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DAY 10


Being mad is the greatest attack a man can have in his life. Because
he is walking around all day long talking without a set plan or an
objective of what he wants to do or attain. And this is the case for so
many people. They live everyday without knowing the next level of
their lives. All they want is for God to do it all for them.

To break stagnation and progress in life, you must have definite and
realistics goals inspired by the Holy Spirit. That is ; you need to have a
mental picture of what you want to attain or be. Without an
objective, you can’t evaluate yourself. You can’t know if you are
advancing or you are on the same spot. This is because, it’s your
objectives that would indicates if you are advancing or you are
stagnant. Also your objectives establish the frequency at which you
move or operate. And that frequency is determined by set goals.

When you have an objective it pushes you to work hard, and you
have a direction to follow. A future you don’t see will never become a
reality to you. It’s better to fix an objective and don’t attain it than
not to fix one. That is ; it’s preferable to fix an objective at level five
and only attain it at level three than to do nothing. And one of the
ways to set goals is to be inspired by someone who has objectives.
By doing that you are advancing. I always say, to get somewhere,
your mind must conceive first then your legs follows. God told
prophet Habakkuk, write down the vision so that he that reads it will
run with it, (Habakkuk 2 :2). So advancement begins with a mental
picture of where you are heading to and not a physical motion.

Now, as a student, what are your projects. How do you want to see
yoursefl in five years ? Make concret plans for your life, and present
than to God in prayers, and work hard to accomplished them. And
the hand of God would take you there. An objective that is not back
up by an action remains just a wish.
Prayers :

1. Father, give me the capacity to fix objectives for my life and to

attend them.
2. I bind every spirit of distraction, that would seek to prevent me
from accomplishing my goals.
3. I declare, by the help of God, l am advancing in my endeavours.

DAY 11


If you are not stable with God you would suffer from
stagnation eternally. Because there are forces that you must
pray against and break to come out of it. But for you to break
these forces you need to remain stable, in the presence of

Many people don’t come out of stagnation because they

don’t remain stable in the presence of God. Each time God
starts to do a thorough work in their lives they vanish from
His presence . They come to church with the mentality to see
the prophet so that he can just pray for their situations and
then leaves the church. That is unfortunate because you will
never see someone who comes out of stagnation or get
delivered through this odd principle. It doesn’t happened that
way. Even in the physical someone doesn’t came and consult
a medical doctor, and after the doctor had prescribed drugs
and start following up him for his health to recover up, he
interrupts the doctor’s follows up when he wants to. No, he
would follow the doctor’s prescription and would be followed
up the doctor until he recovers up. That is the secret.

Finally, only stable people see progress in their lives because

it’s only by being consistence in the house of God that
stagnation is broken and permits you to progress and fly in
this life.So remain stable in the house of Jehovah in order not
to pass by miracle.

Prayers :
1. Father, by your grace may l be patient and be stable in
your house so that l can receive my blessings, in the
name of Jesus !
2. I fight the demons that fights against my blessing by the
Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.
3. I refuse to stagnate, l break the spirit that fights my
advancement. And l advance in life, i

DAY 12



«  The path of the righteousness………………… » ( Proverbs 4 :18)

One of the signs that reveals that someone is turning on the same
spot is lack of development. Growth is accompagnied by
development. For example : we are born babies but we don’t remain
babies throughout our lives. A baby develops itself. At a certain stage
of its existence it sits. At another one it crawls, and at another it
walks. We grow in our physical bodies, attitudes, behaviours and in
many aspects of our lives.

Astonishly, countless Christians, don’t grow. The same character and

habits they have today are the same they had five years ago and that
they would certainly have next year. They don’t change. They are
always at the same level years after years. Get this : It’s isn’t simply
by being a child of God or prayerful person that growth comes. No !
You need to study the word of God, give yourself to information to
increase. That is the unique way !
Another indicator of stagnation is someone’s life is lack of
advancement. Life is in stages. And you are meant to advance in
different rates. If you are a student and you are not excelling in your
studies, you are stagnating. And this is what is ironic ; people that are
standstill always compare themselves with those that are less than
them. Never measure yourself with someone who has less than you
have. It would give you a false impression that you are advancing
whereas you are not. Instead compare yourself with people who are
better than you. Because they are in a level you haven’t reach but
certainly wants to attain. Now, when you do that you will discover
that you haven’t done anything or reach something. In fact, you will
realise that you are a failure, and that will push you to aspire for

Prayers :
1. Father, give me the grace to study your word so that l can grow
and succeed in life, in the name of Jesus.
2. Oh Lord, send me people that would encourage me to go to
higher dimension in every aspect of my life.
3. Father Lord, l break the spirit of stagnation over my destiny,
career, studies, in the name of Jesus.
DAY 13


« ………………………….. » ( Ecclesiast 9 :18)

Many people give their lives to Christ and become discouraged the
following day because they think that as soon as one accepts Jesus
Christ the miracle he desires is going to happen overnight. No, it
doesn’t happen that way..

