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Task 5 Sharing past experiences and memories.

Eyber Leandro Acevedo Patarroyo


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

School of Education- ECEDU
Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages with Emphasis on English

Task 5 Sharing past experiences and memories.

1: Individual part

a) Reading: Read the next text and answers the questions.

An experience abroad
When I was 16 years old, I went to the United States. I was a
student then, and that was the first time I left home.
I went to Boston to live with an American Family for two months
only. How exciting! - I thought. How scared I felt, But I went all the
same. One of the things I remember quite clearly was my arrival: to
start with. I missed the train from New York to Boston! That was
trouble, although the family was there to greet me.
When I arrived at the family house, I lost my voice, so nervous I felt.
For three days, I did not say a word. Now I know that was an
unconscious way to get familiar with the English they spoke.
Fortunately, after one week, I felt more confident, I started to speak
a little, and the people in the house began to understand me.
How nice and enjoyable the second week was!
The big morning breakfast, a snack at lunchtime, and early dinner at
6:00 pm became a routine. The shops were interesting, the vanilla
ice-cream was wonderful, the sports were attractive, and new friends
were like the old ones in a short time.
This experience was unforgettable!

Taken from:


Select true or false according to the text “An experience abroad.”

-She spent 16 years in the United States. false
-She was born in Boston. false
-She lost the train from New York to Boston. True
-She lost her voice because she got the flu. false
-She was able to speak after one week. True
-She always had dinner at 6:00 pm. True

b. Writing:

Good experiences:

Topic: Describe your best vacations

In my best vacations I traveled to Santa Marta with my family, in this travel, I

flew by plain for the first chance and look at the sea, ¡the sea is beautiful¡, I
swimming in the sea, eat dinner in the sea and enjoyment travel , in my best
vacations, I make the tour for the city of Santa Marta, I look at beaches and
animal of the sea.
I slept in a hotel near the sea, walk in the beaches and it is one moment in my
life that, I will never forget. it was amazing, in the last day my family and me
running to the airport, we had the best vacations.

Bad experiences:

Topic: Describe an unlucky situation or event.

In my childhood, I have one cat and loving her, she was cute and precious, my
cat was very judicious and the best pet for my life. One day in the mooring my
cat lost and tree days later it found her dead, it’s very sad, I cry and is one bad
experience for my life. “they poisoned her” ☹

2: Collaborative part


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