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ee ONCE UPON A TIME IN MARIENBURG “An act of violence is never soluary. Its ripples affect all around it and nothing s as it was be fore" wrongs can ultimately be uncovered but the seeker afier truth s not only completely incapable of righting them but his very search will only make This morning local fisherman waved tothe crew of The Whue Dove as it approached the great port of Marienburg, its hold full. On board the seaman ‘Whitey, once known as Marius Steinfied, looked ata city he did not remember. His return is des- tined to set wheels in motion, wheels which may tend up crushing the PCs, Introduction This scenario is set in Marienburg and uses many Cf the locations from Hogshead’s new supplement Marienburg: Sold Down the River. Having a copy to hand would be useful buts nat essential The sccnario actually consists of two adventures which ‘overlap but are mostly independent ofeach other. This has the possibility to confuse the players at certain parts inthe plot, which is only to be encour aged! Depending on the motivations of your PCs they may become distracted by the sevond plot los- ing sight ofthe first completely. However, you will ‘easily be able to run them independently should ou 50 wish, ending to the scenario is wide open, and may have to improvise inorder to adapt Warpstone - Issue Nine A Complete Scenario by John Foody ito the players’ actions. Additionally, it may end withthe PCs having made friends and enemies with some of the most powerful people inthe city. PROLOGUE ‘There is no nobility ia Marienbura! Crash! “The PCs are wandering around the shops and stalls of the merchant districts when, from nearby, there is a commotion. A wagon is parting the crowd be- fore it as it rapidly charges down the stect. An ‘obviously fearful driver whips his horses as he shouts for people to clear the way. Following him is an open-topped wagon holding three young armed men (one of whom they may recognise as (stay, from the Cameo Hiddem in the Mist on page 13), The PCs are too far away to reach either wagon, The first wagon reaches the end of the street but is going too fast to tur. It skids, coming to rest withthe rear wheels hanging over the edge of a Waterway. A second later it falls down, the horses straining to stop themselves falling in. The driver falls backward and, screaming, catches hold of a box. A loose crate falls and pulls off the wagon's covering before crashing into the water. Inside are about fiteen crates, all st-apped down A the first wagon slowly slips into the wate, the second one reaches it. Two of the men grab the horses" reigns to stop them slipping whilst the third (Ostav) leaps onthe wagon. Oblivious tothe screaming driver he begins ripping open the crates and throwing the contents out_Inthe distance the shouts of the Black Caps (the nickname for Marienburg’s watch) can be heard, and the two men let go off the horses and begin to clamber into their ‘own wagon shouting for Ostav to hurry up. As the wagon begins to slip he clambers up but looks back athe driver. He then begins 1 help him out. His two fiends, seeing the watch running across the nearby bridge, drive off By this ime, any PCs who started running to- ‘wards the wagons will reach the waterside. Ifthey attempt to help the two men off they ean save the hhorses by cutting the harnesses. Ostav looks down at the water, his face livid, and says, "By Haendryk' ‘All the evidence is gone. Damn! Sec- fonds later the Back Caps arrive and set upon Ost beating him to the ground, with ries of, "Finally got you, scumbag!" ‘Ostay is arested for robbery and murder. The PCs are told to clear off. Any arguing. will result in their arrest as accomplices. Who is Ostay? (stay is known to many asa harassed of mer chants. He attacks their wagons and wrecks them However, rumour is that although the bounty on his head is for robbery, he has yet 1 take anything Little more is known about him. He i @ high pro fle catch and although the murder charge is quietly dropped his prosecution will make maay people happier. stay is actually Gustav van Haagen, nephew to Leo van Haagen, one ofthe Directors of Marien: burg. He believes that certsin merchants are smug- ling chaos artifacts out ofthe city. He has made {this task to reveal them. So not as to embarrass his family ne changed his name and recruited some friends. Because is position is so sensitive, he has always gone to great lengths to protect hi identity In Jail If any PCs have been arrested they wil be thrown in toa cell with Ostav. During the night they will be beaten by four men armed with clubs. jug of biter wine is all they will be given. Ostav will fel uilty for dragging the PC(s) into this and explain the full story, although without revealing his name. ‘A suitable bribe to the jilers will allow visitors. Ifthe PCs do not get arrested or visit him, one cof his friends will ask them to appear at court the next day to speak on his behalf He canmot offer any money 10 do so but says they had no intention cof robbing anyone, and if necessary, drops hints 4 that Ostay has friends in high places who would be erateful oftheir intervention, At Court ‘As Ostav has been accused of many robberies and 0 has been brought before the Central Criminal Court. The ease is being judged by a panel of three ‘Magistrates including Kai det Kwick. Previous ceases that day have been quickly dealt with ater ‘minimal statements and formalities, No onc has yet been found innocent of any charges brought ‘against them. The PCs are stared at by the Black ‘Caps ftom yesterday, who plainly resent them be ing there. There is no sign ofthe driver or Ostav's accomplices, When the case is announced, Ostav (and any PCs) are dragged into the middle ofthe court. He ‘has obviously been beaten since yesterday but he 27 2 holds his head up high asthe charges are read t0 him, The only charge is assault, as the merchant has not brought any charges. The senior magistrate looks at him with distaste and says, "Let us hear the

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