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Real and Imaginary Numbers

 Natural or Counting Numbers

Natural numbers are used to count objects. These are the numbers you use to determine
how many pets you have, how many apples you have bought from the market, or how many petals a
flower has.
Natural numbers start with 1, followed by 2, then 3, and so on. Therefore, the smallest natural number
is 1. Meanwhile, there’s no largest natural number.
0, negative numbers, fractions, and decimals are not natural numbers since we do not use them to
count objects.
Numbers such as 14, 25, 799, 1212, 100000, and 5612312 are all examples of natural numbers.

 Whole Numbers

Whole numbers are counting numbers including 0. In other words, if you include 0 in the
set of natural numbers, you will obtain the set of whole numbers.
Therefore, natural numbers are part of the set of whole numbers.
This means that all natural numbers are also whole numbers. Also, all whole numbers are also
natural numbers except for 0 since 0 is not a natural number.

Example: Is 510 a whole number or a natural number?

Solution: 510 is a natural number since we use it for counting. Since all natural numbers are also
whole numbers, then 510 is both a natural number and a whole number. 

 Integers
Integers are positive and negative whole numbers including 0. Examples are 1, 0, -1, 500,
-500, 2200, -3800, and so on.  If you combine the set of all whole numbers and the set of all
negative whole numbers, you now have the set of integers. Also, the set of natural numbers and
the set of whole numbers are just subsets or parts of the set of integers. Fractions and decimals are
not integers. For example,  ½, -⅓, -⅔, and 0.9 are not integers. 

 Rational Numbers
Any number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers is a rational number. In
simple words, a number is a rational number if there are two integers such that when the first integer
is divided by the second integer, the result is the original number.
Suppose the number 18. Can you think of two integers such that when you divide the first integer by
the second integer, the result is 18? 
36 and 2 are integers. Note that 36 ÷ 2 = 18. Since there are two integers such that when you divide
the first integer (36) by the second integer (2) the result is 18, then 18 is a rational number. A rational
number is also a number that can be written as a fraction with integers. For example, 75 is a
rational number since you can express it as 150⁄2, where 150 and 2 are both integers. Also, ½ is a
rational number since it is a fraction composed of integers 1 and 2. 
Shown below is the formal definition of a rational number:
A rational number is any number that you can express in the form p⁄q such that p and q are
both integers and q is not equal to 0.
Again, don’t worry if the definition sounds confusing because it simply means that a number is a
rational number if and only if you can write it as a fraction with integers.
To make it easier for you, here is a list of numbers that can be considered rational numbers:

1. All integers are rational numbers. Example:  -1, 0, -1000, 152321, etc. are all rational numbers
2. All fractions (positive or negative) are rational numbers. Example: -5⁄3, -½, 2⁄3 , etc. are rational
3. All terminating decimals or decimals that have an end (positive or negative) are rational numbers: If
a decimal number has finite or countable number of digits, then that decimal number is a rational
number. Example: 0.01, 0.99, -0.23234, -0.421, etc. are rational numbers.
4. All non-terminating (never-ending) repeating decimals (positive or negative) are rational numbers: If
a decimal number has an infinite or uncountable number of digits but the digits are being repeated, then the
decimal number is a rational number. Example : 0.9999… , 0.123123123123…, 0.010101…, – 0.11111…,
etc. are rational numbers.
Meanwhile, non-terminating non-repeating decimals such as 0.5411346565134…, 0.28992139813…,
etc are not rational numbers. Non-terminating non-repeating decimals have an uncountable number
of digits that are not repeated in a certain pattern. You cannot express these non-terminating non-
repeating decimals as a fraction with integers.
Note: The “three-dot” symbol that is used on some decimals is called an ellipsis. A decimal with an
ellipsis means that there are digits that follow after the last digit of the number. For example, in
0.9292… the number 2 is not the last digit of the decimal number since there are digits that follow 2.

 Irrational Numbers
A number that is not a rational number is an irrational number An irrational number cannot
be expressed as a fraction with integers.
Examples of irrational numbers are the non-terminating non-repeating decimals such as
0.321315325453…Using this example, you cannot provide two integers such that when you divide
the first integer by the second integer, the result will be 0.321315325453…
There are a lot of important irrational numbers in mathematics. For instance, the famous pi (π) which
is used to calculate the circumference of a circle and the value of which is approximately 3.1416… is
an irrational number. 

 Real Numbers
If you combine the set of rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers, the resulting set is
the set of real numbers. Real numbers are the combination of rational and irrational numbers. -
1, 0, 0.12093020…, and -½  are examples of real numbers. It is clearly seen that the set of the
rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers are subsets of the set of real numbers. The set of
rational numbers is composed of the set of integers, fractions, and decimals. On the other hand, the
set of positive whole numbers, negative whole numbers, and 0 composed the set of integers.
Therefore, the set of natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational, and irrational
numbers are all subsets of the set of real numbers.

 The Real Number Line

The real number line is a visual representation of the set of real numbers. Every point in
the number line corresponds to a real number. Hence, a point in the real number line can be either a
rational or an irrational number.
In the middle of the number line lies the number zero (0). On the left of zero are the negative
numbers while all positive numbers are on the right of zero. 
The farther you go to the left of the number line, the smaller the value of the number is. As the
number line goes to the right, the larger the value of the number is.

For example, – 5 is smaller in value than – 2 since – 5 can be located farther to the left compared to –
2. Meanwhile, 200 is larger in value than 100 since 200 is located farther to the right compared to
We can also plot fractions and decimals in the real number line. For instance, ½ can be located
between 0 and 1, -5⁄2 can be located between -2 and -3, and 4.5 can be located between 4 and 5.
Just like rational numbers, irrational numbers can be located in the real number line. For instance, π
whose value is approximately 3.1416 can be located between 3 and 4.

 Imaginary Numbers
The first time I heard of imaginary numbers, it felt like hearing about unicorns. You may think that
these numbers, just like unicorns, do not exist because they are called “imaginary”.
However, it is important to note that imaginary numbers also “exist” in a mathematical sense and it
has practical uses in various fields.
But what exactly is an imaginary number?
An imaginary number is the square root of a negative number. Recall that the square root of a
number is the number that when multiplied by itself yields the original number. For example, the
square root of 16 is 4 since 4 x 4 = 16.
However, there’s no real number that gives the square root of a negative number. Suppose that I
want to get the square root of -15. -15 has no square root in the set of real numbers since when a
real number is multiplied by itself, the result must always be nonnegative.
To express the square root of a negative number, mathematicians used imaginary numbers. They
used i to represent the square root of -1. i is the basic unit of imaginary numbers or the imaginary

Another interesting fact about imaginary numbers is that they cannot be located in the real number
What if we combine a real number and an imaginary number? Well, what you have now is a complex
number such as 3 + 5i where 3 is the real number while 5i is the imaginary number.
 Absolute Value of a Number
The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero. In other words, the absolute value of
a number tells you how far a number from zero is. We use the symbol | | to indicate the absolute
value of a number.

Example 1: What is the absolute value of 3?

Solution: Let’s determine how far 3 is from zero.
Using a number line, you can verify that the number 3 is 3 units far from zero.
Therefore, the absolute value of 3 is equal to 3. 
In symbols, | 3 | = 3.
Example 2: What is the absolute value of – 4?
Solution: Using a number line, you can verify that – 4 is 4 units away from zero. 
Hence, the absolute value of -4 is equal to 4.
In symbols, | – 4 | = 4

It is important to note that the absolute value of a number is always nonnegative (either

positive or 0) since we are dealing with the distance of a number from zero which is always
nonnegative. You will never encounter a negative value for distance. There’s no such road that is –
60 km long.
 Finding the Absolute Value of a Number: An Easy Trick
You can easily determine the absolute value of a number without drawing a number line. You just
need to follow these rules:

 Rule 1: If the number is positive, the absolute value of the number is itself.
 Rule 2: If the number is negative, just drop the negative sign.

For example, the absolute value of 9 is simply 9 using rule 1.

On the other hand, the absolute value of – 16 is 16 using rule 2.
Now, can you determine the absolute value of 0,  – 321, 1500, and -9000?
The answers are:
| – 321 | = 321
| 1500 | = 1500
| – 9000 | = 9000
Being able to find the absolute value of a number is important in adding and subtracting integers.
Now that you are familiar with it, let’s proceed to our actual topic.
 Operations on Integers
1. Addition of Integers
The first thing you need to consider before adding integers is to determine whether the given
integers have the same or different signs. 
Integers have the same signs if both of them are positive or both of them are negative.
Meanwhile, integers have different signs if one of them is positive and one of them is negative.
a. Addition of Integers with the Same Signs

To add integers with the same signs (either both are positive or both are negative):
Step 1: Add the absolute values of the given integers
Step 2: Put the common sign to the number you have obtained from Step 1.

Let’s have some examples:

Example 1: 15 + 32 = ?
Even a preschooler can answer this easy example. Of course, the answer is 47. However, let’s try
answering this problem using the steps on adding integers with the same signs since 15 and 32 are
both positive (same signs).

Step 1: Add the absolute values of the given integers.
The absolute value of 15 is 15 while the absolute value of 32 is 32. We add their absolute values: 15
+ 32 = 47
Step 2: Put the common sign to the number you have obtained from Step 1.
Since both 15 and 32 are positive integers, then their common sign is positive. The number we have
obtained from Step 1 was 47. Therefore, the sign of 47 must be positive.
Indeed, 15 + 32 = 47

Example 2: What is the sum of – 210 and – 172?

Let’s use the steps on adding integers with the same signs since – 210 and – 172 are both negative
integers (same signs).
Step 1: Add the absolute values of the given integers.
The absolute value of – 210 is 210 while the absolute value of – 172 is 172. We add their absolute
210 + 172 = 382
Step 2: Put the common sign to the number you have obtained from Step 1.
Since – 210 and – 172 are both negative integers, then their common sign is negative. Therefore, we
put a negative sign to the number we have obtained from step 1 which is 382.
Hence, the sum of – 210 and – 172 is – 382.
b. Addition of Integers with Different Signs
Now, what if the given integers have different signs? What if one integer is positive while the
other is negative and vice-versa.
Just follow these steps to add integers with different signs easily:
Step 1: Subtract the absolute values of the given numbers.
Step 2: Put the sign of the integer with a larger absolute value to the number you have obtained from
Step 1.
Let’s have some examples:

Example 1: Add -19 and 25.

-19 is a negative number and 25 is a positive integer. They have different signs. Hence, we will use
the steps above on adding integers with different signs.
Step 1: Subtract the absolute values of the given numbers.
The absolute value of – 19 is 19. Meanwhile, the absolute value of 25 is 25.
Subtracting the absolute values (larger – smaller): 25 – 19 = 6
Step 2: Put the sign of the integer with a larger absolute value to the result you have obtained from
Step 1.
| – 19 | =  19 and | 25 |  =  25. 
Note that the absolute value of 25 is larger than the absolute value of – 19. Also, 25 is a positive
number. Therefore, the result we have obtained from Step 1 (which is 6) must be a positive integer.
Hence, – 19 + 25 = 6

Example 2: Add – 32 and 15.

The given integers have different signs. Let’s use the steps on adding integers with different signs.
Step 1: Subtract the absolute values of the given numbers.
The absolute of – 32 is 32 while the absolute value of 15 is 15.
Subtracting the absolute values (larger – smaller): 32  – 15 = 17
Step 2: Put the sign of the integer with a larger absolute value to the result you have obtained from
Step 1.
| – 32 | =  32 and | 15 |  =  15. 
Note that the absolute value of – 32 is larger than the absolute value of 17. Also, – 32 is negative.
Therefore, the result we have obtained from Step 1 (which is 17) must be a negative integer.
Hence, – 32 + 15 = – 17

Example 3: Add – 90 and 32.

Step 1: Subtract the absolute values of the given numbers.
The absolute of – 90 is 90 while the absolute value of 32 is 32.
Subtracting the absolute values (larger – smaller): 90  – 32 = 58
Step 2: Put the sign of the integer with a larger absolute value to the result you have obtained from
Step 1.
| – 90 | =  90 and | 32 |  =  32. 
Note that the absolute value of – 90 is larger than the absolute value of 32. Also, – 90 is negative.
Therefore, the result we obtained from Step 1 (which is 58) must be a negative integer.
Hence, – 90 + 32 = – 58
Now that you have learned how to add integers, you are now prepared to learn how to subtract them.
2. Subtraction of Integers
There are two steps you need to follow when subtracting integers:
Step 1: Change the operation into addition and reverse the sign of the second integer (or the
Step 2: Apply the rules on adding integers.
Let’s have some examples.

Example 1: What is – 19 – 5?
Step 1: Change the operation into addition and reverse the sign of the second integer (or the
The first thing you have to do is to change the subtraction sign (-) into an addition sign (+). 
Afterward, reverse the sign of the second integer (or the subtrahend). The subtrahend is 5, so we
reverse the sign of 5 into – 5.
– 19 + (- 5) =
Step 2: Apply the rules on adding integers.
To finish the subtraction process, we need to apply the rules for adding integers.
We have obtained – 19 + (- 5)  from Step 1. This means that we need to add integers with the same
signs. I hope that you still remember the rules for adding integers.
Using the rules on adding integers with the same signs:
– 19 + (- 5) = – 24
And then we’re done. The answer is – 24.
Therefore, – 19 – 5 = – 24

Example 2: Compute for: 32 – (-12)

Step 1: Change the operation into addition and reverse the sign of the second integer (or the
The first thing you have to do is to change the subtraction sign (-) into an additional sign (+). 
Afterward, you need to reverse the sign of the second integer (or the subtrahend). The subtrahend is
– 12, so we reverse the sign of – 12 into 12.
– 32 + 12  = 
Step 2: Apply the rules on adding integers.
To finish the subtraction process, we need to apply the rules for adding integers.
We have obtained – 32 + 12  from Step 1. This means that we need to add integers with different
Using the rules on adding integers with different signs:
– 32 + 12  = – 20
Therefore, – 32 + 12  = – 20

Example 3: What is -18 – (- 45)?

Step 1: Change the operation into addition and reverse the sign of the second integer (or the
The first thing you have to do is to change the subtraction sign (-) into the addition sign (+). 
Afterward, you need to reverse the sign of the second integer (or the subtrahend). The subtrahend is
– 45, so we reverse the sign of – 45 into 45.
– 18  + 45  = 

Step 2: Apply the rules on adding integers.

To finish the subtraction process, we need to apply the rules for adding integers.
We have obtained – 18 + 45  from Step 1. This means that we need to add integers with different
Using the rules on adding integers with different signs:
– 18 + 45  = 27
Therefore, – 18 + 45  = 27
3. Multiplication of Integers
Multiplying integers is a lot easier than adding or subtracting integers. The rules are pretty simple:

 If the integers have the same signs, multiply the integers and put a positive sign in the
resulting integer.
 If the integers have different signs, multiply the integers and put a negative sign in the
resulting integer.
You can use this simple reminder when multiplying integers: SAME SIGNS = POSITIVE, UNLIKE
Let’s have some examples:
Example 1: Multiply: – 3 × – 5
–  3 and – 5 are both negative integers. They have the same signs so their product must be positive.
Therefore, – 3 × – 5 = 15

Example 2: Multiply: 8 × – 3
8 and – 3 have different signs so their product must be negative.
Therefore, 8 × – 3 = – 24
4. Division of Integers
The rules in dividing integers are actually similar to multiplying integers:

 If the integers have the same signs, divide the integers and put a positive sign to the resulting
 If the integers have unlike or different signs, divide the integers and put a negative sign to the
resulting integer.

