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Early detection of CKD: the benefits,

limitations and effects on prognosis
Adeera Levin and Paul E. Stevens
Abstract | The past decade has seen an increasing focus on chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its attendant
complications, which has resulted in improved understanding of their impact on health-care resources. The
early detection of CKD has been facilitated by the implementation of routine reporting of estimated glomerular
filtration rates (eGFRs) and by education of primary care physicians on the implications of detecting a
decreased eGFR with respect to patient safety as well as to cardiovascular and renal outcomes. The goals
of early CKD detection are to prevent CKD progression and associated complications, thus improving patient
outcomes and reducing the impact of CKD on health-care resources. This Review examines the benefits of
the early detection of CKD, and describes the limitations of current knowledge with respect to screening,
early detection and treatment, as well as the unintended consequences of detection. In addition, this article
highlights what is currently known about cardiovascular and renal outcomes and the effects of intervention in
patients with CKD.
Levin, A. & Stevens, P. E. Nat. Rev. Nephrol. 7, 446–457 (2011); published online 28 June 2011; doi:10.1038/nrneph.2011.86

In the past decade, increased recognition of chronic this Review deals with stages 3–5 CKD. Statements in this
kidney disease (CKD) and its attendant complications article that refer to the entire spectrum of CKD (that is,
has led to an improved understanding of their health- stages 1–5) are clearly mentioned as such.
care burden. Given the growing awareness of the increas- In this Review, we will examine the benefits associ-
ing prevalence of CKD in developed and developing ated with early detection of CKD, as well as the limita-
countries, and its strong association with diabetes and tions of our current knowledge with respect to screening,
hypertension, the World Health Organization (WHO) early detection and treatment. We will also consider the
has highlighted CKD as an important component of its unintended consequences of early detection, and discuss
strategy for noncommunicable diseases.1 what is currently known about outcomes and the effects
CKD has been defined as evidence of functional of intervention in patients with CKD.
impairment or structural damage to the kidney and/or
reduced kidney function, as manifested by a reduction Rationale for early detection of CKD
of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) sustained The WHO principles for early disease detection require a
for at least 3 months. Such evidence includes persistent number of conditions to be met.4 In many respects CKD
proteinuria or albuminuria, hematuria, biopsy samples does meet these criteria (Box 1).
showing characteristic features of renal disease, or The rationale for early detection of CKD was that
ultrasonographic and other imaging findings indica- patient outcomes could be improved by identifying high-
tive of scarring or pathology (such as polycystic kidney risk groups, thereby permitting targeted therapy to be
disease). 2 The International Classification of CKD implemented to reduce the incidence of adverse effects
Division of Nephrology, identifies five stages, and includes patients receiving such as progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD),
University of British renal replacement therapy (RRT) through either dialy- cardiovascular events and mortality (Figure 1). In devel-
Columbia, 1081
Burrard Street, Room
sis or functioning kidney transplant.2 Others have since oping countries where dialysis and transplant facilities are
60101A, Vancouver, updated this classification to underline the importance of limited, early detection of CKD may have an especially
BC V6Z1Y8, Canada proteinuria and lower levels of glomerular filtration rate profound effect on the progression of renal disease, and on
(A. Levin). Kent Kidney
Care Center, East Kent (GFR) (Table 1).3 For the purpose of this Review, which the health of populations as a whole. Drug safety and
Hospitals University is focused on early detection, we have excluded patients appropriate monitoring of toxic effects are also enhanced
National Health Service
Foundation Trust,
receiving RRT. An important caveat is that CKD is defined with early identification of renal impairment. In addition,
Ethelbert Road, solely by eGFR in the majority of the available literature, potential savings to the health-care system and individuals
Canterbury, Kent CT1 which confines a great deal of the evidence to an eGFR may be made. The increased costs associated with treat-
3NG, UK (P. E. Stevens).
<60 ml/min/1.73 m2. Thus, by necessity, the majority of ment of the CKD population are largely a result of the
Correspondence to: high rates of comorbidity-driven admission and extended
A. Levin
alevin@ Competing interests hospital stays that are required as CKD progresses. Thus, The authors declare no competing interests. the costs incurred during early stages of CKD increase

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Table 1 | Updated CKD classification Key points

