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Media Use

By: Megan Kempthorne

The average person spends around 5.5 hours hours a day on their phone.
The chart below shows the average phone use for 2 days vs. My phone
use over 2 days. The photos shwon above is my phone use over the last
2 days including a chart for active times through out the day.
Over the span on 2 days I
spent 1.6x more on my
phone than the average

Almost half of my time spent

on my phone over those 2
days was on TikTok.

The average person spends

about an hour a day on

I spent 3.5x more on TikTok

than the average user.

TikTok doesn't have ads, but each

video can be anywhere from 15-60
seconds long. With this information we
can assume, if every TikTok I see is
about 30 seconds long, I watched
about 840 TikToks over the span of
2 days.
• Many of the images are digitally
manipulated by filters, and color
changers. These manipulations would be
considered acceptable since it doesn't
change the image itself.

• I usually open TikTok before any other

app and use it when I am bored through
out the day, or during homework breaks.

• Occasionally there pop ups from

different guys telling us we have been
scrolling for too long and to get some
sleep. I normally will skip these.
-This is interesting since you would
think TikTok wants you to spend more time
on their app.

• Many logos or brands are seen when

people post sponsorships from different
companies on their page.
-These sponsorships people post on TikTok
have sold out many items for many
different companies
Billions of people use TikTok worldwide, and we
all see hundreds of images a day. We all fill our
brains with what we see in the media. TikTok
had Communtiy Guidelines to make sure no one
is spreading misleading information. People are
able to read these messages from each video
by following trends, and what is going on in the
media. TikTok has many users in all age groups,
but implements the tounger users how they
want them to think about politics, what trends
to follow and news occuring. TikTok has had a
lot of influence with how the younger
generations shape their beliefs and morals as
many of the videos can be persuasive.

Screentime Photos: My IPhone

Average Chart: Excel

Statistics: Tech Jury, Oberlo

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