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Here is the complete list of emotions and how they are categorized:

1. Anger ‫الغضب‬
 Disgust ‫االشمئزاز‬: Contempt ‫احتقار‬, disgust, revulsion ‫اشمئزاز‬
 Envy ‫حسد‬: Envy, jealousy
 Exasperation (= a feeling of intense irritation or annoyance= ‫شعور‬
‫)بالتهيج الشديد أو االنزعاج‬: Exasperation, frustration ‫إحباط‬
 Irritation: Aggravation ‫التفاقم‬, agitation‫ اإلثارة‬, annoyance, grouchiness
‫تذمر‬, grumpiness ‫مشاكسة‬, irritation
 Rage ‫غضب‬: Anger, bitterness (lack of sweetness), dislike, ferocity
(‫)وحشية‬, fury(‫ )غضب شديد‬, hate, hostility (‫)العداء‬, loathing (‫)اشمئزاز‬,
outrage(‫ )الغضب‬, rage (‫ )غضب‬, resentment (‫ )استياء‬, scorn (‫ )سخرية‬, spite
(a desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone.) , vengefulness (‫)االنتقام‬,
wratht (extreme anger)
 Torment: Torment ‫العذاب‬

2. Fear ‫الخوف‬
 Horror (‫ )رعب‬: Alarm, fear, fright (a sudden intense feeling of fear) ,
horror, hysteria, mortification (great embarrassment and shame),
panic (‫)هلع‬, shock, terror (extreme fear)
 Nervousness (‫ )العصبية‬: Anxiety, apprehension (anxiety or fear that
something bad or unpleasant will happen) , distress ( extreme
anxiety, sorrow, or pain) , dread (anticipate with great
apprehension or fear ‫ )الرهبة‬, nervousness, tenseness (‫)توتر‬,
uneasiness (a feeling of anxiety or discomfort , ‫ )القلق‬, worry

3. Joy ‫الفرح‬
 Cheerfulness(‫البهجة‬, the quality or state of being noticeably happy
and optimistic) : Amusement(‫)تسلية‬, bliss (perfect happiness; great
joy ‫ )النعيم‬, cheerfulness, delight (‫ )مسرور‬, ecstasy (‫)النشوة‬, elation (great
happiness and exhilaration, ‫ )ابتهاج‬, enjoyment, euphoria (a feeling
or state of intense excitement and happiness, ‫ )نشوة‬, gaiety (‫)ابتهاج‬,
gladness(‫)بهجة‬, glee (‫ )مرح‬, happiness, jolliness (‫)مرح‬, joviality (‫)مرح‬,
joy (a feeling of great pleasure and happiness) , jubilation (a feeling
of great happiness and triumph, ‫ )ابتهاج‬, satisfaction
 Contentment (a state of happiness and satisfaction) : Contentment,
 Enthrallment: Enthrallment, rapture ( a feeling of intense pleasure or
 Optimism: Eagerness (enthusiasm to do or to have something;
keenness. ‫ ) رغبه قويه‬, hope, optimism
 Pride: Pride (‫فخر‬, a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived
from one's own achievements) , triumph (a great victory or
 Relief: Relief ‫اِرتِياح‬
 Zest (great enthusiasm and energy) : Enthusiasm (‫ )حماس‬,
excitement (a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness, ‫ ) اإلثارة‬,
exhilaration (‫)ابتهاج‬, thrill ( a sudden feeling of excitement and
pleasure‫ ) التشويق‬, zeal (great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a
cause or an objective‫ ) حماسة‬, zest (great enthusiasm and energy

4. Love
 Affection (‫)عاطفَة‬
ِ : Adoration, affection, attraction ‫جاذبية‬, caring,
compassion ‫تعاطف‬, fondness (affection or liking for someone or
something , exp : I remember him with great fondness) , liking, love,
sentimentality ‫العاطفية‬, tenderness (‫الرقة والحنان‬, gentleness and
 Longing: Longing (‫شوق‬, a yearning desire. )
 Lust (very strong sexual desire) : Arousal (‫إثارة‬, the action or fact of
arousing or being aroused) , desire, infatuation (an intense but
short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something, ‫االفتتان‬,
Exp : he had developed an infatuation with the girl) , lust, passion ‫شغف‬

