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Blandino 1

Mitchell Blandino

Mr. Leonard

English Comp II


This I Believe

As a child I have always been a good conversationalist, I have always been particularly

good at speaking to others whether that mean adults or kids my age. Having this gift, I chose to

always be nice out of the gate to others. It has been my biggest quality and it has helped me

make a lot of extraordinarily strong bonds with the friends I will have for the rest of my life. It

has also brought people in my life that have tried to take advantage of me also.

At an early age I had a gift to talk to strangers, I have never had any sort of nervousness

or social anxiety. A specific example to this is when my family travelled to Banff Canada when I

was eight, we stayed at this genuinely nice 5-star hotel. I was at the pool, and I met this older

couple and had an hour-long conversation before my mom came down and saw me doing this.

Talking and meeting people is like second nature to me. This consigns with what I believe if you

are nice to someone and give them a chance then you will make a better bond then if you are not

nice or even mean it will be worse off.

Although being nice and being able to talk to others is such an excellent quality to have

people have tried to take advantage of me. I may be nice when we meet but if you do wrong by

my name or speak down to me, they will find out I have a short tempura when it comes to people

being greedy to other people. I do not tolerate it in my life, and I will stand by that for the rest of
Blandino 2

it. There are many examples of this in my life in high school. This does not mean I do not give

people second chances, everyone in my lie has gotten a second chance with me not saying that I

do not have second chances with others, we are all human, but there is a point where you just

need to let someone go whether its good or bad blood.

Being a child and being bl to talk to older generations surprised a lot of folks when I met

them but after they get passed the shock, they usually always treated me like a normal person,

never a kid that was shy and hid behind there mom or dad. I loved having conversations with

everyone and I have learned a lot of particularly good and some bad advice, but there were

always adults that tried to talk down to me because I was so young. My father was a high school

football coach my whole life, when I was in fifth grade he started coaching again and I became a

manager for that team, this also helped because I was around coaches and players, and it made

me so comfortable as a speaker and how to have a good relationship with everyone.

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