Stage* GFR (ml/ Description ■ Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is prevalent worldwide and occurs in conjunction
min/1.73 m2) with cardiovascular disease and diabetes
1 ≥90 Normal or increased GFR, with ■ CKD should be defined in terms of both estimated glomerular filtration rates
other evidence of kidney damage‡ and albuminuria, as each is an independent predictor of prognosis with respect
present for ≥3 months to renal and cardiovascular outcomes
■ Early detection of CKD allows implementation of treatments and strategies that
can influence both progression of kidney disease and cardiovascular health
2 60–89 Slight decrease in GFR, with other ■ Detection and identification of CKD facilitates avoidance of drugs and
evidence of kidney damage‡ situations that may cause worsening of kidney function and acute kidney injury
present for ≥3 months
■ CKD is recognized to have widely varying outcomes, which makes predicting the
3a 45–59 Moderate decrease in GFR for prognosis of individual patients difficult
3b 30–44 ≥3 months, with or without other
■ Improved prediction of renal and other risks in patients with CKD is a focus for
evidence of kidney damage
4 15–29 Severe decrease in GFR, with or
without other evidence of kidney
Box 1 | WHO Screening Criteria4
5 <15 Established renal failure
■ Is the disease a major health problem?
*Use the suffix (p) to denote the presence of significant proteinuria when
staging CKD (ACR ≥30 mg/mmol, or PCR ≥50 mg/mmol). ‡Kidney damage ■ Is the natural history (including development from
refers to the presence of structural abnormalities and/or persistent latent to overt disease) adequately understood?
hematuria, proteinuria or microalbuminuria. Abbreviations: ACR,
albumin:creatinine ratio; CKD, chronic kidney disease; GFR, glomerular ■ Is there a recognizable latent or early symptomatic
filtration rate; PCR, protein:creatinine ratio. Permission obtained from the stage?
Royal College of Physicians © The National Collaborating Center for Chronic
Conditions. Chronic kidney disease: national clinical guideline for early ■ Does early detection extend life?
identification and management in adults in primary and secondary care
[online], ■ Is there an efficient screening test that is acceptable
pdf (2008).3
to the population?
■ Is there evidence of screening for the disease from
other countries?
markedly with progression to ESRD and remain elevated
■ Is the test(s) for the disease free of complications? Are
thereafter. Increased awareness of CKD among health- there any harms associated with the test(s)?
care providers, leading to its early identification, might
■ What quality of life is associated with screening?
then result in timely interventions, as well as improved
■ Is there an accepted and effective treatment for
clinical and economic outcomes. Moreover, renewed
patients with the recognized disease?
interest in acute kidney injury (AKI), and the recogni-
■ Does screening reduce mortality?
tion that CKD is an important modifier of outcomes, has
led to increased opportunities for peer-reviewed funding ■ The screening program should involve an agreed policy
support of research in both AKI and CKD. on who should be screened
Various publications have attempted to quantify the ■ Is screening cost effective (the cost of case finding
potential cost savings of early CKD detection.5–12 However, should be economically balanced in relation to
possible expenditure on medical care)?
relatively few such studies have established definitively
that early implementation of care strategies results in ■ Are the facilities for diagnosis and treatment available?
improved outcomes. Nonetheless, extrapolation from ■ Case finding should be a continuing process and not a
other screening programs for chronic conditions (dia- one-time-only project
betes, cardiovascular disease [CVD] and cancer) suggests
that prompt treatment is a prudent strategy. practical implications. If patients with CKD are identi-
fied by a constellation of biochemical parameters (urine
The role of routine eGFR reporting and blood analysis) in addition to clinical context, as is
The early identification of CKD has been greatly simpli- proposed in the various guidelines, then early identifica-
fied by the advent of automatic reporting of an eGFR by tion has indeed been accomplished, and would not result
laboratories whenever a request for serum creatinine is in any clinical confusion. Current guidelines advocate
made, by publication of the Kidney Disease Outcomes targeted screening of high-risk populations; however, in
Quality Initiative (KDOQI) Guidelines for CKD in 2002 practice, the automatic reporting of eGFR by laborato-
(Table 2), and by adoption of the CKD staging system.2 ries whenever serum creatinine levels are measured has
For the purposes of early detection and prevention strat- led to de facto screening of the general population. This
egies conducted in accordance with WHO principles, it is approach has brought to light issues related to the sensi-
important to clarify what is truly meant by early identifica- tivity and specificity of some of the currently used equa-
tion. Unlike the situation when seeking to identify CKD tions used to estimate GFR (for example, the Modification
in a high-risk population, an ‘incidental’ or unanticipated of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), CKD–Epidemiology
finding of reduced eGFR in an individual patient may lead Collaboration (CDK-EPI) and Cockcroft–Gault formu-
to clinical confusion. Although the difference between lae) for specific age groups and levels of kidney function,
these circumstances may seem to be semantic, it does have and within certain ethnic groups.


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No disease will also include the staging system. This addition into
an international coding system is seen to be a major step
forward for administrators and researchers. There are
Prevention No prevention reports indicating that mandatory eGFR testing has had
positive effects in practice.14–16 Specifically, one report
indicated that improved recognition of CKD within a
No disease Early pathological changes primary care practice led to changes in the prescribing of
NSAIDs and metformin, as well as an increase in eGFR
within a large population of patients in the practice over
Early detection No early detection time.14 A follow-up study from the same researchers
reported a statistically nonsignificant decrement in sub-
sequent performance, but concluded that the interven-
Prevention of complications Progression of tion provided the education and reinforcement necessary
and progression of disease pathological changes
to effect long-term changes in patients’ management.17