5. Sadness
 Disappointment ‫خيبة االمل‬: Disappointment (sadness or displeasure
caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations) ,
dismay (consternation and distress, typically that caused by
something unexpected ‫الفزع‬, Exp : to his dismay, she left him) ,
displeasure ‫استياء‬
 Neglect (‫إهمال‬, fail to care for properly) : Alienation (the state or
experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which
one should belong or in which one should be involved) , defeat
‫هزيمة‬, dejection ‫كآبة‬, embarrassment (a feeling of self-consciousness,
shame, or awkwardnes) , homesickness (‫الحنين للوطن‬,
a feeling of longing for one's home during a period of absence
from it) , humiliation ‫ الذل‬, insecurity, isolation, insult, loneliness,
neglect (fail to care for properly, ‫ )إهمال‬, rejection ‫الرفض‬
 Sadness: Depression, despair ‫اليأس‬, gloom(‫كآبة‬, a state of depression
or despondenc) , glumness ‫الكآبة‬, grief (‫حزن‬, deep sorrow, especially
that caused by someone's death) , hopelessness, melancholy (a
feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause ‫ )كآبة‬,
misery, sadness, sorrow (‫حزن‬,
a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other
misfortune suffered by oneself or others) , unhappiness, woe ‫ويل‬
 Shame ‫عار‬: Guilt ‫ الذنب‬, regret, remorse (deep regret or guilt for a
wrong committed, ‫ )الندم‬, shame
 Suffering: Agony (extreme physical or mental suffering, ‫ )عذاب‬,
anguish (‫معاناة‬, severe mental or physical pain or suffering), hurt,
 Sympathy ‫ تعاطف‬: Pity ‫شفقة‬, sympathy
6. Surprise
 Surprise: Amazement ‫دهشة‬, astonishment ‫دهشة‬, surprise
206 Personality Adjectives to Describe
Positive Personality Adjectives
 Active
 Adaptable ‫قابل للتكيف‬
 Adventurous ‫مغامر‬
 Affable ‫ميسور‬
 Amiable ‫ودي‬
 Amicable ‫ ;ظريف‬having a spirit of friendliness; without serious
disagreement or rancor.
 Amusing ‫مسل‬
 Brave
 Bright
 Calm
 Careful
 Charming ‫ساحر‬
 Circumspect : wary and unwilling to take risks. ‫حذر‬
 Communicative
 Compassionate : ‫ عطوف‬: feeling or showing sympathy and concern for
 Conscientious : ‫منجز وفقا لما يمليه الضمير‬: wishing to do what is right,
especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.
 Considerate : careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others:
 Courageous ‫شجاع‬
 Courteous : ‫ مهذب‬: polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.
 Creative
 Determined : having made a firm decision and being resolved not to
change it: ‫محدد‬
 Diligent: ‫ مجتهد‬: having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's
work or duties.
 Diplomatic: ‫ دبلوماسي‬: of or concerning the profession, activity, or skill of
managing international relations.
 Discreet: ‫ متحفظ‬: careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions,
especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.
 Dynamic
 Empathetic: ‫متعاطف‬: showing an ability to understand and share the
feelings of another (Exp : she's compassionate and empathetic towards
her daughter)
 Energetic
 Faithful ‫مخلص‬
 Fearless: ‫ال يعرف الخوف‬
 Friendly
 Funny
 Generous: ‫كريم‬: showing a readiness to give more of something, as
money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.
 Gentle: ‫( لطيف‬thin, fluffy, thinning, superfine, tender, gentle)
 Good
 Gregarious: ‫ إجتماعي‬: fond of company; sociable. (Exp : he was a
popular and gregarious man)
 Helpful
 Honest
 Hopeful
 Humorous : ‫ روح الدعابة‬: causing lighthearted laughter and amusement;
 Imaginative
 Intelligent
 Intuitive : ‫حدسي‬: using or based on what one feels to be true even
without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
 Inventive : having the ability to create or design new things or to think
originally ‫مبتكر‬
 Joyful ‫بهيجة‬: feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and
 Kind : ‫عطوف‬
 Loving
 Loyal
 Lucky
 Mature : ‫ناضجة‬
 Motivated
 Neat : ‫ مرتب‬A person who always has clean clothes and who is always well-
 Nice
 Optimistic
 Passionate ‫شغوف‬
 Patient ‫صبور‬
 Plucky : ‫شجاع‬: having or showing determined courage in the face of
 Polite : ‫ مؤدب‬: (Exp : they thought she was wrong but were too polite to
say so)
 Popular
 Powerful ‫قوي‬
 Practical ‫ عملي‬: (Exp : there are two obvious practical applications of the
 Rational ‫معقول‬: (Exp : I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation)
 Realistic ‫واقعي‬
 Reliable ‫( موثوق‬Exp : a reliable source of information)
 Resourceful : having the ability to find quick and clever ways to
overcome difficulties. (Exp: he maintained her reputation for being a
resourceful problem-solver)
 Romantic
 Sensible
 Sincere
 Smart
 Sociable
 Sympathetic
 Tidy : ‫ مرتب‬- ‫أنيق‬
 Understanding
 Willing : ready, eager, or prepared to do something (Exp: he was quite
willing to compromise)
 Wise : ‫ ( حكيم‬Exp : she seems kind and wise)
 Witty : ‫ بارع‬: showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal
humor (Exp : a witty remark)
Negative Personality Adjectives
 Abrasive
 Aggressive
 Apathetic : ‫ال مبالي‬
 Argumentative ‫(جدلي‬Exp : an argumentative child)
 Boring ‫ممل‬
 Bossy ‫متسلط‬
 Callous ‫ ( قاس‬exp : his callous comments about the murder made me
 Catty ‫( حقود‬exp : catty comments)
 Childish ‫طفولي‬
 Cocky ‫مغرور‬
 Confrontational ‫المواجهة‬
 Controlling ‫=( مسيطر‬dominant)
 Cowardly ‫( جبان‬Exp : he was a weak, cowardly man)
 Cruel‫قاسي‬
 Cynical ‫ساخر‬
 Defensive ‫دفاعي‬
 Deceitful ‫مخادع‬
 Dense
 Devious : showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics ‫تكتيكات‬
‫المخادعة‬to achieve goals:
 Dim ‫قاتم‬
 Dishonest ‫ غير أمين‬: ‫يتصرف أو يميل إلى التصرف بطريقة غير جديرة بالثقة أو احتيالية‬.
 Disloyal : ‫غير وفي‬
 Disorganized
 Disrespectful : showing a lack of respect or courtesy; impolite. ‫قليل‬
‫االحترام لآلخرين‬
 Disruptive : ‫مدمرة‬: (Exp : the hours of work are disruptive to home life)
 Egotistical : ‫مغرور‬: he's selfish, egotistical, and arrogant
 Evasive : ‫متهرب‬: tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation,
especially by responding only indirectly (Exp : she was evasive about
her phone number)
 Evil
 Fanatical ‫متعصب‬
 Flaky
 Foolish ‫غبي‬: (of a person or action) lacking good sense or judgment;
 Forgetful: apt or likely not to remember: (Exp: I'm a bit forgetful these
 Frivolous ‫تافه‬: not having any serious purpose or value.
 Gossipy : ‫كثير الكالم‬: characterized by casual conversation or reports
about other people.
 Greedy : ‫جشع‬, ‫طماع‬
 Grumpy : bad-tempered and irritable: ‫مزاج سيء وسريع االنفعال‬.
 Gullible : ‫ ساذج‬: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
 Hostile : unfriendly; antagonistic.
 Humorless : ‫عديم الفكاهة‬: lacking humor; not able to appreciate or
express humor
 Hypocritical : ‫نفاق‬
 Ignorant : ‫جاهل‬: lacking knowledge or awareness in general;
uneducated or unsophisticated
 Impatient : ‫نافذ الصبر‬, having or showing a tendency to be quickly
irritated or provoked.
 Impractical ‫غير عملي‬: not adapted for use or action; not sensible
 Inconsiderate : thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others.
 Irrational : ‫غير منطقي‬: not logical or reasonable
 Jealous
 Judgemental ‫سريع الحكم‬
 Lazy
 Manipulative ‫يتسم بسيطرة ال ضمير لها على موقف أو شخص‬.
 Mean
 Moody
 Morbid ‫ مهووس‬, ‫يتسم أو يستدرج مصلحة غير طبيعية وغير صحية في مواضيع مزعجة وغير‬
‫ خاصة الموت والمرض‬، ‫سارة‬.
 Nasty
 Nosy ‫فضولي‬, showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs.
 Obsessive
 Paranoid ‫المذعور‬,
 Pessimistic
 Petty ‫تافه‬
 Posessive ‫تملكي‬, demanding someone's total attention and love.
 Prejudiced : having or showing a dislike or distrust that is derived from
prejudice; bigoted ‫وجود أو إظهار كراهية أو عدم ثقة ناتجة عن التحيز ؛ متعصب‬
 Pretentious: ‫ وما إلى ذلك‬، ‫ والثقافة‬، ‫ والموهبة‬، ‫محاولة التأثير من خالل التأثير على أهمية أكبر‬
‫ مما هو موجود بالفعل‬،
 Reckless ‫متهور‬, (of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring
about the consequences of an action. (Exp : reckless driving)
 Resentful : ‫ مستاء‬, feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at
having been treated unfairly.
 Rotten ‫( فاسد‬Exp: rotten eggs)
 Rude ‫( وقاحة‬Exp: she had been rude to her boss)
 Selfish ‫أناني‬
 Sleazy ‫قذر أو فاسد أو غير أخالقي‬.
 Spoiled (of a person, especially a child) harmed in character by being
treated too leniently or indulgently. ‫مدلل‬
 Stingy ‫غير راغب في العطاء أو اإلنفاق ؛ غير كريم بخيل‬. (Exp: his employer is stingy
and idle)
 Stupid
 Unlucky
 Unmotivated
 Unreliable ‫غير جدير بالثقة‬
 Untidy ‫غير مرتب‬
 Vain ‫( امتالك أو إظهار رأي مرتفع بشكل مفرط بشأن مظهر الفرد أو قدراته أو قيمته‬Exp: their
flattery made him vain)

