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ID NO: ETS 0580/07






I am 5thyear control and automation, Electrical and Computer engineering student,
whom my name is listed below declare that this report is based on my experience in
control engineering industry at Inter Africa Aluminum Extrusion Company. The
undersigned indicates that, this report with project is my own original work, and has
not been presented for other students in Addis Ababa Science and Technology
University or any other Universities, and all sources of materials used for the new
design have been fully explained by:

Haileleul Biazn

Place A.A, Ethiopia

This report with a project has been submitted with my own approval to a university

Advisor name: Mis.Mahlet Legese


Date of Approval =February 14, 2019

i|P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


First of all, thanks to God for each and every success throughout my internship period
and the entire life as well .I would like to express sincere gratitude to my company
Advisor Mr. Abraham Beza, Electrical technique room team leader in Inter Africa
Extrusion for his direction, assistance, and guidance, supporting information, as well as
encouraging for doing my project and allowing me to grow as an Engineer.

Also, I pull-out my gratitude to all inter Africa extrusion aluminum company workers
who have devoted their time to give me all necessary information. I am also grateful to
the help and support I got from my family all the way from the field practice to the
writing of the report in all aspects of work which needs their great need.

I would like to offer my deepest gratitude to Addis Ababa Science and Technology
University; university for Industry, and my department electrical & computer
engineering for providing this opportunity in our field of study.

I deeply extend my sincere appreciation to my university advisor, Mis. Mahlet, for her
valuable advice, constant support, commitment, dedication, encouragement and
precious guidance, creative suggestions and critical comments.

ii | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


List of tables
Table 1.1 Sample aluminum profiles………………………………………………………………………………..3

List of Abbreviations
AC Alternative Current

ADC Analog Digital Convertor

ATS Automatic transfer switch

CPU Central Processing Unit

DC Direct current

EEPCO Ethiopia Electric Power Corporation

IAE Inter Africa Extrusion

IR Infrared Resistance

LDR Light Dependent Resistance

LED Light Emitting Diode

PLC Programmable logic control

P.L.C Private limited company

SC Share Company

TSP Tri Sodium Phosphate

iii | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


Table of Contents
DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................ii
List of tables ............................................................................................................................. iii
List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER ONE ...................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 .History of Inter Africa Aluminum Extrusion (IAE) Company ................................ 1
1.2. Vision ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3. Mission........................................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Values ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.5. Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.6. Main Aluminum Profile Products (Services) ............................................................. 3
1.6.1. Who are Customers of those Aluminum Profiles? ............................................. 4
1.7. Organizational Structure of IAE ................................................................................ 4
1.8. Overall Production Process of Extruded aluminum Profile in IAE ........................ 5
1.8.1. Raw Materials ........................................................................................................ 6
1.8.2. Cast House.............................................................................................................. 9
1.8.3. Extrusion and Extrusion Press ........................................................................... 11
1.9. Polishing Machines ..................................................................................................... 16
1.10. Aging or Heat Treatment ......................................................................................... 16
1.11. Chemical treatment .................................................................................................. 18
1.12. Drying and Curing with Compressors.................................................................... 18
1.13.Powder Coating ......................................................................................................... 19
1.14. Packaging .................................................................................................................. 19
1.15. Store ........................................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................... 21
INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................. 21
2.1. Objective of the Internship and way of getting into the company ......................... 21
2.1.1. Objectives of the internship ................................................................................ 21
2.2. How I passed working days at the company ............................................................ 22
2.3. Task sections I have participated .............................................................................. 22
2.4. Electrical Power Distribution in IAE........................................................................ 22
2.5. Control Systems in IAE.............................................................................................. 25
2.5.1. Sensors and their Applications ........................................................................... 25

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2.6. Programmable Logic Control System and Its Parts ............................................... 28

2.6.1. Main Parts of PLC............................................................................................... 29
2.6.2. Methods of Programming a PLC ....................................................................... 31
2.6.3. Advantages of PLC .............................................................................................. 32
2.7. Actuators ..................................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER THREE .............................................................................................................. 34
Skills and Qualifications gained from Internship Program .............................................. 34
3.1. Overall benefits ........................................................................................................... 34
3.2. Practical skills ............................................................................................................. 34
3.3. Using theoretical knowledge in real world ............................................................... 35
3.4. Interpersonal communication skills .......................................................................... 35
3.5. Improving team playing skills ................................................................................... 36
3.6. Leadership skill........................................................................................................... 36
3.7. Developing the art of work ethics.............................................................................. 37
3.8. Influencing on future carrier ..................................................................................... 37
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................. 39
Design of Position Alignment Detector of Winch and Molding Machine ......................... 39
4.1 Background .................................................................................................................. 39
4.2. Statement of the problem ........................................................................................... 40
4.3. Objective...................................................................................................................... 40
4.4. Scope ............................................................................................................................ 41
4.5. Significance ................................................................................................................. 41
4.6. Limitation .................................................................................................................... 41
4.7. Literature Review ....................................................................................................... 41
4.8. Methodology................................................................................................................ 42
4.8.1. Planning ................................................................................................................ 43
4.8.2. Data collection...................................................................................................... 43
4.8.3. Software Requirement ........................................................................................ 44
4.9. Design and analysis .................................................................................................... 45
4.10. Materials used ........................................................................................................... 45
4.10.1. Arduino ............................................................................................................... 45
4.10.2. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) display ............................................................. 45
4.10.3. Resistance ........................................................................................................... 46
4.10.4. Buzzer ................................................................................................................. 46
4.10.5. Light emitting diode (LED) .............................................................................. 47
4.10.6. Real time clock (RTC) ....................................................................................... 47

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4.10.7. Ultrasonic sensor ............................................................................................... 48

4.10.8. Potentiometer ..................................................................................................... 49
4.10.9. Touch Sensor ...................................................................................................... 49
4.11. Simulation Software ................................................................................................. 50
4.11.1 RTC Simulation .................................................................................................. 50
4.11.3. Result and discussion ........................................................................................ 51
4.12. Conclusion and recommendation ............................................................................ 53
4.12.1. Recommendation ............................................................................................... 53
4.12.2. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 53
CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................... 54
5.1. Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 54
5.2 Recommendation ......................................................................................................... 54
5.2.1 Recommendation to hosting company ................................................................ 54
5.2.2 Recommendation to University ........................................................................... 55
6. References .......................................................................................................................... 56
7. Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 57

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List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Sample products ....................................................................................................... 4
Figure 1.2 Organizational Structure of IAE .............................................................................. 5
Figure1.3 Flow diagram of overall production process ............................................................. 6
Figure 1.4 Aluminum raw material ........................................................................................... 7
Figure 1.5 silicon raw material .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 1.6 (A) Cast Furnace (B) Winch with molding machine ............................................. 10
Figure 1.7 Billet and billet cuter .............................................................................................. 11
Figure 1.8 (A) Extrusion Plant Process (B) Extrusion room ................................................... 12
Figure 1.9 (A) Heating furnace having two burners (B) Heating furnace with its gate .......... 13
Figure 1.10 Hydraulic baling press machines ......................................................................... 14
Figure 1.11 Hot saw cutting profile output from press ............................................................ 14
Figure 1.12 Transfer table and Stretch system ........................................................................ 15
Figure 1.13 Mill finished ......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 1.14 Polishing machine ................................................................................................ 16
Figure 1.15 Aging room .......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 1.16 Chemical Treatment ............................................................................................. 18
Figure 1.17 Dryer room ........................................................................................................... 18
Figure 1.18 Buzz and Powder room ........................................................................................ 19
Figure 1.19 Packaging and Packed profiles ............................................................................ 20
Figure 1.20 Store ..................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2.1 Old and new Generators ......................................................................................... 22
Figure 2.2 Power system distribution ...................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.3 Limit switches ........................................................................................................ 27
Figure 2.4 Block diagram of PLC ........................................................................................... 28
Figure 4.1 Block diagram of System Development Life Cycle .............................................. 42
Figure 4.2 Flow chart of project .............................................................................................. 43
Figure 4.3 Arduino Uno .......................................................................................................... 45
Figure 4.4 Liquid Crystal Display ........................................................................................... 46
Figure 4.5 Resistance .............................................................................................................. 46
Figure 4.6 buzzer ..................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 4.7 Light Emitting Diode ............................................................................................. 47
Figure 4.8 Real Time Clock .................................................................................................... 48
Figure 4.9 Ultrasonic sensor .................................................................................................... 49
Figure 4.10 Potentiometer ....................................................................................................... 49
Figure 4.11 RTC Simulation on software diagram.................................................................. 50
Figure 4.12 Ultrasonic sensor connection ............................................................................... 51
Figure 4.13 Complete connection on software diagram .......................................................... 53

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1.1 .History of Inter Africa Aluminum Extrusion (IAE) Company
Established in 2002, B&C Aluminum Private Limited Company is a company
registered and licensed under the Ethiopian commercial code mainly to import and
fabricate high quality aluminum products.

These days, in modern cities, the technological advancement in building construction

reaches to build up the so called “liquid buildings”, which are other than the “solid
building’s” concrete structures used as building frame are based upon the production
and utilization of aluminum frame profiles with glasses and aluminum based products
like aluminum composite panel and curtain walls.

