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Noah Egierski

CGT 116 - Professor Triplett - Purdue University

Spring 2022
For my project I decided that I wanted to try out Houdini and Substance on top of
the final project. Through my findings, I found that Houdini is much different than
Maya in the way that it handles modeling. It is more procedural and node based.
The same can be said for Designer. Learning the node based workflow required for
these two pieces of software was pretty difficult, especially at the same time (as
you can see from the change in modeling software…) After pretty extensive
research and looking through tutorials online, I found images of castles both from
fantasy sources and real life examples (after said research, I also realized I needed
to focus on the walls over the castle). I decided to go with a “basic” castle design
with crenelations along the wall, with the wall itself being made of gray bricks.
References (Images):
References (Videos/Websites):

- Houdini/Substance Materials -
- Intro to Procedural Modeling -
- Procedural Cliffs -
- Substance in Maya -
- Adrien Lambert -
- SideFX -
- Substance Designer -

My initial blockout/how I wanted for the project to look in the

Final Lighting In Sketchfab:

In Sketchfab I altered the lighting of how the final product would render.
Final Render:

This is the final render. Here is the link to the Sketchfab if you’d like a
better look:
Sketchfab - 116 Final Project

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