Things don’t change overnight. There is always a time of waiting.

Once you are in Jerusalem (Christ) and you stay beside the pool of
Bethesda, you must wait for your season. A time that when the angel
comes and stirs the water. A period the Lord visits you. But while you
are waiting for this time, you must not wait for it by sleeping, but by
watching and praying. Because if you don’t wait and pray, and be
very sensitive and vigilant the angel, the time of God can come and
you don’t recognise it and another person gets what belongs to you.

God gives opportunity to all His Children. As long as you are in

Jerusalem and stays in the pool, God will make sure an opportunity
opens to you. But when He opens it, enter into it. The problem is that
many Children of God miss these opportunities because they don’t
understand the time and seasons of God.So this means that you can
miss your packet because you don’t understand the timing.

Prayers :
1. Father, thank you for the opportunities that you open for me,
in the name of Jesus.
2. Father Lord, give me the grace to recognise your timing so that l
should be sensitive.
3. Every strategy the devil is going to put in place for me not to
understand the time of God, be destroyed, in the name of
DAY 14

(John 9 :4)

A deeper understanding of stagnation reveals that not all

stagnation are caused by demonic covenants and need prayer
and fasting to be broken. Some come by self-imposed
limitation and can only be destroyed by seeing yourself as
God sees you. And other by procastination and only requires
a change of lifestyle and attitudes to be paralysed.

When you postpond or delay in doing something it would

take you a longer time to do it. And that would lead
automatically to stagnation. Now, to break this force of
stagnation, the secret is to never postpond anything you
planned to do or have to do. Instead develop the
consciousness of living each day as if it’s your last day on
earth or the consciousness that Jesus is coming tomorrow.
It’s not that you are assuming that you are going to die soon.
No ! you are not going to die. You are breaking stagnation.
For example, if you want to take a period of fasting or go out
for evangelism and win souls, don’t say l will do it tomorrow,
next week. Start it today. By reprogramming it like that, you
are delaying your own progress or breakthrough. And there
might be a time you would not be able to do it.

So, stop postponing. Proscastination is enemy of progress.

Many people talents are unused because of this spirit. Do
everything and finish everything you planned to do today.
Don’t wait next week or next year. It might be too late.

Prayers :
1. Everything in the spiritual realm postponing my miracle, be
dissolved, in the name of Jesus.
2. Oh Lord, l have mercy on me. Deliver my mind completely from
laziness and my body from heaviness by your power, in the
name of Jesus.
3. I confess : l am prompt and awaken, in the name of Jesus.

Day 15



«  we were in our own eyes as grasshoppers…. »

To come out of stagnation and breakforth into the promise of God,

there are giants you must bring down, confront. When the people of
Isreal left Egypt, it was programmed by God that the journey from
Egypt to canaan would be a journey of forty days. But because they
were resisted, they spend more time than that God planned for their
journey to the promised land ( canaan).

The Bible tells us that, (verse), when the Isrealites left Egypt, (Where
you are dominated by the forces of darkness). They stayed at the
borders of canaan, now to enter canaan, they face opposition. They
were giants forces in the land. They said ; we cannot enter into the
promised land. There are giants there. They are too mighty for us.
We were as grasshoppers their eyes( look into the Bible). It’s only
Joshua and caleb who said : we refuse to accept defeat. If God could
bring us out of Egypt, He can also cause us to enter into the promised
land. What happened, the Isrealites saw the forces that were
resisting them.

You can’t enter into the promise of God for life unless you get
determined and say : you this forteress resisting my blessing, l bring
you down, in the mighty name of Jesus. This is why not everybody
enters into the promises of God. There are giants that resist people.
Theys say ; yes, it’s true there are promises that God has given to you
but you will never see the realisation of those promises in your life.
So, you must be determined to overcome them. Only people that are
determined make progress in life.

Unfortunately, may people are crazy spiritually and physically. They

are not ready to confront the fortresses that opposes them to enter
to break the bondage of stagnation over their lives. And so remain
Prayers : 
1. Father, every force fighting my blessings, to turn into promise,
in the mighty of Jesus.
2. Courage is my inheritance. So, l refuse to walk in fear in every
situation. I bind the spirit of fear over my life, in the name of
3. By the power of Jesus, l enter into every promise God for me, in
the name of Jesus.

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