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● Executive summary
- What problem do you want to solve?
- What is your solution?
- How will your app change the market?
- What goal are you pursuing?
● Company description
● The kind of business you are (corporation, social enterprise, nonprofit,
● Your company's mission statement
● The important people in your business and the roles they play(Team
● An overview of what you plan to sell and who your market will be
● A brief history of why business was created and why your team is
passionate about it
● Highlights of what you want to accomplish in the immediate future based
on the information in the rest of the business plan and your future goals
● Products and/or service description
● Unique selling point
● Market analysis
● market research/analysis → formulário
market research is the study of the requirements of various markets, the
acceptability of products, and methods of developing or exploiting new markets
● Customer research/analysis → pesquisa do formulário e formulário
is a part of market research. It answers the ‘why’ – identifying the motivation and
purchase behavior of targeted customers. Consumer research helps companies
and brands understand customer psychology, create detailed purchasing
behavior profiles, and provide systematic information about customer needs.
● Competitive analysis
● Marketing strategy plan
● Description of the market: Who are the key competitors?
● How do you think your product will perform and why?
- How will your app change the market?
● Strategy & implementation
● Financial plan & projections
● Team members

Sites para ajudar

Entrepreneurship 9: Business Plan - Technovation Girls
Guide to writing a business plan for a mobile app business • Ltd
How to Write a Business Plan For Mobile App Startup - Clockwise Software
Creating a Business Plan for Your App: A Template
Mobile App Business Plan Template [Updated 2022]

→ Business plan começa na próxima página ←

Executive Summary
Team name: Golden Writers
Team member names: Ana Vitória, Julia e Mariana
Your business name and location: We are a team of 3 Brazilian girls from different
states around Brazil: Minas Gerais, Amazonas, and Rio de Janeiro.
Product name (mobile app): Blue Side
The problem/reason: The current pandemic scenario of our world has caused physical
and mental illness – such as anxiety and depression. Those diseases can cause panic
attacks, a moment of fear caused by anxious thoughts that generate physical symptoms
– rapid breathing, uncontrolled heart beating and thoughts, tremors – which are
particularly difficult to contain.
The mainly affected are teenagers and young adults, who are impacted by the period of
life they are living and, recently, the pandemic.
The products and/or services offered: Our goal is to support anxious teenagers to
overcome their anxiety attacks by helping them have control over their breathing. The
app offers
1. Methods to contain rapid breathing
2. A calm environment to relax with designated playlists
3. Information to understand your anxiety
Moreover, we would also like to create an online platform in which users can interact
with one another and share their anxiety, tips that helped them overcome panic attacks,
personal history…

Company description

Blue Side was created by the Golden Writers group, formed by three Brazilian girls:
Julia, from Manaus, is the CEO and creator of the group; Ana Vitória, from Minas
Gerais, is the CIO; Mariana, from Rio de Janeiro, is the CMO.

Blue Side´s mission is to abate the high numbers of youth dealing with anxiety, and,
consequently, improve their daily life.
Anxiety and depression are the diseases of the century. They have affected most of the
population in recent years, which has had a great increase in the percentage of people
diagnosed with mental problems, mainly since the beginning of the pandemic. Many
teenagers have been affected, impacting their routine: having classes online, not seeing
their friends, and seeing relatives die. According to the research done by the Brazilian
Ministry of Health, anxiety – worsened by the lack of routine – is the most occurring
mental disease during the pandemic of the covid-19, encountered on 86,5% of the
interviewed. Our team, since 2020, has met a lot of people that have anxiety, even
personal situations we had to deal with have influenced our mental health. Therefore,
we fused our passion for coding with the problem we have faced, mental health.

Julia, the creator, was looking for team members in a WhatsApp group. Ana Vitória got
interested and contacted her.
Julia told her that the idea was to do an app for people with mental problems, Ana
instantly remembered an idea that she had – an app for students with anxiety –, so they
combined these two ideas and the Blue Side became the project.
The next day, Mariana contacted Julia and became part of the Golden Writers.

Blue Side is a mobile application that offers methods to contain rapid breathing, a calm
environment to relax with designated playlists, and simple articles to understand your

Type of business
Golden Writers is a social enterprise with the initial members creating and organizing
the app. Golden Writers came to this decision to offer good psychological support to
everyone in need.

