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This class has been helpful and has improved my ability to write effectively and efficiently.

I can
see a clear improvement in my writing ability throughout the semester. Looking back and my earlier
essay, I see that much of the sentence structure and wording used has improved. By looking at positive
and negative examples as well as practicing writing throughout the semester, I have been able to change
my writing style to be more appealing to selective audiences. I am now more capable of tailoring my
writing to a specific audience so I can have the largest impact on them as a reader. One critique I have is
that we moved through drastically different topics very fast. Some of the skills I learned early in the
semester, while definitely helpful, were not revisited as often as I would have hoped. While I understand
that there is only a limited amount of time in a given semester, in my opinion, one project could have
been replaced by something more important. I believe the engagement project could be replaced by
something that would help students practice their writing skills. While I thoroughly enjoyed the
engagement project, it seemed more like a break from the class than an actual project.

My goal for this class was to improve my writing style to sound more appealing to audiences. I
also wanted to learn how to change my sentence structure and wording to be able to tailor my writing
to specific audiences when needed. I believe I have been able to achieve these goals. Reading through
the book and PowerPoints, I have learned various tips and tricks about how to write different
documents. I also learned where important information should be placed in a sentence and in a
document. Being able to complete a variety of projects that were all different from each other has made
me more comfortable with my writing skills. I now am more comfortable writing documents that may
have seemed alien before this class. Overall, my writing has improved and I have met my goals for this

I am most proud of my white paper assignment. I put a lot of time and effort into this
assignment. Much of the research I did was new to me and I learned things about my topic that I had no
idea about before. This was also the longest assignment, which meant that I put a lot of time into
actually writing up my document. This helped me practice my writing skills. Lastly, there were also many
design elements to consider when doing this assignment. Overall, I thought this was a very well-rounded
assignment that helped improve my writing skills greatly. If I had to add an assignment to this course, I
would add an assignment concerning how to answer common essay questions when filling in internship
or job applications. I believe such an assignment would greatly help many students struggling with this
kind of thing. If I were to edit any assignment, I would edit the email assignment. I usually find myself
writing external emails rather than internal ones, so I think it may be more useful to write an email to
someone outside of your organization.

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