, taking this
feedback more seriously has helped me focus and develop areas of my writing that need to grow.
This course also gave me some valuable skills, such as writing professional emails and memos.
These things will be important for the career path that I am looking towards, and I am glad I got
the exposure and experience of writing them.
My goal for taking this course was to become a better writer and more familiar with
mechanics of writing. One of the closest people in my life has an English degree and I always
admire the way she is able to put together her words and help me do the same. I wanted to come
out of this course being able to better develop my own writing and put my words on paper in a
way that makes more sense and can be understood by anyone reading it. I think this course
helped put me on the track to continue growing and developing, and also gave me a lot more
confidence as a writer too, even if it didn’t seem like it all the time.
I am most proud of my in-class presentation on the Instructional Packet. I really put a lot
of time and effort in both the presentation and the packet. Being able to display that through my
presentation was really a great experience, that also helped me understand how to put together
and deliver a professional presentation. I can’t think of any assignment that needs to be added, I
think that the assignments were well spaced out and a good amount of coursework. If I could edit
anything, it would definitely be my White Paper. I don’t think I grasped the concept the first
time, and I am excited to turn in the new version for the Final Portfolio to show growth and

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