Let’s have some examples:

Example 1: Divide -18 by -2
-18 and -2 have the same signs. So, we just divide the integers and the answer must be positive.
-18 ÷ (-2) = 9

Example 2: Divide 18 by – 2
18 and – 2 have different signs. So, we just divide the integers and the answer must be negative.
18 ÷ (-2) = – 9
You may have wondered why Multiplication of Integers and Division of Integers almost have the same
rules. The answer is simple: Dividing integers is just multiplying an integer by the multiplicative
inverse or the reciprocal (we will learn the reciprocal of a number in later topics) of the other. That’s
why their rules are almost similar.
Bonus: Multiplying a Number by Zero (0)
Suppose we want to multiply an integer such as – 12 by 0. What do you think will be the result?
Simple: The answer is 0.
If you multiply any number (real, rational, irrational, integers, fraction, or decimal) by zero, the result
will always be 0. This property is called the Zero Property of Multiplication.

Example 1: 1 000 000 x 0

Solution: By the Zero Property of Multiplication, the answer is 0
Example 2: π x 0
Solution: By the Zero Property of Multiplication, the answer is 0


PEMDAS is an acronym for Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition,
and Subtraction. This is a standard method of determining which operations you must prioritize first,
second, third, and so on. In other words, PEMDAS tells you what operation must be performed first
given a set of multiple operations.
In other math textbooks, PEMDAS is referred to as MDAS or GEMDAS.
PEMDAS implies that the operation inside the parenthesis has the highest priority or must be
performed first. Then, you simplify the number with an exponent. Afterward, you multiply or divide the
numbers from left to right. Finally, you add and subtract numbers from left to right. 
How To Solve PEMDAS Problems: 4 Steps
If there is more than one mathematical operation involved in your calculation, you must follow
PEMDAS. The steps to perform PEMDAS are:

1. First, perform the operation inside the parenthesis or grouping symbol.

2. Simplify any number with exponents.
3. Perform multiplication or division from left to right.
4. Perform addition or subtraction from left to right.
Note: Make sure that you are already capable of performing mathematical operations on
integers because they will be applied in our succeeding examples.

Example 1: 9 + (3 x 2) – 4
The given problem has more than one operation involved. There is an addition, a multiplication, and a
subtraction sign. There is also an operation inside the parenthesis. This means that we need to use
P – Perform the operation inside the parenthesis or grouping symbol.
The first thing we need to perform is the operation inside the parenthesis. In particular, we are going
to solve 3 x 2 first.
The operation inside the parenthesis is 3 x 2 which is equal to 6.
E – Simplify any number with exponents.
There are no exponents involved in the given problem. Thus, we will skip this step.
MD – Perform multiplication or division from left to right.
There is no more multiplication or division involved in 9 + 6 – 4. Therefore, we will skip this step.
AS – Perform addition or subtraction from left to right.
We perform addition first since it is the first one that appeared from the left. 9 + 6 = 15. Lastly, we
perform subtraction: 15 – 4 = 11
Let’s review what we have done:
9 + (3 x 2) – 4
15 – 4
Hence, using PEMDAS,  9 + (3 x 2) – 4 = 11
I hope you still remember the rules on operations on integers because we will use them for the next

Example 2: (-17 – 2) x 3 – 9
Let us use PEMDAS to answer the above problem.
P – Perform the operation inside the parenthesis.
The operation inside the parenthesis is – 17 – 2. By subtracting the given integers, we will obtain – 17
– 2 = – 19.
E – Simplify any number with exponents.
The given problem doesn’t have any exponent. Thus, we will skip this step.
MD –  Perform multiplication or division from left to right.
AS – Perform addition or subtraction from left to right.

Here’s a quick review of what we have done:

         (-17 – 2) x 3 – 9
            (-19) x 3 – 9
-57 – 9
– 66
Hence, using PEMDAS,  (- 17 – 2) x 3 – 9 = -66
Before we proceed to our third example, let’s first discuss how to compute numbers with exponents.
 W h a t i s a n E x p o n e n t ?
An exponent is a number written on the upper right of another number which is called the base. This
means that the base is raised to a certain power. 
For example, in 23, the exponent is 3 (the small letter above or the superscript) while the base is 2.
How To Compute Numbers with an Exponent
Although an exponent is written as a tiny number above the base, its impact is actually
The exponent corresponds to the number of times the base must be multiplied by
itself. For example, in 2³, we have 2 as the base while 3 as the exponent. This means that you need
to use the base (which is 2) three times in a multiplication process.
23 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8
Therefore, 23 = 8.
Now, can you compute for 92?
Our exponent is 2 which means we need to use 9 two times in a multiplication Process:
92 = 9 x 9 = 81
Therefore, 92 = 81
Keep in mind how to compute exponents since we will use this method for our third example.
Example 3: What is the value of 33 – (9 x 2) ÷ 6?
Let us apply PEMDAS to solve the question.
P – Perform the operation inside the parenthesis or grouping symbol.
E – Simplify any number with exponents.
33 is a number with an exponent. Hence, we need to simplify it. Note that 3 3 = 3 x 3 x 3 = 27

MD – Perform multiplication or division from left to right.

There is only division involved and there is no more multiplication sign left. Hence, we solve 18 ÷ 6

AS – Perform addition or subtraction from left to right.

A quick review of what we have done:

 33 – (9 x 2) ÷ 6 
33 – 18 ÷ 6
27 – 18 ÷ 6
27 – 3
Hence, using PEMDAS, 33 – (9 x 2) ÷ 6 = 24
Example 4:  Compute for 81 ÷ (42 –  7)  x 3
We can determine the answer to the given problem above using PEMDAS.
As usual, we start our computation with the operation inside the parenthesis. However, there are two
things involved inside the parenthesis: An exponent and a subtraction sign. Note that it is easier to
perform the exponent first before performing subtraction.
81 ÷ (42 –  7)  x 3
81  ÷ (16 – 7) x 3
Now, we can perform subtraction which is inside the parenthesis:
81  ÷ (16 – 7) x 3
     81  ÷ 9 x 3
We have already performed P of PEMDAS. Since there are no more exponents involved, we move to
the next operations which are multiplication and division (MD).  Let’s go back to the same problem:
  81  ÷ 9 x 3
Since division appeared first from the left, we will perform it first.
  81  ÷ 9 x 3
       9 x 3
Lastly, we will perform multiplication
   9 x 3 = 27
Let’s try to answer something more challenging in our fifth example.

 Example 5: Compute for  200 – 15² + (144 ÷ (-12) ) x (14 ÷ (-2))

Let us begin by performing the operations inside the parenthesis. There are two parentheses. Thus,
we will perform the operations inside them simultaneously.
We already did the P of PEMDAS so we are now on E which is exponents. We simplify the number
with an exponent.
We are now on the MD part of PEMDAS. There is only multiplication involved and there is no division
sign left. Hence,

Next is the AS part of PEMDAS. Since subtraction appeared first from the left, it is one that must be
performed first.
Finally, let us add the remaining numbers
Here is a quick review of what we have done above:
200 – 152 + (144 ÷ (-12) ) x (14 ÷ (-2) )
200 – 152 + (- 12) x (- 7)
200 – 225 + 84
-25 + 84
Hence, using PEMDAS,  200 – 152 + (144 ÷ (-12) ) x (14 ÷ (-2) ) = 59


Part I: Factors
What are the factors?
Factors are the numbers we multiply together to obtain another number (or the
product). For example, when 9 and 5 are multiplied together, the result is 45. Therefore, 9 and 5 are
factors of 45.

Here’s another interesting fact: A factor of a number can divide the number without a
remainder. For example, we already know that 5 is a factor of 45. If we divide 45 by 5, as in 45 ÷ 5 =
9, there’s no remainder!

Let’s have a few more examples:

Example 1: What are the factors of 21?

 1 x 21 = 21
 3 x 7   = 21
Thus, 1, 3, 7, and 21 are factors of 21.

Example 2: What are the factors of 150?

Solution: Note that:
 1 x 150 = 150
 2 x 75 = 150
 3 x 50 = 150
 5 x 30 = 150
 6 x 25 = 150
And so on…
Therefore, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 30, 50, 75, and 150 are some of the factors of 150.
Are negative numbers a factor of a number?
Yes, they are! For example, – 3 × – 2 = 6. Since when you multiply – 3 by -2 the result is 6, then – 3
and – 2 are factors of 6. Hence, a negative number can also be a factor.
Prime and Composite Numbers
We can classify whole numbers based on the number of factors they have. Whole numbers can
either be prime numbers or composite numbers.
What is a prime number?
A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 that has two factors only: 1 and itself. For
example, 3 is a prime number since it has only two factors which are 1 and itself (i.e., 3). You cannot
think of other factors of 3 aside from 1 and 3.
What is a composite number?
A composite number is a whole number that has more than two factors. For example, 6 is a
composite number since it has more than two factors which are 1, 2, 3, and 6. 
Remember that 1 is neither a prime number nor a composite number. 

Example: Which of the following numbers are prime?

2, 10, 19, 145
Let us list all factors of each given number and determine whether they are prime or not:
For 2: 

 2x1=2
Factors of 2: 1, 2
Since 2 has only two factors which are 1 and itself, then 2 is a prime number.
For 10:

 1 x 10 = 10
 2 x 5 = 10
Factors of 10: 1, 2, 5, 10
Since 10 has more than two factors, then 10 is not a prime number.
For 19:

 1 x 19 = 19
Factors of 19: 1, 19
Since 19 has only two factors which are 1 and itself, then 19 is a prime number.
For 145:

 1 x 145 = 145
 5 x 29 = 145
Factors: 1, 5, 29, 145
Since 145 has more than two factors, then 145 is not a prime number.
Thus, out of the given numbers, only 2 and 19 are the prime numbers.
Prime Factorization
Prime factorization is the process of expressing a composite number as a product of its
prime factors. In simple words, you are going to determine which prime numbers that when
multiplied together will give you the original number. 
For example, the prime factorization of 24 is 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 24, or when written
with exponents, 23 × 3.= 24. Notice that the factors used in the prime factorization of 24 are all prime
numbers (which are 2 and 3).
Another example: The prime factorization of 105 is 3 × 5 × 7 = 105. Notice that 105 is expressed as a
product of prime numbers (which are 3, 5, and 7).
You are now introduced to the concept of prime factorization of a number. However, how do we find
it? How can we determine the prime factorization of a number?
One method that you can use is the prime factorization using the factor tree.
Prime Factorization Using the Factor Tree
A factor tree is a diagram that can be used to find the factors of any number, then the factors of those
numbers, and so on until we can’t factor anymore. The ends of the factor tree are all of the prime
factors of the original number.
When you perform this method, your computation will look like a tree! 
Let’s try to determine the prime factorization of 24 using the factor tree.

12 and 2 are factors of 24. Notice that 2 has no factors anymore aside from 1 and itself so we stop
there. On the other hand, we can still look for the factors of 12.
6 and 2 are factors of 12. We can still look for factors of 6 since it is a composite number
3 and 2 are factors of 6. Note that both 3 and 2 do not have factors aside from 1 and themselves
(they are prime numbers) so we can already stop with these numbers.
We collect all the ends of the tree (numbers that are colored red) as they are the prime factors of 24.
Finally, we express 24 as a product of these prime factors.
Hence, the prime factorization of 24 is 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 24 which we can also express with exponents
as 3 x 23 = 24

Example 1: Determine the prime factorization of 36 using a factor tree.

Start by thinking of any factors of 36. In this case, let us use 18 and 2 since 18 x 2 = 36. 

2 is a prime number so we stop on that part. However, 18 is a composite number. This means that we
can still factor it out. We think again of any factors of 18. This time let us use 9 and 2 since 9 x 2 = 18.
9 is a composite number so we can still factor it out. We think again of any factors of 9. This time, let
us use 3 and 3 since 3 x 3 = 9.

We collect all the ends of our factor tree (red-colored numbers). These are the prime factors of 36.
We express 36 as a product of these prime factors.

Therefore, the prime factorization of 36 is 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 = 36, or if written with exponents, 3 2 x 22 = 36
By now, you have already learned what factors, prime numbers, composite numbers, and prime
factorization are. In our next section, we will apply these concepts to determine the Greatest Common
Factor of two numbers.
Greatest Common Factor
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is the largest common factor of given numbers. GCF is an
essential tool in arithmetic because we use it to simplify fractions to their lowest terms (more on this in
the succeeding topic).
One of the common methods to determine the GCF of two numbers is by listing their factors and
determining the largest common factor from the list. Let’s try this method for our example below.
1. How to find the GCF of given numbers through the listing method
Example 1: Determine the GCF of 8 and 12.
Solution: Let us list all of the factors of 8 and 12:

 Factors of 8:  1, 2, 4, 8
 Factors of 12: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
By looking at our list above, the common factors are 1, 2, and 4.
However, GCF must be the largest common factor. We already know that the common factors are 1,
2, and 4. Which of these common factors is the largest? Obviously, it’s 4.
Thus, the GCF of 8 and 12 is 4.
Example 2: What is the GCF of 15 and 25?
Solution: Let us list all of the factors of 15 and 25:

 Factors of 15: 1, 3, 5, 15
 Factors of 25: 1, 5, 25
From the list above, it is clearly seen that the only common factor is 5. Therefore, it is also the largest
common factor or GCF of 15 and 25. 
Thus, the GCF of 15 and 25 is 5.
The listing method seems to be a good method to find the GCF. However, it is not that convenient to
use if the given numbers have plenty of factors. Listing a lot of factors will make our computation
more tedious and time-consuming.
There is another method that can be used to determine the GCF of given numbers. This method uses
prime factorization to find the GCF. 
2. How to find the GCF using the prime factorization method
To find the GCF of given numbers using the prime factorization method, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the prime factorization of the given numbers (i.e., use factor trees).
2. Express the numbers as product of their prime factors.
3. Match the prime factors vertically.
4. Bring down the common prime factors for each column. Do not bring down those in the columns
where the factors are not the same.
5. Multiply the numbers you brought down. The result is the GCF.
Let us use this method to determine the GCF of 56 and 108.
Example: Use the prime factorization method to find the GCF of 54 and 108.

1. Determine the prime factorization of the given numbers (i.e., use factor trees).
We apply the technique we discussed in the previous section to perform the prime factorization of 56
and 108.

2. Express the numbers as a product of their prime factors.

From the factor trees we created above, we can express 56 and 108 as products of their prime
factors. We rearrange the factors so that the same factors are vertically aligned. 
3. Match the prime factors vertically.
We match the common prime factors vertically using blue rectangles. We will not put a blue rectangle
on a column where the prime factors are not the same.

4. Bring down the common prime factors for each column. Do not bring down those in the columns
where the factors are not the same.

5. Multiply the numbers you brought down. The result is the GCF.

Therefore, using the prime factorization method, the GCF of 54 and 108 is 4.
Part II: Multiples
What are multiples?
A multiple is a result when we multiply a number by an integer. 12 is a multiple of 6 because
when 6 is multiplied by the integer 2, the result is 12. Can you think of other multiples of 6?

Example 1: Provide five multiples of 10.

Solution: To find five multiples of 10, we just need to multiply 10 by five different integers. For
10 × 1 = 10
10 × 3 = 30
10 × – 5 = – 50
10 × – 8 = – 80
10 × 140 = 1400
Hence, 10, 30, – 50, – 80, and 1400 are some of the multiples of 10.
Example 2: What are the first three positive multiples of 4?
Solution: Since we are now required to find the first three positive multiples of 4, we need to multiply
4 by the first three positive integers:
4 × 3 = 12
Thus, the first three positive multiples of 4 are 4, 8, and 12.
Example 3: How many multiples of 5 are there between 14 and 21?
Solution: Note that the numbers 15 and 20 which are between 14 and 21 are multiples of 5 since
5 × 3 = 15 and 5 × 4 = 20. That is, 15 and 20 are the results when 5 is multiplied by integers 3 and 4,
Thus, between 14 and 21, there are two multiples of 5.
Least Common Multiple (LCM)
The Least Common Multiple is the smallest whole number that is a multiple of two or more
numbers. Just like the GCF, LCM is also used in some operations on fractions. To help you
understand what LCM is, let’s have a simple example.
Example: Suppose you list the multiples of 2 and 3 from least to the greatest value.

