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Class VII

Social Science
PA I-2022-23
Remedial Notes
CHAPTER 1: Tracing Changes through a Thousand Years (HISTORY)
Q1. Explain the following terms: ( 1mark)
a) Cartographer b) Archives c) Habitat d) Patron

Q2.In what ways has the meaning of the term "Hindustan" changed over the
i) PRESENT MEANING-Today we understand “India” as the modern nation state.
ii) Minhaj-i- Siraj, used the term for lands that were a part of the Delhi Sultan.
iii) Amir Khusrau used the word “Hind” to describe Geography of the region etc.
iv) Babur used Hindustan to describe the geography,
Q3.What does the term 'foreigner' mean today? What did it mean in the medieval
i).”Foreigner‟ term is used today to mean someone who is not an Indian.
ii). In the medieval period a “foreigner” was any stranger who did not belong to the same
village, someone who was not a part of that society or culture.
Q4.Mention the various archaeological and literary sources used by the Historians for
the study of the medieval period.
Q5. List out some new technological changes brought out in the medieval period.
1. The Persian wheel in irrigation,
2. The spinning wheel in weaving,
3. Firearms in combat.
Q6. Describe the basis of social division in the medieval period?
1. In Medieval society, people were grouped into jatis or sub-castes.
2. The Jatis were ranked on the basis of their backgrounds and their
3. Jatis framed their own rules and

Q7. What does Pan — Regional Empire mean?
Pan-Regional Empire means those Empires that tried to control the whole
region/area/territories etc.Ex- Mughals.
Q8. How have Historians divided the history of India?
What does periodization of history mean? Give an example of periodization.
1. Periodization of History means dividing History into periods based on common
features of that time.
2. Historians divided it into 3 Periods.
Q9. HOTS-Examine the difficulties faced by Historians in using the manuscripts.
Q1. What does social, political and economic equality mean? Explain each of the terms
with examples.
i)Social equality - It is referred to as the equal status of all people in the society irrespective to
their caste, region, religion, gender etc.
ii)Political equality - It is referred as equal opportunities for participation of all in the political
iii) Economic equality - It means that all should get equal opportunities to be employed or to set
up their own businesses.
Q2. Discuss the provisions given in the constitution to provide equality to all its citizens.
a) Every person is equal before the law
b) No person can be discriminated against on the basis of their religion, race, caste, region
and gender.
c) Every person has access to all public places including playgrounds, hotels, shops,
markets, wells, roads and bathing ghats etc.
d) Every Person is Equal in the eyes of Law.
e) Untouchability has been abolished.

Q3. Define the following terms: (1 mark each)

a) Universal adult franchise
b) Dignity
c) Constitution
d) Civil Rights Movement
a) Universal adult franchise: It means that all adult (those who are 18 and above) citizens have
the right to vote irrespective of their social or economic backgrounds.
b) Dignity: This refers to thinking of oneself and other persons as worthy of respect.
c) Constitution: This is a document that lays down the basic rules and regulations for
people and the government in the country to follow.
d) Civil Rights Movement: A movement that began in USA in 1950s in which African
American people demanded equal rights and an end to racial discrimination.

Q4. Mention the two ways in which the government deals with providing equality to the
a) Several laws have been made in India that protect every person’s right to be treated

equally. For example- Hindu succession amendment act 2004.

b) The government has also set up several schemes to improve the lives of communities and
individuals who have been treated unequally for several centuries. These schemes are to

ensure greater opportunity for people who have not had this in the past. For example-
Midday Meal Scheme

Q5. How do you think Midday Meal Scheme has helped to promote greater equality? Give
three examples.
a) Midday Meal Scheme has helped in reducing caste prejudices because both lower and
upper caste children in the school eat this meal together.
b) In few places, Dalit women have been employed to cook the meal.
c) More poor children have begun enrolling and regularly attending school.

Q6. When was the Disabilities Act passed? What does it state? (3marks)
Ans. The Government of India passed the Disabilities Act in1995.
a) This law states that persons with disabilities have equal rights.
b) The government has to provide free education and integrate children with disabilities into
mainstream schools.
c) All public places including buildings, schools, etc., should be accessible and provided with
Q7. Why do you think disabled people are now referred to as ‘Differently Able’?
a) Disabled people are now referred to as ‘Differently Able’ because they also deserve the
same respect and dignity as anyone else.
b) More over the term differently abled emphasizes the fact that many people with
disabilities are quite capable of accomplishing a particular task or performing a particular
c) The only difference is seen in the manner they work or the time taken by them in
completing the work.
Q8. Who was Rosa Parks? What did she do to establish equal rights for African Americans
in America? Give two points.
a) Rosa Parks was an African–American woman, changed the course of American history
with one defiant act.
b) She refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man on 1 December 1955.
c) Her refusal that day started a huge agitation against the unequal ways in which African–
Americans were treated and which came to be known as the Civil Rights Movement.

1. The place, people, things and nature that surround any living organism is called
2. We are modifying and at times even destroying our natural surroundings. True or
3. Which is not a natural ecosystem?
(a) Desert (b) Aquarium (c) Forest
4. Which is not a component of the human environment?
(a) Land (b) Religion (c) Community
5. Which is a threat to the environment?
(a) Growing plant (b) Growing population (c) Growing crops
Growing population
6. It is a trade in which goods are exchanged without the use of money. ______
Barter System
7. Plant and animal kingdom together make biosphere or _________________
The living world
8. The relation between the living organisms, as well as the relation between the
organisms and their surroundings form __________________
9. When is world environment day celebrated?
On 5 June every year World Environment Day is celebrated.

10. Information revolution made communication easier and speedy across the world. True
or false.

11. What is an Ecosystem? Give examples

a. All plants, animals and human beings depend on their immediate surroundings.
Often they are also dependent on each other.
b. This relation between the living organisms, as well as the relation between the
organisms and their surroundings form an ecosystem.
c. Examples- grassland, river, ocean etc.

12. What is the atmosphere? What is the importance of this domain?

a. The atmosphere is the thin layer of air that surrounds the earth.
b. Importance of the atmosphere
c. It protects us from the harmful rays of the sun.
d. It provides oxygen to breathe.

13. Explain the three components of the environment.

a. Natural environment- It refers to both biotic and abiotic conditions existing on
the earth,
b. Human environment- It reveals the activities, creations and interactions among
human beings.
c. Human made environment- Things made by human beings. e.g. Table, chair etc.

14. State differences between abiotic and biotic conditions on earth.

Biotic Abiotic
The world of living organisms. The world of non-living elements.
For e.g. plants and animals. For e.g. land, Air and Water

15. Write any five features of the lithosphere.

a. Lithosphere is the solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth.
b. It is made up of rocks and minerals and covered by a thin layer of soil.
c. It is an irregular surface with various landforms such as plains, valleys, etc.
d. Landforms are found over the continents and also on the ocean floors.

16. Human beings interact with the environment and modify it according to their needs.
Explain with examples.
With time, needs grew and they learned new ways to use and change the environment.

For example-
a. They learn to grow crops, rear animals and lead a settled life.
b. The wheel was invented, extra food was produced, barter systems emerged,
trade started and commerce developed.
c. The Industrial Revolution enabled large scale production.
d. Transportation became faster.

a) Domains of environment-

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