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Rosseli Guerrero 

EDUC 150-001W 
Task 1.  Weebly Website Link 

Weebly URL: Gov101 - Home (

Task 2.  Virtual Field Trips 
What Are Virtual Field Trips? Use Your Own Words – Do NOT Just Copy/Paste This
A virtual field trip is an online interactive learning experience. They give people the opportunity to
have the field trip experience but through the web. During Covid this is also a great opportunity to
still “go out” and explore but in a safer manner.  

What Are Advantages Of Virtual Field Trips? 

Some of the advantages of virtual field trips are that they are low cost. Some virtual field trips are
even free. During this pandemic it is also a great way to keep your students engaged but in a safe
way. Also, the amazing thing about virtual field trips is that you are able to experience a different
setting in the comfort of your own home/classroom. This also takes away the hassle of doing
permission slips and finding a bus and all of the other costs associated with an actual in person
field trip. I think the biggest thing though is the safety portion of it, and not having to worry if a
student gets lost or if an accident might happen.  
What Are Disadvantages of Virtual Field Trips? 
Some disadvantages of virtual field trips are that you don’t get the FULL experience. Meaning that
with virtual experiences you only get to see and hear what is happening but you don’t get to be
hands on and physically be there to touch/taste/smell where you are at. The active participation
gets lost. Another disadvantage is the real-life experience that you won’t get exposed to. I
remember in elementary school we went on a field trip to Birds of Prey and I was able to really
connect my learning experience in the classroom to this outside experience and connect the dots to
our learning lesson. Also, people learn in different ways and that hands-on experience can be
crucial for some folks.  

Task 3.  Study Skills Strategies

Virtual Field Trip 1 

What Is The Name/Title Of This Virtual Field Trip 
Time for a Tour: Visiting the People’s House 
Where Did You Find This Virtual Field Trip? What Website? 
I found this virtual field trip at the History, Art, And Archives Unites States House of
Representatives website. 
Why Would Your Students Benefit From This Virtual Field Trip? 
There is nothing like being at the heart of where important legislation happens. I went to D.C. for
the first time this spring, and although several places were closed, I think there is something
magnificent of being able to be in the space where big decisions are made. I know that back in high
school there was a field trip to DC and I wasn’t able to go. But, it would’ve been amazing to have a
virtual option. Students would benefit from this virtual field trip because they would be able to see
the capitol building/house of representatives and picture what happens when a bill is being
introduced. Many people also might not have the financial means to travel to DC and they would
benefit by being able to get a virtual tour of the building and interact with the different tools that
the virtual tour has. 
How Could You Use This Virtual Field Trip To Help You Teach Your Lesson? In Other
Words, Think About How You Would Use This Field Trip To Teach Something and/or How
Would You Incorporate This Into A Lesson? 
The way I would incorporate this virtual field trip into my lesson would be to choose a bill that has
been heard before. I would then do a role play and walk them through where in the building that
bill had to go through to become a law.  
Virtual Field Trip 2. 
What Is The Name/Title Of This Virtual Field Trip? 
Vote!Your Voice is Your Vote 
Where Did You Find This Virtual Field Trip? What Website? 
Pajaro Valley Arts Website  
Why Would Your Students Benefit From This Virtual Field Trip? 
My students would be able to learn about the civil rights movement that took place in order for
minorities to have the right to vote. They would be able to see some of the important figures and
events that helped make this happen. Most of all it will bring a sense of perspective of the
hardships that took place for people to be able to vote. I hope this will encourage them to exercise
their right to vote as many of them turn 18.  
How Could You Use This Virtual Field Trip To Help You Teach Your Lesson? In Other
Words, Think About How You Would Use This Field Trip To Teach Something and/or How
Would You Incorporate This Into Your Lesson? 
I would use this virtual field trip to talk about voting and the importance of exercising that right. I
will discuss with them how voting came to be and show them this tour to help them understand
why their vote matters and the history of voting.  
Virtual Field Trip 3.
What Is The Name/Title Of This Virtual Field Trip? 
Identify, Belonging, Legacy: How testimony Makes Us Stronger Than Hate 
Where Did You Find This Virtual Field Trip? What Website? 
Discovery Education 
Why Would Your Students Benefit From This Virtual Field Trip? 
Students would be able to realize the importance and impact that their voice and story has. Many
times students don’t realize that their voice matters not just in their classroom but also in legislative
spaces. I hope this encourages them to use their voice more to create change in their state. 
How Could You Use This Virtual Field Trip To Help You Teach Your Lesson? In Other
Words, Think About How You Would Use This Field Trip To Teach Something and/or How
Would You Incorporate This Into Your Lesson? 
I would use this virtual field trip when I teach about how students can get involved in legislative
session in Idaho and ways that they can get involved in local politics. I would incorporate this
storytelling on how to build their own testimony when speaking to their legislators.  

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