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Context Free Questions *


• Who needs the solution?

• What is a highly successful solution really worth to this client?
• What is the reason for wanting to solve this problem?
• Should we use a single design team, or more than one?
• Who should be on the team(s)?
• Are there any political issues that we should be aware of?
• How much time do we have for this project?
• What is your trade-off between time and value?
• Are there any regulations or standards that need to be considered?
• Where else can the solution to this design problem be obtained?
• Can we copy or look at something that already exists?
• Who are good contacts for the various impacted areas?


• What general business decisions have been made about this project so far?
• How did the project originate?
• What problems create obstacles in your work?
• What are good solutions to these problems?
• What information can help solve this problem?
• What do you want to gain from this project?
• What are the consequences of not doing this project?
• What problems does this product solve?
• What problems could this product create?
• What areas are indirectly affected by the project?
• What environment is this product likely to encounter?
• What kind of precision is required or desired in the product?
• What would be the worst thing that could happen as a result of this product?
• How is this problem handled now?
• What other solutions were / are being considered?
• What other things will this product have to interact with?
• How does a high quality solution look? What inputs will it need?

• Am I asking you too many questions?

• Do my questions seem relevant?
• Are you the right person to answer these questions?
• Are your answers official?
• The written material has been helpful, but I find that I understand some things better
if I can discuss them face to face. Can we get together at some point, so we can
know each other better and can clarify some of these points?
• Is there anything else I should be asking you?
• Is there anything you would like to ask me?
• May I return or call you with more questions later, in case I don’t cover everything
this time?
• I notice that you hesitated a long time before answering that question. Is there
something else I should know?
• Are you comfortable with the process right now?
• Is there any reason you don’t feel you can answer freely?
• Is there anybody we need on this project whom we don’t have?
• Is there anybody we have on this project whom we don’t need?

Business Process

• Is the business process well defined?

• Are there some parts of the business process that are broken?
• Does the business process need to be redefined?
• Are you willing to make the changes necessary to redefine your business process?

Note: Adapted from Exploring Requirements Quality Before Design by Gause and Weinberg, 1989

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