Neutral or Contextual Personality Adjectives

 Ambitious ‫طموح‬
 Anxious ‫قلق‬
 Breezy : pleasantly windy ‫عاصف بسرور‬
 Businesslike ‫عملي‬
 busy
 Casual ‫استرخاء وغير مبال‬.
 Cerebral
 Cautious ‫( حذر‬of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or
dangers. (Exp : a cautious driver)
 Chatty: (of a person) fond of talking in an easy, informal way. ‫ثرثرة‬
 Childlike ‫طفولي‬
 Competitive
 Complex
 Conservative ‫محافظ‬
 Decisive
 Emotional
 Enigmatic : ‫ غامض‬difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious.
 Extravagant ‫ مسرف‬lacking restraint in spending money or using
 Extroverted
 Exuberant ‫مليئة أو تتميز بالطاقة واإلثارة الحية غزير‬
 Folksy ‫ وخاصة بطريقة مفتعلة أو مصطنعة‬، ‫التمتع بخصائص الثقافة والعادات التقليدية‬.
 Forceful ‫( قوي‬especially of a person or argument) strong and assertive;
vigorous and powerful.
 Frank ‫ صريح‬open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially
when dealing with unpalatable matters.
 Frugal ‫ مقتصد‬sparing or economical with regard to money or food.
 Impartial ‫نزيه‬, ‫حيادي‬
 Impressionable ‫مثير لإلعجاب‬
 Independent
 Inhibited: unable to act in a relaxed and natural way because of self-
consciousness or mental restraint.
 Intellectual
 Intense ‫ شديد‬of extreme force, degree, or strength (Exp : the job
demands intense concentration)
 Introverted ‫انطوائي‬
 Irreverent ‫غير متسم باإلحترام‬
 Loud
 Martyr ‫ شهيد‬a person who is killed because of their religious or other
 Mercurial : (of a person) subject to sudden or unpredictable changes
of mood or mind.
 Mischievous ‫( مزعج‬of a person, animal, or their behavior) causing or
showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way. ( ‫من شخص أو‬
‫حيوان أو سلوكهم) يسبب أو يظهر الولع للتسبب في المتاعب بطريقة مرحة‬.
 Modern
 Modest
 Moralistic ‫أخالقي‬
 Neutral ‫محايد‬
 Noncommittal ‫( غير ملزم‬of a person or a person's behavior or manner)
not expressing or revealing commitment to a definite opinion or
course of action. ( ‫لسلوك أو أسلوب شخص أو شخص) ال يعبر عن التزام برأي محدد أو‬
‫مسار عمل أو يكشف عنه‬.
 Noncompetitive
 Opportunistic ‫ انتهازي‬: exploiting chances offered by immediate
circumstances without reference to a general plan or moral principle.
 Ordinary ‫ عادي‬with no special or distinctive features; normal.
 Outspoken ‫صريح‬
 Perfectionist
 Philosophical
 Political
 Predictable ‫قابل للتنبؤ‬, ‫يمكن توقعها‬.
 Private
 Questioning : the action of asking someone questions, especially in an
official context.
 Rebellious : ‫انفصام شخصيه‬
 Relaxed
 Reserved ‫( بطيء في الكشف عن المشاعر أو اآلراء‬Exp : he is a reserved, almost
taciturn man ‫ قليل الكالم تقريبًا‬، ‫)إنه رجل متحفظ‬
 Sarcastic ‫ ساخر‬marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or
convey contempt.
 Sensitive ‫حساس‬
 Serious
 Shy
 Silly ‫( سخيف‬Exp : another of his silly jokes)
 Smooth ‫ناعم‬
 Soft ‫ناعم‬
 Solemn : formal and dignified. ‫رسمي‬
 Straightforward : ‫ مباشر‬: uncomplicated and easy to do or understand.
 Strict
 Subservient :‫على استعداد لطاعة اآلخرين دون شك متذلل‬. prepared to obey others
 Surprising
 Timid
 Tough ‫قاس‬, ‫صارم‬,
 Unassuming ‫متواضع‬
 Unchanging
 Uncompromising ‫عنيد‬
 Undemanding
 Unyielding : ‫قاسي‬
 Quiet ‫هادئ‬

Top 100 Words to Describe Someone

 Anxious
 Naughty
 Stubborn
 Sensitive
 Intelligent
 Nice
 Emotional
 Bad-tempered
 Nervous
 Mean
 Distracted
 Dishonest
 Rude
 Discreet
 Crazy
 Cheeky
 Cheerful
 Energetic
 Untidy
 Pessimistic
 Optimistic
 Unpleasant
 Talkative
 Calm
 Passionate
 Proud
 Sincere
 Lazy
 Lively
 Funny
 Silly
 Shy
 Determined
 Versatile
 Sociable
 Worried
 Thoughtful
 Humble
 Friendly
 Frank
 Obedient
 Honest
 Fearless
 Unfriendly
 Generous
 Compassionate
 Warm-hearted
 Disobedient
 Straightforward
 Selfish
 Imaginative
 Placid
 Jealous
 Helpful
 Enthusiastic
 Persistent
 Sensible
 Rational
 Reserved
 Self-confident
 Bossy
 Plucky
 Patient
 Impatient
 Easygoing
 Careless
 Messy
 Hard-working
 Creative
 Broad-minded
 Faithful
 Kind
 Courageous
 Loyal
 Modest
 Tidy
 Confident
 Attentive
 Loving
 Reliable
 Scared
 Conscientious
 Good-tempered
 Careful
 Gentle
 Neat
 Dynamic
 Fair-minded
 Impartial
 Supportive
 Timid
 Intellectual
 Brave
 Ambitious
 Polite
 Happy
 Romantic
 Diplomatic
 Courteous
 Humorous
 Self-disciplined
 Popular
 Smart
 Serious
 Hypocritical
 Adventurous
Rooms and Places in the Home
Bedroom : A room used for sleeping in

Living room


Hall: a large room for meetings, concerts, or other events.

Utility room : a room equipped with appliances for washing and other domestic

Shed ‫ ويستخدم كمساحة تخزين أو ملجأ‬، ‫ عادة ما يكون مصنوعًا من الخشب أو المعدن‬، ‫هيكل بسيط مسقوف‬
‫للحيوانات أو ورشة عمل‬

Loft : ‫مخزن‬

Porch ‫مأوى مغطى بارز أمام مدخل المبنى‬.

Roof : ‫سطح‬
َ : The covering on the top of a house.

