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Andrija puharich pdf

Totulo del LibroUri Geller ed Fenemeno da ParapsiconiaAuthoria PuharicIomaPortuguaEctoryFormoPaelGenero del Libero: EsoterismoTipo de Narracion: BIOGRAF-ASEdad m'unima re Comendada: 13 aniosedad m'sima recomendada: 100 anjosesoterismoENVOS CARGO DEL COMPRADOR POR MERCADO
enV'OS SE RETIRA CERCA DE FLORIDA Y CORDOBA EN CABA - POR MARTINES EN PCIA. VISITE MI E-SHOP - EFECT-E TODAS LAS CONSULTAS NECESARIAS Andrija Puharic Puchuharic in 1959BornRy Karel PujaricFeural 19, 1918Chicago, IllinoisDiedJanuary 3, 1995 (1995-01-03) (age 76) Dobson, North
Carolina EducationPhilosophy/Pre-Med (1943)M.D. (1947)Alma MaterNorthwest UniversityOccupationInventor, Parapsychologist, Physician, Spouse (s) Virginia Jeannie Jackson Rebecca Alban Hoffberger (divorced)Bep HermansChildren3 Andrija Puhamic (February 19, February 19, 1918 - January 3, 1995) - born
Henry Karel Pujaric - was a medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor, physician and author, known as the man who brought the Israeli Uri Geller (born 1946) and Dutch-born Peter Hurkos (1911-1988) to the United States for scientific research. Pujaric was born in Chicago, Illinois, one of seven
children born to Croatian immigrants. His father emigrated from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, entering the United States in 1912 as a stowaway. At home, Karel's parents always called him Andria, which apparently was not his name at birth, but simply the nickname of his parents. When Karel, as a young boy, started
going to school, his parents recorded him under the name Henry Karl Pujaric, feeling that he would be easier to accept with that name than with the foreign name Karel Pujaric. He then often signed his name as Henry Karl Pujaric. He began using his nickname Andria as his name only sometime in the later part of his life.
During World War II, Pujaric studied at Northwestern University as a student as part of an army specialized curriculum. In 1943, he received a bachelor's degree in philosophy and domo medicine, and in 1947 received a master's degree in medicine from Northwestern University School of Medicine. His residency was
completed at the Permanente Research Foundation in Oakland, California, where he specialized in internal medicine. From 1953 to 1955 he served as a captain in the Army Medical Corps; in this capacity, he was appointed Head of Outpatient Services, U.S. Army Dispensary, Army Chemical Center, Edgewood Arsenal,
Maryland. By this time he is already presenting documents on the possible military usefulness of paranormal phenomenon. At this time he was in and out of the Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories and Fort Detrick, meeting with various high-ranking officers and persons, primarily from the Pentagon, the CIA and the
Naval Navy Edgewood Arsenal is being officially called the Edgewood Area Aberdeen training ground. Pujaric was impressed by the stories about the Dutch psychic Peter Gurkos and invited him to the United States in 1956 to investigate his alleged abilities (see below). In 1960, Pujaric researched materialization
sessions at camp Chesterfield, but discovered the use of gauze used to counterfeit ectoplasm. Pujaric played himself in Perry Mason's television series, in an episode of The Case of Interference in the Medium, in 1961. He conducted a series of three tests to help identify Mason's ESP client accused of murder. During
the third test, the real killer was exposed. In 1971, Pukharich met with the Israeli psychic Uri Geller and approved him as a true psychic (see below). Pujarich wrote a supporting biography of Geller in 1974, a topic he explored, in particular, with the help of Yitzhak Bentov. He also researched and thought positively about
the Brazilian psychiatrist Arigo, providing a postscript for his 1974 biographer. Pujaric also examined Mexican psychiatrist Pachita. One of his books, Sacred Mushroom: The Key to the Door of Eternity, describes his work with psychics. In the 1970s, Pukharich claimed to have investigated the effects of a low-frequency