As one of the pioneers in the industry and in recognition of this advanced technologies,
B&C not has only engaged itself in aluminum frame fabrication and installation
importing the profiles from Europe, but has progressed to manufacturing the necessary
products and accessories at home since 2007 setting up a plant named Inter Africa
Extrusion, which has made B&C to be the sole manufacturer of extruded aluminum
profiles named ‘Made in Ethiopia’ under the product brand “Bacalum”.

Inter Africa Extrusion has equipped itself with the latest state of the art technology,
machineries and equipments sourced imported from Europe. These capabilities assisted
B&C to realize its mission that has always been the unrelenting commitment to the
pursuit of excellence a provision of world class products, innovative design, production
and installation. Thus, B&C has been providing a high level of satisfaction to its
customers by understanding, meeting and exceeding their expectations. Being an active
player in the aluminum industry, the company clients and the finest skylights standing
are the witnesses that B&C’s aluminum doors, windows, partitions, handrail, curtain
wall and other accessories are designed to provide exceptional aesthetics, value for
money, performance, function and safety.

Accomplishing hundreds of projects successfully within the country, the company is

now stretching further out to the eastern and south-eastern African countries through
provision of standard projects in the fore stated fields.

1|P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


Today, B&C’s modern facilities and advanced manufacturing methods enable us to

produce skylights of extra ordinary values, quality and design flexibility. Whether your
project is monumental, light commercial or residential, B&C can meet your needs. To
use aluminum in building construction one has to know how to use the frames, and
what systems are available with different fabricators.

1.2. Vision
Inter Africa Extrusion aluminum seeks to be recognized as the leading manufacturer,
producer and supplier of a wide range of high quality extruded aluminum products and
parts to the fast growing construction industry in Africa.

1.3. Mission
Inter Africa Extrusion Aluminum‘s mission is to rich the quality and value of buildings
through the application of modern knowledge, skills and technology in the construction
industry. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence by supplying world-class
aluminum products, innovative design, production and installation process to provide
the highest level of satisfaction to our customers by understanding, accepting, meeting
and exceeding their expectations.

1.4. Values
Inter Africa Extrusion Aluminum Company has the following specified core values:

 Honesty in the way they conduct themselves and their business.

 Team work and continuous improvement in the skill of their employees.
 Quality and technical precision in every aspect of their work.
 Respect to their customers, partners, the public and the rule of law.
 Professionalism in their performance standards.

1.5. Objectives
The general objective of Inter Africa Extrusion Aluminum Company is the pursuit of
excellence in every aspects of their business. Their target is to be considered an
excellent manufacturer and supplier of aluminum products and services by continually
improving the quality and availability of their products the standard of their services.
Their short term and long term objectives are;

 To design, produce and install high quality imported European aluminum

frames, curtain walls cladding, handrails etc at their client‘s buildings.

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 To expand their market share and promote a profitable and sustainable

business activity that meets their customer’s requirements by fully
exercising their competitive technical advantage.
 To train, develop, prepare and help their top performing engineers and
technicians to set up and run their own production workshops.
 To manufacture and supply high quality extruded aluminum products and
parts to Ethiopian, and the African market by setting up state of the art
aluminum extrusion factory.
 To contribute their share for the economic development of the Ethiopia by
creating job opportunities and by raising foreign currency from its export

1.6. Main Aluminum Profile Products (Services)

There are different ,which are basic aluminum profile products extruded and made
at IAE to be available for lots of customers, these are;

Name of profile Code of Length of profile Use of profile

profile in meter per pieces
L AL1556 5.8 Out frame window

Z AL1530 5.8 Opening frame

Oval glass bed AL1535 5.8 Vertical frame
Glass bed AL1551 5.8 Horizontal frame
Zocolo kike plate AL1562 6.5 Base door
Fasha AL1561 6.5 Big T
Compensate AL1481 5.8 Transfer h
Inverter AL1541 5.8 Transfer f
Drainage AL1582 5.8 Décor
Slide frame EX1901 5.8 Sliding
Transfer sliding EX1909 5.8
Shatter BC05 5.8 Curtain window

Table 1.1 Sample aluminum profiles

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Figure 1.1 Sample products

1.6.1. Who are Customers of those Aluminum Profiles?

Inter Africa Extrusion PLC provides finished aluminum profiles to consumers through
the help of its workshop room. Final extruded aluminum profiles goes into workshop
to be made available onto use for different applications that are; windows, doors,
partitions, handrails and curtain walls etc. The company has set five big workshop
branches at different places to accomplish its task and make available itself close to
customers or consumers to be accessed easily, those are;

A.Bole bull bulla

B. Hayat

C. Industrial Area

D.Megenagna and

E. Kality workshop.

1.7. Organizational Structure of IAE

IAE is a well-structured and adequately staffed organization capable of satisfying
customers need by producing high quality of aluminum profile. The company uses
combined knowledge and experience of personnel, from engineers to skilled workers,
for consistent quality of products. The qualified, well trained and committed work-force

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also enables it to up hold production schedules, even under adverse circumstances. All
the achievements of the company have been made possible by dedicated efforts of
executive and qualified personnel. The factory runs for 24 hours within a day and 6
days in a week if there is no shortage of raw material. Therefore the workers are
required to do some extra time work, will have over time payment.

General Manager

Production &
maintenance Finance&marketing Personnel Quality
Manager Manager Manager Manager

Maintena Finance Marketin
nce head head g head

Human General
resource Service
head Extrusion

Powder head

Figure 1.2 Organizational Structure of IAE

1.8. Overall Production Process of Extruded aluminum Profile in IAE

The aluminum profile production pass through the following basic steps shown on the
flow chart diagram. The process below is the complete process carried out in producing
aluminum profiles from the very beginning to the final one. The process is explained
separately on each step on the following manners.

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Blinding Press

Raw Material

Cast Furnace

Billet Cutting

Packaging Heat Furnace

Powder Coating

Hot Saw



Chemical Treatment Mill Finish

Heat Treatment

Figure1.3 Flow diagram of overall production process

1.8.1. Raw Materials Aluminum
Aluminum is a relatively young metal discovered just in the 19th century and it is the
third most common element in the earth’s crust. It mostly doesn’t occur in its pure form
in nature as most metals does. Pure aluminum is one of the lighter elements with a
density of 2.7g/cm3. Aluminum is accepted as one of the most durable metals.

There are many properties of aluminum that make it particularly suitable for

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 Its electrical properties make the metal ideal for anodizing.

 Its surface can be treated in different ways to provide a proactive and
decorative finishes.
 Its heat conductivity makes it ideal car radiators and hollow-ware.
 Its surface treatment characteristics make aluminum the major material in
lithographic printing plates.

General advantages of aluminum

 Immune to warping, twisting, sticking and rotting

 Very light
 High strength-to-weight ratio
 High resistance to atmospheric and chemical attack
 Easily recyclable
 In plentiful supply
 Environmentally friendly
 Easily workable
 Excellent dimensional accuracy and stability
 Totally nonpoisonous to human bier

Figure 1.4 Aluminum raw material Titanium
Titanium is used in many applications in the construction of industrial equipment such
as in heat exchangers or piping systems in the chemicals and offshore industries, and
also in process instrumentation such as pumps and valves. Titanium depresses the
electrical conductivity of aluminum, but its level can be reduced by the addition of
boron to the melt to form insoluble TiB2. Titanium is used primarily as a grain refiner

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of aluminum alloy castings and ingots. When used alone, the effect of titanium
decreases with time of holding in the molten state and with repeated remelting.The
grain-refining effect is enhanced if boron is present in the melt or if it is added as a
master alloy containing boron largely combined as TiB2. Titanium is a common
addition to weld filler wire; it refines the weld structure and prevents weld cracking. It
is usually added alone or with TiB2 during the casting of sheet or extrusion ingots to
refine the as cast grain structure and to prevent cracking.

The addition of titanium produced additional increase in strength in the mechanically

alloyed and extruded sample due to the Al3Ti formation that added another
strengthening mechanism: the dispersion hardening. The formation of Al3Ti phase also
had a pronounced effect on the elastic modulus that attained the highest value in the
aluminum alloy formation. Salt

Salt is one of basic raw materials used in extrusion. There are two types of salt these
are black and red salt. It is used at a stage where the molten (liquid aluminum) flows
from furnace to billet designing and winch lifted machine. Its function is for the
separation of aluminum from its purities. That is when salt is added the other materials,
it separates from aluminum by forming solid crystal material which is separated
manually from pure aluminum. This salt is basically used for stacking out other purities
from aluminum and also for stacking aluminum at billet formation machine which is
lifted by winch. Silicon
Silicon is prepared commercially by heating silica and carbon in an electric furnace,
using carbon electrodes. It is one of man`s most useful element in the form of sand
and clay it is used to make concrete and brick, it is a use full refractory material for
high-temperature work.
Generally we add the raw materials of silicon, magnesium and titanium in the
fabrication of aluminum, the aluminum will be very pure and have strength. The raw
material aluminum contains 98% and the other row materials contain of 2%.Alloys in
which silicon is the principal alloying element, used in welding rods and brazing sheet.
Silicon is deliberately added to some alloys containing magnesium to provide

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precipitation hardening. At low magnesium contents, elemental silicon may be present

as second-phase particles.