Bathroom Furniture and Fixtures

Bathtub: ‫حوض االستحمام‬

Counter : (lavabo)
Sink : ‫ حوض‬li fel avabo
Toilet paper
Towel : ‫منشفة‬
Soap ‫صابون‬
Washcloth : ‫ منشفة‬A small cloth for cleaning yourself in the bath or shower.
Bedroom Furniture and Fixtures
Closet: A small room where you can hang clothes.
Dresser (comidino)
Wardrobe: A tall piece of furniture with doors that you hang clothes inside.
Comforter/quilt/bedspread : ‫غطاء‬
Lamp : ‫مصباح‬
Pillow : ‫وسادة‬
Sheets : ‫ لحاف‬: The thin coverings that go over the mattress, but under the top
covering (bedspread, quilt, etc.).
Den or Living Room Vocabulary

Armchair ‫كرسي ذو ذراعين‬

Coffee table : A low table, usually placed in front of a couch
Couch — A long, stuffed piece of furniture with arms. Some people might call a
couch a sofa. ‫أريكة‬
Side/end table : ‫طاولة صغيرة‬: A side table, or end table, is a table meant to sit
next to a couch or an armchair. Like with a coffee table, you can place drinks or
other items here.
TV remote/remote control : The controller for the TV that lets you turn it off or
on and change channels
Rug : ‫زربية‬: A soft, decorative covering that goes on the floor.
Dining Room Vocabulary
Dining room table — A table meant for eating, usually large enough to fit chairs
for at least four people.
Cups ‫أكواب‬
Dish ‫طبق‬: A dish can be almost any kind of item that you eat food off of or
serve food on
A plate is a flat dish, while bowl is only used to refer to a deep dish for holding
soups or stews.
Glass — Any kind of drinking container made of glass: cup
Napkin ‫منديل‬: A cloth that you place on your lap while eating or use to wipe your
Silverware ‫ مغارف و فراشت‬: Utensils ‫( أواني‬tools) for eating, including forks ‫فرشيطة‬
, spoons‫ مغارف‬and knives‫ سكاكين‬. (knife k tabda 1)
Cabinets : les armoires : Cabinets are the storage spaces with doors you find
in a kitchen, where you might keep food and cooking equipment.
Oven ‫ فرن‬: The closed space used for baking (making foods like bread by
heating them inside an oven
Pantry A pantry can be a larger cabinet or a whole separate room or closet. It’s
wherever you keep your non-perishables, or food that doesn’t go bad easily
and doesn’t need to be kept cold.
Stove (l gaz)
Coffeemaker : Coffeemaker is the machine you plug in that makes your coffee
by dripping it through a filter.
Kettle : A kettle is used for heating water, usually for tea. ‫غالية‬
Pots and pans ‫ القدور والمقالي‬: A pan ‫ مقلى‬can also be called a skillet, and is used
for frying ‫ القلي‬things on the stove, like eggs. A pot ‫ وعاء‬is a deeper metal
container used for heating food on the stove. A saucepan is deep like a pot, but
usually has a handle that sticks out.
Toaster — A toaster is a machine with slots (small open spaces) for toasting
Weather Words List
 Sunny ‫مشمس‬
The weather was surprisingly warm and sunny.
 Rainy ‫ماطر‬
On rainy days, we play games in the gym.
 Windy ‫عاصف‬
It’s too windy to go out in the boat.
 Hot ‫حار‬
We were going to play football, but it was so hot that we decided to do
 Cloudy ‫غائم‬
Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks (‫ )هطول‬of rain and drizzle.
 Stormy ‫عاصف‬
The sky was dark and stormy.
 Cold ‫البرد‬
It’s cold and you should cover up warmly.
 Snowy ‫مثلج‬
We’ve had a very snowy winter this year.
 Rain ‫تمطر‬
The rain will continue into the evening.
 Drizzle ‫هطول أمطار خفيفة في قطرات رقيقة جدا‬
The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through.
 Rainbow ‫قوس قزح‬
Life is like a rainbow. You don’t always know what’s on the other side,
but you know it’s there.
 Snow ‫الثلج‬
Her skin was as white as snow.


 Bright – The weather was bright and sunny.

 Blazing – The sun was blazing down that afternoon.
 Sunlight – I was dazzled ‫ مبهور‬by the sunlight. ‫ضوء الشمس‬
 Sunshine – It was a cool day with fitful sunshine. ‫إشراق‬

 Drizzling– It’s been drizzling all day.

 Pouring – It was absolutely pouring with rain.
 Raining – It is raining cats and dogs.
 Lashing – The rain was lashing the windows. ‫كان المطر يضرب النوافذ‬

 Cloudy – It was so cloudy that the top of the mountain was invisible.
 Gloomy – It was a gwet and gloomy day. ‫لقد كان يو ًما قات ًما وكئيبًا‬
 Foggy ‫ – ضبابي‬It was foggy and the sun shone feebly through the murk.
 Overcast ‫ – غائم‬The sky was soon overcast.
 Clear – His visit came out of a clear sky.
Fog ‫ضباب‬

 Mist – The sun will evaporate the mist.‫ سوف تبخر الشمس الضباب‬.
 Haze ‫ – ضباب‬The sun was surrounded by a golden haze.
 Dense fog ‫ –ضباب كثيف‬The airport was closed in by the dense fog.
 Patchy fog ‫ – ضباب غير مكتمل‬Drizzle and patchy fog are forecast.

 Snowfall – There was very little snowfall last year.

 Sleet – The rain was turning to sleet. ‫كان المطر يتحول إلى متجمد‬.
 Snowstorm – The snowstorm will last till tomorrow afternoon. ‫عاصفة ثلجية‬
 Snowflake – A single snowflake landed on her nose. ‫سقطت ندفة ثلجية واحدة‬
‫على أنفها‬.
 Blizzard – Eleanor arrived in the midst of a blizzard. ‫وصلت إليانور وسط‬
‫عاصفة ثلجية‬.
Wind ‫ريح‬

 Breeze ‫ – نسيم‬A cold breeze was blowing hard.

 Blustery – The day was cold and blustery ‫كان اليوم باردا وعاصفا‬.
 Windy – It was windy and Jake felt cold.
 Windstorm‫ – عاصفة رياح‬The sea was choppy today because of
the windstorm. ‫كان البحر متقلبًا اليوم بسبب العاصفة‬.
 Hurricane ‫ – اعصار‬A hurricane hit the city yesterday at 5 p.m.

 Hot – The weather was hot, without a breath of wind

 Warm – It is nice and warm today.
 Cool – It was a lovely cool evening.
 Cold – The cold weather exhilarated the walkers.
 Freezing – It is freezing cold now.
Natural Disasters

 Landslide – The railroad was blocked by a landslide.

 Avalanche – They were killed by an avalanche in the Swiss Alps.
 Storm – The weather forecast is for severe storms tonight.
 Drought – They are preparing against a drought.
 Earthquake – We had an awful earthquake last week.

Days of the week

Monday  Lundi
Tuesday  Mardi
Wednesday  Mercredi
Thursday  Jeudi
Friday  Vendredi
Saturday  Samedi
Sunday  Dimanche