 Multiples of 2: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 …
 Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, …
Can you tell from the list which are the common multiples of 2 and 3?
Solution: Clearly, the common multiples of 2 and 3 are 6 and 12.
Now, you might notice that 6 is the smallest common multiple between 2 and 3. Therefore, 6 is the
Least Common Multiple of 2 and 3.
Based on our example above, the Least Common Multiple is the smallest common multiple
between given numbers.
1. How to find the LCM using the listing method
One of the common ways to find the LCM of two numbers is by listing the factors of the given
numbers.  We already used this method for our example above through which we were able to find
the LCM of 2 and 3. Now, let’s try to use this method again to find the LCM of 5, 10, and 25.
Determining the LCM using the listing method seems to be a cakewalk. But, what if I ask you to find
the LCM of 130 and 300? The listing method seems to be inconvenient in this case. 
When the listing method becomes a tedious way of finding the LCM, use the prime factorization
method instead.
2. How to find the LCM using prime factorization
To find the LCM of given numbers using prime factorization, follow these steps:

1. Determine the prime factors of the given numbers (using the factor tree).
2. Express the given numbers as the product of their prime factors.
3. Match the prime factors vertically.
4. Bring down the prime factors in each column.
5. Multiply the factors to obtain the LCM.

Let’s use prime factorization to find the LCM of 130 and 300.
Example: Determine the LCM of 130 and 300.
1. Determine the prime factors of the given numbers (using the factor tree).

The ends (red-colored numbers) of the respective factor trees of 130 and 300 are their prime factors.
We will use these prime factors for our next step.

2. Express the given numbers as the product of their prime factors.

3. Match the prime factors vertically.

We match common prime factors vertically using the red rectangles. If a prime factor has no “partner”
to the other number, we just leave the space blank.

4. Bring down the prime factors in each column.

Bring down the common prime factors in each column. In our illustration above, we bring down every
common prime factor on each red rectangle.

5. Multiply the factors to obtain the LCM.

The last step is to multiply the common prime factors we have brought down from step 4. The
resulting number is the Least Common Multiple (LCM).
Therefore, the LCM of 130 and 300 is 3900.
Divisibility Rules
What Does “Divisible” Mean?
Let’s start by defining the word “divisible”.
A number is divisible by a certain number if it is capable of being divided by the latter and
leaves no remainder.
 For example, 8 is divisible by 4 since when you divide 8 by 4, the answer is 2 and there is no
remainder. On the other hand, 15 is not divisible by 4 since when you divide 15 by 4, the answer is 3
but there is a remainder of 3.
Divisibility Rules
Divisibility rules are the rules that you can use to determine if one number is divisible by another. The
good thing about these divisibility rules is that you don’t have to perform the actual long division
process just to determine whether the number is divisible by a certain number or not.
All you have to do is to apply these rules.
Let us explore these rules one by one
Divisibility Rule for 1: All integers are divisible by 1
This is just common sense. If you divide any number by 1, the result is the same number and there’s
no remainder. Therefore, every number is divisible by 1.
Divisibility Rule for 2: An integer is divisible by 2 if and only if its last digit is
even (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8)
Recall that even numbers are those that can be divided by 2 without a remainder. The even number
digits are 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8.
If the last digit of a number is an even number, then that number is divisible by 2. For example, 30826
is divisible by 2 since the last digit of 30826 is 6 which is an even number. 

Example 1: Is 45034 divisible by 2?

Yes, 45034 is divisible by 2 since its last digit is an even number which is 4. 

Example 2: Is 10987 divisible by 2?

No, the last digit of 10987 is 7 which is not an even number. Hence, 10987 is not divisible by 2.
Divisibility Rule for 3: An integer is divisible by 3 if and only if the sum of its
digits is divisible by 3
To determine if a number is divisible by 3, add the digits of the number and then divide the sum by 3.
If the answer has no remainder, then the number is divisible by 3.

Example 1: Is 3438 divisible by 3? 

Add the digits of 3438: 3 + 4 + 3 + 8 = 18
When you divide 18 by 3, the answer is 6 and it has no remainder.
Therefore, 3438 is divisible by 3.

Example 2: Is 5422 divisible by 3?

Add the digits of 5422: 5 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 13
When you divide 13 by 3, the answer is 4 but there’s a remainder of 1.
Hence, 5422 is not divisible by 3
Divisibility Rule for 4: An integer is divisible by 4 if and only if its last two digits
are divisible by 4
If the last two digits of the given number leave no remainder when divided by 4, then the given
number is divisible by 4. 

Example 1: Does 3,400,280 leave the remainder when divided by 4? 

The last two digits of 3,400,280 are 80. When we divide 80 by 4, the result is 20 and there is no
remainder. Therefore, 3,400,280 is divisible by 4. 

Example 2: Is 54230 divisible by 4?

The last two digits of 54230 are 30 which are not divisible by 4. Therefore, 54230 is not divisible by 4.

Example 3: What are the possible values of A so that 341A is divisible by 4?

If 341A is divisible by 4, then the last two digits which are 1A must be divisible by 4. Now, what do
you think must be the value of A so that 1A is divisible by 4.
Note that 12 and 16 are divisible by 4 (since they are multiples of 4 also). Therefore, the possible
values of A are 2 and 6.
Divisibility Rule for 5: An integer is divisible by 5 if and only if its last digit is 0 or
This is the easiest among the divisibility rules. Once you see the last digit of a number is 0 or 5, then
that number is divisible by 5.
For instance, 45005 is divisible by 5 since the last digit of 45005 is 5.
132000000 is also divisible by 5 since the last digit of 132000000  is 0.
On the other hand, 15723122 is not divisible by 5 since its last digit is neither 0 nor 5. 

Example 1: If A is a nonzero positive whole number, what must be the value of A so that 3214A is
divisible by 5?
A number is divisible by 5 if and only if its last digit is either 0 or 5. Hence, the last digit of 3214A must
be 0 or 5 so that it will be divisible by 5. Then, A can either be 0 or 5. However, the problem stated
that A must be nonzero. Therefore, A must be equal to 5.
Divisibility Rule for 6: An integer is divisible by 6 if and only if it is even and
divisible by 3
There are two things you need to consider to determine whether a number is divisible by 6 or not: 

 Is the given number an even number (or divisible by 2)?

 Is the given number divisible by 3?
If one of these conditions is not met, then the number is not divisible by 6.

Example 1: Is 1932 divisible by 6?

Using the divisibility rule for 6:

 Is the given number an even number? Yes, 1932 is an even number since it is divisible by 2 (the
last digit of 1932 is 2 which is an even number).
 Is the given number divisible by 3? Yes, because the sum of the digits of 1932 is 1 + 9 + 3 + 2 =
15 and 15 is divisible by 3.
Since both of the conditions are met, then 1932 is divisible by 6.
Example 2: Is 41024 divisible by 6?
Using the divisibility rule for 6:

 Is the given number an even number? Yes, 41024 is an even number since it is divisible by 2 (the
last digit of 41024 is 4 which is an even number).
 Is the given number divisible by 3? No, because the sum of digits of 41024 is 4 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 4 =
11 and 11 is not divisible by 3.
Since one of the conditions is not met, then 41024 is not divisible by 6.
Divisibility Rule for 7: An integer is divisible by 7 if and only if the difference
between the number made by the other digits of the integer and twice the last digit
of the integer is divisible by 7
To determine if a number is divisible by 7, follow these steps:

1. Double the last digit of the integer.

2. Subtract the number you obtained in Step 1 from the number made by the other digits.
3. Determine if the resulting number you obtained in Step 2 is divisible by 7. If the resulting number is
divisible by 7, then the original number is divisible by 7.

Example 1: Is 294 divisible by 7?

1. Double the last digit of the integer.

The last digit of 294 is 4. Now, let’s double 4: 4 × 2 = 8

2. Subtract the number you obtained in Step 1 from the number made by other digits.
The number we obtained from Step 1 was 8. The number made by the other digits is 29. We subtract
8 from 29: 29 – 8 = 21

3. Determine if the resulting number you obtained in Step 2 is divisible by 7. If the resulting number is
divisible by 7, then the original number is divisible by 7.
21 is divisible by 7 since 21 divided by 7 is 3 and it has no remainder. Hence, 294 is divisible by 7.
Divisibility Rule for 8: An integer is divisible by 8 if and only if its last three digits
are divisible by 8
To determine if a number is divisible by 8, get the last three digits of the given number and then divide
it by 8. If the result has no remainder, then the original number is divisible by 8

Example 1: Is 1192 divisible by 8?

The last three of the given number are 192. Dividing 192 by 8 will give you 24 and it has no
remainder. Therefore, the original number which is 1192 is divisible by 8.
Divisibility Rule for 9: An integer is divisible by 9 if and only if the sum of its
digits is divisible by 9
To determine if a number is divisible by 9, just add the digits of the given number. Afterward, divide
the resulting number by 9. If the result has no remainder, then the original number is divisible by 9.

Example 1: Is 3294 divisible by 9?

Add the digits of the given number: 3 + 2 + 9 + 4 =18
Divide the resulting number by 9: 18 ÷ 9 = 2. There’s no remainder.
Therefore, 3294 is divisible by 9.
BONUS: Division by Zero (0)
How about 0?
Which numbers are divisible by 0?
There’s no such number that is divisible by 0 because division by 0 is undefined. For example,
there’s no number in the set of real numbers that can answer 2 divided by 0.
Any number divided by 0 is undefined. Meanwhile, if you divide 0 by itself or 0 divided by 0,
the answer is indeterminate.

Fractions and Decimals

Part I: Fractions
What is a fraction?
A fraction is a part or a section of a whole.
For instance, if you and your friends decide to buy a pizza for a movie marathon, you will cut the
pizza into 8 slices. You will certainly take one slice from it. That one slice you took is ⅛ of the pizza.
⅛  of the pizza is a fraction since it is a part of the whole (i.e., the entire pizza).
Parts of a Fraction
1. Numerator
A fraction consists of two parts – the numerator and the denominator.
The numerator is the number you see in the upper part of the fraction. It tells you how many
sections are represented in the fraction. For example, in ⅛, 1 is the numerator. This means that 1
section of the whole is represented in the fraction.
2. Denominator
On the other hand, the denominator is the number you see in the lower part of the fraction. It
tells you how many sections the whole is divided into. For example, in ⅛, 8 is the denominator. This
means that the whole is divided into a total of 8 sections.
Illustrating Fractions
Pies are great not only because they are delicious, but also because they can be used to represent
fractions. Let’s try to illustrate ⅜  using a pie.
The three slices cut from the pie represent the numerator of the fraction which is 3. Meanwhile, the
whole pie was divided into a total of 8 slices which represents the denominator of the fraction.
There are other ways to represent fractions aside from using a pie. Did you know that your exam
scores can illustrate a fraction?
Suppose you have a 50-item exam and you answered 42 items correctly. Your score can be
illustrated in the form of a fraction: 42⁄50 where 42 represents the items of the exam you got correctly
while 50 represents the total number of items of the exam.
Types of Fractions
1. Proper Fractions
A proper fraction is a fraction where the value of the numerator is less than the value of the
denominator. For example, ⅝ is a proper fraction since its numerator which is 5 is less than its
denominator which is 8.
Other examples of proper fractions are ⅓, ⅖, 7⁄9, 121⁄321, and so on. 
2. Improper Fractions
An improper fraction is a fraction where the value of the numerator is greater than or equal to
the value of the denominator. For example, 8⁄5 is an improper fraction since its numerator 8 is
greater than its denominator 5. 
Similarly, 4⁄4 is an improper fraction since its numerator is equal to the denominator (both are 4).
Take note that if the numerator and the denominator have the same value, then that fraction is
equal to 1. Therefore, 4⁄4= 1.
In other words, when you get a perfect score from a ten-item exam, you actually have an improper
fraction of 10⁄10!
Other examples of improper fractions are 4⁄3, 8⁄5, 120⁄51, 20⁄20, and so on.
Mixed Number
A mixed number is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction. For example, 2 3⁄4
is a mixed number because it is a combination of a whole number (which is 2) and a proper fraction
(which is ¾).
There is an interesting fact about improper fractions and mixed numbers. You can transform an
improper fraction to a mixed number and vice-versa. This method is useful when performing some
mathematical operations with fractions. Let’s discuss how to convert an improper fraction to a mixed
number below.
1. Converting an Improper Fraction to Mixed Number Form
Here are the steps you need to follow so you can convert an improper fraction to a mixed number:

1. Divide the numerator by the denominator. To do this, put the numerator inside the division bracket
while put the denominator outside the division bracket, then perform long division.
2. Designate the quotient as the whole number of the mixed number
3. Assign the remainder as the numerator of the proper fraction part of the mixed number.
4. Copy the denominator of the improper fraction and use it as the denominator of the mixed number.
5. Reduce the proper fraction part of the mixed number, if possible
Example 1: Convert 4⁄3 to mixed number form.

If we can transform an improper fraction to its mixed number form, we can also perform the opposite.
2. Converting a Mixed Number to Improper Fraction
Here are the steps on how to transform a mixed number into an improper fraction:

1. Multiply the denominator of the mixed number by the whole number part then add the product to
the numerator. The resulting number is the numerator of the improper fraction.
2. Copy the denominator of the proper fraction of the mixed number and use it as the denominator of
the improper fraction.
3. Reduce the obtained fraction to its lowest terms, if possible.
Example: Convert 2 3⁄5 to a mixed number.
Therefore, 2 3⁄5 = 13⁄5
Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent fractions are fractions that have equal value. These fractions represent the same portion
of the whole. For example, 1⁄2 is equal to 2⁄4 since they represent the same portion of a whole.

How To Determine an Equivalent Fraction to a Given Fraction

The easiest way to determine an equivalent fraction to a given fraction is to multiply the numerator
and the denominator of the given fraction by the same number. 
For example, if we want to find an equivalent fraction to 1⁄2, we can multiply its numerator and
denominator by the same number. If we multiply both the numerator and the denominator of ½ by 2,
we obtain an equivalent fraction to ½ which is 2⁄4.

Example: Find three equivalent fractions to ⅗

To find the answers, let’s multiply the numerator and the denominator of ⅗ with the same numbers
3⁄5 x 2⁄2 = 6⁄10
                3⁄5 x 3⁄3 = 9⁄15
                 3⁄5 x 4⁄4 = 12⁄20
Therefore, 6⁄10, 9⁄15, and 12⁄20 are equivalent fractions to ⅗. 
How To Determine if Two Fractions are Equivalent Fractions
One method you can use to determine if two fractions are equivalent is by using the cross-
multiplication method.
To perform the cross-multiplication method, follow these steps:

1. Multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction.
2. Multiply the denominator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second fraction.
3. If the products you have obtained from Steps 1 and 2 are equal, then the fractions are equivalent.
Otherwise, the fractions are not equivalent.

Let us try these steps in our next example.

Example: Are ¼ and 3⁄12 equivalent fractions?
Use the cross-multiplication method:

1. Multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction.
1 x 12 = 12

2. Multiply the denominator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second fraction.
           4 x 3 = 12

3. If the products you have obtained from Steps 1 and 2 are equal, then the fractions are equivalent.
We have obtained 12 both from Step 1 and Step 2. Hence, ¼ and 3⁄12 are equivalent fractions.