Figure 1.5 silicon raw material Magnesium
Magnesium is one of chemical elements most frequently used as raw materials in IAE.
It burns at relatively low temperature and it is this property which makes aluminum
alloys burn &extruded easily. Alloys in which magnesium and silicon are the principal
alloying elements, commonly used for architectural extrusions and automotive
components. As magnesium increases, both silicon particles and equilibrium hexagonal
Mg2Si constituents may be present. At higher magnesium contents, only Mg2Si is
1.8.2. Cast House
Cast house is the room in which the beginning of aluminum extrusion process starts. In
this room different machines exist those are ;Cast furnace with accessory, winch,
overhead crane, fuel oil heaters, drowsing machines and billet cutter. Cast Furnace

Cast furnace is the most protected furnace which operates in accordance with
temperature, pressure and quantity of raw materials that are added onto it. This furnace
works on the hydraulic system of inputs and responsible for providing heat energy. In
the beginning of the process the fuel oil heaters are started for providing flames and this
flame is added onto the furnace then the temperature increases. The raw material
eventually added to furnace through it’s opening & closing door manually and furnace
remains closed until it’s required temperature 750 °C and partial pressure of air or
oxygen inside is greater than extremely low pressures is maintained.

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In this room melting of aluminum performed and molten form will be available for
billet production but melt or temperature loss will occur due to oxidization of aluminum
so the furnace will be protected safely with its accessories.

Figure 1.6 (A) Cast Furnace (B) Winch with molding machine Billet and Billet Cutter
The molten metal at specified temperature is transferred by crucibles or ladles from
furnace into the prepared mold or permanent shape producing machine which is winch.
The aluminum extrusion process really begins with the design process that is design of
aluminum in billet form for further processing. Billet is shaped and produced with the
help of dies in addition to the cooling water available for cooling molten aluminum.
This billet will eventually dragged down by winch until up to nine meters or required
lengths of billet size is reached. The outside diameter of billet may range from 76 mm
to 838 mm and 155 mm to 228 mm which is set on the beginning of billet production
very instantly. Billet is the starting stock for the extrusion operation so it should be cut
into smaller pieces or standard lengths which may run from about 430 mm up to 570
mm in commonly used.

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Figure 1.7 Billet and billet cuter

1.8.3. Extrusion and Extrusion Press
Extrusion is a compression process in which the work metal is forced to flow through
a die opening to produce a desired cross-sectional shape. It is the process of shaping
materials, in our case aluminum, by forcing it to flow through a shaped opening called
die. Aluminum extrusion is a technique used to transform aluminum alloy into objects
with a definitive cross-sectional profile for a wide range of uses. The extrusion process
makes the most of aluminum’s unique combination of physical characteristics which
are its malleability, softness and reduced hardness when alloyed with other raw
materials into strength and stable profile.
The whole extrusion system is broad and it consists of different subsystems those are
billet heater with (burner, conveyer, blower and gate),hydraulic press system
with(cooling system),transfer table, puller, stretch system, hot saw and finally finished
saw will be available for other processing.

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Meeting & Casting & Extrusion Line Extruded

Alloy Holding Homogeni Profile
furnace zing
Extrusion press,
Die making extrusion bench &
& Aging furnace
correction (A)

Figure 1.8 (A) Extrusion Plant Process (B) Extrusion room Heating Furnace
The billet coming from the billet cutter is still solid so it should be heated before
going into the extrusion press. So heating furnace is required to heat billets so as
they become soften. Heating furnace consists burner, conveyer, blower and gate to
heat billet up to specified temperature until they melt. The melting point of billet
vary in accordance with its purity because of other metals which are added to form
alloy and may reach up to 660°C.But extrusion operations typically take place with
billet heated to a temperature in excess of 375°C and depending upon the alloy
being extruded as high as 540°C.

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(A) (B)
Figure 1.9 (A) Heating furnace having two burners (B) Heating furnace with its gate Baling Press
Baling press is a power press, screw or hydraulic employed for compressing raw
materials that is billet in aluminum extrusion into bales which are handy for
transportation. It is manufactured with a vision to compress strongly expanding
materials such as foam. Those machines are offered by different companies but the
one Williams Baling Equipment provides in comprehensive ranges such as
hydraulic bailing press machine. In IAE the extrusion is hydraulic baling press.
Hydraulic baling press can reduce all required billet sizes to a fraction of its original
volume with different pressing capacities. They can reduce the billet size up to 95
percent of its original volume to ensure that we have the right unit for the material
we need to press. Hydraulic baling press machine contains an exceptional large
loading aperture and can compress large quantities of billet forms which are input
Basic features of Hydraulic Baling Press
 High durability due to wear resistant electro hydraulic drive
 High throughput capacity with large split loading aperture
 Easy operation through control panel
 The full stroke of the bale pusher cylinder ejects the bale completely
 Optimum operator protection by implementing safety gadgets
 Baler can be transformed for reassembly or recycle
 Pressure regulator and gauge

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Figure 1.10 Hydraulic baling press machines Hot Saw
Depending on billet size and die opening, a continuous extrusion as much as 200 feet
long may be produced with each stroke of the press. The newly-formed extrusion is
supported on a runout conveyor as it leaves the press. Depending on the alloy, the
extrusion is cooled after emerging from the die, either naturally or through the use of
air or water quenches. This is a critical step to ensure sufficient metallurgical properties
after excursion. The extrusion is then transferred to a cooling table.

Figure 1.11 Hot saw cutting profile output from press Transfer table and Stretch system (Stretcher)
Transfer table is immediately available next to hot saw or after extrusion press. This
table is used as a cooling table and provides the transportation medium for extruded

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aluminum profile. The extruded profile is transported with the help of a puller; in which
puller holds profile and moves up to its limited length of distance. Puller will stop
moving when it touches limit switches on the two sides of points because it losses power
when switches opened.
A stretcher is also required, after the extruded profile has been cooled on the
transfer or cooling table to straighten the profile and correct any twisting that may
have occurred subsequent to extrusion. The stretcher may also be used to impart
cold work to the extrusion and with the help of conveyors the work profile feed
into hot saw.

Figure 1.12 Transfer table and Stretch system Finished Mill (Saw mill)
Finish cut saw is directly available next to the transfer table and it is used to cut the
profile to the specified commercial length. There are different types of finish cut saws
available on the market as such circular, radial and lubricated ones but IAE uses that of
circular saws.
Circular saws are the most common in use today and they operate more like a table
saw, with the circular blade rising up to make the cut, then dropping down below
the table for the return pass. A typical, circular, finish cut saw may be sixteen to
twenty inches in diameter, with more than a hundred carbide-tipped teeth. So the
size of finish cut saw is determined by diameter of presses used in our process. This
cutting machine works with the help of automatic devices which are used for
clamping profiles in place for sawing. Finally saw chips are collected for next

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Figure 1.13 Mill finished

1.9. Polishing Machines
Polishing machine is vital after the extruded profile is prepared for next step
with applying cylindrical cutter and dust cleaner. It is required for those of
the following functions;
 Clearing any extra surface particles from the profile
 Softening the surface of profile or reduce hardness
 Reduce any scratches on profile due to cutter effects before goes into
next treatment step

Figure 1.14 Polishing machine

1.10. Aging or Heat Treatment
Aging is the step where the supersaturated, is heated below the solid
temperature to produce a finely dispersed precipitate. Atoms diffuse only

16 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


short distances at this aging temperature. The aging process can be

performed in different techniques; natural aging and artificial aging but in
IAE only artificial aging is available method.
Artificial aging is the treatment of a metal alloy at elevated temperatures so
as to accelerate the changes in the properties of an alloy as a result of the
casting and forging process. Natural aging is that occurs at room
temperature. Some extrusion alloys reach their optimal strength through the
aging process, sometimes known as age-hardening. Artificial aging takes
place through controlled heating in an aging oven and is sometimes referred
to as precipitation heat-treating.
The aging process ensures the uniform precipitation of fine particles through
the metal, yielding maximum strength, hardness, and elasticity for the
specific extrusion alloy. When the profile emerges from the press, it is in a
semi-solid state but rapidly solidifies as it cools or is quenched. Non-heat-
treatable aluminum alloys (such as those utilizing manganese or
magnesium) derive their strength through natural aging and cold working.
Heat-treatable alloys (such as those utilizing copper, zinc, and magnesium
with silicon) are further strengthened or hardened through controlled
thermal treatments that affect the metallurgical structure of the alloys.
Generally aging temperature depends on the type of alloy we use which are
A6063 and A6061.A6063 alloy treated at 5000C for one hour and peak aged
at 1600C for eight hours while A6061 alloy is treated at 5000C for one hour
and peak aged at 1800C for eight hours.

