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If the measure of any experience is the emotion that I feel while living it, than the
key of having a fulfilled life, is having access to fulfilling emotions.
By Nicoleta Sandu
From within the centrum of our own universe, we mark our territory with labels,
building for ourselves a unique map and we are using it to sail the Sea of Life.

• We collect through our senses all information from

our inner and outer environment.
• We gather it as DATA.
• We analyze all DATA based on our education and
experiences, we label and we classify it.
Through Education – we believe what we are told when we believe that the person who is telling us that is an authority in that field.

Through Experience – while living, experiencing, we create our own image about people , world, situations

Each of us is unique. Even when our Data from the environment is the same, we see it and we
interpret it in our own unique way.

We name each person, object, situation we encounter, and we store in our memory all the Data we
have on it - In the same way we would store a box with stuff in our attic, with a label of its name on it.

Based on our education and experience we analyze Data from within each of our boxes. We draw up
detailed reports on Data of each box . The Report acts as a second label on the box, connected with the first
one, the Name.

Emotion is information that we can feel. We code information from our Data into feelings and we
attach them to each and any box that we have. We associate the Data with a Name, a Report and Emotion.

We live in a Dual Universe. We learn what is Good by comparison with “ This is Bad” - So no box of
ours can escape this : on top of everything else - Name, Report, Emotion - we label the box one more time
with either “ This is Good”, either “ This is Bad”.
Having Labels
• Once applied, labels become part of our identity
• ..At each new encounter with the Name of a
person, object, situation, we will access the Data
associated with it directly from its LABELS: Report,
Emotion, Good / Bad.
• …We stop opening our boxes and any new Data
from the inner and outer environment is
processed through their correspondent LABELS.
• …Labels tend to remain unchanged. Being part of
the identity of our reality, we tend to keep them in

+ One of the main reasons is time. Reaction time is shortened drastically this way. We encounter huge
amounts of Data each day. We can react faster when we have it all sorted out, classified and labeled.
- It has its shortcomings too… It makes it harder for us to update labels and it is difficult to retrace the
steps we took when we created them. This means that we can see the label Good/Bad, we can feel the
emotions attached to it, but we don’t know exactly why we reached that conclusion.

You’ll tell me: - If I understand correctly,

• 1. Each of us is unique, with its own education and its unique experience
• 2. We interact all the time with people, objects, places, situations
• 3. We store and analyze Data about it all, label and classify it, defining what’s Good and
what’s Bad and we attach Emotion to it because Emotion is information that we can feel.
• 4. Each time we’ll interact with people, objects, places, situations that we have already
labeled in the past, we will REACT to them from within those labels from the past.

Me: - Yes. And this is why even though we have a new job, we even move to a new town, even though everything seems so
great in the beginning, after a while, everything is the same as it was before…No matter that we change the outer
environment - because our labels and the emotions attached to them are the same, and we see everything through these
labels - the world keeps being the same for us.
…So it’s my fault? …

Me : - No, it is not.
Trainee: - Well, you are saying that the fact that I don’t have enough money and at home things are not
going as well as they should, it’s only my own unique interpretation. What do you mean? Are you saying
that I can go now for a good night sleep, rub my eyes in the morning for a new interpretation of my life and
boom…I am suddenly a millionaire with bank accounts to show it?
Me: - Hmm, not impossible . Just slightly possible. I will be thrilled for this to happen for you and I will be
even more thrilled that it happened after you participated in this course, so please give this course
testimonials and share it. ☺

Let’s play a quick Labels exercise.

The easiest Labels to find are the adjectives we use for ourselves, for people, for objects, situations and life.
Choose 2 labels that you have about yourself, a positive one and a not-positive one :
- Handy / Clumsy
- Good with money / Not good with money
- Organized/ Not organized
- Patient / Not patient
You may choose out of these or any other 2 adjectives that you consider true for yourself.
Notice, did you got these 2 labels about yourself -through education – someone told you that you are…
- through experience – you experienced it and you kept it as true
- both
Even if I am not handy, it doesn’t mean I am clumsy. Even if I act clumsy from time to time, it doesn’t mean that it’s BAD.

• Once our parents tell us that we are clumsy, and we accept their label as being ours, we start seeing our reality
from within that label with an emotion and the dual Good/Bad associate with it in the process.
• Once we decide that our parents, as the authority in our life, are correct, and we are clumsy,
we live from within that label, we experience clumsiness over and over again and our label is reinforced.
• They are the authority, so they are correct, so I feel clumsy, I act clumsy, I am clumsy, I have clumsy results, I experience
clumsiness – it has to be true that this is Me …being clumsy.
• After the label is in place, we stop or we barely do things out of the range of the label. “Being” clumsy, I will stop or barely
do anything that seems to require a handy …hand☺
Please check your not-positive☺ adjective and observe how:
- people of authority proposed you this adjective and you accepted it
- your own experience reinforced it
- you stopped or you are barely doing things in relation with the not-positive label.
When the label is positive you are doing more of it, maybe you even consider it as a talent.
Checking the benefit & sorting – keep it/let go

That’s what we usually do from time to time, we check and we sort the stuff that we have in our storage,
we decide if we keep it or let it go.
For most of us, whenever we try to “ sort & let go” our labels, we face their preservation abilities and their
tendency of reinforcing themselves.

Most of us get stuck with them and we resign into:

that’s who and what I am…

When actually, it’s more like : I accepted this as being true for
myself, I started acting like it and I stopped doing much about it.
Evrika ☺ this is gold!

• Our internal systems will always lead us towards what we have labeled as Good.

• Our internal systems will always lead us away from what we have labeled as Bad.

Realizing the meaning of this, was my Evrika! moment. It gives us the power of understanding our decisions!

The great news of it is that we are always going towards what we have labeled as Good , so even
our worst decisions were made because we did our best towards what we perceive as being the best.
“Energy flows where
attention goes”

Attention builds a relation between

Me, the observer

The Object I observe

Through our focus we get more of what we focus on. When we focus to get
rid of something that we don’t want, we get more of what we don’t want.
If what I wish for is good, why is it that bad stuff keeps happening?

Because on the way towards that which we consider Good, there is stuff that we labeled as Bad.

• Exercise☺ :

- Note a situation that occurred in your past regarding money and finance that you considered was bad.
- What was that you considered really bad in your money life before that situation took place?
- What came out better in your life because that situation happened?
- Examples:
• Loss of job – I hated that I have to sacrifice my time with my family for money. Even though I am unemployed, I have time to spend with my kids.
• Loss of Money – I hate that I lack motivation to work. Need of Money is the only thing that keeps me motivated to work. After I lost my money, I start working again.
• I still didn’t get my salary raise – I hate to have responsibility. A salary raise would imply more responsibility, so I think that it’s no so bad I didn’t got the raise after all.

• Remember, our internal systems will always lead us away from what we have labeled as Bad.
??? So will they lead us towards money when our labels have written on them
- Money is the root of all evil
- People with money are mean
- When you have money, people love you for your money, not for who you really are.
- Money means tons of responsibility
- You have to work day and night to have more money
- Money goes only to those who have money, money are mean doing this…
And so on…

• When we reside in neutrality, there is no opposition This is Good vs. This is Bad

• While in neutrality, our internal systems allow experiencing everything with fresh eyes.

• Lacking the fear of Bad, or the strive to keep what it’s Good, no matter what, IN NEUTRALITY we are free to find real solutions.

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