Fractions in Lowest Terms
A fraction is in its lowest terms if the numerator and the denominator of a fraction have no
common factor other than 1. In other words, the numerator and the denominator of the fraction
are both prime numbers.
The lowest term of a fraction is also known as its “simplest form”
For example, ⅔ is a fraction in the lowest terms because its numerator and denominator have no
common factor other than 1. Also, both 2 and 3 are prime numbers.
On the other hand, 15⁄20 is not in the lowest term because its numerator (which is 15) and its
denominator (which is 20) have a common factor of 5. 
How To Reduce a Fraction to Its Lowest Term
Reducing or simplifying a fraction to its lowest term is the process of transforming a fraction to its
simplest form.
For example, 15⁄20 is a fraction that is not in its lowest term. We can transform 15⁄20 into an
equivalent fraction that is in the lowest term. The lowest term of 15⁄20 is 3⁄4. We will discuss in the
next section how to reduce a fraction into its lowest terms.
It is important to note that the original fraction and its lowest term are equivalent
fractions. Therefore, 15⁄20 and its simplified form 34, are equivalent fractions.
Finding the Lowest Terms of a Fraction using the Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
The most reliable way to transform a fraction into its lowest term is using the Greatest Common
Factor (GCF) of the numerator and the denominator. To transform a given fraction to its lowest terms:

1. Determine the GCF of the numerator and the denominator.

2. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by the GCF, the resulting fraction is the fraction
reduced into lowest terms.

Example 1: What is 8⁄10 in its lowest terms?

1. Determine the GCF of the numerator and the denominator.

Determine the GCF of 8 and 10. Using the prime factorization method, the GCF of 8 and 10 is 2.

2. Divide the numerator and the denominator by the GCF.

8⁄10 ÷ 2⁄2 = 4⁄5
The resulting fraction is ⅘. Hence, ⅘ is the lowest term of 8⁄10. 

Example 2: Simplify 45⁄225.

1. Determine the GCF of the numerator and the denominator.

Determine the GCF of 45 and 225. Using the prime factorization method, the GCF of 45 and 225 is

2. Divide the numerator and the denominator by the GCF.

45⁄225 ÷ 45⁄45 = 1⁄5
The resulting fraction is ⅕. Hence, ⅕  is the lowest term of 45⁄225.  
Similar and Dissimilar Fractions
Similar fractions are fractions with the same denominators. For example, 2⁄3 and 1⁄3 are similar
fractions since their denominators are the same (which is 3).
Dissimilar fractions are fractions with unlike denominators. For example, 2⁄5 and 1⁄3 are dissimilar
fractions since their denominators are different.
Dissimilar fractions can be transformed into equivalent similar fractions using the Least Common
Multiple, which we will discuss in the succeeding reviewer.
Part II: Decimals
Just like fractions, decimals are also a practical tool in mathematics. We encounter them in money,
length, weight, time, and so on. The most obvious characteristic of a decimal number is that it has a
decimal point. 
However, what really is a decimal number?
What Are Decimals?
Decimals are numbers that combine a whole number and a fraction together. The whole
number part is separated from the fractional part through a decimal point (.). 
The numbers on the left of the decimal point are the whole number while the numbers on the right of
the decimal point are the decimal numbers that represent the fractional part.

Suppose you buy a pencil that costs PHP 12.50.

12.50 is an example of a decimal number where 12 is the whole number part while 50 is the fractional
Place Value of Decimal Numbers
Just like whole numbers, decimal numbers also have corresponding place values. However, the world
of decimal numbers is different from the world of whole numbers.
Let’s use the decimal number 18.945 as an example.
We know that 18 is the whole number part of the decimal number. We also know the corresponding
place value of the digits of 18; 8 is in the ones digit while 1 is in the tens digit. However, once we step
to the right of the decimal point, we will encounter a new system for the place values of the digits of
the decimal number.

The first digit on the right of the decimal point is the digit in the tenths place. Hence, 9 is in tenth
place. Its value is 0.9.
The second digit on the right of the decimal point is the digit in the hundredths place. Hence, 4 is in
the hundredths place. Its value is 0.04
The third digit on the right of the decimal point is the digit in the thousandths place. Hence, 5 is in
the thousandths place. Its value is 0.005.
As you move to the left of the decimal number, the place value of the digits becomes 10 times larger.
Therefore, the tenths place is 10 times larger than the hundredths place, the hundredths place is ten
times larger than the thousandths place, and so on.
Types of Decimal Numbers
You will encounter a lot of decimal numbers in your study of different branches of mathematics.
However, you can only classify them into four types:
1. Terminating Decimals
These are the decimal numbers where the digits of the fractional part are finite or have an end. This
means that the digits after the decimal point are countable. Terminating decimals are also known
as exact decimals.
Some examples of terminating decimals are 0.5, 0.82, 0.3113, -0.4531, and so on. Note that the
numbers at the right of these decimal numbers are countable or finite.
2. Non-terminating Decimals
These are the opposite of terminating decimals. The number of digits on the right of the decimal point
is infinite or has no end. This means that the digits after the decimal point are uncountable.
Some examples of non-terminating decimals are 0.123533124464…, 0.23134823…, 0.5123…, and
so on.
Recall that non-terminating decimal numbers are irrational numbers and we cannot express them as
fractions with integers.
3. Terminating and Repeating (Recurring) Decimal Numbers
These are terminating decimal numbers where the digits on the right of the decimal point are
repeating but have an end. As long as the number of digits in the fractional part is countable, the
decimal number is a terminating and repeating decimal number.
 Examples are 0.4242, 0.152152152, 0.101101101, and so on. 
4. Non-terminating and Repeating (Recurring) Decimal Numbers
These are non-terminating decimal numbers where the digits on the right of the decimal point are
repeating but have no end. As long as the number of digits in the fractional part is uncountable, the
decimal number is a non-terminating and repeating decimal number.
Examples are 0.25252525…, 0.727272…, 0.818181…, 0.543254325432…, and so on.
How To Convert Fractions into Decimals
If you have a half (½) of a peso, this also means you have 0.5 pesos. Therefore, ½ is equivalent to
0.5. However, how am I able to convert ½ into 0.5? How did I convert a fraction into its decimal form?
The easiest way to convert fractions into their decimal form is, of course, by using a calculator.
However, knowing how to convert fractions into their decimal form manually gives you an edge during
an examination where calculators are not allowed.
Let us discuss how to convert a proper fraction into its decimal form manually.
1. Converting a Proper Fraction to its Decimal Form
Here are the steps to convert a proper fraction into its decimal form:

1. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Use the numerator as the dividend while use the
denominator as the divisor.
2. Put a zero with a decimal point above the division bracket then add a decimal point and a zero
after the number inside the division bracket.
3. Apply long division.

Example 1: Convert ½  to its decimal form.

Step 1: Divide the numerator by the denominator. Use the numerator as the dividend while use the
denominator as the divisor.
We put 1 inside the division bracket since it is the numerator of the fraction. Meanwhile, we put 2
outside the division bracket since it is the denominator of the fraction.
Step 2: Put a zero with a decimal point above the division bracket then add a decimal point and a
zero after the number inside the division bracket.

As we add a decimal point and a zero to the number inside the division bracket, 1 becomes 10. Now,
we can divide 10 by 2 and proceed with the normal division process.
Step 3: Apply long division.
We may now perform division with whole numbers:

Therefore, the decimal form of ½  is 0.5

Example 2: Convert ⅓ to its decimal form.

Step 1: Divide the numerator by the denominator. Use the numerator as the dividend while use the
denominator as the divisor.
We put 1 inside the division bracket since it is the numerator of the fraction. Meanwhile, we put 3
outside the division bracket since it is the denominator of the fraction.
Step 2: Put a zero with a decimal point above the division bracket then add a decimal point and a
zero after the number inside the division bracket.

Step 3: Apply long division.

Continue adding 0 to the remainder in case it is smaller than the divisor so that you can continue the
division process.
Since the division process is never-ending and we will never arrive at a remainder of 0, then the
decimal form of the fraction is a non-terminating decimal. Furthermore, since the digits of the
decimal are repeating or recurring, then it means that the decimal number we obtained is a non-
terminating and repeating decimal.
Therefore, the decimal form of ⅓ is 0.333… 
How about if the given fraction is an improper fraction where the numerator is greater than the
denominator? Let’s discuss the steps below.
2. Converting an Improper Fraction to its Decimal Form
Here are the steps to convert an improper fraction into its decimal form:

1. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Use the numerator as the dividend while use the
denominator as the divisor.
2. Divide the whole numbers.
3. If there’s a remainder, add a decimal point and a zero to the right of the number inside the division
bracket and add a zero also to the right of the remainder.
4. Apply long division and put a decimal point to the final answer.

Example: Convert 8⁄5 to its decimal form.

1. Divide the numerator by the denominator. Use the numerator as the dividend while use the
denominator as the divisor.

2. Divide the whole numbers.

3. If there’s a remainder, add a decimal point and a zero to the right of the number inside the division
bracket and add a zero also to the right of the remainder.

4. Apply long division and put a decimal point to the final answer.

3. Converting a Mixed Number to its Decimal Form

There are only two steps you must keep in your mind so you will be able to convert a mixed number
to its decimal form:

1. Use the whole number part of the mixed number as the whole number part of the decimal form
2. Convert the proper fraction part of the mixed number into its decimal form. The obtained result is
the fractional part of the decimal form.

Example: Convert 2 2⁄5 to its decimal form.

1. Use the whole number part of the mixed number as the whole number part of the decimal form.
The whole number part in 2 2⁄5 is 2. Therefore, this is also the whole number part of its decimal form.

2. Convert the proper fraction part of the mixed number into its decimal form. The obtained result is
the fractional part of the decimal form.
Using the steps on converting a proper fraction into its decimal form (you can review the steps in the
section above), ⅖ is equal to 0.4.
Therefore, the decimal form of 2 2⁄5 is 2.4
How To Convert Decimals into Fractions
If we can convert fractions into decimals, of course, we can also perform the opposite. We can
convert a decimal into a fraction form.
However, take note that not all decimals can be converted into fractions. Again, non-terminating
decimals are irrational numbers which means they cannot be expressed as fractions.
Let’s now proceed to the steps on how to convert decimals into fractions:

1. Use the numbers on the right of the decimal point as the numerator of the fraction. Do not write the
zeros that appear immediately after the decimal point and before the nonzero digit.
2. If there is one digit on the right of the decimal point, use 10 as the denominator. If there are two
digits on the right of the decimal point, use 100 as the denominator. If there are three digits on the
right of the decimal point, use 1000 as the denominator and so on.
3. Reduce the fraction you have obtained from Step 1 and Step 2 into its lowest terms.

Example 1: Convert 0.2 to its fraction form.

1. Use the numbers on the right of the decimal point as the numerator of the fraction. Do not write the
zeros that appear immediately after the decimal point and before the nonzero digit.
The number on the right of the decimal point is 2. Therefore, the numerator of the fraction form is 2.

2. If there is one digit on the right of the decimal point, use 10 as the denominator. If there are two
digits on the right of the decimal point, use 100 as the denominator. If there are three digits on the
right of the decimal point, use 1000 as the denominator and so on.
Since there’s only one digit on the right of the decimal point (which is 2), we will use 10 as the
denominator. This means that we have 2⁄10.

3. Reduce the fraction you have obtained from Step 1 and Step 2 into its lowest terms.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 2 and 10 is 2. Dividing both the numerator and the
denominator of 2⁄10 by 2:
2⁄10 ÷ 2⁄2 = 1⁄5
Therefore, the fraction form of 0.2 is ⅕ 

Example 2: Convert 0.008 to fraction.

1. Use the numbers on the right of the decimal point as the numerator of the fraction. Do not write the
zeros that appear immediately after the decimal point and before the nonzero digit.
The number on the right of the decimal point is 008. However, we will not consider those numbers on
the left of 8 because they immediately appear after the decimal point and before the nonzero digit.
This means that the numerator of our fraction is 8.
2. If there is one digit on the right of the decimal point, use 10 as the denominator. If there are two
digits on the right of the decimal point, use 100 as the denominator. If there are three digits on the
right of the decimal point, use 1000 as the denominator, and so on.
There are three digits on the right of the decimal point (i.e., 008). Hence, we will use 1000 as the
denominator. This means we have 8⁄1000.
3. Reduce the fraction you have obtained from Step 1 and Step 2 into its lowest terms.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 8 and 1000 is 8. Dividing both the numerator and the
denominator of 8⁄1000 by 8:
8⁄1000 ÷ 8⁄8 = 1⁄125
Therefore, 0.008 is equal to 1⁄125

Fundamental Operations on Fractions and

Part I: Operations on Fractions
Addition and Subtraction of Similar Fractions
As you can recall, similar fractions are fractions that have the same denominator. The rules on adding
and subtracting similar fractions are the same. To add or subtract similar fractions, follow these steps:

1. Add or subtract the numerators of the given fractions and use the sum or difference as the
numerator of the resulting fraction.
2. Copy the denominator of the given fractions and use it as the denominator of the resulting fraction.
3. Reduce the answer to its lowest terms, if possible.
To summarize: In order to add or subtract similar fractions, you first need to add or subtract the
numerator, then copy the denominator. Afterward, simplify your answer to its lowest terms.

Example 1: 3⁄5 + 1⁄5.

Step 1: Add the numerators of the given fractions and use the sum or difference as the numerator of
the resulting fraction.

We just add the numerators of the given fractions which are 3 and 1 and put the answer as the
numerator of the resulting fraction.
Step 2: Copy the denominator of the given fractions and use it as the denominator of the resulting
The denominator of the given fractions is 5. Hence, we will use 5 as the denominator of the common
Step 3: Reduce the answer to its lowest terms, if possible.
4⁄5 is a fraction in the lowest terms. Hence, no need to simplify it further. Therefore, our final answer
is 4⁄5.
Let’s try to answer more examples:

Example 2: Add 1⁄4 and 2⁄4.


Example 3: Subtract 3⁄21 from 10⁄21.

Note that the problem asked us to subtract 3⁄21 from 10⁄21. This means that the minuend (the
number being subtracted from) is 10⁄21 while the subtrahend (the number being subtracted) is 3⁄21.

Example 4: Bea ate 2⁄8 of the pie that her mother prepared. Meanwhile, Bea’s brother ate 4⁄8 of the
same pie that Bea ate. What is the total fraction of the pie eaten by Bea and her brother?
We can answer this question by adding the fraction of the pie eaten by Bea and the fraction of the pie
eaten by her brother. Since 2⁄8 and 4⁄8 are similar fractions, we can use the steps we have for adding
similar fractions.
Step 1: Add the numerators of the given fractions and use the sum as the numerator of the resulting

Step 2: Copy the denominator of the given fractions and use it as the denominator of the resulting

Step 3: Reduce the answer to its lowest terms, if possible.

6⁄8 is not in its lowest terms yet since 6 and 8 have a Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 2. Hence,
we divide both 6 and 8 by 2.

Therefore, Bea and her brother ate 6⁄8 or ¾ of the pie.

Transforming Dissimilar Fractions to Similar Fractions
Do you still remember what dissimilar fractions are? These are fractions with different denominators.
Before you can add or subtract dissimilar fractions, you should transform them first as similar
fractions. But how is that possible?
These are the steps on how to transform dissimilar fractions into similar fractions:

1. Find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the denominators. The number that you will obtain is
the Least Common Denominator (LCD). Use the LCD as the new denominator of the fractions.
2. Divide the LCM you have obtained by the denominator of the first fraction. Multiply the resulting
number by the numerator. The number that you will obtain is the numerator for the new fraction. 
3. Apply Step 2 for the second fraction.

