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Name : A.B.

Sulthan Nurya

NIM : 882032019103

MID TEST (Opinion Essay)

Tiktok app effect for a Muslimah

You could have gone viral online with a short video sharing app. Tiktok is one of the most popular
video-sharing apps today. Few people are suddenly famous for merely Posting videos on the Internet,
especially for the muslimah.

Presently, Tiktok has significantly changed its user's habits. For a Muslimah, it may be wise to choose
wisely which video to upload when playing time. More than a few women have resorted to
inappropriate videos simply because they want to go viral. Can even adversely affect its used-day daily
life. But on the one hand, Tiktok can be used as a medium for spreading science, tutorials, and other
positive things. All depends on Tiktok user. On the other hand, Tiktok is rated more on the negative side,
so there are very few countries that ban the use of a Tiktok application. Even in Indonesia itself, the
Tiktok is ever blocked.

As a wise user and as a Muslimah, it is good to choose video content that works for others, such as
prejudging through a Tiktok app is a positive one.

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