Animals name
Top 1000 business English vocabulary
1. Ability ‫قدرة‬
2. absent
3. accept
4. according to ‫وفقا ل‬
5. account
6. accounting (department)
7. acknowledge ‫ُيقر‬
8. acquisition (an asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or
museum) or (the learning or developing of a skill, habit, or quality)
9. act ‫فعل‬
10. actually ‫فعلا‬
11. Actuary (a person who compiles and analyzes statistics and uses them to
calculate insurance risks and premiums)
12. added value ‫القيمة المضافة‬
13. address ‫عنوان‬
14. Addressee ‫المرسل إليه‬
15. Admit ‫يعترف‬
16. advance (in advance) à l'avance
17. advance payment ‫دفعة مقدمة‬
18. advantage ‫مميزات‬
19. advertise ‫يعلن‬
20. advertisement (ad) publicité
21. advertising agency : agence de publicité
22. advice ‫النصيحة‬
23. advice of payment ‫نصيحة للدفع‬
24. advise ‫ينصح‬
25. Affect ‫تؤثر‬
26. Afford : have enough money to pay for. (the best that I could afford was a first-
floor room)
27. after-sales service
28. agenda
29. agent
30. agreement ‫اتفاق‬
31. ahead of the pack
32. air freight: ‫ الشحن الجوي‬: the transportation of goods by aircraft
33. airway bill ‫بوليصة الشحن الجوي‬
34. aisle ‫ ممر‬a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or
theater, an airplane, or a train.
35. Alignment : a position of agreement or alliance (exp: the uncertain nature
of political alignments)
36. Alternative ‫بديل‬
37. amount due ‫المبلغ المستحق‬
38. amplify ‫ يبالغ‬،‫ يوسع‬،‫يضخم‬
39. Anecdote ‫حكاية طريفة‬
40. Annotate : add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment
(Exp: documentation should be annotated with explanatory notes)
41. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
42. annual leave ‫اجازة سنويه‬
43. apartment ‫شقة‬
44. apology ‫اعتذار‬
45. Appendix ‫الملحق‬
46. application
47. apply for a job ‫التقديم لوظيفة‬
48. apply (e.g., a technique)
49. appoint ‫يعين‬
50. Approach ‫مقاربة‬
51. approval (on approval) ‫بناء على موافقة‬
52. approve ‫يوافق‬
53. Arbitration ‫تحكم‬
54. Arithmetic ‫علم الحساب‬
55. article
56. articles of association ‫النظام الأساسي‬
57. articulate ‫يتكلم بوضوح‬
58. as mentioned
59. assessment ‫تقييم‬
60. assessor : a person who evaluates the quality of a person or thing.
61. Asset: a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.
62. Attendee : a person who attends a conference or other gathering (Exp: seminar
63. Attorney ‫محامي‬
64. audience rapport ‫علاقة الجمهور‬
65. augment ‫زيادة‬
66. Author ‫مؤلف‬
67. authorized share capital ‫رأس المال المصرح به‬
68. authorization ‫الإذن‬
69. authorize ‫يأذن‬
70. available ‫متوفر‬
71. avoid ‫يتجنب‬

72. back up ‫دعم‬
73. Background ‫خلفية‬
74. baggage claim ‫مطالبات الأمتعة‬
75. balance ‫الرصيد‬
76. Ballot ‫الاقتراع‬,‫تصويت‬
77. bank
78. bank account
79. bank charges
80. bank transfer
81. banknote
82. bargain price ‫سعر الصفقة‬
83. barrister ‫)محام في المحاكم العليا( محام‬
84. base rate ‫سعر الأساس‬
85. behavior
86. benchmarking
87. benefit
88. best practice
89. best regards
90. bid ‫المناقصة‬
91. big data
92. big picture
93. bi-lingual bi-lingual
94. bill ‫فاتورة‬
95. bill of exchange
96. bill of lading
97. billboard ‫لوحة‬
98. billion
99. black market ‫السوق السوداء‬
100. blank cheque ‫شيك على بياض‬
101. bleeding edge ‫حافه النزيف‬
102. blurb ‫دعاية مغالى فيها‬
103. board ‫مجلس‬
104. board of directors ‫مجلس الإدارة‬
105. boarding pass ‫بطاقة الصعود إلى الطائرة‬
106. body
107. body language
108. bond ‫كفالة‬
109. bonus
110. borrow ‫يستعير‬
111. box
112. break ‫فترة راحة‬
113. Branch ‫فرع‬
114. brand
115. brand new
116. brand awareness ‫الوعي بالعلامة التجارية‬
117. branding ‫العلامات التجارية‬
118. buildbrief
119. brisk trade
120. broadsheet
121. browser
122. budget
123. build
124. building
125. building society
126. bullish market
127. bureau de change
128. business
129. business angel
130. business plan
131. buy
132. buyer
133. buy-in
134. by the book
135. byte

136. calculate
137. call
138. campaign
139. cancel
140. candidate
141. capital
142. capital stock
143. capitalisation issue
144. career
145. cargo
146. carriage free
147. carriage paid to
148. case
149. cash
150. cash dispenser
151. cash flow statement
152. cash refund offer
153. cashier
154. casting vote
155. censor
156. certificate of origin
157. chain store
158. chairman
159. challenge
160. change
161. chapter
162. charge
163. charge for
164. check
165. check in
166. checkbook
167. cheque
168. choose
169. circulation
170. cite
171. claim
172. clarify
173. classified ads
174. clause
175. click
176. client
177. close
178. close a deal
179. coin
180. cold call
181. collaborate
182. commercial
183. commission
184. commitment
185. commodities
186. communicate
187. company
188. comparison
189. competition
190. competitor
191. complain
192. complete
193. comprehensive
194. compromise
195. concept
196. condition
197. conference
198. conference call
199. confirm
200. confirmation
201. consensus
202. consequential loss
203. consider
204. consultant
205. consumer
206. container
207. content
208. contract
209. convenience store
210. convince
211. cookie
212. coordinate
213. copyright
214. core business
215. core competency
216. corner the market
217. corporate synergy
218. correspondent
219. cost
220. cost of sales
221. count
222. counteroffer
223. counter-productive
224. coupon
225. court of law
226. cover
227. cover letter
228. coworking
229. credit
230. credit card
231. creditor
232. creditors
233. critic
234. crowdfunding
235. currency
236. current account
237. curriculum vitae (CV)
238. customer
239. customer service department
240. customs
241. cut-throat
242. data
243. date
244. date of birth
245. deadline
246. deal
247. debit
248. debt
249. debtor
250. debtors
251. decide
252. decision
253. declare
254. decrease
255. deep dive
256. defendant
257. deficit
258. deliver
259. deliverable
260. delivery
261. demystify
262. department
263. department store
264. departures board
265. deposit
266. deposit account
267. derivative
268. descend
269. description
270. desk
271. develop
272. development
273. dictate
274. difference
275. digital marketing
276. digital strategy
277. direct investment
278. direct mail
279. director
280. disadvantage
281. discount
282. discreet
283. dismiss
284. dispatch
285. disruption
286. disruptive
287. distribute
288. distribution
289. diversify
290. divide
291. dividend
292. document
293. domestic
294. donate
295. double-page spread
296. downsell
297. downsizing
298. draft
299. dress code
300. drill down
301. drop
302. dubious
303. due
304. duly signed
305. dutiable
306. duty free
307. duty-free

308. easy come, easy go
309. e-commerce
310. economies of scale
311. edit
312. editing
313. editor
314. editorial
315. education
316. elevator
317. e-marketing
318. embodiment
319. emerging markets
320. empiric
321. employ
322. employee
323. employer
324. employer's liability
325. enclosed
326. encourage
327. end of play
328. end user
329. end-user
330. enquiry
331. entrepreneur
332. environment
333. equal
334. equipment
335. equities
336. equity
337. establish
338. estate agent
339. estimate
340. evidence
341. exaggerated
342. excerpt
343. excess baggage
344. exchange
345. exchange rate
346. exclusive rights
347. executive officer
348. expand
349. expenses
350. experience
351. explanation
352. exponential
353. extend
354. extension of payment time
355. extranet
356. eye-catcher