Figure 1.15 Aging room

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1.11. Chemical treatment

The pre-treatment is an important part of the finish process for the production of a
protective and uniform surface layer on the Aluminum surface. Three main process
steps are performed during the pre-treatment:
 Removal of oils, grease and und dirt
 Removal of outer inhomogeneous oxide layer of the Aluminum
 Formation of the pre-treatment layer

Figure 1.16 Chemical Treatment

1.12. Drying and Curing with Compressors
After treating a profile with chemical it should be dried and cured before coming into
powder coating. Drying and curing are done with electrical burner which operates with
compressors and blowers. It is an energy intensive operation with the use of convection
ovens in which blower is used for evenly distributing temperature throughout the oven
room. The use of convection heating can be very slow and very costly if the parts are
large and heavy since the evaporation or curing will be dependent on the bulk
temperature of chemically treated profile inside the oven room. This is much less of a
problem for thin walled or low mass parts since the hot air can heat the parts relatively
quickly which results faster drying and curing process.

Figure 1.17 Dryer room

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1.13.Powder Coating
There are two types of aluminum profile finishing or coloring those are anodizing
and powder coating. Anodizing method is now out of application due to its lengthen
process and expensive steps as a result it is not applicable instead powder coating
method is applied for coloring aluminum profiles in IAE.
Powder coating is a process by which electrostatically charged powder is applied onto
an earthed object. It works on the principle in which an electric pump drives the
electrostatically charged paint out of the nozzle which is then applied to the object
which is earthed. It is the most recent aluminum coloring technology which allows a
wide range of coloring types among which are BS-4800, RAL and BS-381 type
coloring. It is best applicable than liquid paint because it is best durable and powder
recovery can possible but also has some disadvantages such as leveling of powder may
decrease and curing this requires intense energy which in turn requires high

Figure 1.18 Buzz and Powder room

1.14. Packaging
The powder coated aluminum profiles are polished and cleaned and then brought
to be packed for customer needs or to be placed at store room. There are different
type of packaging methods which are dependent on the type of profile brought into
packaging. But in the case of customers they may specify their own packaging
requirements, or the type of extruded product may suggest a particular method of
packaging for ease of storage or delivery. Packaging is done manually in IAE
because it can be done with simplicity with no extra machines requirement.

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Figure 1.19 Packaging and Packed profiles

1.15. Store
Packed aluminum profiles are directly brought to costumers as per their requests. But
also it should be placed on heat insulated and climate controlled warehouse until it is
brought to costumers. So a good store is required for protecting packed profiles.

Figure 1.20 Store

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2.1. Objective of the Internship and way of getting into the company
2.1.1. Objectives of the internship
The general objective of the internship is to develop us in practical of our theoretical
knowledge to be interested on work environment.

Specific objectives are:

 To develop practical with theoretical knowledge

 To develop leadership skill
 To develop interaction with others

How I did get in to the company

There are different factories or companies which are organizations that allow me to take
practice in accordance with my related courses I have taken in university education. As
I am an Industrial control and Automation Engineering student I should have to choose
companies for the internship program which are best fitted with large control systems
and electrical power systems as possibly they can.
There are many problems both on the hosting companies and the university itself
in placing students on appropriate industries as per their need and requirements.
Especially those who works on industry to university linkage at Addis Ababa
science and Technology University were not doing their work properly, and also
department itself were not organized to send students to intern properly. Both of
them leave it to the student’s task to found hosting company. As a result it was very
difficult for me to be placed on different internship hosting companies. I have tried
to join many companies as an intern such as Heineken brewery S.C at Kilinto
brewery, Helina food and biscuit factory, Kality food complex factory and Moha
soft drinks factory but they did not gave me a chance to join because they already
gave a chance for other intern students. At last thanks to teacher Mengistu,
electrical engineering department teacher in AASTU, I have placed at Inter Africa
Aluminum Extrusion Company and I have joined with great attitude even if I was
proposed to work on National Alcohol with my friend Biniyam before set by our

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department head. Finally my acceptance paper sent to the department and I work
through the company.

2.2. How I passed working days at the company

As arrived to the hosting company, I was first taken to the secretary office and there
I have been introduced with the overall company‘s overview, rules and regulations.
The next day I visit the company overall process.

2.3. Task sections I have participated

IAE has many sections in relation to different Engineering activities to be grouply
done for producing final end products profile. As I am Electrical and Computer
Engineering student I have intended to pass my times on sections that are more
likely related to my stream of specialization, those are;

 Power system distribution area

 Control systems

2.4. Electrical Power Distribution in IAE

The company is provided with 150KVA of energy from EEPCO transformer. This
transformer is highly protected and enclosed with its own room with the keys taken
on EEPCO hand never given to company. The company also have transformer
which is used for step down purposes because this power doesn’t need the utilities
requirements. There are also two standby generators which are private to the
company itself. They are used when power is interrupted from main supply, which
is EEPCO.They are also automatic and synchronized by synchronizer to be used at
the same time during power fluctuations from EEPCO.

Figure 2.1 Old and new Generators

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In this electrical power system distribution the EEPCO power is given priority
during normal operation of the system. During power loss from EEPCO the first
generator will has priority to stand by itself .But if the power consumption needed
is beyond the power level of generator one then the second generator will stand by
itself synchronously with the help of synchronizer. There are also other possibilities
that we must use only from generators as a case in production of billet at cast house,
this case the two generators should be operated manually because power
interruption is not possible. Generally the voltage we have gotten from any of the
above sources go to low voltage room which is sophisticated and is distributed to
all machines. In low voltage room, there are capacitor banks and the uses of these
capacitor banks are:

 To store a power, then distribute to different sections of the company

 To limit or filter the power used by the company takes from EEPCO

Generator 1

1000 Ampere
ATS rating


Rating Generator 2
420KVA, 400V
Main distribution board


Figure 2.2 Power system distribution

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 ATS(Automatic Transfer Switch)
 SDB(Sub distribution board)
 SBD1(Furnace House)
 SBD2(Aluminum profile extrusion)
 SBD3(Electrostatic powder coating)
 SBD4(Rubber extrusion)
 SBD5(Work shop)

There are different electrical equipments or apparatuses used for electrical

power control purpose these are; fuses, breakers, relays, contactors etc.

A. Fuses: their basic function is to protect against short circuit ( over

current protection).Fuses must therefore always be included in the
supply cables to the starter switch.

B. Breaker: is a switching device designed to open and close a circuit

C. Relay: there are used for the purpose of detecting faults and seeing
to it that a cutting out of the fault plagued component occurs before
the limitations are reached. Relays have though in some cases also a
monitoring function since they can go into effect before the error
occurs. For example excess voltage relays and temperature relays.

Current relays: their function is to ascertain whether there is an excess

current in a portion of the system.

Voltage relays: they are used in order to ensure that the voltage is
kept within the specified limits.

There are two types of transmission cables used in the company these are;
power and data cables.

Power cable: which carries power from L v room to the machine according
to the rating its size would be different. It ranging from 1.5mm to240mm.

Data cable: it is used to communicate the input, control and the output so as to
control the system efficiency and also used for synchronization process. It has two

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types; Proof bus (process field bus) and ASI bus (actuator sensor in terrace) with
assize of 0.5mm2 to 1mm2.
2.5. Control Systems in IAE
Control system is vital to every activity not only in industrial factories but also to
each and every task within our daily activities. There are different control systems
and control rooms in IAE Company that is systems which are controlled with both
mechanical and electrical systems. As I am Electrical engineering student I will
consider on systems that are mostly electrical systems but also other systems will
be included.

The company’s control system is installed with the basic, simple and ongoing
control system that is PLC. This control system is accomplished by some electrical
controlling equipments which are limit switches, relays, circuit breakers,
contactors, timers, push buttons, fuses, sensors and electrical meters. The company
uses PLC system to take advantages of it. In IAE there are different mechanical
and electrical machines which has their own controlling panel and inside these
controlling panels there are different types of controlling devices electrically
connected to each other like that of sensors and relays with timers. Now let us see
each and every components within this control system which are sensors, relays,
timers, PLC etc.

2.5.1. Sensors and their Applications

A sensor is a physical device that detects a signal or stimulus that is acquires
information from real world and responds with an electrical signal. Sensors are first
elements in the measurement system which are in contact with the system or
process being measured. Sensors will read true values and produce the
corresponding output values which basically depends on inputs. Basically there are
two types of sensors depending on their output these are primary and secondary

Primary sensors: these are sensors which comes first in contact with the physical
elements and will produce mechanical outputs or signals for example flow and
force sensors. Generally these sensors are a translator of a generally nonelectrical
value into another signal values.

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Secondary sensors: these sensors come after primary sensors. They are
responsible for converting the outputs of primary sensors into an electrical signal
which is compatible with electronic circuits. Electrical signals are signal which can
be channeled, amplified, and modified by electronic devices. The outputs of these
sensors may take either of these forms voltage, current, or charge. Examples of
these sensors are;

Now let’s see different sensors that exist in IAE with their application one by one.

1. LDR Sensors: An LDR or a photo resistor has a resistance which changes

based on the amount of visible light that falls on it. The light falling on the
zigzag lines on the sensor (usually made of Cadmium Sulphide), causes the
resistance of the device to fall. This is known as a negative co‐efficient LDR.
There are some LDRs that work in the opposite way i.e. their resistance
increases with light (called positive co‐efficient LDR).But in IAE a commonly
used device, the ORP-12 sensor is used, which has a high resistance in the dark,
and a low resistance in the light. This sensor is primarily used in the starting of
burners as a basic element.
2. Proximity sensors: They are basically discrete sensors and mostly known as
optical proximity sssensors.They provide greater safety than electrical sensors
and we use them in hazardous areas. These are used to determine whether an
object is present or not. There are four fundamental types of proximity sensors,
the inductive, the capacitive, the ultrasonic, and the optical proximity sensor.

