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Critical Thinking In The Classroom And Beyond

The main argument of Linda Murawski I her paper was Critical thinking helps in
classroom setting as well as in setting of workplace because one of the most looked for skills in
the workplace is critical thinking and one of the most used skill in classroom is also critical
thinking. Critical thinking is a skill used to review things and ideas differently and also
reevaluating these ideas to a point that you will have to question it or your knowledge about it.

In her essay to prove her point that critical thinking in school is also helpful in
workplaces she asked professors of schools if they use critical thinking in school the professors
answered yes but when asked if they know what critical thinking is they have a hard time
answering also she asked questions to employers I which she found out that the most sought after
skill of companies are critical thinking skill.

She said in her essay that most children that use and develop this critical thinking skills
while young and learning used this skill up until they grow up which not only will help them find
jobs but also will help then in doing their jobs right because she says that if a child is using this
skill he/she will make the better decision and will tend to increase their ability to do more
important stuff rather than doing nothing thus helping them out in studies and in their future at
their jobs. Using this critical thinking skill will help people to succeed because in the advent of
technology where everything is fast all information is well within reach and all new cycle of new
things to do will need to be analyzed and these information is in need to be critically considered
and thought of before anyone should follow this new things.

She said that critical thinking in workplace environment is basically the same critical
thinking is still used for decision making stuffs but in this environment I picture that there will be
a bigger effect like if you made a decision that caused the company to lose profit you will be the
one in charge of that and every one will have to suffer unlike in classroom environment if you
made a bad decision you are the only one apprehended for it. critical thinking is important in
work environment because if you have this skill at a workplace you have a high chance of
getting a high position because of your decision making skill which is brought by the critical
thinking skill that you honed while you were still young. Critical thinking skill can bring a new
wave of ideas for the company like how to get more profit while not spending much this can be
answered by an employee that has critical thinking skills also critical thinkers in workplace will
have the tendency to question the action that the company will do or is planning to do and they
can help plan and think for another way to do it better.
The humanization of Philosophy

Philosophy, this is the study of all things ,as we all know, such as existence and
knowledge. Philosophy deals with the questions that are in sense are complex in some form some
are complex to answer some are really just really hard to understand and others are also a lot for
the human mind to digest, but that complexity is what really sets apart philosophy from other
studies because while philosophizing you learn a lot of things that the world sometimes would
not tell you philosophy will teach you to imagine something that is outside the norms of life.
Philosophy gives us also the deeper sense on what it means to live by questioning our existence.

Humanization of philosophy is actually questioning again what it is that there is with

philosophy that make us humans or makes us feel human for me this question is hard to answer
because there are many ways that philosophy make us humans and makes us feel humans one is
the fact that only humans can formulate and answer a question on his own animals and other
creatures cannot do that another is only humans have cognitive thinking that is used to
philosophize also other creatures does not have that ability and therefore we may say that only
humans have the power to philosophize but really what is with philosophy that makes us
humans? I would like to answer that by saying: my view on humanization of philosophy is
basically philosophy is used by the people to further understand discuss and prove things by
philosophizing it philosophy is used to question things and the idea of things to form a new
knowledge about the certain thing, thus having to know that I think that the very thing that
philosophy brings to people is having the power to question and also to find and answer to the
question is humanizing effect that philosophy brings to us because for me having to question and
answer this question is giving me something to do is giving me motivation to do this thing and
also giving me a hard time figuring out the best answer there is to that certain question and just
like what some would say pain is there to let you know that you are alive kicking and can still do
things for me this is the very essence of the humanization of philosophy

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