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Animals Termoregulation

Lecture : Fisiologi Hewan

 Homeostatic and temperature
 Animals base on Temperature
 The relationship between temperature and biological activity
 The Adaptation
 Kinds of adaptation
Body temperature and enviromental
factor interaction
Termoregulation as homeostatic
 Animals have been an evolution in the face of fluctuations
which occur in the environment
 Similarly, the homeostatic mechanism each animal
developed rapidly toward a complex less and less
dependent on environmental fluctuations.
 One of the homeostatic mechanisms that evolved 
 However, there are also animals that do not have this
Animals base on temperature
 Based on the environmental temperature is divided:
- Cold blooded (poikiloterm); fish, amphibians, reptiles, etc.
- Bloody hot (homoiterm); aves and mammals

 Based on the heat source (the ability to create their own body
- Exothermic (the environment)
- Endothermic (from within the body itself)
The relationship between temperature and biological
 Arrhenius theory (With the influence of temperature, the reaction rate
changes,  increase in temperature resulted in reaction rates).

 In animals poikiloterm, oxygen consumption rate increases with

increasing temperature. This is because the body temperature
mennyesuaikan ambient temperature so it does not require energy for

 In animals homoiterm, thermoregulation active by doing a variety of

business and oxygen consumption follow various patterns.
The adaptation for temperature
 Animals poikiloterm  tried for the same body temperature
environment  in extreme conditions?

 In a variety of animals, temperature adaptation is divided into

3 types;
1. physiological adaptation
2. adaptation behavior
3. physical adaptation
Physiological adaptation
 All business is controlled by physiological nerve with local termosensitif a clear
boundary (thermostat) and better temperature sensor

 In addition there are also nerve endocrine control

- Related to the vertebrate endocrine deng  heat settings. (Ex. pituitary, pancreas,
adrenal) release specific hormones to increase cellular metabolism  increase
metabolic heat and raise the body temperature.
For example: homoiterm  the cold season is generally increased basal metabolic
rate (BMR = basal metabolic rate)
- On invertebrate  no direct correlation between activity of cells neurosekretori
and thermoregulation. Generally, these cells become hyperactive at a lower
temperature. These cells neurohormon  cellular metabolism in accordance with
environmental temperature.

 At the cellular level of the working principles of endocrine three-fold;

a. increase oxygen consumption
b. increase the synthesis of enzymes involved in metabolism, ex. ; Cytochrome
c. working directly on the muscle  spontaneous reaction generates heat.
Prinsip kerja endokrin dalam menghasilkan panas
Tekanan suhu lingkungan yang rendah


Pemacuan normal Perubahan sistemik Pertambahan jumlah RNA

Bekerja langsung pada Sintesis protein

Metabolisme otot meningkat
jaringan meningkat

Aktivitas bertambah

Konsumsi O2 meningkat Enzim-enzim metabolik bertambah

Panas yang dihasilkan meningkat Pemeliharaan suhu tubuh

Aktivitas pada saat terjadi perubahan
Adaptation Behavior
 Some invertebrate escape the heat by forming cysts

 Higher animals (vertebrates poikiloterm)  a regular

rhythm of migration and hibernation.

 Some of the behavior performed during hot or cold;

sunbathing, sitting up in a cold, crowded, bath, migration.
Physical adaptation
 It usually occurs in aquatic invertebrates
 The existence of Integumentary pigmentation 
thermoregulation process
 Example; Fidler crab (Uca pugilator). Black pigment would
be concentrated if the temperature rose or fell by 15o C, a
white pigment will be dispersed when the temperature rises
or falls below 20o C.
The quizzzzzzzz
 explain about the division of animal based on body
 explain the relationship between temperature and
 describe the endocrine work in achieving homeostasis when
temperature changes occur!
 explain the adaptation of behavior and physical adaptations!

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