Optical proximity sensors work as photoelectric devices and detects presence by

emitting a beam of light usually with the help of light emitting diodes and a
detector. This sensor can have two options that are if no object there is no detected
radiation or there is reflected radiation if object in proximity and it is applied on;

 Aging room when opener closes down or not

 Powder room when the buzz comes close to aluminum profiles
 On the transfer table to detect proximity of puller

Inductive proximity sensors as the name implies, inductive proximity sensors

operate on the principle that the inductance of a coil and the power losses in the
coil vary as a metallic object is passed near to it. Because of this operating principle,

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inductive proximity sensors are only used for sensing metal objects. They will not
work with non-metallic material. These are used at:

 Extrusion room to detect the alignment of dies with hot billet

 On transfer table to detect the incoming aluminum profile

3. Limit switches: they are basic and primary physical sensors which are most
versatile devices in terms of motion detection. Available in a variety of operator
mechanisms and contact arrangements, they work on the principle of physical
contact between an object and the operator mechanism to present a contact
closure to the control circuit. These devices work on that when object comes in
touched with them they will open and electrical power will lost as a result
motion of object will be stopped and also may work on opposite principles.
They are applicable on ;
 Polishing machine to detect its end terminal appearance
 Aging machine to stop final down motion of door
 Powder room to stop the buzz movement at last position

Figure 2.3 Limit switches

4. Temperature sensors (sensing devices): thermoelectric or thermocouple
sensing elements are commonly used for measuring temperature. The most
commonly used temperature sensing elements in motor control applications are
thermostats and thermocouples. The thermocouple relies on a principle known
as the See beck effect that is two dissimilar metal wires are joined together in a
loop with one end being the hot junction; the other being the cold junction. A
difference of potential is generated in the loop in response to temperature
change. Each of these devices sense temperature change and then presents a
contact closure for use in a control circuit. There are different application areas
of thermocouples within the factory these are;

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 At cast furnace for measuring furnace temperature

 At billet furnace for measuring furnace temperature
 At aging house for measuring temperature of aging room

2.6. Programmable Logic Control System and Its Parts

A programmable logic controller, commonly known as PLC is a specialized computer
mainly used for automation in various industries. It is used in places where motors
needs to be driven on reception of a command signal, in electrical power system for the
operation of circuit breaker, etc. PLCs are programmable hence a single unit can be
used for different kind of operations based on where it is used making it a versatile
device. The major advantage of a PLC over the conventional controllers is its robust
nature. It has high fidelity in most dynamic environments.
PLC is reluctant to noise from the peripherals and hence is a reliable device for
automation where accuracy and correctness is prominent. Another major advantage of
a PLC is its ability to handle multiple input and output ports which processes analog as
well as digital signals.

Power supply

Input Input CPU Output Output

devices module module devices
Program memory


device (PC)

Figure 2.4 Block diagram of PLC

Main reasons to use PLC

Earlier in all types of industries, relays were used for automation purpose. Relays
are electromagnetic device which contains a coil and a mechanical action switches
the relay between ON and OFF state. Different relays needed to be incorporated in
a given system in order to control its various parameters such as current or voltage

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for driving a motor. Thus in order to control a complete system multiple relays had
to be used. It ultimately required lot of space and power because of bulky size of a
relay due to its components. Also coordination between relays was a major issue
because of their electromechanical operation. Thus development in the field of
automation led to the invention of PLC. A PLC occupies very less space as
compared to the conventional relay controller with high number of input and output
ports included in one device. PLC is widely used in different kinds of industries
because of its simplicity, user friendly operation, versatility, efficiency and

2.6.1. Main Parts of PLC

The major blocks constituting a programmable logic controller are; Power supply,
CPU, Input Output system, Memory and Communication module.

1. Power supply: The power supply module powers the controller including all its
components with a standard 24V DC supply. It is generally placed at one end in the
PLC rack. It converts the input power from 240V AC/ 120V AC to the rated 24V DC.
It supplies an output current of 2A, 5A and 10A to the PLC modules.
2. CPU: It is the brain of the PLC controlling all the activities inside the controller. It
resides typically adjacent to the power supply in the rack. The CPU is mainly composed
of micro controllers and integrated circuits and is responsible for coordination between
different units such as memory access, signal modules, I/O modules, etc. CPU has the
following operating modes:
 Programming mode- In this mode a user program compiled on a PC is
downloaded to the PLC for its execution.
 Run mode- In Run mode the PLC executes the downloaded program. It takes
in the input values and produces the desired output as instructed in the program.
In this mode PLC may also use the communication interfaces such as RS232,
Profibus, SCADA or CC-Link.
 Stop mode- In this mode, the PLC stops executing the program. Hence no
output is produced in this mode. Necessary input checks can be carried out for
analysing or debugging.
 Reset mode- It resets the CPU and bring it back to its original position from
where it started. If reset is done without deleting any data from the memory

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registers, such reset is called warm reset; and if reset is done erasing all the data
from memory registers then such type of reset is called the cold reset.
3. Input Output System: The I/O modules in a PLC can be of two types namely,
Analog modules or Digital modules. Depending on the application corresponding
digital or analog input cards are placed in the PLC rack. The input cards basically does
the function of collecting the data from external devices such as sensors, push buttons
or communication devices, makes it compatible with PLC CPU by doing signal
conditioning and sends it to the CPU for further execution. These input devices are
connected to the PLC input module by the means of screw terminals on the card. The
output module performs the function of sending the control signal from CPU to
corresponding output device for actual action. The hardware is similar to the input
module. It can be digital module if has to send signals to devices accepting discrete
signals such as push buttons, micro switches, selector switches, etc. or it can be an
analog module if the output devices are motors drives, alarm system, lamp, etc.
4. Memory: The memory block present in the PLC is majorly divided into three
sections these are; Load memory, Work memory and System memory.
Load memory: It is used to store the user program. It can be ROM or EEPROM
memory. In many PLCs the load memory can be extended by the means of memory
card (RAM or EEPROM).
Work memory: The work memory (Integrated RAM) is used to store the parts of the
user program required for program processing.
System memory:
a) PII and PIQ- Peripheral Image Input and Peripheral Image Output are the memory
areas used to store and transfer data between input devices, PLC and output devices.
These areas are checked in a cyclic manner during the execution of a program. The
status signals from various input devices are stored in the PII region during program
scan. At the end of program scan, the output signals stored in the PIQ region are
transferred to the corresponding peripheral devices.
b) Timer/Counter area- This memory contains the 16-bit timers or counters. These
timers/counters can be used by the programmer for various purposes. The number of
timers and counters depends on the CPU.
c) Bit memory- This memory is used to store the intermediate results of a program
execution. It is abbreviated by M. Size of this area depends upon the CPU.

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d) Retentive memory- In PLC taking backup of certain memory is essential. This

memory area is a non-volatile RAM which backs up the timer/counter, bit memory and
data blocks without a backup battery.
e) Local stack- It is similar to bit memory in order to store the intermediate results,
however it is not a global memory that means it stores the data specific to a given block
f) Diagnostic area- It is used to store the diagnostic data such as ISTACK, BSTACK
or Diagnostic buffer.
5. Communication module: A communication module in a PLC is used to establish a
connection between PLC to PC and PLC to other PLC etc. With the advent of SCADA
systems, Ethernet module is widely used for communication. It uses TCP/IP protocol
for communication over a network of other devices (PCs, PLCs). It is given an RJ-45
connector to establish connections with the help of a CAT-5 Ethernet cable.

2.6.2. Methods of Programming a PLC

It is programed with the help of or based on a user program. This program can be
compiled by user on a PC and can be uploaded to the PLC. The manufacturer of PLC
develops their own software to program the PLC, e.g., SIMATIC S7 by SIEMENS. The
program can be written in following logics:
 Ladder Logic (LAD) - An ON-OFF switch and a relay coil are the basic
components of these method. These symbols emulates the real life components
used in an actual control system and thus LAD logic can be understood by
person having little or no specific knowledge of programming. The switches
used can be normally open type or normally closed type depending on their use.
The entire program can be written using these symbols in separate lines. The
complete program structure looks like a ladder.
 Statement Logic (STL) - In this method, logical statements are written as a
program. Various keywords are used to represent various parameters in the
program. Programmer need to have prior knowledge of these keywords in order
to compile an accurate program to produce desired automation results.
 Functional Block Diagram (FBD) - This is a graphical programming language
for a PLC. The block represents a function and is provided with input and output
ports which can be connected to other blocks or input/output. The direction of
signal through the blocks is fixed, i.e., from left to right.

