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Reflection Essay

Patrick Kelly

1. I think my writing has most definitely developed and improved throughout the semester. From
this class I was able to learn how to write from the point of view of an entire company or
organization instead of writing from just the view of myself. I think this will be very beneficial
for me in the future if I ever need to write anything on behalf of the company I work for. I also
developed my writing by learning how to write toward a specific audience or a wider audience.
The white paper taught me how to write towards a specific audience as opposed to writing an
article for anyone to read and relate to. I found that throughout the course learning to with
both of these ways elevated my writing to a new level. But I think I can still improve the way I
write to make it sound more professional. I also found that sometimes I write a bit too simple
for the given assignment or paper.
2. My goal in the course was mainly to fulfill my requirement. But throughout the course I found
more enjoyment in writing and continuously set goals in order to improve my writing and
become a better communicator. I had frequent troubles communicating my ideas onto the
paper prior to the class and often found myself stuck. Throughout the time in this class, I
learned how to better prepare myself for writing long papers by filling out the prep sheets as
best I could. I found these sheets beneficial as they provided a visual way for me to link my
ideas together and begin to outline my paper. This made my writing process a lot smoother and
less stressful. I think more of these sheets as well as an explanation for everyone about why
they are important can be beneficial for future students.
3. I am most proud of the write paper. I spent the most time on this assignment compared to any
other and found it to be my best work. I enjoyed the time I spent researching and creating ideas
for the white paper and I think it came out as my best work. I think for this course I would add
another assignment based on the reaction book. I think an assignment geared towards writing
an informative piece about our topic. I think a fun idea for this could be that we write a few
paragraphs about our topic that could go in a museum. I think this would be a good way to
teach the students how to write towards a broader audience and it could be a great
introduction to each of our topics before we do the write paper. I think a potential edit to an
assignment could be an alternative to the engagement project that we create a website as
opposed to a AR experience. This website would include audio, images, and written out
paragraphs explaining each topic. I think this alternative would accomplish the same goal but
provide a different approach for students who may not be as technical.

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