Golden Writers long for helping all youth who have a psychological problem or are
experiencing extreme stress, by making the best use of our services. Golden Writers`
vision is to include online chats so users can share their methods of controlling anxiety
and breathing with others. Another goal is to partner with volunteer psychologists who
can serve the users efficiently. Regarding interactive activities, the team plans on
adding new breathing techniques, meditation methods, and more articles with
interactive videos to the app.
Product description

The application was developed with TypeScript. The UI design was first drawn on
Figma and then implemented into the code; the light color palette was chosen, at
Coolors, to keep the user calm.

Main Features
Blue side users, at the moment, will be able to have access to a breathing practice,
guided explanation on how to understand their anxiety and its type, and to the playlist
that was pre-selected to reduce anxiety and bring a peaceful environment. Even though
there are similar apps on the market, Blue side offers information to understand anxiety;
is created by teenagers for teenagers, mainly; is completely free.

Future Updates
Blue side is fully operative, yet Golden Writers plan to include online chats so users can
share their methods of controlling anxiety and breathing with others. Another goal is to
partner with volunteer psychologists who can serve the users efficiently. Within the
mobile, the user will have a personal diary, which can be accessed using a personal
password. Regarding interactive activities, the team plans on adding new breathing
techniques, meditation methods, and more articles with interactive videos to the app.
Os transtornos da ansiedade têm sintomas muito mais intensos do que aquela
ansiedade normal do dia a dia. Eles aparecem como:

– preocupações, tensões ou medos exagerados (a pessoa não consegue relaxar);

– sensação contínua de que um desastre ou algo muito ruim vai acontecer;
– preocupações exageradas com saúde, dinheiro, família ou trabalho;
– medo extremo de algum objeto ou situação em particular;
– medo exagerado de ser humilhado publicamente;
– falta de controle sobre os pensamentos, imagens ou atitudes, que se repetem
independentemente da vontade;
– pavor depois de uma situação muito difícil.

O estresse e a ansiedade levam ao desenvolvimento de sinais e sintomas físicos e

psicológicos semelhantes, no entanto os sintomas de estresse costumam passar em
poucas horas, assim que o fator desencadeador é eliminado, enquanto que os de
ansiedade podem permanecer mesmo que o fator responsável pelo início dos sintomas
seja eliminado.

Os principais sintomas físicos e psicológicos do estresse e da ansiedade são:

Sintomas físicos Sintomas psicológicos
Aumento dos batimentos cardíacos Alterações no sono, podendo a pessoa
dormir pouco ou muito e ainda manter-se cansada
Respiração mais ofegante Dificuldade de concentração
Tremores e tonturas Aumento da oleosidade da pele e
aparecimento de espinhas
Boca seca e sensação de nó na garganta Aumento do peso e da gordura
Tensão muscular Aumento ou diminuição do apetite
Diarreia ou prisão de ventre Impaciência
Dor de cabeça Dificuldade para tomar decisões

Além disso, no caso da ansiedade, é possível que surjam outros sintomas psicológicos

Preocupação excessiva;
Medo constante;
Sensação de que algo ruim pode acontecer;
Descontrole sobre os próprios pensamentos.
Os sintomas de ansiedade costumam surgir principalmente quando é necessário se
expor, como apresentações de trabalhos ou reuniões, por exemplo, podendo os
sintoma surgirem dias antes do momento devido à preocupação excessiva com a
opinião das outras pessoas e imaginação de diversos cenários no momento da
apresentação, por exemplo. Veja mais sobre os sintomas de ansiedade.

Por outro lado, os sintomas de estresse podem acontecer como consequências de

situações do dia-a-dia, como pressão no trabalho, trânsito, falta de tempo para lazer e
problemas familiares, por exemplo. Conheça mais sobre as causas do estresse.