Let us apply all the steps previously discussed.

Step 1: Find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of the denominators. The number that you will obtain
is the Least Common Denominator (LCD). Use the LCD as the new denominator of the fractions.
The Least Common Multiple of 5 and 3 is 15 (we colored it with purple in the list). 15 will be our Least
Common Denominator (LCD).

We will use 15 as the denominator of our fractions. We leave the numerators of the fractions blank
because we need to compute them in the next step.

Step 2: Divide the LCM you have obtained by the denominator of the first fraction. Multiply the
resulting number by the numerator. The number that you will obtain is the numerator for the new
Let us apply this step to 3⁄5.

The LCD we have obtained is 15. We divide the LCD by the denominator of ⅗. Thus, 15 ÷ 5 = 3.
Afterward, we multiply 3 to the numerator of ⅗. Hence, 3 x 3 = 9. Therefore, the new numerator is 9. 

Step 3: Apply Step 2 for the second fraction.

We will do the same thing we performed on ⅗ for the second fraction which is ⅓. We divide the LCD
of 15 by the denominator of ⅓ which is 3. Thus, 15 ÷ 3 = 5. Afterward, we multiply 5 by the numerator
of ⅓. Hence, 5 x 1 = 5. The new numerator for the second fraction is 5.
When we transform the fractions 3⁄5 and 1⁄3 into similar fractions, we have 9⁄15 and 5⁄15
Transforming dissimilar fractions into similar fractions is an important step in adding and subtracting
dissimilar fractions. This means you should master the method presented above before proceeding to
the next section of this reviewer.
Addition and Subtraction of Dissimilar Fractions
Here are the steps on how to add or subtract dissimilar fractions:

1. Change the given dissimilar fractions into similar fractions (refer to the section above for the steps
on transforming dissimilar fractions to similar fractions).
2. Proceed with the steps on addition or subtraction of similar fractions.
3. Reduce the resulting fraction to its lowest terms, if possible.
Let us try the steps above for the examples below.
Example 1: What is the sum of 1⁄9 and 2⁄3?

The LCD of 3 and 9 is 9. Hence, we used it as the new denominator of our fractions. Afterward, we
performed the steps on changing dissimilar fractions into similar fractions. In Step 2, we just added
the numerators: 1 + 6 = 7 and copied the denominator 9. Thus, we obtained a fraction of 7⁄9.
7⁄9 is already in its lowest terms so no need to simplify it further. Hence, the final answer is 7⁄9.

Example 2: Compute for 1⁄3 – 1⁄4.

The LCD of 3 and 4 is 12. Thus, we used it as the new denominator of the fractions. Afterward, we
applied the steps on transforming dissimilar fractions into similar fractions. Thus, we obtained 4⁄12
and 3⁄12. In Step 2, we just subtracted the numerators: 4 – 3 = 1 and then copied the denominator of
12. Thus, we obtained a fraction of 1⁄12.
Since 1⁄12 is already in its lowest terms, there is no need to simplify it further. Therefore, the final
answer is 1⁄12.
Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers
You are now familiar with adding and subtracting similar or dissimilar fractions. How about mixed
numbers or those combinations of a whole number and a proper fraction? Can we also add or
subtract them? Of course, we can.
Here are the steps you need to follow if you are adding or subtracting mixed numbers:

1. Add or subtract the whole numbers. The resulting number is the whole number part of the sum or
2. Add or subtract the proper fractions. If the given fractions are similar fractions, just add or subtract
the numerators then copy the denominator. If the given fractions are dissimilar fractions, make the
fractions similar first.
3. Combine the whole number you obtained from Step 1 and the proper fraction you obtained from
Step 2 to arrive at a mixed number.
4. Reduce the proper fraction to its lowest terms, if possible.

Example: Add 1 1⁄3 and 4 2⁄5.

Step 1: Add the whole numbers. The resulting number is the whole number part of the sum.
The whole number parts of 1 1⁄3 and 4 2⁄5 are 1 and 4, respectively. Adding the whole numbers:
Therefore, 5 is the whole number part of our sum.
Step 2: Add the proper fractions. If the given fractions are similar fractions, just add the numerators
then copy the denominator. If the given fractions are dissimilar fractions, make the fractions similar
The proper fractions of 1 1⁄3 and 4 2⁄5 are ⅓ and ⅖, respectively. These proper fractions are
dissimilar fractions so we need to transform them first into similar fractions.
If we transform ⅓ and ⅖ into similar fractions, we will have (refer to our previous section to review
how to transform dissimilar fractions into similar fractions):
1⁄3 → 5⁄15
2⁄5 → 6⁄15
Now, we add the similar fractions: 
5⁄15 + 6⁄15 = 11⁄15
Step 3: Combine the whole number you obtained from Step 1 and the proper fraction you obtained
from Step 2 to arrive at a mixed number.
The whole number that we have obtained from Step 1 is 5. Meanwhile, the proper fraction we have
obtained from Step 2 is 11⁄15. Combining them, we have 5 11⁄15.
Step 4: Reduce the proper fraction to its lowest terms, if possible.
Since 11⁄15 is in its lowest terms, then we do not need to simplify it.
Therefore, 1 1⁄3 + 4 2⁄5 = 5 11⁄15.
Multiplication of Fractions
Multiplying fractions is a lot easier than adding or subtracting fractions because you do not have to
consider whether the fractions are similar or dissimilar. To multiply fractions, all you have to do is
follow these three steps:

1. Multiply the numerators of the given fractions. The resulting number is the numerator of the
product (or answer).
2. Multiply the denominators of the given fractions. The resulting number is the denominator of the
product (or answer).
3. Reduce the product (or answer) to its lowest terms, if possible.
We can summarize these three steps this way: Multiply numerator by numerator and then
denominator by denominator. Afterward, reduce the product to its lowest terms.
Example 1: Multiply 3⁄4 by 1⁄5.
Step 1: Multiply the numerators of the given fractions. The resulting number is the numerator of the
product (or answer).

The numerators of the given fractions are 3 and 1. When we multiply them, we will obtain 3 x 1 = 3.
Hence, 3 is the numerator of our resulting fraction.

Step 2: Multiply the denominators of the given fractions. The resulting number is the denominator of
the product (or answer).
Step 3: Reduce the product (or answer) to its lowest terms, if possible.
3⁄20 is a fraction that is already in the lowest terms. Hence, no need to simplify it further.
Therefore, our final answer is 3⁄20.
Let us have more examples:
Example 2: Multiply 5⁄9 by 2⁄4.

Therefore, the product is 5⁄18.

Example 3: What is 2⁄5 of 50?

The word “of” is actually a signal word for the multiplication of fractions. Hence, the question above
can be interpreted also as 2⁄5 × 50.
But, how do we multiply a fraction by a whole number or vice versa?
The answer is simple! Just put a denominator of 1 for the whole number:
2⁄5 × 50⁄1
Afterward, proceed with the steps on multiplying fractions.
2⁄5 × 50⁄1 = 100⁄5
Note that we can simplify 100⁄5 as 20⁄1.
If the denominator of a fraction is 1, it means that the fraction is equal to the whole number indicated
in the numerator.
Therefore, 20⁄1 = 20
Hence, 2⁄5 of 50 is equal to 20.

Example 4: What is 3⁄4 of 100?

This question can be solved using the same method we used for the previous example. Again, the
word “of” is a signal word for the multiplication of fractions.
Let us start by putting a denominator of 1 for 100:
3⁄4 × 100⁄1
Multiply the numerators as well as the denominators:
           3⁄4 × 100⁄1 = 300⁄4
We can simplify 300⁄4 as 75⁄1 which is equal to 75.
Hence, 3⁄4 of 100 is equal to 75.
Multiplying Fractions Through Cancellation Method.
We can actually make the process of multiplying fractions quicker through the cancellation method. In
this method, we “cancel” numbers that have common factors so we can arrive at the product which is
already in its lowest terms.

Example 1: Multiply 4⁄20 by 5⁄8.


Using the cancellation method, the answer is 1⁄8.

Example 2: What is 3⁄7 of 49?

Again, the word “of” is a signal word for the multiplication of fractions.
Therefore, 3⁄7 of 49 is equal to 21.
Division of Fractions
We are now on the fourth mathematical operation on fractions – division. However, before we
proceed to the actual process of dividing fractions, let me introduce you first to the concept of
the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of a number.
Reciprocal or Multiplicative Inverse of a Number
The reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of a fraction is the fraction that when multiplied by the
original fraction, the result is 1. This definition sounds confusing and too technical so let me
provide you with an easier way to grasp this concept.
Let’s use fraction 5⁄6 as an example. The reciprocal of this fraction can be obtained by interchanging
the positions of the numerator and the denominator. Therefore, the reciprocal of 5⁄6 is simply 6⁄5.
Easy, right? Now, can you determine the reciprocal of the following:
4⁄5, 5⁄8, and 25.
Here are the answers:
The reciprocal of 4⁄5 is 5⁄4.
The reciprocal of 5⁄8 is 8⁄5.
Meanwhile, the reciprocal of 25 is 25⁄1.
Let us go back to the definition of the reciprocal. The reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of a
fraction is the fraction that when multiplied by the original fraction, the result is 1. This means
that when you multiply a fraction by its reciprocal, the result is 1. For instance, when you multiply 4⁄5
by 5⁄4, you will obtain 1.
Now that you know what the reciprocal is, you are now prepared to proceed with the steps on how to
divide fractions.
How To Divide Fractions
Here are the steps you need to follow so you will be able to divide fractions:

1. Transform the second fraction (the divisor) into its reciprocal (turn the fraction upside down).
2. Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
3. Reduce the obtained fraction to its lowest terms, if possible.

Example 1: What is 5⁄6 divided by 6⁄4?


Therefore, 5⁄6 ÷ 6⁄4 = 5⁄9

Example 2: Divide 3⁄7 by 1⁄2.

Step 1: Transform the second fraction (the divisor) into its reciprocal (turn the fraction upside down).
The second fraction (the divisor) is 1⁄2. Its reciprocal is 2⁄1.
Step 2: Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
3⁄7 × 2⁄1 = 6⁄7
Step 3: Reduce the obtained fraction to its lowest terms, if possible.
6⁄7 is already in its lowest terms. Hence, we do not need to simplify it.
Therefore, 3⁄7 ÷ 1⁄2 = 6⁄7
Multiplication and Division of Mixed Numbers
You already learned how to perform multiplication and division on fractions. This time, let us discuss
how we can perform the same operations with mixed numbers.
When multiplying or dividing mixed numbers, the first thing you have to do is transform the given
mixed numbers into improper fractions. Afterward, proceed with the steps on multiplying or dividing
Therefore, I suggest you review the steps on how to transform mixed numbers into improper
fractions so you can multiply or divide mixed numbers with ease.
Let’s have some examples:
Example 1:  Multiply 1 2⁄3 by 2⁄5.
The first thing you have to do is to transform the given mixed number into an improper fraction.
1 2⁄3 is a mixed number. If you transform it into an improper fraction, you have 5⁄3.
Afterward, you may now proceed with multiplying 5⁄3 by 2⁄5.
How To Divide Fractions
Here are the steps you need to follow so you will be able to divide fractions:

1. Transform the second fraction (the divisor) into its reciprocal (turn the fraction upside down).
2. Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
3. Reduce the obtained fraction to its lowest terms, if possible.

Example 1: What is 5⁄6 divided by 6⁄4?


Therefore, 5⁄6 ÷ 6⁄4 = 5⁄9

Example 2: Divide 3⁄7 by 1⁄2.

Step 1: Transform the second fraction (the divisor) into its reciprocal (turn the fraction upside down).
The second fraction (the divisor) is 1⁄2. Its reciprocal is 2⁄1.
Step 2: Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
3⁄7 × 2⁄1 = 6⁄7
Step 3: Reduce the obtained fraction to its lowest terms, if possible.
6⁄7 is already in its lowest terms. Hence, we do not need to simplify it.
Therefore, 3⁄7 ÷ 1⁄2 = 6⁄7
Multiplication and Division of Mixed Numbers
You already learned how to perform multiplication and division on fractions. This time, let us discuss
how we can perform the same operations with mixed numbers.
When multiplying or dividing mixed numbers, the first thing you have to do is transform the given
mixed numbers into improper fractions. Afterward, proceed with the steps on multiplying or dividing
Therefore, I suggest you review the steps on how to transform mixed numbers into improper
fractions so you can multiply or divide mixed numbers with ease.
Let’s have some examples:

Example 1:  Multiply 1 2⁄3 by 2⁄5.

The first thing you have to do is to transform the given mixed number into an improper fraction.
1 2⁄3 is a mixed number. If you transform it into an improper fraction, you have 5⁄3.
Afterward, you may now proceed with multiplying 5⁄3 by 2⁄5.

Lastly, we can reduce 10⁄15 into its lowest terms:

Therefore, 1 2⁄3 × 2⁄5 = 2⁄3

Example 2: Divide 8 3⁄5 by 9.

Start by transforming the given mixed number into an improper fraction.
8 3⁄5 = 43⁄5
Now, let’s proceed to divide 43⁄5 by 9. The reciprocal of  9 is 1⁄9.

Therefore, 8 3⁄5 ÷ 9 = 43⁄45 

Part II: Operations on Decimals
If we can add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions, we can also perform these operations with
decimal numbers. In this section, let’s discuss how to perform these mathematical operations with
Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
To add decimal numbers, follow these steps:

1. Align the decimal numbers vertically, with the decimal points lined up.
2. Add zeros at the end of some decimal numbers so that the decimals will be of the same length.
3. Add or subtract the digits and put the decimal point in the final answer.

Example 1: Delly bought a pencil worth PHP 8.25 and an eraser worth PHP 4.105. How much is the
total amount of items that Delly bought?
Solution: We can answer this problem by adding the given amounts which are decimal numbers.

To solve this problem, we started by aligning the given decimal numbers. Afterward, we added a zero
at the end of 8.25 so that it will be of the same length as 4.105. Lastly, we performed column addition
from right to left (just like with whole numbers) and put the decimal point by bringing it down.
Therefore, 8.25 + 4.105 = 12.355

Example 2: Letty loves jogging. On Monday, she jogged a distance of 3.258 km. Meanwhile, on
Tuesday, she jogged a distance of 4.15 km. What is the total distance covered by Letty on Monday
and Tuesday?
We can answer this problem by adding the given distances which are decimal numbers.
Therefore, Letty covered a total distance of 7. 408 km on Monday and Tuesday.

Example 3: Berto has 2.598 liters of alcohol. He used 0.52 liters for disinfecting his furniture. How
many liters of alcohol were left?
We can solve this problem by subtracting 0.52 from 2.598

Therefore, 2.078 liters of alcohol were left.

Example 4: What is the difference between 9.453 and 7.38?

Thus, the difference between 9.453 and 7.38 is 2.073.

Multiplication of Decimals
When multiplying decimal numbers, the first thing you have to do is to ignore the decimal point and
multiply the digits just like whole numbers. Then, put the decimal point in the answer.  The resulting
number must have as many decimal places as the total number of decimal places the two original
decimals have. 
To understand the method mentioned above, let us have some examples:
Example 1: Multiply 5.45 by 1.2
We start our calculation by ignoring the decimal point and multiplying the numbers just like whole
We have obtained 6540 from Step 1 but it is not the final answer yet. We need to put the decimal
point somewhere in its digits. 