Treatment No treatment
The consequences of early detection
Detection of reduced kidney function often necessi-
tates additional investigations as to the etiology of the
Prevention of complications Disease progression and kidney disease. Although many patients have easily
and progression of disease development of complications identifiable causes of CKD (such as diabetes, hyper-
Figure 1 | Rationale for the early detection (and ideally prevention) of disease. tension or inherited renal disease), some do not, and
The earlier in the pathway of disease progression that we are able to intervene, the require further testing. Automatic reporting of eGFR
better the outcome, both for the individual and for the global health-care economy. also requires education of primary care physicians as to
the possibly transient nature of these findings, as well
as the need to ensure that ancillary data, such as urine
Mandatory eGFR testing with educational feedback protein excretion, are obtained before labeling indivi-
has been implemented in a number of areas. In the duals as having CKD. When it is not accompanied by
UK, for example, since April 2006 all clinical chemistry a comprehensive education program, automatic report-
laboratories were mandated to report eGFR whenever ing of eGFR by laboratories has undoubtedly led to con-
requests for serum creatinine were made. This initiative fusion among and between practitioners, patients and
was accompanied by information leaflets for laborato- policy makers, given the inconsistency in approaches to
ries, primary care providers and patients together with management of individuals with mild CKD. Such confu-
the publication and dissemination of clinical practice sion has tended to polarize attitudes towards automatic
guidelines in CKD.13 The majority of people identified eGFR reporting (Box 2). The use of additional markers
as having CKD as a result of mandatory testing will have of kidney function, such as cystatin C, may improve the
stage 3 disease, the first stage of CKD to be defined by discrimination of the currently used formulae, particu-
eGFR category alone, according to the internationally larly with respect to identifying individuals at risk of
accepted definition of CKD.2 In a primary care practice adverse outcomes.18,19
looking after 10,000 adults, an estimated 144 patients will Current educational efforts have focused on identi-
be diagnosed as having stage 3 CKD each year, whereas fying reduced kidney function within specific high-
only three patients with stage 4 CKD and 0.3 patients risk groups, such as individuals with comorbidities
with stage 5 CKD will be identified.9 strongly associated with CKD. In this way, early detec-
Despite some controversy regarding nomenclature and tion of renal impairment in these groups has been
‘overdiagnosis’ of some populations with CKD (primar- facilitated, and health-care providers and/or patients
ily involving the finding of reduced but stable kidney and carers can be educated to apply evidence-based
function in older people who are otherwise well), the interventional strategies.
benefits of eGFR reporting cannot be overstated, and
such reporting has led to increased public awareness of Prognostic information
CKD. Educational efforts across multiple health-care Outcomes for patients with low eGFRs or CKD are uni-
providers (medical schools, residency programs, primary formly poor, irrespective of the cohort studied or the
care and specialty practice) have been refocused and availability of health-care resources, and are worsened
aligned, and laboratory testing has been standardized by increasing albuminuria.20–24 The prognostic impor-
in many countries to improve the consistency of eGFR tance of albuminuria is underlined by studies demon-
reporting. The International Statistical Classification of strating that outcomes in patients with a GFR >60 ml/
Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), version 9, min/1.73 m2 and moderately elevated proteinuria (an
has been reorganized so as to incorporate the different albumin:creatinine ratio of 30–300 mg/g or proteinuria of
stages of CKD. Although many locations are now using trace to 1+ on dipstick urinalysis) are significantly worse
more recent versions of the ICD codes (ICD-10), this than those of patients with a GFR below this threshold
incorporation into the ICD-9 codes has established a who do not have proteinuria.21,22 Adverse outcomes (such
precedent, and the updated ICD-11 or ICD-12 codes as progression of CKD, cardiovascular events and death)

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Table 2 | Guidelines on chronic kidney disease*

Guideline Author and country Publication year(s)
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative Clinical National Kidney Foundation, USA 2002
Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease2
Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults: UK Guidelines for Royal College of Physicians, UK 2006
Identification, Management and Referral42
Management of Chronic Kidney Disease43 Canadian Society of Nephrology, Canada 2006, 2008
Prevention of Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease Caring for Australasians with Renal Impairment, 2006, 2007
Guidelines44 Australia
Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Kidney Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network, Scotland 2008
Disease: A National Clinical Guideline45
Chronic Kidney Disease: National Clinical Guideline National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence, 2008
for early Identification and Management in Adults in England and Wales
Primary and Secondary Care3
Early Chronic Kidney Disease Caring for Australasians with Renal Impairment, Under development
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes‡ Under development
*Many more guidelines exist worldwide that are not listed here owing to constraints of space and access. ‡Multinational.

are more than twice as frequent in patients with a GFR are working on refinements to these equations, given the
>60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and severely elevated proteinuria need to improve our ability to plan for RRT in an ever-
(albumin:creatinine ratio >300 mg/g or proteinuria of increasing group of patients. None of these refinements
2+ on dipstick urinalysis) than in patients with a GFR to our knowledge are currently in clinical use, although
of 45–59.9 ml/min/1.73 m2 but with a lesser degree of one such equation has recently been made available for
protein uria. 23 Numerous publications describe an a prospective study.37
increased risk of CVD (including heart failure and athero-
sclerotic events), infections, hospitalizations, and all- Referral to the nephrology clinic
cause mortality in patients with impaired kidney function The clinical implications of stages 4 and 5 CKD are well
and/or proteinuria of any severity.20–24 These observations described and understood, but nevertheless until the
have raised substantial interest among generalists and advent of mandatory eGFR reporting, few people with
specialists alike. A meta-analysis by the CKD Prognosis even stage 4 CKD were recognized in primary care, and
Consortium, which examined over 1 million people from most were not referred to a nephrologist.38 Studies to
a diverse set of studies and databases, together with 2 support the referral and treatment of patients identified
further analyses of these data, have described the relative as having CKD in an incidental manner, such as occurs
risks of a series of events, including AKI, infections, CVD, with laboratory reporting of eGFRs, have yet to appear
ESRD and mortality in patients with CKD.24–26 These data in the literature. Inconsistency in referrals to nephrolo-
demonstrate that both GFR and albuminuria are inde- gists in different areas of the world, and even within
pendent predictors of adverse outcomes (both kidney- health jurisdictions, remains evident. Although CKD is
related and non-kidney-related) in patients with CKD. recognized as an important problem, and many guidance
The relative risk reductions for different combinations documents on this disorder have been developed to help
of elevated urine protein excretion and levels of eGFR educate primary care physicians, within the nephrology
have been reported by Astor et al.25 and Gansevoort and community there is no consensus of opinion on the
colleagues.26 In addition to the high risk of these events definition of ‘timely referral’. As the early identification
in CKD patients who are not on dialysis, those who are of patients can contribute to the avoidance of nephro-
dialysis-dependent have even worse outcomes, which toxins and episodes of AKI, and can lead to collabora-
are often compared to those of patients with lung cancer. tive interaction between physicians and medical teams,
The most frequent cause of death in dialysis-dependent referring all patients to a nephrology clinic at the time
patients with CKD is CVD, which is attributed to both of CKD identification would seem to be appropriate. In
conventional and kidney-specific risk factors.27,28 practice the sheer numbers of patients involved are over-
Equations for predicting progression and the absence whelming, as has been discussed in numerous publica-
of progression to ESRD in patients with CKD have identi- tions and supported by concrete data.39,40 Most guidelines
fied similar variables as being important, irrespective of suggest referral to a nephrology clinic for patients with
the population in which the equation is derived: protein- an eGFR <30 ml/min, those with evidence of an increase
uria, hypertension, diabetes, male sex, young age, low in the rate of decline in renal function, or patients with
GFR and high serum phosphate level.29–36 Multiple efforts worsening proteinuria. Others assert that referral to a
at improving the sensitivity and specificity of prediction nephrologist at least 12 months before initiation of dialy-
equations across different age groups and geographical sis is sufficient to assess and prepare patients for RRT.
locations have been undertaken, and numerous groups These messages may be construed as inconsistent and