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2.6.3. Advantages of PLC

 Multiple devices such as timers, memory shells, etc. are embedded in one
system which makes PLC very convenient and versatile to use
 PLCs are robust in nature and can be operated effectively in adverse external
conditions such as temperature, humidity, motion, etc.
 PLCs are easily programmable and its programming language is easily
 The interfacing between input and output is already done inside a PLC
 Interfacing with HMI makes the monitoring of inputs and outputs of a PLC easy
and convenient
 Complex operations can be performed easily

2.7. Actuators
Actuators are physical devices that transform electrical, chemical or thermal energy
into mechanical energy. It is a mechanical device that takes energy that is created
by air, electricity or liquid and converts it into some kind of motion. This motion
is basically used for different purposes like blocking, clamping or ejecting in
aluminum industries. Actuators typically are used in manufacturing or industrial
applications and might be used in devices such as motors, pumps, switches and
valves. There are different types of actuators depending on the source energy or
input they have taken to convert into motion those are;

 Electrical actuators
 Pneumatic actuators
 Hydraulic actuators

A. Pneumatic actuators: these are the most commonly known and used
actuators which are powered by air. It is typically a cylinder made from
metal that uses the stored energy of compressed air to move a piston when
the air is released or uncompressed. They are most commonly used in
manufacturing and assembly processes. Also used for different applications
 Removing dust and the like from workers cloches
 Cleaning equipments used during maintenance

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B. Electrical actuators: they are electromechanical devices which use

electrical energy as the input and convert into mechanical energy. They may
be powered by direct current example a battery powered portable device or
by alternating current from a central electrical distribution grid or inverter.
Electric actuators vary in their application based on their size as small,
medium and very large. They are found in diverse applications such as;
 Industrial funs, blowers and pumps (smaller size)
 Machine tools, power tools and disk drives(medium size)
 Pipeline compressors and water pumps with ratings in
megawatts(large size)

C. Hydraulic actuators: they operate like that of pneumatic actuators and

they are basically hydraulic cylinders. These cylinders use liquids (oil) as a
source and transform into motion. They are applied on;
 Hydraulic baling press machine
 Machines which require high power

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Skills and Qualifications gained from Internship Program

3.1. Overall benefits
The internship program has changed my prior views about the interaction between
university courses and practical work places that is industrial factories. I have
acquired a very good experience within this internship program at IAE.I have
improved my theoretical knowledge and observed many problems with experience
that occur in real world. Also I have seen how team work and work ethics greatly
contribute to successfully carryout tasks in work places. The overall benefits of the
internship program can be seen from the following aspects of consideration. These

 Gaining practical skill

 Correlation between class room knowledge and internship
 Improving my interpersonal communication skill
 Developing the habit of teamwork skill
 Developing good leadership skill
 Understanding about work ethics related issues
 Influence of internship on my future carrier and entrepreneurship skills

3.2. Practical skills

The program made me to gain new perspective about practical works and
skills because I were able to see the application and relevance of what I have
learned in university. Due to this, I have acquired a real world experience
and also learned job-seeking and job-holding skills and opportunities.
Finally I have devoted on my own to gain maturity, professionalism and
confidence throughout my entire life. Also it helped me in identifying,
clarifying, developing career goals, professional aspirations and confirming
career path options.

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3.3. Using theoretical knowledge in real world

I have greatly seen about the correlation between my classroom knowledge
and the practical works I have seen at the industry. Prior to the internship
program many concepts during the class session were not clearly clarified
but they became clear at internship practice because I were able to work
directly with the machines and devices which I have learned theoretically. I
have seen the mechanisms how different machineries are operated in such
away hydraulic, mechanical, electrical and pneumatic systems. Also due to
the presence of Wi-Fi networks at the company I was able to download some
documentations and manuals about most of the machineries that are
available and had a chance to refer to them and increase my understanding
about the machineries.

I have had spare time during my stay at factory and used this time to ask my
company advisor about how machineries are operated and maintained
without bothering about other issues with improving my theoretical

3.4. Interpersonal communication skills

I was able to easily engage myself in discussion with professional manner
and able to gain something out of it. It was not as easy as it sounds at first
but through the course of time and with a great deal of help from
professionals, I have improved what is to be proven, one of the most
important skills, if one wants to succeed in the line of profession.

One important thing I observed during the program is that vital to bring
one’s self to face any interpersonal communication defects because it would
make the teaching and learning experience that much harder and it would be
proven to be a west of time in the end. Keeping this in mind I tried my best
to create a channel of communication with our peers, so that I should come
out benefited from the experience. General communication skills from

 I get different kinds of information about the industry

 I cop-up with the work flow

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 I get better understanding of the machineries and their operation

3.5. Improving team playing skills

I was working in the company in collaboration with other students and
professional workers. In the beginning I had difficulties in integrating
myself within the team but through time and with constant supervision from
my supervisor, I became able to easily interact and communicate with the
entire staff members. I have improved myself in relation to teamwork with
the following great attitude qualities;

 Demonstrate reliability
 Communicate constructively
 Listen actively
 Function as an active participant
 Share openly and willingly
 Cooperate and help others

3.6. Leadership skill

As we know good leadership skill is very vital in leading works that are done
in group structure like in case of industry activities. In IAE it is the general
manager who is responsible primarily in developing this attitude. He
controls all engineering works together with other management activities
and has good leadership skill this makes all staff members of a company to
have full interest to control their work activity parallel to other workers. This
management system makes me to develop good experience in relation to
leadership and I have gained the following skills;

 I know to encourage team members to do their best

 I am able in understanding supervisors and operators ideas and solving
their problems
 I should have clear visions, goals and missions in leading an activity.

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3.7. Developing the art of work ethics

Good work ethics is the major and being first behavior to every individual in
everywhere to live not only on work areas. There are two common types of
ethics these are Personal ethics and Professional ethics

Personal Ethics: these principles are values which are expected to be

possessed by all individuals in their life, and contribute a lot for a smooth
interaction among individuals and peaceful coexistence of a society. I gained
good personal ethics including concern for the well-being of others like
honesty, fairness, compliant to the law, benevolence (doing well) and
refusing to take un-fair advantage.

Professional Ethics: these are vital in leading a person to the step of being
professionalism. I gained those ethics punctuality, reliability, honesty,
accountability, transparency, respecting others ideas, motivation and
commitment and the like during internship period.

Generally workers in a company should be motivated to work. They should

be punctual and deliver products on time. Workers should understand the
value of time and use it effectively. Most of the issues that are related to work
ethics are also related to the motivation of a worker. Unless a worker loves
what he does and has a goal, his performance will deteriorate. Therefore, the
company should do some things in order to elevate the worker‘s motivation.
In my opinion the best way of doing this is paying the workers per time and
the other methods of motivating the worker is setting up workshops in order
to inform, entertain and motivate the workers.

3.8. Influencing on future carrier

The internship program gave me a chance to meet and work with lots of
people like senior graduates, expertise in certain working areas, technicians
and people with many years of experience. Also I have seen different kinds
of machines and I tried to understand their operational mechanisms and also
know how different spare parts are manufactured which has motivated me
to search for new ideas in designing new machineries and enter in to
business. These things made me to develop the art of entrepreneurship in the
following years of intermidence with aiming the following skills;

37 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


 Designing and managing a company

 How to break into market to deliver products

38 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul



Design of Position Alignment Detector of Winch and Molding

4.1 Background
In aluminum extrusion factory all the process stands from designing the 6m billet so it
is necessary to design this billet with perfection and high quality standards. Proper
shape and length of billet is required to produce the smaller size billets which are sized
with their requirement standards for further processing.

The starting process for billet manufacturing is melting of the raw materials at cast
furnace. When the cast furnace temperature reaches the required level then the opening
of furnace will be left opened and liquid aluminum flows on a path to the place of
molding machine. The molding machine has 24 molding spats (positions) and can be
used to design 24 billets at a time.

The molding machine operates with the help of a mechanical device called winch
because it is the molding machine which moves down by carrying billets. When the
molding machine moves down the cooling water flows at the same time to cool down
hot and molded aluminum to become solidified. In this process the molding machine
and covering machine should align at proper position because it is responsible for
designing proper proper position and alignment detection is necessary to
functionally perform the next tasks.

Winch is mechanical device which is used in pulling the billet holding machine down
moving into the hall which is the cooling room for molded aluminum. This should be
aligned very accurately to manufacture billets with their last good quality and shape.
This activity is controlled manually and it is responsible for errors to happen so it is
required to design with control systems involvement.

39 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


4.2. Statement of the problem

The waste and loss of aluminum scrub is a major concern, thereby a way to reach
maximum aluminum efficiency is a must by determining the present and future leakage
through embracing the feature of feedback and communication. In cast house of
aluminum extrusion, the molding machine need absolute protection while the melted
aluminum filled to the specified space. If there is electrical power interruption, the
whole billet will be damaged unless they use mechanical techniques manually.

There are other different problems of statements that we motivated to pick this type of
idea, these are:

 The whole production system will do if and only if the billet has to be finely
 A very small time interval mistake of controlling a system on molding machine
gives to loss much amount of money on the billet and machine collided
together so it will hard to separate.
 The system on this machine checks manually by their eyes and so it is better
to have an automatic system watching the mold.

4.3. Objective
General objective

 To design and simulate an automatic controlling system for winch and molding
machine alignment.

 To motivate Ethiopian industries to use this modern technology and increase

their production quality.
Specific objective
 To show position detecting system on Proteus professional software simulation
using Arduino Uno controller.
 To prepare a full project paper containing all the designing procedures and
materials used.