5.45 has two digits at the right of its decimal point. Thus, it has two decimal places. Meanwhile, 1.2
has one digit at the right of its decimal point. Therefore, it has one decimal place. The total number of
decimal places we now have is three (two from 5.45 and one from 1.2). Thus, the final answer must
have three decimal places.
To determine where we should put our decimal point in 6540, count three digits from the right then
put the decimal point. Hence, the decimal point should be at 6.540
Thus, the answer is 6.540 or 6.54
Division of Decimals
To divide decimal numbers, you may follow these steps:

1. Move the decimal point of the divisor (the second decimal) to the right until it becomes a whole
2. Move the decimal point in the dividend (the first decimal) to the right the same number of places
you move the decimal point in the divisor.
3. Divide normally just like whole numbers using the new decimals obtained from Step 1 and 2 and
put the decimal point to the final answer.
Let us apply these steps to our example below:

Example: Divide 32.95 by 0.5

Step 1: Move the decimal point of the divisor (the second decimal) to the right until it becomes a
whole number.

We can move one decimal place to the right of 0.5 so that it becomes a whole number (which is 5). 
Step 2: Move the decimal point in the dividend (the first decimal) to the right the same number of
places you move the decimal point in the divisor.
Step 3: Divide normally just like whole numbers using the new decimals obtained from Steps 1 and 2
and put the decimal point to the final answer.

Therefore, 32.95 ÷ 0.5 = 65.9

What Does Percent Mean?
The word “percent” originated from the Latin phrase per centum which means “by hundred”. When we
say the word “percent”, we are really referring to “parts per 100”. This means that a percent is a
fraction with 100 as the denominator. The symbol % is used to indicate a percent.
For example, 3% means 3 parts per 100 or 3⁄100; 45% means 45⁄100; and 92% means 92⁄100.
Illustrating Percent
Suppose a vendor has 100 biscuits. If 10% of those biscuits are ube-flavored, this means that 10⁄100
or 10 out of 100 biscuits are ube-flavored.

On the other hand, suppose that there are 100 students in a school auditorium. If 42% of those
students are honor students, this means that 42⁄100 students or 42 out of 100 students are honor
Expressing Percent as Fraction and Decimal
Since percent means a fraction with 100 as the denominator, this means that we can express a
percent as a fraction or a decimal number.
To transform a percent into a fraction, just drop the percent sign and put 100 as the
denominator. For instance, 25% is simply 25⁄100.
Note that when 25⁄100 is reduced to its lowest terms, you will obtain 1⁄4. This means that 25% is also
equivalent to 1⁄4. 

Furthermore, note that when you transform 1⁄4 into its decimal form using the steps we have
discussed in the previous reviewer, you will obtain 0.25. Hence, 25% is also equal to 0.25. 
There is an easier way to transform percent into decimal. Just drop the percent sign and move
the decimal point two places to the left of the given number.

For example, 54% is equivalent to 0.54

Example: Transform 3% to decimal form.


Suppose that your mom prepared 10 pieces of your favorite cookies. You are really excited to taste
those cookies but you realize that 20% of the cookies that your mom prepared were eaten by your
brother. What exactly is the number of cookies eaten by your brother?
To find out the answer to your question above, you need to determine what is 20% of 10. This case
involves the application of percentages.
The percentage is the result when you multiply a number by a percent. Going back to your
problem about the number of cookies that your brother ate, 20% of 10 can be determined if you
multiply 10 by 20%. The result after you multiply the numbers is called the percentage.
How To Find the Percentage
Follow these steps if you want to find the percentage:
Step 1: Convert the given percent (the one with the % sign) into decimal.

Again, to convert percent into its decimal form, we just drop the percent sign and then move the
decimal point two places to the left. Thus, 20% = 0.20

Step 2: Multiply the decimal you have obtained from Step 1 to the given number. The result is the

To multiply 0.20 by 10, we just ignored the decimal point for a while and multiplied the given decimals
just like whole numbers. We have obtained 0200. Since 0.20 has two decimal places while 10 has no
decimal place, then the final answer should have two decimal places. We count two digits from the
right of 0200 and put the decimal point there. Hence, the answer is 02.00 which is equivalent to 2.
Hence, 20% of 10 is 2. This means that out of 10 cookies that your mother prepared, 2 of those were
eaten by your brother.
Let us have another example.
Example: What is 50% of 120?
Step 1: Convert the given percent (the one with the % sign) into decimal.
We just drop the % sign of 50% and move the decimal point two places to the left.

Thus, 50% = 0.50

Step 2: Multiply the decimal you have obtained from Step 1 to the given number. The result is the

To multiply 0.50 by 120, we just ignored the decimal point for a while and multiplied the given
decimals just like whole numbers. Through this process, we have obtained 06000. Since 0.50 has two
decimal places while 120 has no decimal place, then the final answer should have two decimal
places. We count two digits from the right of 06000 and put the decimal point there. Hence, the
answer is 060.00 which is equivalent to 60.
Hence, 50% of 120 is 60.
Simple Tricks in Computing Percentages
We always want to make our computations in mathematics faster and more accurate. For this reason,
I will share with you two tricks that you can use when computing percentages.
Trick #1: You can actually compute some percentages using only mental computation.
If you want to determine the 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of a number, you can do so without the help of
pen and paper.
25% is equivalent to 25⁄100 or 1⁄4. Hence, to find the 25% of a number, just divide the given
number by 4.

Example: 25% of 40 is just 40 ÷ 4 = 10
50% is equivalent to 50⁄100 or 1⁄2. Thus, to find the 50% of a number, just divide the given
number by 2. This means that 50% of a number is just half of the given number

Example: 50% of 40 is just 40 ÷ 2 = 20
75% is equivalent to 75⁄100 or 3⁄4. Thus, to find the 75% of a number, multiply the given number
by 3 and then divide the result by 4. 

Example: 75% of 40 is just 40 x 3 = 120 ÷ 4 = 30

100% is equivalent to 100⁄100 or 1. Thus, 100% of a number is the number itself.

Example: 100% of 40 is just 40 itself.

Trick #2: X% of a number Y is equal to Y% of number X
This trick means that we can transfer the % sign to the other number and the result will be the same.

Example: What is 40% of 25?

Using trick #2, we can transfer the % sign from 40% to 25. Thus, we have 25%. This means that 40%
of 25 is the same as 25% of 40.
Thus, applying our first trick on finding the 25% of a number, 40 ÷ 4 = 10, Hence, 40% of 25 is 10.

Example: What is 92% of 50? 

92% of 50 is the same as 50% of 92. Hence, we can just simply divide 92 by 2 to obtain the answer,
92 ÷ 2 = 46
Therefore, 92% of 50 is 46.
Base and Rate
The base is the amount you are taking a percent of. Meanwhile, the rate is the percent you are

For example, if there are 50 students in a classroom and 20% of those students are honor students, it
follows that 10 students in that classroom are honor students. 50 is the base since it is the amount we
are taking a percent of. Meanwhile, 20% is the rate since it is the percent we are calculating. Lastly,
10 is the percentage.
The product of the base and the rate is the percentage.
Percentage = Base × Rate

Example: Determine the percentage, base, and rate if 20% of 90 is 18.

Since, 90 x 20% = 90 x 0.20 = 18, then 90 is the base, 20% is the rate, and 18 is the percentage.
Calculating Percentage, Base, and Rate
Formula to Find the Percentage
The formula to find the percentage, as we have stated, is: 
Percentage = Base × Rate
We can manipulate the mathematical equation above to obtain the formulas for computing the base
and the rate:
Formula to Find the Base
Base = Percentage ÷ Rate
Formula to Find the Rate
Rate = Percentage ÷ Base
Example 1: If 10% of a number is 90, what is the number?
We can interpret this question as 10% of ______ = 90. Since “of” is a signal word for multiplication, it
also implies 10% x ______ = 90
 This means that 10% is the rate while 90 is the percentage. The unknown number is the base. Thus,
we need to compute the base.
Using the formula to find the base:
 Base = Percentage ÷ Rate
Base  = 90 ÷ 10%
Convert the given percent into decimal:
Base  = 90 ÷ 0.10
Now that you have already transformed the rate into decimal form, you may now divide 90 by 0.10 to
obtain the answer.
To perform division with decimal numbers, we need to transform the divisor (0.10) into a whole
number by moving two decimal places to the right. Thus, the new divisor is 10. We also move two
decimal places for the dividend (90). Thus, the new dividend is 9000.

We now perform long division with our new dividend and divisor:

To find the base, we compute 90 ÷ 0.10 = 900

Hence, the base is 900.
Example 2:  What percent of 720 is 90?
We can translate the question above in this form: _____% of 720 is 90 or _____% x 720 = 90.
Therefore, 720 is the base while 90 is the percentage. The missing number is the rate.
We will now use the formula for finding the rate.
Rate = Percentage Base
Again, based on the given problem, the percentage is 90 while the base is 720
          Rate = 90 ÷ 720
Notice that the dividend (the first number) is smaller than the divisor (the second number). In this
case, you may apply the same steps in transforming fractions into decimal form because  90 ÷ 720 is
actually a proper fraction which is 90⁄720.
Let us divide 90 by 720 using the steps in transforming fractions into decimal form.
We start by adding some zeros and decimal points so we can proceed with the division process.

We can now divide 900 by 720.

Take note that every time the remainder becomes smaller than the divisor, we just add zeros to 900
and to the remainder so we can continue the division process.
The quotient we obtained is 0.125. Thus, 0.125 is our rate.
However, the rate must always be expressed with a percent sign. To do this, we just multiply 0.125 by
100 or move two decimal places to the right of it and put a percent sign. Thus, 0.125 is equal to
Therefore, the rate is 12.5%
The Percentage, Base, and Rate Triangle
What if you forgot the formula to determine the percentage, base, or rate in a certain problem? Don’t
worry because there is actually a fun way to derive these formulas. 
Shown below is the Percentage, Base, and Rate Triangle. It is a triangle divided into three portions
where P (for percentage) is written on the upper portion and B (for base) and R (for rate) are written
on the lower portions. There are also division signs in the outer left and outer right parts of the triangle
as well as a multiplication sign below it.

How To Use the Percentage, Base, and Rate Triangle

Suppose you are looking for the base. What you have to do is to cover the B in the triangle and look
at the remaining letters and the operation between them. Notice that if you cover B, the remaining
letters are P and R with a division sign between them. This means that to find the base, you need to
divide P by R.
Ratio and Proportion
A ratio shows how the quantity of an object is related to the quantity of another
object. For example, if there are 15 male and 23 female students in a classroom, we can compare
these quantities using a ratio, in particular, 15 : 23.
To express two quantities being compared as a ratio, we usually write it in the format below. Note that
we use a colon (:) to express a ratio.

Example: Aling Bela has 4 chickens and 8 pigs on her small farm. What is the ratio of her chickens to
her pigs?
Solution: We can express the ratio of chickens to pigs that Aling Bela owns as 4 : 8
Ratio as a Fraction
We can write a ratio into its equivalent fractional form. We just write the first number as the
numerator then write the second number as the denominator.

For instance, using our example above about Aling Nena’s chickens and pigs, we can express
the ratio of her chickens to her pigs 4 : 8 as 4⁄8.

Example 1: For every 4 burgers you will buy, you have to pay PHP 128. What is the ratio of the
number of burgers bought to the price you have to pay? Express the ratio in fractional form.
Solution: We can express the ratio of the number of burgers bought to the price you have to pay as 4
: 128. In fractional form, we can write this as 4⁄128.
Example 2: There are 15 science teachers in a public high school. In that same high school, there
are 10 math teachers. What is the ratio of science teachers to math teachers in that public high
school? Express the ratio in fractional form.
Solution: We can express the ratio of science teachers to math teachers in that public high school as
15 : 10. In fractional form, we write it as 15⁄10.
Using Ratio to Compare a Part to a Whole
We have already defined what ratios are. However, the ratios that we have tackled in our
previous sections pertain to a comparison of a quantity of an object to the quantity of a different
This time, let us use the ratio to compare a part of a whole to the whole itself.
Suppose that you and your friends bought a pizza and sliced it into 8 equal parts. Suppose that
you’re able to take 2 slices from it. What is the ratio of the slices of pizza you have (a portion of the
whole pizza) to the total number of slices (the whole pizza)?
The given situation above might ring a bell to you. Yes, we can use fractions to show that
comparison. In particular, fraction 2⁄8 can be expressed into a ratio as 2 : 8

This means that to use the ratio to compare a part of a whole to the whole itself, we can use this
<portion of the whole> : <total number portions of the whole>
Example: In a classroom, 15 students are male while 20 students are female. What is the ratio of
female students to the total number of students in the classroom?
Solution: There are 20 female students in the classroom. Meanwhile, the total number of students in
the classroom is the sum of the number of male students and the number of female students. In total,
there are 15 + 20 = 35 students in that classroom.
Therefore, the ratio of female students to the total number of students in that classroom can be
expressed as 20 : 35
A proportion indicates that the two ratios are equal. In other words, proportions are equivalent
ratios. Hence, if we say that ratios are proportional, we mean that those ratios are equal in values.
Suppose 1 : 2 and 2 : 4. We illustrate these ratios as shown below:
It’s clearly seen that the ratios represent the same parts. It implies that these ratios are equivalent.
Hence, 1 : 2 = 2 : 4 is a proportion.
You might have realized that proportions are kind of similar to the concept of equivalent fractions.
Indeed, proportions indicate equivalent fractions since we can write ratios in fractional form.

How to Know if Two Ratios are Proportional

Two ratios are proportional if they are equal. One way to determine if two ratios are equal is by
converting them into fractional form and then using the cross-multiplication method which we
discussed in the Fractions and Decimals reviewer.
For instance, let us use the cross-multiplication method to determine if 1 : 2 = 2 : 4

Since the products are equal (both are equal to 4), then the ratios are equal. Hence, the ratios are
Moreover, you might also notice that if we multiply the numbers in a ratio, we can obtain another ratio
that is proportional to that ratio. 
For example, if we multiply each number in 5 : 2 by the same number, let’s say 2, we have 10 : 4.
Using the cross-multiplication method, you can verify that 5 : 2 = 10 : 4

Example: Give a ratio that is equivalent or proportional to 2 : 9

Solution: We can determine a ratio equivalent or proportional with 2 : 9 by multiplying each number
in 2 : 9 by the same number.
Let us try to multiply the numbers in 2 : 9 by 5.
2 x 5) : (9 x 5) = 10 : 45
Hence, 2 : 9 = 10 : 45. 
Note: The number that you can use to find a ratio that is proportional to 2 : 9 is arbitrary.  If we
multiply the numbers in 2 : 9 by the same number, we will come up with a ratio that is proportional to
2 : 9. In this example, I just arbitrarily used 5. You may use any number and multiply it to the numbers
in 2 : 9 and you will come up with a ratio that is proportional to it.  For example, I can multiply the
numbers of 2 : 9 by 7 and obtain 14 : 63. 14 : 63 is also proportional with 2 : 9
Parts of a Proportion: Extremes and Means
Suppose a proportion a : b = c : d where a, b, c, and d represent real numbers.
The first and last terms (i.e., a and d) of the proportion are called the extremes. Meanwhile, the
second and third terms (i.e., b and c) are called the means.

Example: Determine the extremes and the means of the proportion 5 : 10 = 20 : 40

Solution: The extremes are the first and last terms of the proportion which are 5 and 40, respectively.
Meanwhile, the means are the second and third terms of the proportion which are 10 and 20,
Properties of Proportion
Using the fact that proportions are equivalent ratios, we can mathematically derive its properties.
These properties are very helpful when solving problems involving ratio and proportion.
Here are the properties of proportion:
1. The product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes
For every proportion a : b = c : d, then a x d = b x c
This property tells us that if we multiply the means and also multiply the extremes of a proportion, we
will obtain the same number.
For example, suppose the proportion 4 : 3 = 12 : 9. 
If we multiply the means: 3 x 12 = 36
If we multiply the extremes: 4 x 9 = 36
Note that the products of the means and the extremes are both equal to 36.