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Box 2 | Arguments for and against routine eGFR reporting guidance as to when to refer a patient with impaired
renal function to specialist services seems to be based on
Arguments in favor of eGFR reporting
information and resources available to nephrology teams,
■ Early identification of renal impairment and avoidance variation persists as a result of differences in the resources
of late referral
and education of both nephrologists and referring
■ Prevention of renal disease progression doctors around the world.
■ Reduction of complications of CKD
■ Avoidance of treatment with potentially nephrotoxic Opportunities for intervention
agents The most important benefit of early CKD detection
■ Improved medical management is to prolong exposure of the patient to therapeutic
■ Potential cost savings, through prevention of interventions that delay or attenuate adverse outcomes.
progression and complications of renal disease Behavioral and pharmacological interventions can be
offered to patients by both primary care physicians and
Arguments against eGFR reporting
specialty teams. Many strategies, such as optimal blood
■ Increased numbers of referrals, leading to unnecessary
pressure control with angiotensin-converting-enzyme
swamping of specialist services
inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers, glycemic
■ Individuals are labeled as having a disease where
control, and management of iron-deficiency anemia, can
previously they had none
be implemented by the primary care physician without
■ Psychological factors: ‘sick’ role, worried well,
the need for referral to a nephrologist. The reader should
also note that, with appropriate education, community
■ Lack of insurability
physicians can identify nephrotoxic agents and alter
■ Loss of income patients’ therapy with good outcomes.46 Some evidence
■ Potential for increased costs through over-investigation suggests that targeting people with stage 4 CKD for
following a diagnosis of CKD in an otherwise appropriate disease management adds value in terms
asymptomatic individual of delayed progression of disease, and improved blood
Abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated pressure control and CVD risk management.47 Thus, the
glomerular filtration rate. ability of primary care physicians to identify CKD at
an early stage may enhance the longer term outcomes
of these patients. In addition, the presence of reduced
difficult to implement. The latter presumes that physi- kidney function and/or proteinuria, irrespective of pro-
cians are able to predict the outcomes of individual gression, is linked to an increased susceptibility to AKI.48
patients with sufficient accuracy to determine when the Even in patients with initially nonprogressive disease,
need for dialysis is 1 year away, which is not easily done. the evidence increasingly shows that AKI resulting from
Referral to a nephrology clinic might, however, enable drug treatment or intercurrent illness can change the
the etiology of the patient’s CKD to be determined, trajectory of progression of CKD.49,50 Early identifica-
which could influence both treatment choices and prog- tion of AKI also improves drug safety through appropri-
nosis. In some patients, knowledge of the underlying eti- ate dose modification and monitoring of toxic effects.
ology might also facilitate the introduction of strategies Identifying individuals at increased risk of AKI by virtue
to delay progression of CKD. After the advent of eGFR of decreased eGFR and/or albuminuria is, therefore,
reporting in British Columbia, Canada, patients’ median highly valuable.
eGFR at referral to the nephrology clinic rose from 22 ml/
min to 33 ml/min. This difference translates to an esti- Limitations of early detection
mated 2–3 years of additional exposure to expert care The limitations of early detection lie not so much in
teams.41 The long-term consequences of this change in implementation, but rather in the accuracy of predicting
referral behavior have not been rigorously quantified to prognosis for any given individual (versus populations),
date, although a reduction in the proportion of persons and the lack of data to guide appropriate intervention at
with rapid progression was evident and dialysis rates different levels of eGFR and proteinuria. The concern
were reduced consistently by 2% per year for a period of raised by some that early detection of nonprogressive
5 years after the introduction of the strategy. The rates CKD may create a group of ‘worried well’ individuals
of new dialysis patients have now plateaued at 3–4% may not be well founded.51 Given the poor outcomes
per year.41 of this group, irrespective of the etiology of their renal
Multiple publications and guidelines for nephrolo- impairment or its treatment (as described in a meta-
gists and primary care physicians have been developed analysis24 and in a Kidney Disease: Improving Global
and adapted for use around the world (Table 2).2,3,42–45 Outcomes [KDIGO] conference report 52), we need to
These documents have influenced public health policy identify these individuals and to understand how best
in some countries, and altered the health-care focus in to manage them. As yet, however, no studies have exam-
several jurisdictions. However, mandating or even rec- ined the effect of blood pressure lowering and other risk-
ommending the optimal time for referral remains diffi- reduction strategies in patients with nonprogressive renal
cult, owing to variation in local health environments and impairment, in those identified as having CKD solely
other issues, as discussed. To sum up, although specific by laboratory screening, or in targeted high-risk groups