40 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


4.4. Scope
Our project begins to help the operator on reading the molding machine is closed or not
beside it can measure the height of the billet. But we use an ultrasonic sensor to measure
the height inside the molding and those sensors are restricted for deep height this means
it is necessary to consider their features and operating conditions in relation to this
project. This project stands on the basic area of cast house in billet manufacturing with
its cooling system as basic parts. Our project area is in detection of position and
alignment of those winch and molding machine with their extra opening and closing

4.5. Significance
This project highly solves the problem of the company in terms of giving accurate
measurement to the operator. The Aluminum profile production begins from collecting
raw material to melt in the casting house then billet will be producing on 24 slots of
molding machine. To get 24 billet of aluminum it needs total of 12hr from melting to
making the final billet. The most caution takes on the molding because everything has
to be finalized on this place. That is why we initially inspired to solve the problem of
the most important part.

4.6. Limitation
 The project is not implemented in hardware
 Mathematical modeling is not included

4.7. Literature Review

Extrusion is an extremely flexible manufacturing process. Materials from plastic to
steel may be extruded into surprisingly complex cross-sectional geometries (referred to
as "shapes") by forcing cylindrical billets of material through a die. The product which
emerges, called an extruded, has, in principle, a constant cross-sectional geometry along
its length. The flexibility of extrusion comes from the fact that a single extrusion press
may be used for multiple materials and can produce an infinite number of shapes by
simply changing the die and the associated tooling. Extrusion is only the first step in
the manufacturing process. Subsequent finishing processes are necessary to achieve
desired mechanical and metallurgical properties, correct geometric flaws, and prepare
the extruded pieces for shipment. Few lots pass through all of the finishing processes.

41 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


The routing a lot will take is determined by the desired temper and the results of in-
process quality inspections.

Generally the production process runs on different steps and each of them has to be
performed very patiently for final fine extruded aluminum products. The extrusion
factory is new to our country and it is started with to this decade so it is necessary to
take part in uploading new commitments on the manufacturing sector. Aluminum
extrusion is done in our country because it is very vital in our construction industry due
to its lightness compared to other metals which is responsible for reducing load on our
buildings, so it is very economical industrial sector in its arrival.

4.8. Methodology
The design methodology by giving a detailed description of the meter components and
introducing the entire system scheme. In order to evaluate this project, the methodology
based on System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), generally three major step, which
is planning, implementing and analysis. This project used three major steps to
implement project starting from planning, implementing and testing. All the methods
used for finding and analyzing data regarding the project related.

Figure 4.1 Block diagram of System Development Life Cycle

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The block diagram of overall project circuit is as follows


Read input No
touch sensor

Turn-on winch

Read input


Figure 4.2 Flow chart of project

4.8.1. Planning
To identify all the information and requirement planning must be done in the proper
manner. The planning phase have two main elements namely data collection and the

4.8.2. Data collection

Data collection is a stage in any area of study. At this stage we planned about the
projects resources and requirements, literature studies and schedule to get more
information in this study. All the materials are collected from text books and research
papers gathered from libraries and Internet. Within the data collection period we have
found the study about fault detection on billet production process at casting in the
Internet and do some research about the project related on this. We have done research
about the project related, which include with studying about such as ultrasonic sensor,
RTC, resistor, Light emitter diode (LED), battery and buzzer. The study is not just for
the function of the component but the types of small circuit build by each component
on project implementation.

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4.8.3. Software Requirement Proteus software
The Proteus Design Suite is a proprietary software tool suite used primarily for
electronic design automation. The software is used mainly by electronic design
engineers and technicians to create schematics and electronic prints for manufacturing
printed circuit boards (PCB). ARDUINO UNO

Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It is
a single-board microcontroller to make using electronics in multidisciplinary projects
more accessible.

Features of Arduino:

1. Memory:

The Arduino Uno has 32 KB memory. It comes with 2 KB of SRAM and also 1 KB of
EEPROM (EEPROM library is required to read or write into this).

2. Clock Speed:

The performance of this controller is based on its clock speed. The Clock speed of the
Arduino is 16 MHz so it can perform a particular task faster than the other processor or

3. USB Interface:

Most important feature of Arduino Uno is USB connectivity. It means if we want to

operate Arduino with PC, then we can do that and data communication between PC and
Arduino become easy.

4. Input Output Module:

The Arduino Uno can be powered via the USB connection or with an external power
supply. If we are using external power, then we can supply 6 to 20 volts. Arduino
basically works on 5 volts.

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5. Input Output Pins:

Each of the 14 digital pins on the Uno can be used as an input or output. 6 pins out of
14 can be used as PWM output. 6 pins can be used as analog pins.

6. Communication:

Arduino board supports I2C and SPI communication protocol systems. The Arduino
software includes wire library for I2C and SPI library for the SPI communication.

4.9. Design and analysis

we use the software of simulating program “Proteus 8.6 Professional”, along with C
Language Compiler “Arduino compiler” for the code written to the Arduino
Microcontroller. Several separate code blocks were written for different blocks of the
meter in order to simulate and test them separately before integration and system
simulation and testing.

4.10. Materials used

4.10.1. Arduino
Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It is
a single-board microcontroller to make using electronics in multidisciplinary projects
more accessible.

Figure 4.3 Arduino Uno

4.10.2. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) display
The LCD (liquid crystal display) is based upon the liquid crystal technology. By
applying Voltage to the LCD, it becomes opaque, but before that it was a transparent
material. The above property is main operating principle of LCD. The LCD display is

45 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


used for displaying height of billet, problem on alignment of winch and real time. It
also acts as an interface between operator and winch (pulling machine).

Figure 4.4 Liquid Crystal Display

4.10.3. Resistance
The electrical resistance of an electrical conductor is a measure of the difficulty to pass
an electric current through that conductor. The inverse quantity is electrical
conductance, and is the ease with which an electric current pass. Electrical resistance
shares some conceptual parallels with the notion of mechanical friction. The SI unit of
electrical resistance is the ohm (Ω), while electrical conductance is measured in
Siemens (S).

Figure 4.5 Resistance

4.10.4. Buzzer
A buzzer is a small yet efficient component to add sound features to our project or
system. It is very small and compact 2-pin structure hence can be easily used on
breadboard, Perf Board and even on PCBs which makes this a widely used component
in most electronic applications. Used in giving sound signal if there is fault in alignment
of winch and billet holding machine.

Figure 4.6 buzzer

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Buzzer Pin Configuration

1. Positive: - Identified by (+) symbol or longer terminal lead. Can be powered by

6V DC.
2. Negative: - Identified by short terminal lead. Typically connected to the ground
of the circuit.

Buzzer has the following Features

 Rated Voltage: 6V DC
 Operating Voltage: 4-8V DC
 Rated current: <30mA
 Sound Type: Continuous Beep
 Resonant Frequency: ~2300 Hz
 Small and neat sealed package
 Breadboard and Perf board friendly
4.10.5. Light emitting diode (LED)
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor light source. It is a p–n
junction diode that emits light when activated. When a suitable current is applied to the
leads, electrons are able to recombine with electron holes within the device, releasing
energy in the form of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence, and the color
of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photon) is determined by the energy
band gap of the semiconductor. LEDs are typically small (less than 1 mm2) and
integrated optical components may be used to shape the radiation pattern. They are used
in indicating the proper (correct) alignment of puller and billet holder.

Figure 4.7 Light Emitting Diode

4.10.6. Real time clock (RTC)
Real-time clock (RTC) is a computer clock that keeps track of the current time. RTCs
are present in almost any electronic device which needs to keep accurate time.
Although keeping time can be done without an RTC, using one has benefits:

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• Low power consumption (important when running from alternate power).

• Frees the main system for time-critical tasks.
• Sometimes more accurate than other methods.

Figure 4.8 Real Time Clock

4.10.7. Ultrasonic sensor
Ultrasonic sensor measures the distance to or presence of target object material through
air without touching it. This sensor has the following basic features:

 Supply voltage of 5V(DC) and Supply current :15mA

 Modulation frequency :40Hz and Beam angle: 2cm to 400cm
 Distance: 0.3cm and Communication: Positive TTL pulse
 Output:0 to 5V(output high when obstacle detected in range)

The type of ultrasonic sensor for this particular application is very strictly selected
because the area is a high temperature and pressure area work place. There are sensors
developed and tested that are capable of emitting and receiving ultrasonic energy at
temperatures exceeding 900 degree Celsius and pressures above 150MPa.These sensors
are available with the target processing environment which is typically found in a hot
isostatic pressure vessel which can measure up to 20mm. To measure longer distances
now a days there are transducers available at market which approximately work around
350 degree Celsius and they loss their piezoelectric properties beyond this temperature.
We can also use electromagnetic acoustic transducers at high temperature environment.
This sensor measures distance by using ultrasonic waves. Its head emits & receives
wave reflected back from target then distance measured by measuring time elapsed
between emission & reception. The distance calculated by the following formula:

L=1/2*T*C Where L is distance, T is time and C sonic speed

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Figure 4.9 Ultrasonic sensor

4.10.8. Potentiometer
A potentiometer is also commonly known as a pot meter or pot. The most common
form of pot meter is the single turn rotary pot meter.