Example 1: What must be N so that N : 8 = 2 : 16 is a proportion?

Solution: Let us use the fact that the product of the means of a proportion is equal to the product of
the extremes.
Multiplying the means, we have: 8 x 2 = 16
Multiplying the extremes, we have 16 x N 
Now, by the first property, 16 x N = 16. What must be multiplied by 16 so that it will be 16? That
number should be 1.
Hence, N = 1.
Therefore, the proportion should be 1 : 8 = 2 : 16.

Example 2: Four kilos of chicken cost PHP 640. How many kilos of chicken can you buy with PHP 3
Solution: The ratio of the kilos of chicken that can be bought to the cost is 4 : 640. Now, let’s use N
to represent the number of kilos of chicken that can be bought with PHP 3200. Thus, we have the
ratio N : 3200.
4 : 640 = N : 3200
Let us apply the fact that the product of the means is equal to the product of extremes so we can
determine N.
Multiplying the means of the ratio: 640 x N 
Multiplying the extremes of the ratio: 4 x 3200 = 12800
Since the product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes:
640 x N = 12800
What must be multiplied to 640 to obtain 12800? We determine that number by dividing 12800 by
N = 12800 ÷ 640 = 20
Therefore, you can buy 20 kilos of chicken with PHP 3200.
2. The reciprocals of the ratios in a proportion are equal
Recall that the reciprocal of a fraction is its multiplicative inverse, or simply the same fraction but with
the positions of the numerator and the denominator reversed.
For example, the reciprocal of 2⁄5 is 5⁄2.
Given a proportion, say a : b = c : d, we can express it in fractional form as a⁄b = c⁄d
If we get the reciprocal of both fractions in a⁄b = c⁄d, we have:
 b⁄a = d⁄c
We can express  b⁄a = d⁄c in ratio as b : a = d : c
This property states that if we take the reciprocal of each ratio in a proportion, the ratios are still
proportional. In symbols:
Example: If 5 : 4 = 35 : 28, what should be N so that 4 : 5 = 28 : N
Solution: Since the ratios in the proportion are reciprocated, we can use the second property of
proportions. Using the second property, N = 35.
3. Switching the means or the extremes in a proportion will result in a proportion
Suppose the proportion 1 : 7 = 3 : 21. If we try to switch the positions of the means of this proportion,
we have 1 : 3 = 7 : 21. You can verify using cross-multiplication that 1 : 3 = 7 : 21 is true (that is, 1 :
3 and 7 : 21 are equivalent ratios or proportional).
Now, let us try switching the extremes of 1 : 7 = 3 : 21. That is, we obtain 21 : 7 = 3 : 1. Again, you
can verify using cross-multiplication that 21 : 7 = 3 : 1 is true.
Hence, for every proportion a : b = c : d, switching the means or the extremes will still result in a
a : b = c : d → a : c = b : d and d : b = c : a

Example: When A is divided by 5, the result will be equal to the result when you divide B by 2. What
is the result if you divide A by B?
Solution: The problem sounds tricky since we have no idea what the values of A and B are.
However, using the third property of proportion, we can determine the result when we divide A by B.
A divided by 5 can be written as A⁄5, which can then be expressed into a ratio as A : 5.
Meanwhile, B divided by 2 can be written as B⁄2, which can then be expressed into a ratio as B : 2.
Since the problem states that if A is divided by 5, the result will be equal to the result if B is divided by
2, then 
We want to know, what will be the result when we divide A by B or A⁄B or, as a ratio, A : B
So, from A : 5 = B : 2, how can we obtain A : B?
We can apply the property that if we switch the means of a proportion, the result is still a proportion.
Let us now switch the means of A : 5 = B : 2

We obtain A : B = 5 : 2. Expressing into a fractional form:

A⁄B = 5⁄2
Therefore, if A is divided by B, the result is 5⁄2 or 2.5.

How To Solve Problems Involving Ratio and Proportion

In this section, let us try to solve some real-life word problems that can be solved using the concepts
of ratio and proportion.

Problem 1: Suppose that on a certain date, 1 US dollar is equal to PHP 50. How many US dollars is
equivalent to PHP 650?
Solution: The ratio of US dollars to Philippine Peso can be expressed as 1 : 50. Let N be the number
of dollars we can obtain from PHP 650.
Hence, we have this proportion: 1 : 50 = N : 650
The product of the means is equal to the product of extremes. Thus:

What must be multiplied to 50 to obtain 650? 

N = 650 ÷ 50 = 13
Therefore, PHP 650 is equal to 13 US dollars.

Problem 2 : Leonor loves animals. In fact, he has a lot of dogs and cats in his house. The ratio of
dogs to his cats is 1 : 3. The total number of dogs and cats is 8. How many cats does Leonor own?
Solution: The ratio of dogs to cats is 1 : 3. This doesn’t mean that Leonor has 1 dog and 3 cats. 1 : 3
is just a ratio used to compare the quantity of dogs to cats. To find the actual number of dogs and
cats that Leonor has, we need to find two numbers with a sum of 8 that when expressed as a ratio,
will be proportional to 1 : 3.
Recall that we can obtain a ratio that is proportional to 1 : 3 if we multiply both 1 and 3 by the same
Let us multiply the parts of the ratio with a number a.
(1 x a) : (3 x a) 
This means that we have two numbers 1 x a and 3 x a. 1x a represents the total number of dogs that
Leonor has while 3 x a represents the total number of cats that Leonor has.
Since the total number of dogs and cats that Leonor has is 8:
(1 x a) + (3 x a) = 8
We can simplify the expression above as:
(4 x a) = 8
What must be multiplied by 4 to obtain 8? Simple, that number must be 2.
Hence, a = 2.
Recall that 1 x a represents the number of dogs that Leonor has. Since we have computed that a = 2,
then Leonor has 1 x (2) = 2 dogs.
Doing the same thing to find the number of cats that Leonor has: 3 x (2) = 6 cats.
Therefore, Leonor has 6 cats.

Algebraic Expression
1. Variables
Let me present to you a simple puzzle. In this puzzle, your goal is to determine what is the
number being represented by the triangle. What do you think must be the number
represented by the triangle?

If you have answered 8, you got it right. The triangle represents the number 8 in the
mathematical equation above.

The triangle used in our simple “puzzle” or equation above is an example of a variable.

A variable is a symbol that we use to represent a certain number. Again, in our

equation above, the triangle is a variable since it represents the number 8. The variable is
also called unknown since we have to solve the equation first so that we will be able to
determine the value represented by the symbol.

Let us have another example:

Example 1: What do you think is the value of the banana in the equation below?

Solution: If your answer is three, then you got our puzzle right. Now, can you determine
what is the variable used in the equation above?

Yes, the banana acts as a variable since it represents the number three in the equation.

Again, a variable can be any symbol as long as it represents an unknown quantity or

number. It can be a triangle, banana, square, circle, and so on. However, the most
convenient way to represent an unknown quantity in a mathematical expression is
with the use of an alphabetical letter.

Let us take a look again at our example above but this time, let us use a letter as a variable instead of
a banana.

In this case, the letter x is a variable that represents the number 3.

Example 2: Take a look at the expression x + y + z + 3. What are the variables in the expression?

Solution: x, y, and z are the variables used in the expression x + y + z.

x, y, and z represent certain quantities or numbers.

Since a variable represents certain quantities or values, this means that the value of a variable is
not fixed. For instance, in x + y + z, the values of x, y, and z can be any number.
In the study of algebra, English letters are the most commonly used variables. Thus, in this reviewer,
we will use letters to denote a variable that represents a certain value.

2. Constants
A constant is a quantity with a fixed value. This means that the value of a constant does not
change in the expression. For example, 3 is a constant since its value is always equivalent to 3 and it
never changes once you include it in a mathematical expression.

It is important to note that all numbers are constants.

For example, in the expression x + 5, 5 is a constant because its value is always 5 in that expression
and it will never change. However, x is not a constant since its value is not fixed and specified and
can be any number. 

3. Coefficients
If you multiply a variable by a certain number, the latter is called a numerical coefficient. Meanwhile,
the variable becomes a literal coefficient.

Suppose we have a variable x which represents a certain quantity.

Now, our variable x is multiplied by 2. Thus, we have 2 × x. 

In algebra, when we multiply a variable by a certain number, we refrain from using the arithmetic sign
for multiplication (×). Instead, we just put the variable and the constant together.

Therefore, when we multiply x by 2, we write it as 2x instead of  2 × x.

Now, take a look at 2x. 2 is a numerical coefficient since it is the number that is multiplied by a
variable. Meanwhile, x is a literal coefficient since it is a variable multiplied by a number.

Example 1: Determine the numerical coefficient and literal coefficient in ¼ y.

Solution: The numerical coefficient is ¼ since it is the number multiplied by the variable y.

Meanwhile, y is the literal coefficient since it is a variable multiplied by a number.

If a variable has no number written on its left, it means the numerical coefficient is 1. For
instance, consider the variable x. Note that there is no number written on its left. This does
not mean that it has no numerical coefficient. Instead, its numerical coefficient is 1.
Thus, x can also be interpreted as 1x or “1 times x”. 

However, in algebra, if the numerical coefficient is 1, we do not write it because it is

already understood that a certain variable has a numerical coefficient of 1.

Example 2: Determine the numerical coefficient of the following:

1. 3y
2. 0.23x
3. w
Solution: For item 1, the numerical coefficient is 3. For item 2, the numerical coefficient is
0.23. Lastly, for item 3, the numerical coefficient is 1. 

Algebraic Expression
An algebraic expression is a mathematical expression that involves constants,
variables, and arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or

For example, x + 5 is an algebraic expression since it has a variable (which is x) that
represents a certain quantity, a constant (which is 5), and an arithmetic operation

Another example, 3x – 9 is an algebraic expression where x is a variable, 9 is a constant,

and the mathematical operations involved are multiplication (because 3x represents “3
times x”) and subtraction. Also, 3 is a numerical coefficient of x.

Example 1: Determine the variables, constant, coefficient, and operations involved in 9 +

3xy – z.

Solution: The variables are x, y, and z. The constant is 9. Meanwhile, the operations

involved are addition, multiplication (3xy can be interpreted as 3 times x times y), and
subtraction. Furthermore, 3 is a numerical coefficient of xy.

Example 2: Determine the variables, constants, and operations involved in the algebraic
expression x⁄y – 2.

Solution: Before we answer this, take note that in algebra, we usually indicate division as
the ratio or a fraction between two numbers. Therefore, if we want to write x ÷ y, we write
it as x/y instead. 
Therefore, in x/y – 2, the variables are x and y, the constant is 2, and the operations
involved are division and subtraction.

Translating Verbal Expressions into Algebraic Expressions
You have already learned what algebraic expressions are. In this section, you are going to
learn how to write an algebraic expression from a given English sentence or phrase. This
skill is crucial since you are going to solve some word problems in the succeeding

Let us start with this: Write “7 plus 4 equals 11” into a mathematical expression.

I know that you can translate that one with ease. The sentence “7 plus 4 equals 11” is simply: 7 + 4 =

This is exactly what we are going to do in this section: We will translate a sentence or phrase into a
mathematical expression. But this time, we will be using variables and constants.

Having said that, let us try to translate this sentence into a mathematical expression:

“A number plus 4 equals 11”

The given sentence is actually the same as the previous example above except for one thing. Notice
that instead of stating 7, we replace it with the words “a number”.  How can we translate the given
sentence into a mathematical expression?

Let’s find out the answer.

The word “a number” implies that we are not sure what exactly that number is. In other words, that
number is unknown. For this reason, we need to use a variable that will represent this unknown

Recall that a variable is any symbol or letter that can represent an unknown number. Let us use the
letter x to represent that unknown number in the given sentence.

Thus, we can translate the given sentence: “A number plus 4 equals 11” as:

 x + 4 = 11

And we’re done! We have already translated a verbal expression into an algebraic expression.

Example 1: Translate this verbal expression into an algebraic expression: “18 minus a number
equals 5”.

Solution: The phrase “a number” means that we are not sure what that number is. This means that
we need to represent it using a letter or symbol. In other words, we need to use a variable to
represent that unknown number.
Let us use the letter g to represent this unknown number. Thus, if we translate “18 minus a number is
5” into an algebraic expression, we will obtain:

18 – g = 5

Keep in mind that you can use any letter in the English alphabet as a variable to represent a certain
number. However, the most commonly used letters are x and y. Furthermore, small letters are more
commonly used than capital letters. 

You now have an idea of how to use variables to translate a verbal expression into algebraic
expressions. However, in your study of algebra, you will encounter complicated sentences that are
quite challenging to convert into algebraic expressions. For this reason, you need the help of

Keywords for Mathematical Operations

Keywords are certain words in a verbal expression that tells you what mathematical operations are
involved in that sentence. They serve as your signals so that you can put the proper operations in the
corresponding algebraic expression.

For instance, in our earlier example, “A number plus 4 equals 11”, the word “plus” is the keyword. It
gives you a signal that you must use the addition sign (+) when you convert the given sentence into
an algebraic expression.

We are going to tackle in this section some keywords that indicate the four fundamental mathematical

1. Keywords for Addition

Some common keywords for addition are sum, plus, increased by, more than, and total. Once you
see these keywords, it means that addition will be involved when you translate the verbal expression
into an algebraic expression. 

The table below shows how these keywords are usually used in a sentence and how they can be
translated into algebraic expressions.

Keyword Example (Verbal Expression) Algebraic Expression

sum  The sum of 8 and a number 8+x

plus -6 plus a number -6 + x

increased by A number increased by 7 x + 7

more than 3 more than a number x + 3

total The total of a number and -10 x + (-10)

The keywords sum and total are written before the given numbers. When you see these words, it
means that the numbers are added. For example, the sentence “The sum of 8 and a number” implies
that 8 and a certain number was added. Thus, the correct translation must be 8 + x.

The keyword increased by means that a certain number was added to another number. For instance,
the sentence “A number increased by 7” means that 7 was added to a certain number. Thus, the
correct translation must be x + 7.

Meanwhile, the keyword more than means the first number stated is added to the second number.
For instance, the sentence “3 more than a number” implies that 3 was added to a certain number.
Thus, when we translate it into an algebraic expression, we write 3 as the second addend since it is
being added to a certain number. The correct translation should be x + 3. 

Example 1: Translate “the sum of two numbers” into an algebraic expression.

Solution: The given sentence doesn’t explicitly state the values of two numbers. Thus, we need to
use variables to represent them. Let us use the letters x and y  to represent the numbers.

Since we have the keyword “sum”, it means that the numbers must be added.

Thus, the sentence can be translated as x + y

The answer is x + y

Example 2: Translate “a number more than 18 is equal to 25” into an algebraic expression.

Solution: Let us assign k as the variable that represents the unknown number in the sentence.

It’s stated that “a number more than 18 is equal to 25”. Since the keyword “more than” is used, it
means the operation of addition is involved.

Again, the keyword “more than” implies that the first number mentioned in the sentence was added to
the second number mentioned. This means that when we translate the sentence into an algebraic
expression, we need to write the second number which is 18 as the first addend.

Thus, we can translate the sentence as 18 + k = 25.

The answer is 18 + k = 25.

