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Interviewer: Our listeners are intrigued by the events that occurred on the night of your

granddaughter’s birthday. Can you recall what you saw and how you felt on that particular

Grandfather: It seems so long ago when Natalia and I roamed the streets of the city at night.
A lot of time has passed since then. But, I am still able to recollect what happened. A Smile
was plastered on my face as we strolled the streets. My excitement was bubbling over and
Natalia could sense it. When we reached the spot where the elephant was, I started shaking
feverishly. If I didn't know better I would say it was nerves but alas I know it was all because
of some good old excitement. As my eyes located the elephant, I became mesmerised to the
pint that I forgot to clear my glasses which had fogged up due to the long walk. Holding
hands with my beloved granddaughter and watching the marvellous animal was a truly
remarkable sight. I feel lucky to have witnessed it and to have been able to share it with
someone I care about.

Interviewer: How fascinating! Now, about the other person with you that night- your
granddaughter. What do you remember about her behaviour and reactions that night?

Grandfather: As we began our adventure, she was trying to piece together clues and figure
out where we were going. The quietness of the world around us surprised her as she was
used to the usual hustle bustle on the crowded streets. Curious, she asked me where I was
taking her. That question irritated me and I snapped back telling her to be quiet. I did so
because I wanted her to cherish the moment, be in it fully and soak in the fact that we were
awake but everyone else was sleeping. When we reached the spot where the elephant was
roaming, she looked puzzled because she wondered what lay in front of her. When she
realised it was an elephant, she exclaimed her realisation out aloud, making me aware that
she finally understood.

Interviewer: for the last question of today, what were your reasons for taking your
granddaughter out that night and what do you think she gained from that experience?

Grandfather: It was my granddaughter’s birthday. My way of celebrating was to be with her

and spend some quality time together. I decided to take her on the streets so that she could
witness absolute silence. No one was awake except for us. It was a magical sensation. A
sensation I wanted her to feel too. Moreover, an elephant on the streets. Who knew when an
incident like that would happen again? I grasped the opportunity to show it to her. I think she
gained a lot from the experience because it showed her another side of the world. A side
where there was peace, quiet and no noise. Furthermore, seeing an elephant walk the
streets freely showed her that anything can happen, you just have to believe in it.

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