357. facilitate
358. facilities
359. factor
360. factory
361. failure to pay
362. fall
363. feasible
364. feature
365. features
366. fee
367. feedback
368. fiction
369. Figure out
370. file
371. fill in
372. fire (someone from a job)
373. firm offer
374. fix
375. flight
376. flight attendant
377. flip chart
378. fluent
379. follow-up
380. font
381. for example...
382. for sale
383. force majeure
384. forecast
385. foreign exchange
386. franchise
387. free of charge
388. freehold
389. freelance
390. Freemium
391. freight
392. fringe benefits
393. front cover
394. front page
395. fulfil
396. full-time (job)
397. fund
398. furnished
399. Futures

400. game plan
401. gate
402. generic advertising
403. get down to business
404. get something off the ground
405. get the ball rolling
406. get worse
407. gig economy
408. go down the drain
409. go into administration
410. go public
411. go the extra mile
412. goal
413. going forward
414. goods
415. goods in transit
416. grant
417. ground floor
418. growth
419. guarantee
420. guidance
421. guilty

422. hand luggage
423. handout
424. hands are tied
425. hard currency
426. hardback
427. hardware
428. headline
429. headquarters
430. helicopter view
431. hereby
432. herein
433. hereinafter
434. hire
435. hoarding
436. Human Resources (HR)
437. hundred
438. hype

439. ideate
440. immigration officer
441. impact
442. Implement
443. improve
444. improvement
445. In a nutshell
446. in behalf of
447. in bulk
448. in conclusion,...
449. in full swing
450. in the driver's seat
451. inadequate packing
452. Incentivize
453. included
454. income statement
455. increase
456. index
457. induced
458. industry
459. inevitable
460. inflation
461. inform
462. information technology
463. initial order
464. input
465. inquiry
466. Insider
467. Insider dealing / trading
468. insistent
469. install
470. Instalment
471. instructions
472. insurance
473. insurance broker
474. interest
475. interoperability
476. Interrupt
477. interview
478. Intranet
479. introductory price
480. inventory
481. invest
482. investment
483. invoice
484. irrevocable
485. issue
486. item

487. jet lag
488. jingle
489. join
490. Joint venture
491. journalist
492. judge
493. jury

494. keep one's eye on the ball
495. key words
496. keyboard
497. know-how
498. knowledge

499. label
500. labour
501. landlord
502. launch
503. lawsuit
504. lawyer
505. lead
506. leadership
507. leaflet
508. Learn the ropes
509. leasehold
510. legal tender
511. lend
512. lengthen
513. let
514. letter of credit
515. letterhead
516. leverage
517. liabilities
518. liability
519. liable
520. lien
521. lift
522. limit
523. linear
524. loan
525. logistics
526. Long shot
527. loss
528. loss adjuster
529. low Hanging Fruit
530. lower
531. low-hanging fruit
532. lucrative

533. mailshot
534. main point
535. maintain
536. make redundant
537. manage
538. management
539. manager
540. managing director
541. margin
542. mark up
543. marker
544. market
545. market leader
546. market research
547. marketing
548. marketing department
549. mass media
550. maternity leave
551. matters arising
552. measure
553. media
554. meeting
555. memory
556. mention
557. merchandise
558. merchant bank
559. merger
560. message
561. microphone
562. million
563. minus
564. minutes
565. miscellaneous
566. mistake
567. modem
568. monetization
569. money order
570. mortgage
571. motivate
572. move the needle
573. multinational
574. multiply
575. multitask
576. multitude
577. mutual fund

578. narrative
579. nationality
580. native language
581. negotiate
582. net price
583. network
584. networking
585. news website
586. no strings attached
587. no-brainer
588. non profit organization
589. non-fiction
590. not going to fly
591. notice
592. notorious

593. objection
594. objective
595. obliged
596. obtain
597. offer
598. on request
599. on the one hand
600. on the same page
601. online
602. online banking
603. operating system
604. operations
605. opinion
606. opinion leader
607. opportunity
608. opportunity cost
609. option
610. order
611. orderform
612. ordinary share
613. organisation chart
614. organise
615. organize
616. out in the open
617. out of pocket
618. output
619. outsource
620. outsourcing
621. overcome
622. overdraf
623. overdrawn
624. overdue
625. overhead
626. overhead projector
627. overheads
628. owe
629. own

630. pack
631. packaging
632. packing list
633. paper
634. paperback
635. par value
636. paradigm
637. participate
638. partnership
639. party
640. part-time (job)
641. pay
642. pay in
643. payable by you
644. payee
645. paying-in slip
646. payment
647. penalty
648. penny stock
649. perennial
650. peripheral
651. perk
652. permission
653. perseverance
654. personnel
655. personnel department
656. personnel officer
657. petty cash
658. ping
659. pivotal
660. plan
661. platform
662. plausible
663. plead
664. plug
665. plus
666. point of sale
667. point out
668. pointer
669. policy
670. policyholder
671. portfolio
672. possibility
673. poster
674. postpone
675. pragmatic
676. preferential rate
677. premium
678. preparation
679. present
680. presentation
681. president
682. prespect
683. prevent
684. price
685. price point
686. prime time
687. prior notice
688. prioritize
689. privacy policy
690. pro forma invoice
691. process
692. produce
693. product
694. product liability
695. product line
696. production
697. production department
698. profit
699. profit and loss account
700. profit margin
701. profound
702. program
703. project
704. prolific
705. promise
706. promote
707. promotion
708. propelling
709. property
710. proposal
711. prosecutor
712. prospect
713. prospects
714. provide
715. proxy vote
716. public liability
717. public relations
718. purchase
719. purchasing department
720. put all one's eggs in one basket
721. put the cart before the horse

722. qualifications
723. quarter
724. quarterly
725. quay
726. quick win
727. quota
728. quotation
729. quote a price

730. raise
731. Raise the bar
732. Range
733. range rate
734. reach
735. Research and Development Department (R&D department)
736. reach a consensus
737. Reach Out
738. ready for despatch
739. real estate
740. Rebate
741. Receipt
742. receive
743. reception
744. recipient
745. Recommend
746. recruit
747. recruitment
748. red tape
749. reduce
750. reduction
751. reference
752. Refund
753. refuse
754. registered
755. registered letter
756. registered mail
757. reimbursement
758. reinsurance
759. reject
760. remind
761. reminder
762. remittance
763. remote work
764. remove
765. remuneration
766. renew
767. repair
768. repeat order
769. replacement
770. reply
771. report
772. representative
773. requirement
774. resign
775. respite
776. respond
777. responsibility
778. result
779. retail
780. retail price
781. retail price index (RPI)
782. retailer
783. retargeting
784. retire
785. return
786. revenue
787. reward sales
788. rise
789. risk
790. roadside signs
791. rock the boat
792. runway