Figure 4.10 Potentiometer

4.10.9. Touch Sensor
It is a type of equipment that captures and records physical touch or embrace on device
and or object. It primarily works, when an object or individual gets in physical contact
with it. Applied in detecting whether winch touches the 24 molding halls for billet
designing. Features of touch sensors used for application:

 Wide operating voltage range(2.4V~5.5V)

 Broad set of configuration possibilities to support your application needs
 Low-Power mode and Standby Current: <10uA
 Strong anti-interference capability and pass 2kV Electrical Fast Transient (EFT)
 Peripheral circuit is simple for processing convenient and cost saving
 Cover lens: up to 2 mm glass, acrylic and other media
 High sensitivity and safety

This sensor is proximity capacitive sensing that enables touch detection by measuring
capacitance, exhibiting a change in capacitance in response to a change in surrounding
material. It generates an electric field and measures the attenuations suffered by this
field. When an object is close to metal electrode of sensor, an electric path is formed
producing field current. Then sensor measures the AC impedance of generated electric

49 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


field and translates into a DC output voltage. The external controller process this
information with its ADC to perform a function, associated with a touchpad control
panel. To overcome external ADC need we can use MPR083&MPR084 sensor
controllers which generate digital output through I2C with custom addressing. As a
result of touch the generated capacitance is calculated as:


Where C=capacitance in farads, A=area of contact in m2, d=separation distance

between contacts, k=dielectric constant of separator and e=free space permittivity.
For this project, a sensor with high temperature and pressure rating is required because
of high temperature so we select a sensor which has feature of operating temperature
range from -200 to 250 degree Celsius.

4.11. Simulation Software

4.11.1 RTC Simulation

The RTC is connected to the Arduino Microcontroller at port C to pin pc5 (SCL) and
pin pc4 (SDA) as shown in the Figure below. The operation of the RTC requires a
crystal oscillator of 1MHz for the internal clocking circuit. It is recommended to
connect a battery to pin VCC (9 volts VBAT) of the RTC because in case of power
disconnection, the date and time obtained by the RTC will be lost and reset to the default
values on repowering in the absence of the battery. An LCD also connected to the same
PORT to display the Time & Date, and a code was written into the Arduino
Microcontroller to carry out this main operation.

Figure 4.11 RTC Simulation on software diagram

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4.11.2. Ultrasonic sensor simulation

The Ultrasonic sensor is connected to the Arduino Microcontroller at pin 6 and pin 7 of
port D. The Ultrasonic is connected to a battery of 5 volts at the pin of the Ultrasonic
sensor because it requires a source. The sensor also has test pin to determine how deep
the billet will get inside.

Figure 4.12 Ultrasonic sensor connection

4.11.3. Result and discussion
This system consists of touch sensor, ultrasonic Sensor, buzzer, Arduino Uno
microcontroller, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Keypad and Real Time Clock.
Ultrasonic sensor generally produces electrical pulses proportional to the height of the
billet molding machine, and these pulses go to the microcontroller. The touch sensors
identify weather touch or untouched and send a signal of 1 or 0 to the microcontroller
respectively. The microcontroller continuously tells where is the problem happened and
the height in which the billet moves inside and display the result on the LCD. RTC is
used to supply the system with the real time and date.

Here there are four touch sensors which will put on the 4 side of the cast molding
machine of aluminum. Let’s say touch sensor 2 and 4 are off the display will tell which
place got the problem. Now touch sensor 2 and 4 are 0, this will tell a problem place
like shown below.

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If all the touch sensor is on that will give the LCD display “TOUCHED” so easily the
operator do what he has to do next.

If all the touch sensor is off, LCD display will give “not touched’’. This will give the
operator has to do on fixing the top to the bottom of the molding machine.

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Figure 4.13 Complete connection on software diagram

4.12. Conclusion and recommendation
4.12.1. Recommendation
Anyone who is interested on this topic and want to improve our project can do in
different controlling system and it can be implemented by PLC (programmable logic
control). This material is analyzed on Proteus simulation and it can develop to the
hardware and do what the mission is had to fulfill. Finally, this project is concentrated
only on the analysis of solving some problem on the casting house so people can use
different idea with different analysis to improve this work.
4.12.2. Conclusion
It is concluded that possible to reduce the risk of detecting alignment manually with the
help of this project. The project is not costly to implement and also it is important in
reducing errors and reduces the man power effectively. This project is very cost
effective and also reduces manpower requirement and time so better in application.

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5.1. Conclusion
The internship was a very good experience and provide me with some new perspectives
that I didn’t get yet before and I can say that I am benefited from my stay in the company
in a number of respects. The internship gives real practical skills and makes me being
familiar to the outside world at industry work. It prepared me to pay special attention
in all practical activities that will be carried out in the company.

Also developing professional skills for my future time is essential. That is I specialized
myself in various activities especially in assembling of industrial machines and control
circuits of different machine. I have developed my personal views about hard work,
team work, business and I conclude that the secret of success is hard work.

Finally the internship program which is basic in applying theoretical knowledge we

know before and this program is a very beginning to the future work experience.

5.2 Recommendation
5.2.1 Recommendation to hosting company
I have seen many things that are not good and which affect the company overall
production process, responsible for lowering the production process rate and
quality. So recommendations to IAE are:

 The company has only two standby generators which are not able to carry
all the load when the electric power from EEPCO is interrupted. This
reduces the production rate so the company should build another electrical
power source.
 The company electrical installation has the problem of aging and this makes
the current carrying capacity of current carrying wire (cable) to reduce
which is responsible for the wire to overheat and cause damage. So, they
have to change the electrical installation cables by new one.
 The company should pay pocket money in order to initiate apparent
 The company should provide safety clothes for intern students.

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 The company should has completely filed documentation for ease of access
information about itself.

5.2.2 Recommendation to University

Based on my work from the very beginning to the end, the recommendations to my
university, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University are the following
important points.

 The university should arrange industry visit before and after the internship
program. Because the internship is not enough to get practical knowledge
before graduation.
 The university to industry linkage of AASTU is not well coordinated so this
should be very seriously solved.
 The university should assign intern students based on their interest not to
other companies because this reduces motivation of interns on work.
 The department has to send the students to hosting company on time for
this internship program.
 Finally, the budget allocation for this internship program is not enough for
the students to spend in this program.

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6. References
[1]Different manuals of the company

[2]Interview of senior employees and operator

[3]Official Journal of the European Union, L 37/19 from 13.02.2003

[4] http:// aluminum. Matter. Org. us/aluselect

[5] http://esmat. Esa. Int/Services/Preferred _Lists/Materials [4] NCAP Phase I

Report [7]"Non-Chromate aluminum pretreatments ";
[6]ASST 2006 - "Aluminum Surface Science and Technology", 4th Int.

[7]Aldine 1200S - Technical Process Bulletin, HENKEL Surface

Technologies (1999)

[8]Nab tan ST1/310 - Technical Process Bulletin, NABUOberflachentechnik


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7. Appendix
const int pin = 13;

const int trigPin = 6;

const int echoPin = 7;

const int buzz = 8;

#define sensorpin 9

#define sensorpin2 10

#define sensorpin3 0

#define sensorpin4 1

#include <stdio.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#include <DS3231.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,5,4,3,2);

DS3231 rtc(SDA, SCL);

void setup() {






void loop() {


int sensevalue= digitalRead(sensorpin);

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int sensevalue2=digitalRead(sensorpin2);

int sensevalue3= digitalRead(sensorpin3);

int sensevalue4=digitalRead(sensorpin4);

if(sensevalue== HIGH && sensevalue2 ==HIGH && sensevalue3== HIGH &&

sensevalue4 ==HIGH){

digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);


else if(sensevalue== HIGH && sensevalue2 ==HIGH && sensevalue3== HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor 4");




else if(sensevalue== HIGH && sensevalue2 ==HIGH && sensevalue4==


digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor 3");


58 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul




else if(sensevalue== HIGH && sensevalue4 ==HIGH && sensevalue3==


digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor 2");




else if(sensevalue4== HIGH && sensevalue2 ==HIGH && sensevalue3==


digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #1");




else if(sensevalue== HIGH && sensevalue2 ==HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


59 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #3&4");




else if(sensevalue== HIGH && sensevalue3 ==HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #2&4");




else if(sensevalue== HIGH && sensevalue4 ==HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #2&3");




60 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


else if(sensevalue2== HIGH && sensevalue3 ==HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #1&4");




else if(sensevalue2== HIGH && sensevalue4 ==HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #1&3");




else if(sensevalue3== HIGH && sensevalue4 ==HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #1&2");

61 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul





else if(sensevalue== HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #2&3&4");




else if(sensevalue2== HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #1&3&4");




else if(sensevalue3== HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


62 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #1&2&4");




else if(sensevalue4== HIGH) {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);


lcd.print("problem place is");


lcd.print("on sensor #1&2&3");




else {

digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

lcd.println("not touched");







63 | P a g e Internship&Project Report by Haileleul


lcd.print("Time: ");



lcd.print("Date: ");



digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);


digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

double duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

double distance = duration*0.034*4;


lcd.print("billet's height");







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