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Tel. No. 333-5054, Cell No. 09652357351



COURSE Research in DATE: April 26-30,2021

TITLE: Education/Teaching

By the end of this module , the students will be able to acquired information that
descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being
studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred. Rather it
addresses the "what" question. This module also will provide information about the characteristics of
descriptive resaech.


• understand what a research methods and design is
• shed light on the historical background of each one of the common research methods and design is
• explain the main characteristics of these studied research and
• examine some strengths and weaknesses of the descriptive research its methods and design.
*Provide meaning and differentiate the Historical, and Descriptive Research
*State the good topics to be included in these three design
*Group discussion
Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of the three design

Meaning of Descriptive Research
Although descriptive research has only one meaning, several authors have defined it in their own
several ways. Some of the definitions are:
Manuel and Medel – Descriptive research is describes what is. It involves the descriptions, recording ,
analysis and interpretations of the present nature, composition or processes of phenomena.

Aquino – Descriptive research is fact – finding with adequate interpretation. It is something more and
beyond just data – gathering ; the latter is not reflective thinking nor research.

Best – Descriptive research describes what it is.

-The process of descriptive research goes beyond mere gathering and tabulation of data.

In other words , descriptive research may be defined as a purposive process of gathering ,

analyzing , classifying and tabulating data about the prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes,
trends and cause and effect relationships and then making adequate and accurate interpretation about such
data with or without the aid of statistical methods.

Characteristics of Descriptive Research

Descriptive research has the following characteristics:
1.Descriptive research ascertains prevailing conditions of facts in a group or case under study.
2.It gives either a qualitative , or both , description of the general characteristics of the group or case
under study.




(Research 3 to 8 characteristics of descriptive research)

Value , Importance , and Advantages of Descriptive Research

1.Descriptive research contributes much to the formulation of principles and generalizations in

behavioral sciences.







(Research 2 to 7 characteristics values, importance and advantages descriptive


Techniques Under the Descriptive Method of Research

There are three techniques under the descriptive method of research:
1.the survey
2.the case study
3.content analysis
Survey , otherwise known as normative survey, is a fact – finding study with adequate
and accurate interpretation. It is used to collect demographic data about people’s behavior ,
practices intentions , beliefs, attitudes, opinions, judgments, interests, perceptions, and the like
and then such data are analyzed, organized, and interpreted.
Case study is a comprehensive , complete , detailed and in – depth study and analysis of
an individual , institution, group or community.

Types of Survey techniques approach:

1. Total population survey
2. Sample survey
3. School survey
4. Social survey
5. Public opinion survey
6. Poll survey
7. Market survey
8. Evaluation survey
9. Comparative survey
10. Short – term survey
11. Long – term survey
12. Longitudinal survey
13. Cross – sectional survey
14. Job analysis survey
15. Community survey
16. Correlation study
( Research the meaning of each survey technique approach of descriptive research)

Applications of Content Analysis of Documentary Materials

There are many applications of content analysis and they are very important . Among the
important uses are the following:
1. Analyzing to determine the educational, political, sociological, philosophical, psychological and
other ideas of great authors and thinkers, based upon their books, essays, poems, diaries,
novels, plays, speeches and other writings.
2. Analyzing the contents of textbooks and other instructional materials as a basis for curriculum
construction and development and as a basis for the selection of textbooks and other
instructional materials for the different curricular years of the educational ladder.
3. Analyzing the achievements of students in the different subjects to determine the types of
errors they committed as a basis for making remedial teaching programs and for curriculum
4. Analyzing the different writings of students such as essays, compositions, poems, stories, letters,
etc. to determine their writing aptitudes, levels of their vocabulary and spelling skills, as bases
for designing programs for further development.
5. Analyzing school records such as class records, report cards, enrolment lists, grading sheets,
cumulative records, etc. of different schools and school systems with the end in view of
adopting the common, practical, economical, and useful school records.
6. Analyzing the objectives and practices of different schools and school systems with the end in
view of adopting more valid and practical objectives and practices to attain the same ends.

Name: Subject:

Year and Section: Instructor:

What to do?

What are the survey technique approach? Define each and explain in what
situation can one be used.


Name: Subject:

Year and Section: Instructor:

What to do?

1.What are the uses or applications of content analysis?

2.Enumerate the eight (8) characteristics of descriptive research.

Jose F. Calderon, Ed.D. Methods of research and Thesis Writing
Fraenkel J. and Wallen N. How to Design and Evaluate Resaerch in Education ,6th Edition

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