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Response note on Motivation

- 2018CS10371

Critical evaluation of the experiment :-

Verbal reinforcement increases intrincsic motivation, but after long time it may
decrease it as people realized their work is not just be rewarded by a praise
only, they need more. It may be a point where this effect of increasing intrinsic
motivation gets inverted.

Depends on mind set of persson which is not addressed well good in the study
like there will be different output for different participants. Like some doesnot
consider reward(here money) but consider parising more important to them as
they think of their value by respect rather than money. But we didn’t take this
issue and considerd mentality of all participants same.

People also love to explore rather than just doing same work and getting
reward, they love to do different things and gain more knowledge and
experiance. Like their are also theories and AI learning where robots explore the
area around them and look for more rewards rather than moving to a position
and just get single reward from that position only.

We can also include good-looking female experimentors during

experimentation and see what effect it has on the male participants. Also can
see this for the case of male experimentors with male participants and female
with female participants.

Also why should we consider only for male and female. We can also see for
different cultural background people, where participants from same culture are
praised by experimentors from different cultures. And see how it affects their
intrinsic motivation.

If you plan to design such an experiment, what are some of the variables
you would like to include and why?

Now in the study we were given verbal reinforcement after finishing the puzzle.
But when i will be doing experiment i will try with some other different things
as well like i will have certain group of people and let them roam around the
room where experiment was conducted and tell them to praise the participants
like you are doing great, hey man! you are amazing Wow etc. or can praise on
different topic also raher than just about the puzzle like you look beautiful, your
parents must be lucky to have you etc. Now what happens is that some
participants love being praised while in middle of work and it gives them a
boost to work hard but for some people it gets kind of annoying or disturbing to
say something in between. I have the same feeling, i don’t want anyone,
whosoever, saying anything in between of my work, it will decrease my
motivation to do that thing afterward.

One more thing that i can include is giving money before hand of starting the
puzzle solving. Ans later on see if they still have intrinsic motivation or its
external motivation to solve more puzzles. Hence concluding if intrinsic is
decreased, which will be mostly case, on giving money beforehand. Or we can
check by one more aspect by not giving them money at end but just give them
some other things, like shopkeeper used to give you a toffee instead of Rs1 or
Rs5. And then you decide not to come to him again or tell him to give money or
you are not gonna buy anything, like some participants will not be solving
puzzle after this.

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