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1. Hal Elrod. When something bad happens, follow the 5-Min Rule.

Cry, bitch,
complain, punch, hit, moan, shout , but for 5 mins only. Set an alarm for 5 mins.
After 5 Min say - Can’t Change That. Then work towards it. Work on your Circle Of

2. Hal Elrod. Sometimes, when you wake up or while doing any other thing, all of a
sudden you get a feeling, a bad feeling, feeling of being depressed and anxious
about the future- what I am doing, I am wasting my time, what have I done, I won’t
amount to anything. Know that it is just temporary and will go away in 1-2 hour or
a day at max( most of the time it vanishes after 10-15 min.). Don’t judge yourself for
that like you are gonna feel this way for the rest of your life. It is just a phase,a
phase only and is temporary. Don’t think about it. It will go away eventually and
you will be back to feeling normal and happy again.

3. Hal Elrod - Unwavering Faith + Extraordinary Effort = Secret Success Formula

That’s it. This will lead to success in every field. If you are planning on achieving
something, don’t allow small failures to get in the way of your Faith. Let this faith
and confidence in yourself be as strong as it was when you started. Don’t forget
your why. Know and believe that you can achieve extraordinary success if you
keep these two things in mind.

4. Michio Kaku- There is no fun in living if someone could just tell us from up high
what is the meaning of life. The joy is in finding your own meaning about your life.
The enthusiasm lies in self-discovery.

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