793. sabotage
794. safe bet
795. salary
796. sales
797. sales department
798. salutation
799. same boat
800. sample
801. scalable
802. scale
803. schedule
804. screen
805. sector
806. security
807. see eye to eye
808. see something through
809. sell
810. send
811. sensationalism
812. separate
813. service
814. set up
815. sever ties
816. share
817. share certificate
818. share premium
819. shareholder
820. shipment
821. shipping
822. shipping agent
823. shoot something down
824. shopping centre
825. shorten
826. shorthand
827. show of hands
828. sick leave
829. signal
830. signature
831. skill
832. skill set
833. skim
834. slide
835. slogan
836. slot
837. smooth sailing
838. social media
839. soft currency
840. software
841. sold out
842. solicitor
843. soundbite
844. spare parts
845. speculate
846. speculator
847. split
848. sponsor
849. square
850. square root
851. staff
852. stakeholder
853. stakeholders
854. stand one's ground
855. standing order
856. startup
857. statement
858. statement of account
859. status report
860. stipulate
861. stock
862. stockbroker
863. stockholder
864. stopover
865. store
866. storey
867. story
868. strategy
869. strength
870. strike
871. structure
872. subscribe
873. subtle
874. subtract
875. succeed
876. success
877. sue
878. suggest
879. suggestion
880. sum up
881. summary
882. supervise
883. supplier
884. supply
885. supply chain
886. support
887. sustainability

888. tabloid
889. take on
890. take the bull by the horns
891. takeover
892. talk someone into something
893. talk someone out of something
894. target
895. task
896. taxonomy
897. team-player
898. telecommuting
899. telephone marketing
900. tenant
901. tender
902. terms
903. terms of payment
904. the elephant in the room
905. think outside the box
906. thousand
907. ticket
908. time's up
909. tip
910. title
911. to be grateful
912. to be short-listed
913. to enclose
914. to grant a discount
915. to inquire
916. to invoice
917. to quote a price
918. to refund
919. to request
920. to retail
921. to ship
922. to sign
923. to start with...
924. to whom it may concern
925. touch base
926. traction
927. trade fair
928. trade union
929. trademark
930. trader
931. trading session
932. trainee
933. training
934. training course
935. transaction
936. transcend
937. transit passenger
938. transport
939. trial
940. trillion
941. turning now to...
942. turnkey
943. turnover
944. twist someone's arm
945. typeset

946. unanimous
947. underestimate
948. underpin
949. unemployment benefits
950. union
951. unit price
952. unit trusts
953. unpack
954. unsaleable
955. up in the air
956. uphill battle
957. upper hand
958. upsell

959. vacancy
960. valid
961. value
962. vary
963. venture capital
964. verdict
965. vertical
966. vice president
967. video conference
968. viral marketing
969. virus
970. visual aids
971. vote

972. warehouse
973. warrant
974. waybill
975. weakness
976. wheelhouse
977. whereas
978. whiteboard
979. wholesale
980. wholesaler
981. with reference to
982. withdraw
983. without prejudice
984. word of mouth
985. work history
986. worker
Marketing Vocabulary

Term Meaning
Brand n. a particular make of product - to brand v. - branded adj.
- I've tried lots of other brands of shampoo, but this one's still
my favourite.
consumer n. the person who buys and uses a product or service - to
consume v.
cost v. [cost, costed, costed] to estimate the price of making a
product - costing n
- Many inputs like labour and materials must
be costed before a product's retail price is set.
develop v. to create a new product or improve an existing one -
product development n.
- To succeed over the long term, we have to
keep developing new and better products.
distribution n. the delivering of products to end-users, incl. advertising,
storing etc
- Has your company ever handled distribution of luxury
goods for a top international brand?
end-user n. the person, customer etc who is the final and actual (or
"real") user of a product (Cteur final)
-It only took one media story about child labour in a factory
overseas to destroy the company's positive image.
label n. small piece of paper, cloth etc on a product giving
information about it
launch v. to introduce a new product, with publicity etc - product
launch n.
- If Kim launches a new line of clothing, she invites heaps of
celebrities to the product launch.
market research n. study of consumers' needs & preferences, often for a
particular product
- We only launch new products if our market research shows
high consumer demand.
online adj. while connected to the Internet or other computer
network - also adv. to shop online
- Our online sales are increasing now that more people are
shopping online.
point of sale n. the place where a product is actually sold to the public -
point-of-sale adj. (poit de vente)
- The advertising of cigarettes isn't allowed, even at the point
of sale
public relations n. creation and maintenance of a good public image - public
relations officer n.
- When their CEO was caught sending racist e-mails, the
company faced a public relations nightmare.
registered adj. officially recorded or listed (eg. as in "registered
trademark" and its symbol ®) - to register v.
S.W.O.T. abbr. Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
- Anyone who's studied marketing knows what the
letters S.W.O.T. stand for.
total product n. in marketing, the whole product, inc. name, packaging,
instructions, reliability, after-sales etc
- This is a total product issue and you should raise it with
Marketing, not Advertising.
trademark n. special symbol, design, word etc used to represent a
product, brand or company
= a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established
by use as representing a company or product.

Words Definition and meaning

A/B Testing Comparing two different alternatives (A and B) to see
which one works best
Bounce rate (Taux de rebond) The percentage rate of people visiting your website, not
getting impressed, and leaving. They don’t click on
anything or go to any other web page.
Landing page The page you “land on” after clicking a Google search
result or an ad.
Conversion When someone subscribes, downloads, or requests more
info about your product means they “converted”. A
conversion happens whenever a user does a specific
action on your website
SEO (Search Engine A few practices you follow to help make your website
Optimization) show up on the very first page of Google to be easily
found by potential customers when they look up a product
like yours.
Inbound Marketing Doing marketing actions to help people ( who are already
interested in your product) come to your website, like
providing valuable content on your blog or social media
CPL (Cost Per Lead) A lead is someone who showed interest in what you
provide by leaving their contact data, contacting the
company, or sending an email. A CPL is how much it
costs you to acquire this lead.
‫العميل المحتمل هو شخص أبدى اهتما ًما بما تقدمه من خالل ترك بيانات االتصال‬
‫الخاصة به أو االتصال بالشركة أو إرسال بريد إلكتروني‬. CPL ‫هو مقدار تكلفة‬
‫الحصول على هذا العميل المحتمل‬.
CPC (Cost-Per-Click) A matric to determine the amount of payment for ads
based on how many clicks the ad will receive. It’s mostly
used for marketing campaigns with Facebook Ads and
Google Adwords.
.‫ماتريك لتحديد مبلغ الدفع لإلعالنات بنا ًء على عدد النقرات التي سيتلقاها اإلعالن‬
‫ يتم استخدامه في الغالب للحمالت التسويقية مع‬Facebook Ads ‫ و‬Google
CTA (call to action) It’s the finishing push to encourage the customer into
purchasing your product/service. BUY NOW and Request
a Quote are some of the examples.
Engagement Rate The total number of likes, comments, and shares that
your social media posts receive from the followers.
B2B Marketing It stands for “Business to Business” marketing, and it’s
when one business markets its products to another
B2C Marketing It stands for “Business to Consumer” where the company
markets its products directly to the public.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator) A type of measurement performance to evaluate the
employee’s efforts.

Digital marketing terms to help in a campaign

 PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

The payment made for every time a user clicks on your ads. For example,
Facebook ads are a form of PPC where you pay to get users into clicking on
your ads.

 Paid search advertising

Yahoo, Google, and Bing will allow you to put an ad on their search engine
results pages for a specific amount of money.

 Social media marketing

A free and organic way to use social media platforms for marketing your
products, just like SEO (we explained above).

 CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization)

Improving the user experience to get more conversions (we explained above).

