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for physical measurements and dimen-

ABSTRACTS sioning of the immediate site.

Human characteristics
22.2.4 (118824)
To provide readers of Applied Ergonomics with a selection of current Milosevic, S., and Milie, J.
ergonomics literature likely to be of direct practical value, abstracts are published Speed perception in road curves. J
selected from the collection held at the Ergonomics Information Analysis Centre. Safety Res, 1990, 21.1, 1 9 - 2 3 , 14 refs.
These abstracts are classified in a similar manner to the main articles in the journal;
for easy reference, the code number at the head of each abstract (e g, 1.1.21) consists This study assessed drivers' perception
of the volume number, part or issue number and a sequential abstract number. of their driving speed on curves. A
total of 206 drivers estimated their
The published abstracts are only a selection of the Centre's material and readers
vehicle speed in the central part of a
concerned with specific areas are invited to contact the Centre for further
sharp-left curve with a small radius of
information. Those readers unable to obtain copies of the original articles abstracted
here through their usual sources, such as company librarian, may obtain photo- 75 m and a super-elevation of 5-5%. A
copies from the Centre. Details of this service are available from The Ergonomics comparison of the mean speed
Information Analysis Centre, School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, estimates given by drivers after having
University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK (Tel: 0 2 1 - 4 1 4 4239). passed the curve with their actual
speeds at the central point of the curve
(recorded by radar) showed that drivers
underestimated their vehicle speeds.
General ergonomics for measurement, data analysis and
reporting of hand-transmitted
Speed estimation was more accurate
for drivers who saw warning and speed
22.2.1 (118795) vibration, in up to three orthogonal limit signs. In general, experienced
Wood, J. axes, in the frequency range from 5"6 drivers and middle-aged drivers
Developing standards for control-room to 1400 Hz. reported less-accurate speed estimates
design. In: E.J. Lovesey (Ed). Contem- than younger, less experienced drivers.
porary Ergonomics 1990, Taylor &
Francis, London, 1990, pp 1 6 8 - 1 7 3 , 22.2.3 (120037)
8 refs. Institute of Occupational Health 22.2.5 (118839)
(Tyoterveyslaitos), Helsinki. Stanton, N.A., and Booth, R.T.
Air traffic control, nuclear power Developing the working environment The psychology of alarms. In: E.J.
stations and the emergency services in offices (Toimistotyon Kehittyva Lovesey (Ed). Contemporary Ergon-
offer examples of well established Tyoymparisto). (In Finnish.) Ergonom. omics 1990, Taylor & Francis, London,
traditions of control-room provision. iatiedote, 1990, No 1 , 2 4 pp. 1990, pp 3 7 8 - 3 8 3 , 11 refs.
With the introduction of increasingly
powerful communications and tele- Office work is undergoing drastic This paper attempts to provide a
metry technologies other organis- change. Part of this change is due to working definition of an alarm. This
ations, such as the security and process the adoption of information tech- is done by first considering a systems
control industries, are being driven to nology. Nevertheless, the changes model of an alarm and then a simple
coalesce a variety of functions into taking place in the objectives of organ- 'alarm clock' scenario. A typical
purpose designed control environments. isations, in control symptoms, products, scenario may include the stages:
Environmental design, workspace lay- services and the expectations of clients, specification, activation, attraction,
out, equipment design and control- possibly influence working conditions acknowledgement and action. Then
room sizing are just some of the diverse even more. When looking at these the paper goes on to consider alarm
factors which control-room planners changes, one should realise that, as handling, proposing five activities:
are now being asked to co-ordinate. some aspects of work change, the whole detection, assessment, diagnosis, com-
This paper considers the requirements entity must be re-examined and pensation and evaluation. Finally,
for standards in control-room design planned from a new perspective. The three main research areas are
and reports of initiatives in this area rapid changes in the work tasks and identified as alarm specification, alarm
by ISO. environment of office workers have detection and alarm diagnosis.
caused increased complaints and dis-
satisfaction. A study of workers in a 22.2.6 (118880)
22.2.2 (119527)
Acoustical Society of America, statistical research institute carried out Gall, W.
Accredited Standards Committee S3, by the Institute of Occupational Health An analysis of nuclear incidents
Bioacoustics. in 1983 and 1987 revealed short- resulting from cognitive error. In:
comings, especially in spatial arrange- Operating reliability and maintenance
American National Standard - Guide
for the measurement and evaluation of ments (40% and 45%), workroom air of nuclear power plant. Institution of
gloves which are used to reduce (35% and 44%), placing of desks (17% Mechanical Engineers, London, 1990,
and 34%). Also, shortcomings related pp 6 1 - 7 1 , 9 refs.
exposure to vibration transmitted to
the hand. Acoustical Soc of America, to lighting and materials had increased
significantly during the period under Cognitive (mental processing) error
New York, Standard No ANSI $3.40- can lead to catastrophic consequences
the study ( 1 8 % - 2 7 % and 26%--40%
1989 (ASA 79-1989), 1989, 10 pp, for manned systems, including systems
17 refs. respectively). It is interesting to note
that there was an increase in the whose design renders them immune to
This standard specifies the recom- employees' perception of the short- the effects of physical slips made by
mended m e t h o d for the measurement, comings, despite attempts to remedy an operator. Four such errors, which
data analysis and reporting of vibration the conditions. This study, along with occurred recently, were analysed. The
transmissibility characteristics of several others, indicates that planning analysis identifies what factors contrib-
gloves which are used to reduce should be comprehensive, and that the uted to the errors and suggests practical
vibration exposure transmitted to the whole field of ergonomic expertise is strategies for preventing or recovering
hand. A standard format is established needed, not only the knowledge used from them. Two stages of analysis were

128 AppliedErgonomics April 1991

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