Possíveis consequências do estresse e da ansiedade

Como o estresse e a ansiedade provocam sintomas físicos e psicológico, é possível
que existam algumas alterações no organismo que ficam mais evidentes durante as
crises de estresse e ansiedade, sendo as principais:

Alterações gastrintestinais, em que pode haver diarreia ou prisão de ventre;

Inflamação do intestino, aumentando o risco de síndrome do cólon irritável;
Aumento de peso e da gordura abdominal, em alguns casos, o que resulta em
alterações dos níveis de colesterol e triglicerídeos e pressão arterial, aumentando o
risco de síndrome metabólica;
Desenvolvimento de úlcera no estômago, pois pode haver maior produção de ácido
pelo estômago, causando inflamação constante no local;
Gastrite, que corresponde à inflamação crônica da parede do estômago que pode ser
causada pelo estresse crônico;
Diminuição do funcionamento do sistema imunológico, o que aumenta o risco de
desenvolver doenças infecciosas.
Além disso, em alguns casos, principalmente quando o estresse e a ansiedade são
crônicos, é possível que as unhas fiquem mais frágeis e quebradiças, a pela mais
ressecada e seja notada maior queda de cabelo.

O que fazer para aliviar os sintomas

Para aliviar os sintomas da ansiedade e do estresse e evitar novas crises de
ansiedade, é interessante adotar algumas medidas que podem ajudar a relaxar e
promover a sensação de bem-estar, aliviando os sintomas, como praticar atividade
física, meditar, realizar técnicas de respiração e tomar um chá com propriedades
calmantes, com o chá de camomila ou de valeriana, por exemplo. Confira outras
opções de calmantes naturais.

Market Analysis
Blue Side is marketed to anyone who is struggling with anxiety and has an Android
device. As stated before, Golden Writers is focused on producing the first version for
Android users, since it's the most utilized operating system, yet the team plan on
developing a Blue Side version for iOS users.

Nowadays, there are many apps for handling anxiety, and at least 15 focus on breathing
practices, however, none with the same objectives as Blue Side. The following table
shows the difference between Blue Side and other mobile applications.
Blue Side Other apps

Strengths - Created by teenagers; - Already on the market;

who experienced anxiety - Available on most
- Free; platforms.
- Broaden functionality;
- Helps controlling anxiety
- No ads;

Weaknesses - Initially compatible only - Paid versions;

with Android devices. - Not updated.

Below, you will find a SWOT analysis for further explanation regarding Blue Side.

Strengths Weaknesses

1. Created by teenagers who 1. Initially compatible only with

experienced anxiety; Android devices
2. Free;
3. Broad functionality;
4. Helps control anxiety attacks;
5. No ads;
6. Growth in the number of anxious

Opportunities Threats

1. Vast marketing prospects in 1. Not getting engagement for other

different platforms, such as in apps already have fixed
social media or school advisory; customers.
2. TypeScript allows different styling
options for future updates;
3. Tournaments to networking with
developers, learning new
possibilities for the app

Customer Research
Product Performance

Strategy & implementation

Reaching target users
To start marketing Blue Side, the team will create an Instagram account to publish how
to use the app and future updates and

Initial feedback
Golden Writers is formed by three girls. Each one has one main activity taking care of a
department – programming, design, and organization – and the business plan. During
this first period of developing the app, the group meets every two days and talks daily
on Whatsapp. To keep track of the goals and to-do list, Trello has been extremely
helpful and will be present in the future organization of tasks. After the app has
launched, the meeting will happen every once a week to discuss eventualities and
changes in the app.
Following the first 50 users, Golden Writers will open for a recruiting process, looking for
at least 2 girls who will help the veterans with future updates in the code, UX/UI design,
and marketing Blue Side.

Financial plan & projections

Team members

Portal PEBMED:

Sobre ansiedade, o que é?: Vencendo a ansiedade e a preocupação com a terapia

cognitivo-comportamental: manual do paciente
Desvendando a ansiedade, sintomas físicos, cognitivos, comportamentais e
emocionais: Vencendo a ansiedade e a preocupação com a terapia cognitivo-
comportamental: manual do paciente

Como lidar com seus pensamentos: (imagens no grupo do zap) Treatment plans and
interventions for depression and anxiety disorders de Robert L. Leahy e Stephen J.
Holland 2000

Técnicas para ansiedade: -

Técnica acalme-se: Psicóloga Priscila da Silva Macacari

Foto da cachoeira: <a href="">Água foto

criado por brgfx -</a>

Novos exercicios de respiração:


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