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Table 3 | Cohort studies comparing mortality, cardiovascular events and progression of renal disease
Study Population Median Mortality (% or as reported) CVD Renal outcome
follow-up events
(years) (%)
Community studies
Drey et al.53 Stage 3–5 CKD 5.5* 69 (SCr >150.28 μmol/l) 31.7 RRT: 4%
(2003) (n = 1,076) 59 (SCr >503.88 μmol/l)
John et al.38 Stage 3–5 CKD 2.6 38.6 15.3 Annual GFR decline ≥4 ml/
(2004) (n = 3,822) min/1.73 m2: 12%
Keith et al.54 CKD and no CKD 5.5 24.3 (stage 3) 24.9 RRT: 1.3% (stage 3), 19.9%
(2004) (n = 27,998) 45.7 (stage 4) (stage 4)
Hemmelgarn CKD and no CKD 2 2.3 (overall) NR RRT: 0.9%
et al.55 (2006) (n = 10,184) 6 (GFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2)
Orlando et al.56 CKD‡ (n = 1,097) 3.5* 55 NR Progression to next CKD stage:
(2007) 57%
Hemmelgarn CKD and no CKD 2.9 3 (overall) 0.6§ Doubling of SCr: 0.4%
et al.23 (2010) (n = 920,985) RRT: 0.08%||
Nephrology clinic studies
Levin et al.57 CrCl 10–75 ml/min 1.9 2.6 20 RRT: 26%
(2001) (n = 313)
Evans et al.58 Stage 4–5 CKD 5 42 (5 years) 15.9 RRT: 80%
(2005) (n = 920) 10 (pre-RRT)
Eriksen et al.59 Stage 3–4 CKD 5 46 (stage 3) NR ESRD: 4% (stage 3), 43%
(2006) (n = 1,363) 44 (stage 4) (stage 4)
Levin et al.34 Stage 4 CKD 3.1 45 per 1,000 patient-years NR RRT: 149 per 1,000 patient-
(2008) (n = 4,231) years
Orlando et al.56 CKD‡ (n = 456) 3.6* 40 NR Progression to next CKD stage:
(2007) 74%
Landray et al.29 Stage 3–5 CKD 4.1–6.0* 39 NR ESRD: 50%
(2010) (n = 382)
Hoefield et al.60 Stage 3–5 CKD 2.2 20 NR RRT: 13%
(2010) (n = 1,325)
Rossing et al.61 T2DM ACR >300 mg 6.5 35 MI 17 Doubling of SCr or ESRD: 28%
(2004) daily (n = 227) Stroke 15
Tseng et al.62 CKD stage 3–4 1.6 15 (stage 3a) NR RRT: 1% (stage 3a), 3%
(2008) (n = 39,031) 22 (stage 3b) (stage 3b), 13% (stage 4)
33 (stage 4)
CKD CKD and no CKD 4.42* HR (95% CI) compared with GFR 95 ml/min/1.73 m2: NR HRs for eGFRs averaging 60, 45,
Consortium24,26 (n = 1,234,812) 1.18 (1.05–1.31) at GFR 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and 15 were 4, 29, and 454,
(2011) 1.57 (1.39–1.78) at GFR 45 ml/min/1.73 m2 respectively, compared with an
3.14 (2.39–4.13) at GFR 15 ml/min/1.73 m2 eGFR of 95 ml/min/1.73 m2
*Mean. ‡Defined as SCr ≥123.76 μmol/l. §Admission with MI. ||Age-adjusted rates increased as GFR and/or proteinuria worsened. Abbreviations: ACR, albumin:creatinine ratio; CKD, chronic
kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; HR, hazard ratio; MI, myocardial infarction; NR, not reported; RRT, renal
replacement therapy; SCr, serum creatinine; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.

with undetected CKD or who have yet to develop CKD. differences and similarities of these outcomes, and how
Hence, current guidance for practitioners with respect early detection may improve them.
to the best available care for these patients is limited to Much of the current knowledge with respect to the out-
addressing their cardiovascular risk factors and associ- comes of patients who are identified as having CKD early
ated comorbidities. Nonetheless, these groups of in the course of the disease is derived from observational
individuals are indisputably at a higher risk of adverse cohort studies. However, these studies were not designed
outcomes than are the general population, and perhaps to answer questions related to the early identification of
that knowledge will influence treatment choices, use of impaired renal function. The findings of these studies
medications and avoidance of imaging studies requiring show notable variation in outcomes, particularly between
use of contrast media. referred and nonreferred cohorts of patients, and even
within such cohorts.23,29,38,53–62 Furthermore, patient
Prognosis and outcomes outcomes differ depending on the characteristics of the
Renal and nonrenal outcomes are both relevant cohort (Table 3). For example, studies of individuals in
for patients with CKD. This section focuses on the the general population describe an increased likelihood