 CTR (Click-through-Rate)

A metric to measure how many users clicked on a hyperlink, image, CTA in an

email, landing page, ads, etc.

 Email Marketing

One of the oldest marketing methods is to use emails for marketing your
special deals or promoting events to your target audience, once you have
their contact information.

 ESP (Email Service Provider)

A software service to help email marketers to send email campaigns to their

 Affiliate marketing

Paying someone else (business or influencers) to promote your

products/services on their platforms.

 Agent: a person or company that acts for another and provides a specified
 B2B: Business to business
 B2C: Business to consumer
 Benchmarking: Comparing the products with the competitor’s for quality and
 Buyer: Any person that makes a purchase
 Cash refund offer: Offer to pay back the purchase price of a product to
 Chain store: series of stores owned by the same owner and sell similar lines
of merchandise
 Client: a person or organization who is using the services of a lawyer or other
professional person or company
 Close: to finish a sale or deal
 Convenience store: Small shop with extended opening hours and in a
convenient location
 Coupon: A voucher offering a discount for a particular product
 Deal: A business transaction
 Department store: a large store with many varieties of goods in different
 Discount: price reduction
 E-commerce: Buying and selling on the Internet
 E-marketing: Promoting products and services over the Internet
 Follow-up: keep contact after the sale for customer satisfaction
 Franchise: dealership
 Guarantee: promise or assurance that the product will be repaired or
replaced if faulty
 Intranet: A local network within a company
 Joint venture: to join with a foreign company to manufacture or sell a
product or service
 Market leader: the company selling the largest quantity of a particular type
of product
 Mark up: the amount added to the cost price of goods to cover overhead and
 Packaging: putting products into containers
 Product line: A group of similar and related products or services
 Prespect: A possible customer
 Representative: A person representing and selling for a company
 Retail: To sell to the public in shops
 Shopping centre: a large building with shops with a common car parking
 Trade fair: An exhibition where companies can show or demonstrate similar
 Wholesale: Selling in large amounts at low prices for resale
 brand: particular product
 consumer: a person who purchases goods and services for personal use
 cost: estimating the price of making a product
 develop: making a new product or upgrading an existing one
 digital marketing: marketing by means of digital devices
 distribution: the giving the products to customers
 end-user: the final user of a product
 image: the impression of general public for a company or product
 label: small piece of paper or cloth on a product with information
 launch: introducing a new product to public
 market research: making a research on consumers’ needs and preferences
 online: being connected to internet
 point of sale: the place where a product is sold to the public
 product: merchandise
 public relations: the professional maintenance of a favorable public image
 registered: recorded or listed on an official list or directory
 sponsor: a person or organization that provides funds
 S.W.O.T.: Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
 trademark: brandmark, a symbol, word, or words representing a company or
 Buying habit: Tendency to buy the same brand again and again
 Buying motivation: stimulating factor to buy a product
 Corporate image: the view of public for a company
 Customer: buyer of goods or services
 Market niche: Specific segment of a market that a company is a specialist
 Market share: Percentage of sales of a product or service captured by a
 Market size: the amount of buyers and sellers in a specific market
 Marketing strategy: plan that indicates the marketing goals
 Marketing mix: marketing strategies; product, price, place, promotion
 Seller: a person that sell a product
 portfolio: product groups
 Price boom: fast rising prices
 Price cut: decrease in price
 Price hike: an increase in price
 Price war: decrease of prices in response to other firms
 Distribution channel: selling a product directly or via distributors
 E-commerce: buying and selling the products or services online
 Advertising: to inform possible customers about products and services and to
influence them to take some action
 Public relations: maintaining professional public image by a company
 Sales promotion: encouragement to buy
- Big

- Huge

- Immense,

- Enormous

- Mammoth

- Massive

- Vast

- Large

- Wide,

- Spacious,

- Small,

- Little,

- Tiny

- High

- Long

- Tall

- Low

- Qhort, same as, gigantic, teeny (weeny), petite, scrawny, etc...

round (a ball), circle (a door knob), triangular, rectangular (a flag), square (a cake),
oval (an egg), broad, curved, flat, etc...

happy, gald, beatific, blissful, cheerful, chirpy, content, pleased, satisfied, delighted,
ecstatic , exalted, elated, sad, bereft, blue, broken, broken-hearted, broody, bruised,
broody, careworn, deflated, dark, demoralised, depressed, desolate, despondent,
disaffected, disappointed, disconsolate, discouraged, dismal, disillusioned,
disheartened, dismayed, displeased, dissatisfied, distressed, distraught, doleful,
down, downcast,downhearted, forlorn, tender, angry, excited, envious, embarassed,
frightened, etc...


good,excellent, brilliant ,splendid, fantastic, magnificent, bad, terrible, awsome, awful,
nice, beautiful, pretty,gorgeous, cute, glamorous,
elegant, good-looking, handsome, ugly, unsightly, right, wrong, funny, amusing,
entertaining, light, heavy, fat, stout, thin, slim, clean, dirty, filthy, straight, noisy, quiet,
still, tranquil, calm, powerful, nutritious, adorable, adventurous, aggressive, alert,
attractive, bloody, blushing, colorful, exciting, graceful, grotesque, drab, dull, homely,
plain, precious, sparkling, fragile, frail, weak, strong, doubtful, bewildred, confused,
puzzled, cautious, careful, concerned, innocent, guilty, crazy, silly, stupid, foolish,
clumsy, intelligent, clever, cunning, shy, timid, rich, poor, wild, defiant, courageous,
brave, helpful, helpless, unhelpful, etc...

important, principal, paramount, famous, notorious, fictitious, real, true, false,
imaginary, alive, dead, odd, weird, unsusual, strange, outsanding, impossible,
improbable,easy, difficult, closed, open, etc...

one, two, three, ... first, second, third, ... abundant, empty,heavy, light, numerous,
substantial, significant, insignificant etc...


cold, warm, hot, cool, rainy, windy snowy,foggy, sunny, cloudy, stormy, frozen, etc...

late, early, punctual, behindhand, delayed, ill-timed, premature, tardy, unearthly,
modern, traditional, old-fashioned, young, old, new, slow, swift,quick, rapid, brief,
short, long, etc...


American, Mexican, Moroccan,, African, Martian, etc...

wooden, woolen, cottony, fibrous, metallic, bronze, etc...

old, ancient, aged, senile, elderly, ageless, oldish, overage, young, juvenile,
adolescent, teenage, underage, youthful, etc...

(These adjectives usually end in /ing/) sleeping bag, frying pan, swinging door, time-
saving gadget, driving licence, etc...

bitter, delicious, fresh, juicy, ripe, rotten, salty, sour, spicy, stale, sticky, sweet, tart,
tasteless, tasty, thirsty, fluttering, fuzzy,greasy, grubby, hard, hot, icy, loose, melted,
plastic, prickly, rough, scattered, shaggy, shaky, sharp, shivering, silky, slimy,
slippery, smooth, soft, solid, steady, sticky, tight, uneven, weak, wet, wooden,
yummy, boiling, etc...
cooing, deafening, faint, harsh, high-pitched, hissing, hushed, husky, loud, melodic,
moaning, mute, noisy, purring, quiet, raspy, resonant, screeching, shrill, silent, soft,
squealing, thundering, voiceless, whispering, etc...

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