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CURRENT TAX Temporary Difference

* Recognised as a liability to the extent * Temporary difference - Difference betn the carrying amt of an asset/labilty and
unpaid. its tax base.
* Recognised as an asset to the extent * Taxable temporary differences will result in taxable amts in future when the
the mat already paid exceeds the mat carrying amt of an asset is recovered or liablity is settled.
due. * Deductible temporary differences will result in deductible amts in future when
* The benefit relating to a tax loss that the carrying amt of an asset is recovered or liability is settled.
can be carried back to recover current
tax of a previous period shall be
recognised as asset.


Measure the asset/liability using tha tax Tax base of asset Tax base of liability
rate that are enacted or substantially * Is the amt that will be * Is the carrying amt less any any amt
enacted at the reporting date. deductible for tax purposes that will be deductible for tax
against any taxable economic purposees in respect of the liability in
benefits that will flow to the future periods.
entity when it recovers the * In the case of revenue which is
carrying amt of the asset. received in advance,the tax base of the
* If those eonomic benefits resultying liability is its carrying
will not be taxable,the tax amt,less an amt of the revenue that
base of the asset is equal to its will not be taxable in future periods.

Deferred Tax liabilities Deferred tax assets
Recognized for all taxable temporary A deferred tax asset shall be recognised for all deductible temporary differences
differences except to the extent that to the extent that it is probable that the taxable profit will be available against
the deferred tax liability arises from: which the deductible temporary difference can be utilised,unless the deferred
* Initial recognition of goodwill,or tax asset or liability in a transaction that:
* the initial recognition of an asset or (a) Is not a business combination &
liability in a transaction which : (b) At the time of the transaction,affects neither accounting profit nor taxable
1.Is not a business combination & profit(tax loss)
2.At the time of the transaction,affects
neither accounting profit nor taxable
profit(tax loss).


* Measure the balance at the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period.
* They shud be measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset is realised or liability settled.
* Deferred tax assets & liabilities are not discounted.
* average rates is used when diferrent tax asset is reduced when it is no longer propbable that suffient taxable profit will be
available for utilisation.
* Reduction shall be reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficint taxable profit will be available.

Recognition of current tax & deferred tax

To be recognised as income or expense and included in profit & loss for the year except
Items related to OCI: Items related to equity: Business Combination:
Ind AS require following items to be Ind AS require following items to * An enity recognises any resulting
recognised in OCI: be credited or charged directly to deferred tax assets/liabilities as
1.c change from the revaluation PPE(Ind equity: identifiable assets & liabilities at the
AS 16). (a) an adjustment to the opening acquisition date.
2.Exc differences arising on the balance of retained earnings from * Consequently, thoose deferred tax
translation of foreign entity(Ind As 21) either a retrospective change in assets/liabilities affect the amt of
accounting policy or the goodwill or the bargain purchase gain
correction of an error ; & the entity recognises.
(b) amounts arising on initial * However, an entity doesn not
recognition of the equity recognises deferred tax liabilities
component of a compound arising from the initial recognition of
recognised in OCI: be credited or charged directly to deferred tax assets/liabilities as
1.c change from the revaluation PPE(Ind equity: identifiable assets & liabilities at the
AS 16). (a) an adjustment to the opening acquisition date.
2.Exc differences arising on the balance of retained earnings from * Consequently, thoose deferred tax
translation of foreign entity(Ind As 21) either a retrospective change in assets/liabilities affect the amt of
accounting policy or the goodwill or the bargain purchase gain
correction of an error ; & the entity recognises.
(b) amounts arising on initial * However, an entity doesn not
recognition of the equity recognises deferred tax liabilities
component of a compound arising from the initial recognition of
financial instruement. goodwill.

Current Tax asset / Liability Deferred Tax Asset/ Liability
An entity shall offset current tax assets & current tax liabilities if An entity shall offset deferred tax assets & deferred tax
it has : liabilities if it has :
(a) a legally enforceable right to set off: & (a) a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets
(b) intends either to settle on a net basis or to realise the asset against current tax liabilities; &
& settle the liability simultaneously. (b) the deferred tax assets & the deferred tax liabilities
relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation

* The major components of tax expense(income) shall be disclosed separately
> current & deferred tax
> Adjustments for current tax of prior periods
> amount of deferred tax expense(income) relating to the origination & reversal of temporary differences
> amount of deferred tax expense(income) relating to changes in tax rates
> amount of benefit arising from a previously unrecognised tax loss, tax credit or temporary difference of a prior
period that is used to reduce current tax expense
> deferred tax expense arising from the write-down, or reversal of a previous write down
> amount of tax expense(income) relating to those changes in accounting policies & errors
* the aggregate current & deferred tax that are charged or credited directly or equity
* income tax relating to each component of other comprehensive income
* An explanation of changes in the applicable tax rates compared to the previous accounting period;
* An explanation of the relationship betwn tax expense(income) & accounting profit by numeric reconciliation as per the
* The amount of deductible temporary differences, unused tax losses, & unused tax credits for which no deferred tax asset is
* The aggreagte amount of temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, branches & associates and
interests in joint arrangements, for which deferred tax liabilities have not been recognised.
* income tax consequences of dividends that were proposed or declared before the financial statements were
approved for issue, but are not recognised as liability.

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