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450 – Australia stages 3–5 remains to be proven, particularly with respect

Bangladesh to preventing or slowing progression to ESRD. The
400 – Belgium (Dutch) rise in prevalence of CVD as CKD progresses, and the
Belgium (French) increased risk of mortality from CVD in patients identi-
350 –
Incidence of RRT (per million people)

Finland fied as having CKD argue strongly for early interven-

300 – Greece tion. However, we lack high-level evidence of the value
Japan and cost-effectiveness of this strategy, above and beyond
250 – Malaysia
those of current strategies to address CVD risk factors in
this population.
200 – A summary of the evidence in support of delayed pro-
gression of CKD in patients who receive early treatment
150 – New Zealand
is beyond the scope of this Review, but has been com-
prehensively discussed elsewhere,68 as well as in many
100 – Republic of Korea
of the existing published guidelines for the manage-
Sweden ment of CKD.2,3,42–45 Of late, some regions or countries
50 –
Taiwan have reported a ‘leveling off ‘ of ESRD incidence,69,70 as
0– UK demonstrated in the current US Renal Data Systems
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Uruguay report, 71 which includes a comparison of data from
Year USA various countries, and in the United Kingdom Renal
Figure 2 | Comparison of end-stage renal disease incidence rates, 2003–2007. Registry Report (Figure 2).72 This plateau seems to be
This figure, from the 12th Annual Report of the UK Renal Registry illustrates an temporally associated with the implementation of eGFR
international comparison of the incidence of RRT between 2003 and 2007. The reporting, strategies that increase awareness of CKD, and
figure shows that although some countries still have a rising incidence of RRT, in educational efforts directed at primary care physicians
other countries it has stabilized, and in some countries has started to fall.
in those jurisdictions. Although observational in nature,
Abbreviations: RRT, renal replacement therapy. Permission obtained from the UK
Renal Registry © Donovan, K. et al. Chapter 16 of the 12th Annual Report of the this plateau may provide some evidence that early detec-
UK Renal Registry: International Comparisons with the UK RRT Programme [online], tion is of value, in that early identification of CKD can be presumed to have led to increased implementation of
pdf (2009).72 The data reported here have been supplied by the UK Renal Registry treatments that delay progression and improve outcomes.
of the Renal Association. The interpretation and reporting of these data are the However, this assumption still needs to be supported with
responsibility of the authors and in no way should be seen as an official policy or data. Large-scale, population-based studies of the effects
interpretation of the UK Renal Registry or the Renal Association.
of increased awareness on patient outcomes are difficult
to perform, as increased awareness (and, therefore, early
of dying but not of progression to ESRD in individuals detection of a condition) is usually accompanied by a
who develop CKD, whereas those conducted in referred multitude of changes within a society and health-care
populations describe the opposite pattern. Furthermore, system. Nonetheless, ongoing surveillance of this trend,
even within referred populations the rate of progression as a surrogate for the success of education and early
is variable; differential progression for those with severely detection programs, should help to inform this issue.
reduced eGFR is also unpredictable, with some patients
progressing more rapidly than others. Acute kidney injury and CKD
The risk of AKI and other adverse outcomes is certainly
Kidney outcomes: ESRD and transplantation higher in patients with CKD than in those without it,
Several publications have described the effect of referral irrespective of stage. AKI is both a consequence and a
to nephrology teams or the implementation of disease predictor of CKD. That CKD is a risk factor for AKI
management strategies for individuals identified as has been recognized for some time,73–79 but research-
having CKD.39,40,63–66 Most demonstrate improved patient ers increasingly accept that even transient changes in
outcomes, such as longer time to dialysis, a slower rate kidney function can worsen outcomes for individuals
of decline in eGFR, and more timely preparation for with CKD80 (Figure 3).
dialysis including choice of modality and creation of The risk of AKI rises with increasing severity of CKD.
gold standard vascular access, both of which have been Hsu et al.78 reported that the adjusted odds ratio for
associated with better survival. Early referral might also development of AKI requiring dialysis increased with
lead to an increase in the rate of pre-emptive transplanta- increasing stages of CKD, compared to patients with
tion.67 Delayed progression of CKD and reduced protein- eGFR >60 ml/min/1.73 m2: 1.95 for stage 3a; 3.54 for
uria as a consequence of control of blood pressure and stage 3b; 28.50 for stage 4; 40.07 for stage 5. Lafrance
glycemia, and renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system et al. have also noted that even transient increases in
blockade, have been demonstrated in numerous trials. serum creatinine levels of >25 μmol/l are associated with
Nonetheless, most of these studies enrolled patients with increases in the risk of both progression to dialysis and
established CKD, who were not necessarily individuals death in a referred cohort of patients with CKD.81 Patients
in whom this disorder was detected early. Whether early with documented proteinuria are also more likely than
intervention (that is, treatment of patients with stages 1 patients without this symptom to develop AKI, inde-
or 2 CKD) offers a clear benefit over treatment during pendent of their GFR. Grams et al.82 reported adjusted