radiation beam that the Soviet Union tested. According to Puharic, the beam was based on the work of Nikola Tesla and could be used as a weapon to control people. He also claimed that the beam was responsible for climatic disturbances, earthquakes, Legionnaires' disease and violent disturbances. Pujaric wrote that
Tesla had been contacted several times by aliens. Two of the most famous of Puharich's 50-plus patents were devices that help hearing: the U.S. patent Hearing Aid 2,995,633 and The Method and Device for Improving Neural Performance in Human Subjects with Electrotherapy U.S. Patent 3,563,246. He also received
a U.S. patent 4,394,230 in 1983 for the Method and The Water Molecule Splitting Device. His research included studying the effects of extremely low-frequency emissions of ELF electromagnetic waves on the mind, and he invented several devices purporting to block or transform ELF waves to prevent harm. While
working in Mexico, Pujaric married and then divorced Rebecca Alban Hoffberger, the future founder and director of the American Museum of Visionary Art. Subjects explored D. G. Vinod In December 1952, Pujaric invited the Hindu mystic D.G. Vinod to one of his channeling sessions. During the experiment, Vinod went
into a trance and said he had contacted a group of people calling themselves the Nine. Peter Gurkos Pucharic was impressed by the stories about the Dutch psychic Peter Gurkos and invited him to the United States in 1956 to investigate his alleged abilities. Hurkos was studied at Glen Cove Bay in Maine, in Medical
Research Studies with Pukharich considered controlled conditions. The results convinced Pucharich that Gurkos has genuine psychic abilities. However, the experiments were not repeated by other scientists. Puharic was described as a credible investigator. Raymond Buckland wrote: With the exception of Dr. Andria
Pujaric, no recognized psychic investigator has been impressed by Gurkos's performances. Uri Geller Pujach met Uri Geller in 1971 and endorsed him as a true psychic. Under hypnosis, Geller claimed that he was sent to Earth by aliens from a spaceship 53,000 light-years away. Geller later denied the claims of cosmic
fantasy, but argued that there is a small possibility that some of my energies have an extraterrestrial connection. In 1974, Pukharich said he watched Geller transmute the base metal into gold with psychic force. Pujaric also claimed that Geller teleported the dog through the walls of his home. Martin Gardner wrote that no
fraud expert was there as an observer, then no one should take Puharich's claim seriously. His paranormal claims about Geller have been criticised by psychologist David Marx. In his biography of Geller, Uri: The Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller (1974) Pukharich claimed that he communicated with Geller with
superintelligence computers from space. According to Puharich computers sent messages to warn humanity that disaster is likely to occur unless people change their ways. Pujaric claimed that extraterrestrial beings informed him that Geller was the chosen savior of mankind and was able to come into contact with flying
saucers and perform paranormal phenomena such as psychokinesis, spoon bending, telepathy and teleportation. He also claimed to have experienced poltergeist phenomena with Geller. Psychologist Christopher Evans, who reviewed the book in New Scientist, wrote that while Pujaric believed in every word he wrote,
the book was gullible and those of Geller's fans who might have hoped to use the book as ammunition to impress the skeptics. They will be the most disappointed of all. James Randy wrote a biography containing stupid theories but was both an impulse and a millstone for Geller. Greta Woodry Pooharic is said to have
performed some form of hypnosis with Greta Woodry at Laboratory Nine at his estate in Ossining, New York. It was through these sessions that Woodrew allegedly made mental contact with extraterrestrial beings. Publishing Effects of Tesla's Life and Electrical Inventions (Essays about Nikola Tesla) Sacred Mushroom:
The Key to the Door of Eternity behind Telepathy, Introduction by Ira Einhorn Uri: The Mystery magazine of Uri Geller. Anchor Press / Doubleday (1974) ISBN 0-385-00992-5 Icelandic Papers, Editor of Magnetic Model Matter ELF Model Matter and Mind Origin of Life The art of healing Tesla's magnifying transmitter Links
- b c Andria Puharich Summary. Andrija Pujaric. Archive from the original dated February 24, 2015. Received on January 17, 2015. Hermans, H.G.M (1998). Memories of Maverick. Chapter 2 Early Life and Teen. Puharich, Andria, Criticism of the possible usefulness of extrasensory perception in psychological warfare, a
document presented at a seminar on psychological warfare. Department of Defense, Washington, Washington, D.C. C, November 23, 1952. Albarelli, H.. A terrible mistake: The assassination of Frank Olson and secret Cold War CIA experiments. Trin Day. page 53. ISBN 978-0977795376 - Melton, John. Encyclopedia of
Religious Phenomena. Visible ink press. 96. ISBN 978-1578592098 - Hussein, Farook. Is Legionnaire's disease a Russian conspiracy? A new scientist. December 15. page 710 - Mysterious Nine. Ancient aliens. Season 11. Episode 8. 2016-07-08. Historic Channel. Received 2019-11-21. Geller, Uri. Dr. Vinod - Harry
Stone - Peter Gurkos. Received 2019-11-21. Gili, Rosemary. Harper's encyclopedia of mystical and paranormal activity. Harper Collins. page 271. ISBN 978-0062503664 - Christopher, Milborn. (1975). Peter Gurkos - Psychic Detective. In the Mediums, Mystics and Occultism. Thomas E. Crowell. 66-76.
ISBN 978-0690004762 - Mind over matter. Books about the time of life. page 28. ISBN 978-0809463367 Geller got everything he wanted with the arrival of Dr. Andrija Puharich, an American physician with an impeccable reputation in medical research and a reputation as a somewhat gullible paranormal researcher. The
Book of Fortune: An Encyclopedia of Divination and Soothsaying. Visible ink press. page 246. ISBN 978-1578591473 - Samuel, Lawrence. (2011). Supernatural America: A Cultural History. Prager. 100-101. ISBN 978-0313398995 After meeting Geller in Israel in 1971, Pujaric was so taken with twenty-three years and
his powers that he would describe a man in messianic terms. More than just a particularly gifted psychic, Geller was an ambassador sent by aliens (from a spaceship called Spectra, located at an altitude of about fifty-three thousand light-years) to prepare earthlings for the conquest of their planet. (1985). Prometheus
Books. page 211. ISBN 0-87975-300-5 Hypharic, Geller identified himself as Spectra, a computer aboard a spacecraft from a distant galaxy. Under Hov's control, he was sent to intervene on the ground and Pukharich had to help Geller. It is difficult to say how much this was connected with the fantasies of Pucharich or
Geller, and how much it was the result of pure fiction on the part of both. The intelligence that Uri relied on was from Space. For many UFOlogy has become a new religion, abounding sci-fi images of the post-modern world. And Uri, like countless others, decorated his mission with bizarre symbols of the space age.
(1991). In the encyclopedia of occultism and parapsychology. Gail research. page 655. ISBN 0-8103-4915-9 Although much of his book Pucharich was accurate actual reporting, many people were confused by the space of fantasy passages, and I admit that they caused me some embarrassment... You must remember
that all these fancy stuff was obtained when I was under hypnosis. One of the reasons I wrote My Story is to give my own version of events, although I must stress that there is a small chance that some of my energies have an extraterrestrial connection. Whaley, Barton. Cheating and deception. Transaction publishers.
page 324. ISBN 978-0887388682 - Kurtz, Paul. (1985). Prometheus Books. page 356. ISBN 0-87975-300-5 - Signs, David; Kamman, Richard. Psychology of the psychic. Prometheus Books. 91-125. ISBN 1-57392-798-8 a b Evans, Christopher. (1974). Integral fruit and vegetable part. A new scientist. April 25. page 191
- Randy, James. The Truth About Uri Geller. Prometheus Books. page 24. ISBN 978-0879751999 - External Links Official Website maintained by Puharich Family Biography and Interviews with Reality Hackers, 1988. Andrija Pujaric in IMDb removed from

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