2. Keywords for Subtraction

Words such as difference, subtracted by, subtracted from, deducted by, deducted from, decreased
by, and minus are some of the keywords used for subtraction.
Keyword Example (Verbal Expression) Algebraic Expression

difference The difference between a number and 15 x – 15

subtracted by 9 subtracted by a number 9–x

subtracted from 9 subtracted from a number x–9

deducted by  15 deducted by a number 15 – x

deducted from  15 deducted from a number x – 15

decreased by A number decreased by 6 x–6

minus 11 minus a number 11 – x

The keyword difference is the subtraction counterpart of the keyword sum. It is written before two
numbers and implies that the given numbers were subtracted. Thus, if you have a sentence such
as the difference between a number and 15, it is just x – 15.

The keywords subtracted by and subtracted from are quite confusing and should not be used

If the keyword subtracted by is used, it means the second number mentioned is the one being
subtracted. For example, the given sentence 9 subtracted by a number means the unknown number
was taken from 9. Thus, the correct translation is 9 – x.

On the other hand, the word subtracted from means the first number mentioned is the one being
subtracted. For example, 9 subtracted from a number means that 9 was taken from the unknown
number. Thus, the correct translation is x – 9.

You can use this simple pattern if you still find it difficult to differentiate subtracted
by and subtracted from:

Verbal Expression Algebraic Expression

<First Number> subtracted by <Second Number> <First Number> – <Second Number>

<First Number> subtracted from <Second Number> <Second Number> – <First Number>

The words deducted by and deducted from work in the same way as the words subtracted
by and subtracted from. Thus, you can use the table below (which is just the same as
above) for the words deducted by and deducted from.

Verbal Expression Algebraic Expression

<First Number> deducted by <Second Number> <First Number> – <Second Number>

<First Number> deducted  from <Second Number> <Second Number> – <First Number>

Lastly, decreased by implies that the second number was subtracted from the first
number. Hence, if the given sentence “6 decreased by a number” is translated into an
algebraic expression, we will obtain 6 – x.

Example 1: Translate “A number subtracted from – 19 is equal to 5” into an algebraic


Solution: Let us use the letter p as the variable that represents the unknown number.

Recall that to translate a sentence with the keyword subtracted from into an algebraic

expression, we are going to write it in the form <second number> – <first number>.

Hence, the correct translation must be: – 19 – p = 5.

Example 2: Translate “54 decreased by a number” into an algebraic expression.

Solution: Let us use the letter q to represent the unknown number.

The keyword “decreased by” implies that a number was subtracted from 54.

Thus, the correct translation should be 54 – q

3. Keywords for Multiplication

Some of the keywords that indicate multiplication are: product, multiplied by, twice, triple,
of, and times.

Keyword Example (Verbal Expression) Algebraic Expression

product The product of a number and 5 5x 

multiplied by -3 multiplied by a number -3x

twice  Twice of a number 2x

thrice  Thrice of a number 3x

of ½ of a number ½x

times 7 times a number 7x

As a reminder, when we are expressing the multiplication of a variable and a constant, we

are not using the sign anymore. Instead, we just write the letter and the number together.
For instance, if we want to write “8 times x” we simply write it as 8x instead of 8 x.

The keyword “product” works in the same way as the keywords “sum” and “difference”. It
is written before the given numbers and indicates that those numbers were multiplied
together. For instance, if you want to translate “the product of 5 and a number” into an
algebraic expression, the answer is simply 5x.

The keyword “multiplied by” tells you that the first number was multiplied by the second
number. For instance, if you want to translate “– 3 multiplied by a number”, the answer is
simply -3x.

The keyword “twice” means that the given number was multiplied by 2. For
example, “twice of a number” means that a certain number was multiplied by 2. Hence,
the answer is 2x.

The keyword “thrice” means that the given number was multiplied by 3. For
example, “thrice of a number” means that a certain number was multiplied by 3. Hence,
the answer is 3x.

The keyword “of” is usually used to indicate that a number was multiplied to a fraction, a
decimal, or a percent. For instance, “½ of a number” means that a number is multiplied by
½. Thus, the correct translation is ½x.

The keyword “times” tells you that the first number is multiplied by the second number in
the sentence. For instance, the translation of “7 times a number: is simply 7x.

Example 1: Translate “20% of a number is equal to 50” into an algebraic expression.

Solution: The keyword “of” indicates multiplication. Thus, the correct translation is 20%x =
50. You can also express the given percent into decimal. This means that 0.20x = 50 is
also a translation for the given sentence.

Example 2: Translate “The product of two numbers is equal to twice of another number”
into an algebraic expression.

Solution: We have three unknown numbers involved. Thus, we need to use three letters
as variables. Let us use the letters x, y, and z. 

The product of two numbers can be translated as xy. Meanwhile, since the

keyword twice indicates that a number is being doubled or multiplied by 2, then twice of
another number can be translated as 2z. Hence, the correct translation of the given
sentence should be xy = 2z.

4. Keywords for Division

Some of the keywords that indicate division are quotient, divided by, the ratio of, split
equally, and average.

Keyword Example (Verbal Expression) Algebraic Expression

quotient The quotient of 8 and a number 8 ÷ x or 8⁄x

divided by A number divided by 4 x ÷ 4 or x⁄4

ratio of The ratio of a number and 2 x ÷ 2 or x⁄2

split equally A number is split equally into 3 x ÷ 3 or  x⁄3

Recall that we can express the division of two numbers in fraction form. For example, we
can rewrite 8 ÷ x as 8⁄x. The fractional form of the division of two numbers is usually used
since it is more convenient and less tedious to write when other operations are involved.

The keyword quotient is written before the given numbers and indicates that the operation
of division is involved. For instance, the translation of “The quotient of 8 and a number” is
8 ÷ x or 8⁄x.

The keyword divided by implies that the first number mentioned in the sentence is the
dividend while the second number is the divisor. For example, if you want to translate “A
number divided by 4”, the correct answer would be x ÷ 4 or x⁄4.
The keyword ratio of works the same way as the keyword quotient. It is written before the
given numbers and indicates that the operation of division is involved.  For example, the
correct translation of “The ratio of a number and 2” is x ÷ 2 or x⁄2.

The keyword split equally works the same way as the keyword divided by. Thus, if we
want to translate “A number is split equally into three”, the correct translation is x ÷ 3 or

Shown below is a summary of the keywords that are usually used for the four fundamental
operations of mathematics:

Translating Verbal Expressions Into Algebraic Expressions with Multiple Operations
We have translated various sentences or phrases into algebraic expressions. However,
we have only translated those with only one mathematical operation involved. In this
section, we are going to translate those that involve multiple operations.

Make sure that you still have the keywords in your mind because they are really helpful in
this section.

Example 1: What is “The sum of twice a number and 9” as an algebraic expression?

Solution: Let us start with the first keyword mentioned in the problem which is the sum.
Recall that if the keyword sum is used in a sentence, it implies that there are numbers
being added. The question now is: What are the numbers that are being added according
to the given verbal expression?

Let us read again the given verbal expression: The sum of twice a number and 9. It is
clearly stated that there are two quantities that will be added–the quantity twice a
number and 9. 

We can now express our translation in this form for a while: twice a number + 9

Now, let us translate twice a number into an algebraic expression. Again, the

word twice implies that a certain number is being doubled or multiplied by 2. Let us
use x to represent the unknown number. Thus, twice of x is simply, 2x.

Therefore, our final translation for The sum of twice a number and 9 is 2x + 9.

Example 2: Translate “Twice the difference between two numbers” into an algebraic

Solution: Let us start with the keyword twice. This keyword implies that a certain quantity
or number will be multiplied by 2. What is this quantity that will be multiplied by 2
according to the given verbal expression?
Let us read the given problem again: Twice the difference between two numbers. The
statement tells us the difference between the two numbers is what will be multiplied by 2.

Hence, we can translate it this way: 2(difference between two numbers). We use
parenthesis to indicate multiplication.

Now, let us translate the difference between two numbers into an algebraic expression.

We have two unknown numbers so let us use x and y to represent them. Thus, we can
translate the difference between two numbers as x – y.

We replace the expression difference between two numbers in 2(difference between two

numbers) with x – y.

Hence, Twice the difference between two numbers is 2(x – y).

Example 3: Write “the ratio of two numbers increased by 5” as an algebraic expression.

Solution: Let us start with the keyword ratio. The phrase the ratio of two numbers tells us
that two numbers are involved in a division process. Let x and y be these two numbers.
Hence, we can translate the ratio of two numbers as x ÷ y or x⁄y. For this problem, let us
use x⁄y.

The next keyword increased by in the ratio of two numbers increased by 5 tells us that the
number 5 will be added to x⁄y. This means that we need to add 5 to our translation. Thus, 

 x⁄y+ 5
Therefore, if the ratio of two numbers increased by 5 will be written as an algebraic
expression, you will have x⁄y+ 5

Other Important Keywords
There are more keywords that are used in translating verbal expressions into algebraic
expressions. Some of them involve exponents, radicals, equality, or inequality signs.

Here are other keywords commonly used that do not indicate any of the four fundamental

1. Keywords for Radicals

Keywords for Radicals Example (Verbal Expression) Algebraic Expression

square root  The square root of a number  √x

cube root Cube root of a number ∛x

2. Keywords for Exponents

Keywords for Exponents Example (Verbal Expression) Algebraic Expression

raised to A number raised to 5 x5

square of Square of a number x2
cube of Cube of a number x3

The keyword raised to tells us that a number has a certain exponent. The keyword square
of means that a number is raised to the power of 2. Meanwhile, the keyword cube
of means that a number is raised to the power of 3.

3. Keywords for Equality

Keywords for Equality Example (Verbal Expression) Algebraic Expression

equal to 4 is equal to a number 4 = x

yields 3 plus a number yields 9 3 + x = 9
is 7 minus a number is 0 7 – x = 0

4. Keywords for Inequality

Keywords for Inequality Example (Verbal Expression) Algebraic Expression

Not equal to 5 is not equal to a number 4 = x
Greater than 7 is greater than a number 3 + x = 9
Less than 7 is less than a number 7 – x = 0
Greater than or equal to 0 is greater than or equal to a number 0 ≥ x
Less than or equal to 0 is less than or equal to a number 0 ≤ x
At least 5 plus a number is at least 9 5 + x ≥ 9
At most 3 minus a number is at most 2 3 – x ≤ 2

The keywords greater than or equal to is synonymous with at least. Meanwhile, the
keywords less than or equal to is synonymous with at most.

Example 1: Write “the sum of the square of a number and 3 is at least  9” as an algebraic

Solution: The keyword sum tells us that certain quantities will be added. These quantities

are the square of a number and 3.

Let us use x to represent the unknown number. Its square can be represented as x2.

Thus, the quantities that will be added are x2 and 3. 

The sum of the square of a number and 3 is at least  9. This means that  x2  + 3 is greater
than or equal to 9.
Hence, the correct translation is x2.+ 3 ≥ 9

Translating Verbal Expressions Into Algebraic Expressions in Real-Life Scenarios

We have now arrived at the most exciting part of this reviewer. We will apply what we
have learned in translating verbal expressions into algebraic expressions in various real-
life scenarios.

Example 1: Lea has 150 books that she collected during her college years. She decided
to give some of her books to her friends. After giving some to her friends, 40 books were
left to Lea. Write an algebraic expression that will illustrate Lea’s scenario.

Solution: It’s stated in the given scenario that Lea has 150 books. She gave some of her
books to her friends. 40 books were left to Lea after giving some of them. This can be
interpreted as 150 books minus the number of books given equals 40.

Let us use b to represent the number of books Lea gave to her friends.

Thus, we have this algebraic expression: 150 – b = 40

Example 2: A burger costs Php 32 each while a can of pineapple juice costs Php 25
each. Dario bought some burgers and cans of pineapple juice. Write an algebraic
expression that shows how much Dario will pay for the burgers and cans of pineapple
juice he bought.

Solution: It’s not specifically stated in the given scenario how many burgers and cans of
pineapple juice Dario bought. Thus, we can use variables to represent the number of
burgers and cans of pineapple juice he bought.

Let b represent the number of burgers that Dario bought. Meanwhile, let p represent the
number of cans of pineapple juice that Dario bought.

Each burger costs Php 32. Thus, the total amount that Dario will pay for the burgers can
be represented as 32b.
Meanwhile, each can of pineapple juice costs Php 25. Thus, the total amount that Dario
will pay for the cans of pineapple juice can be represented as 25p.

Combining the total amount he will pay for the burgers and cans of pineapple juice: 32b +

Thus, the answer is 32b + 25p.

Translating Algebraic Expressions into Verbal Expressions
You have learned how to translate a given sentence or phrase into algebraic expressions.
This time, let us discuss how we can translate a given algebraic expression into words or
verbal expressions.

There is no general process to translate an algebraic expression into a sentence or

phrase. However, using the proper keywords is really helpful in performing the translation.

Example 1: Write x + 2 as a verbal expression.

Solution: The algebraic expression involves the operation of addition. Thus, you can use
the keywords for addition in translating x + 2. Moreover, just use the words “a number” to
translate the variable.

Let’s use the keyword sum. We know that sum is written before the quantities that are
added. Thus, one possible translation could be “the sum of a number and 2”

Another possible translation is using the keyword “increased by”. You can translate x +
2 as “A number increased by 2”.

Example 2: Translate 4z + 5 into a verbal expression.

Solution: 4z indicates multiplication. Hence, you can use any keyword for multiplication.
Let us use the keyword “product”. One possible translation for 4z is “the product of 4 and a

Now, we just incorporate the plus 5 in 4z + 5 to complete our translation. Hence, one
possible translation is “the product of 4 and a number plus 5” Another possible translation
could be “four times a number increased by 5”.

Example 3: Translate y2 ≤ 2 into a verbal expression.

Solution: y represents a certain number. Thus, we can translate it as “a number”.

Meanwhile, y2 means that we squared that number. Hence, y2 can be translated as “the
square of a number”.
The symbol ≤ means less than or equal. We can use the phrase less than or equal for this
symbol or the phrase at most. In this problem, let us use the phrase at most.

Therefore, one possible translation for y2 ≤ 2 could be the square of a number is at most 2.

Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
We have mentioned that variables in an algebraic expression represent a certain number
or quantity. What if the values that these variables represent are specified? Can we
compute the value of the algebraic expression?

Evaluating an algebraic expression means determining its value according to the values
assigned to its variables. To further understand how this works, let us have some

Example 1: Evaluate x + 2 if x = 2

Solution: The variable in x + 2 is x. In this example, we have assigned a value to x which
is x = 2. This means that we need to substitute or replace x with 2.

Afterward, we perform the calculation to find the value of the algebraic expression when x
= 2.

Thus, x + 2 = 4 if x = 2.
Example 2: Evaluate 5x + y if x = 2 and y = 0

Solution: We just substitute 2 for x and 0 for y in 5x + y. Take note that 5x is multiplication

between 5 and x. Thus, once you substitute 2 for x, you will have 5(2) which implies “5
times 2”. 

Hence, the answer is 10.

There are instances that when you are evaluating an algebraic expression, there is more
than one mathematical operation involved. In this case, to be able to perform the
computation, apply the order of operations or PEMDAS.

Example 3: Evaluate 2x – 3(y + z) if x = 10, y = 1, and z = 3

Solution: Plug in the assigned values for x, y, and z in the given algebraic expression:

Since, there are multiple operations involved, let use apply PEMDAS:
Therefore, the answer is 8.

Also, there are instances where the assigned values to the variables are any real numbers
and not just whole numbers. Thus, it is important that you still remember how to
perform operations with integers, fractions, or decimals since variables can represent
these numbers.

Example 4: Evaluate 8a – 3b if a = ½ and b = – 2

Solution: Let us plug in the values of a and b to the given algebraic expression.

Performing the operations involved:

Thus, the answer is 10.


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