452 | AUGUST 2011 | VOLUME 7

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hazard ratios for AKI of 1.9, 2.2 and 4.8 for patients Prerenal Initiation Extension Maintenance Repair CKD progression and/or ESRD
100 –
with urinary albumin:creatinine ratios of 11–29 mg/g,
AKI: Complete recovery
30–299 mg/g and ≥300 mg/g, respectively, versus the ref- 90 –
AKI: CKD progression
erence group (those with a urinary albumin:creatinine
80 – AKI on CKD: CKD progression
ratio <10 mg/g). These associations between AKI and
eGFR, and AKI and proteinuria, are not surprising given
70 –
that as CKD progresses so too does the patient’s burden
of comorbidity. Thus, progression results in patients 60 –

eGFR (%)
being far more likely to be exposed to nephrotoxic agents
50 –
and drugs that increase an individual’s susceptibility to
AKI (for example, angiotensin- converting-enzyme 40 –
inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers and diuretics).
Huerta et al. evaluated 386,916 individuals in the general 30 –
population who were free of known renal disorders and 20 –
aged 50–84 years.83 In this study, NSAID users had a
threefold greater risk of receiving a first ever diagnosis 10 – RRT
of clinical AKI compared with nonusers of these drugs.
Concomitant use of cardiovascular drugs was associated
0 1 3 9
with an even greater increase in the risk of AKI, as were (days) (weeks) (years)
heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, and hospitalizations Time after AKI
in the previous year. Figure 3 | The natural history of AKI. This figure follows the phases of AKI and
Possible outcomes of AKI include death, dialysis the potential outcomes. Results from 15 studies with long-term follow-up data
dependence, and partial recovery (or full recovery) of suggest a CKD incidence rate of 7.8 events per 100 patient-years and an end-
renal function. Development of de novo CKD or pro- stage renal disease rate of 4.9 events per 100 patient-years.50 Abbreviations: AKI,
gression of pre-existing CKD might, therefore, follow acute kidney injury; CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular
an episode of AKI. The outcomes of patients with AKI filtration rate; RRT, renal replacement therapy. Permission obtained from the
American Society of Nephrology © Okusa, M. D. et al. Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 4,
are heavily influenced by pre-existing CKD. 49 Out of
520–522 (2009).80
89 patients followed up for 3 years after surviving an
episode of dialysis-dependent AKI in the intensive care
unit, CKD was present in 32 patients from the onset, and held in London, UK, in October 2010.85 The incidence
developed de novo in 25 patients. ESRD developed in and prevalence of myocardial infarction, chronic heart
nine patients (of whom eight had pre-existing CKD), and failure (CHF), peripheral vascular disease and stroke are
29 patients died. At 3 years, survival was 67% overall; all higher in individuals with CKD than in the general
mortality was 50% for those with pre-existing kidney population. 86 Outcomes of patients with CKD who
disease, 71% for those with new-onset CKD, and 82% develop these conditions are poorer than those who do
in patients without CKD. In a meta-analysis of over not. Many studies have lacked the capability to determine
47,000 patients with AKI from 48 studies, Coca et al.50 whether the benefits gained from drugs and therapeutic
found an incidence rate of new-onset CKD of 7.8 events strategies tested in CKD populations are at least equal
per 100 patient-years and an incidence rate for ESRD of to those already tried and tested in non-CKD popula-
4.9 events per 100 patient-years. tions. 87–100 Within the cardiology community, some
AKI occurring in individuals in the community is degree of pessimism about the efficacy of interven-
an area of considerable research interest, yet one about tions to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events in
which we have little information. AKI in such individuals patients with CKD (versus those without CKD) exists,
might go unrecognized or undetected, but the individual leading to differences in therapeutic decision-making,
concerned will be subject to the same risk factors as a which subsequently confounds the observational lit-
patient who has AKI that is recognized and detected. erature. 90,93,101–108 Nonetheless, the exclusion of these
Renal functional recovery may be complete or incom- patients from randomized studies has made it difficult
plete, and these silent episodes of AKI may contribute to to understand which therapies are most efficacious in
the development and progression of CKD. AKI occurring these populations.109
in individuals in the community might be of consider- Some re-analysis of data from existing studies, strati-
able importance in developing countries. Repeated epi- fied by eGFR category, has improved our understanding
sodes of AKI resulting from dehydration or infection of the utility of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system
could contribute to CKD development in susceptible blockade in patients with CKD, irrespective of stage.87–89
individuals, such as those with low birth weight and Of particular interest is the strong association between
poor nutrition. This area is ripe for further investigation heart failure and CKD. This association has received
and research. much attention, such that the concept of ‘cardiorenal’
syndrome has been proposed.110 Although this construct
Cardiovascular outcomes has some appeal, the details remain to be validated and
CVD in patients with CKD has been comprehensively appropriately reviewed. Irrespective of the underlying
reviewed elsewhere,84 and at a recent KDIGO conference etiology, the treatment and outcomes of individuals


© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

with CHF and CKD are complicated by the coexistence The best timing of interventions in individuals with
of these two conditions. An important report from the identified CKD, irrespective of how identified, is not yet
Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP) clearly well established. As previously mentioned, the costs and
describes a benefit of lipid-lowering strategies in CKD benefits of early implementation of therapies known to
populations. In this study, the combination of a low-dose reduce progression of CKD or CVD or both (in cases—
statin and ezetimibe resulted in a 16.5% reduction in the such as hypertension—when a common etiology is
overall risk of major atherosclerotic events, and the treat- shared), have not been fully determined in all popula-
ment had an excellent safety profile.111 This randomized tions of patients with renal impairment. For example, we
controlled trial, which involved almost 9,500 patients do not yet know whether the commencement of renin–
around the world, has improved our understanding of angiotensin–aldosterone system blockade and achieve-
the pathological processes occurring within this diverse ment of blood pressure targets in individuals with CKD
population. The results showed that intervention did (as defined by the presence of albuminuria or reduced
reduce the risk of atherosclerotic events, but that the eGFR) who are over the age of 80 years confers the
risk of death from heart failure and other causes is not same risk:benefit ratio as it would in someone 20 years
sufficiently addressed with lipid-lowering strategies to younger. Nor do we know what the absolute versus rela-
influence mortality. Research is ongoing into how best tive risks are in those individuals. Given that the finding
to define and treat these different nonatherosclerotic, of CKD in different populations (for example, the elderly,
nonischemic cardiovascular conditions, and to deter- the very young and those with cardiac disease) may carry
mine the prognosis of patients with the combination of very different prognoses, both the timing and type of
CKD and CVD. interventions required in these various groups might
The early detection of CKD in patients with CVD need to differ.
might lead to an intensification of the management of The results from large-scale, randomized, controlled
their CVD risk factors, given the additional adverse trials published in the past 5–6 years have underscored
prognosis that CKD confers. What is not known with the need to test hypotheses generated by observational
the currently available evidence is whether invasive studies in CKD populations, using a robust study design
interventions, such as percutaneous coronary inter- and clear inclusion and exclusion criteria.111,119–123 The
vention and coronary artery bypass graft surgery, are limitations in our current knowledge about which are
beneficial. The SWEDEHEART study 112 described a the optimal treatments after early detection of CKD and
benefit of surgical versus medical approaches for CKD about the timing of treatments should be addressed by
populations in an observational cohort study that appropriate studies designed to answer these key ques-
combined information from several population-based tions. We believe that testing of interventions in different
databases. However, given the inevitable confounding populations—that is, in individuals at different stages of
by indication in registry-based studies (owing to thera- CKD, and with differing levels of albuminuria—remains
pies not being assigned randomly), a void in our knowl- the most important research agenda for the field of
edge remains as to the appropriate timing of intervent nephrology at the current time. Without these studies,
ions, and the most suitable type of intervention at each nephrologists will continue to discuss the implications
CKD stage. of various stages of CKD, the ability or inability of neph-
rologists to manage patients with various stages of this
Limitations of knowledge and practice disease, and the importance of specific equations used
The limitations of early detection include the following: to estimate GFR in helping to identify these populations
issues related to the sensitivity of currently available tests; accurately. Although all of these questions are important,
the pre-test probability of disease in the population of we do need to determine what we can offer patients with
interest; a lack of ability to accurately predict progres- CKD (irrespective of the precision of that diagnosis) who
sion in individuals; and, in some parts of the world, the have notably poor outcomes.
inability to offer therapy irrespective of diagnosis.
Detection of albuminuria remains a cost-effective Conclusions
method by which to identify CKD in large populations, The early identification of CKD should increase the
and has been successfully implemented in several parts amount of time that patients are exposed to therapeutic
of the world, both in clinical practice and in trial set- strategies of proven benefit. Such increased exposure is
tings.113–118 Although the presence of albuminuria is expected to have several beneficial effects: preventing or
clearly an adverse prognostic sign in all populations delaying progression to ESRD; improving patient safety
studied to date, research is required to determine the through avoidance of nephrotoxic effects of drugs and/or
value of abnormalities (including hematuria, alone or in procedures (for example, contrast-based imaging); and,
combination with albuminuria) observed in one isolated possibly, preventing AKI episodes in patients identified as
urinalysis and the utility of urine albumin:creatinine having CKD. In turn, these improvements should lead to
ratios in establishing specific risk in different circum- a reduction in the need for RRT and improved health for
stances and patient populations. We must not confuse these individuals. Given the already large burden of CKD
what we can demonstrate in groups of patients enrolled on health-care resources, which is projected to increase
in observational studies with the implications for the still further in both developed and developing countries,
treatment and prognosis of individual patients. improvements in CKD detection, an improved ability to

454 | AUGUST 2011 | VOLUME 7

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predict individual patients’ prognosis and better treat- outlook for acquiring new knowledge about best practices
ment strategies are necessary. As the incidence of dia- for patients with CKD is highly promising.
betes increases in the developing world, and exposure to
infections and drug therapies remain a constant threat
Review criteria
to all, the impetus to ensure that identification of CKD
occurs as early as possible must continue. For this Review, we identified English-language original
The medical community has made great strides research and review papers published after 2003 using
over the past decade with respect to recognizing CKD the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Keywords
and improving the general understanding of the condi- included the following MeSH terms: “CKD”, “referral”,
“outcomes” (including “mortality”, “progression of
tion and its epidemiology. The challenge now is to
CKD”, “doubling of serum creatinine”, and “end stage
continue and build upon these efforts through the appro- renal disease”), “cardiovascular disease”, “acute kidney
priate design and execution of large-scale clinical trials injury”, “heart failure”, “prediction equations”, “dialysis”
to identify the best timing and choice of interventions to and “guidelines”. Some pre-2003 references were also
reduce morbidity and mortality in this population. In the included where relevant. In addition, the reference lists
last 5 years, we have noted an increased commitment to of reviews published in 2010 were studied to identify
recruit patients with kidney disease for large-scale clini- further relevant papers. Articles chosen for inclusion were
selected by the authors as representative of key issues
cal trials; this may well be an indication that the com-
and landmark studies.
munity is prepared to address this void. In so doing, the

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