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No : 2021 / 01 BL No : 1

Date of fumigation : 30.04.2021 Start : 22:30 End: 23:15

Place of fumigation : CEYPORT / TEKIRDAG – MV “ GOLDEN SEA “

Holds fumigated : 1-2-3-4-






Description of goods : WHEAT FLOUR JUMBO BAGS

Packing : BIGBAG
Quantity : 10000 PCS
Discharge Port : HODEYNA / YEMEN
Treatment : FUMIGATION
Method : SACHETS
Temperature : 17 C
Fumigant lactive ingredient : PHOSPHINE
Dosage / concentration : 6 gr / m3 / 2gr a.i / m3
Exposure time : 120 Hours
Aeration time : min 12 h until the level of PH3 gas is 0.1 ppm or below
Ventilation, discharge and safety instructions given to master
Aeration to be followed as per safety and ventilation instructions

Master Fumigator-in-charge

Date : 30.04.2021 Time : 22:30


Turkey agricultural quarantine fumigation regulations, provisions, and agriculture and rural affairs
ministry Registration date 24.01.2011, license number 20 and commerce registration number is specified
as 677 and other conditions to comply record with this marketing authorization, fumigation work identity
follows to make the written BİOTİM İLAÇLAMA TEMİZLİK VE GIDA SAN .TİC.LTD. ŞTİ in accordance
with the veterinary phytosanitary and feed law numbered 5996.

We hereby declare that we (or an independent classification organisation if local legislation requires
so) inspected the vessel before loading in order to investigate the suitability of the ship for in transit
fumigation of the cargo. Special attention was paid (checklist attached in annex 1) to the forward
machinery bulkhead, pipe and cable penetrations between holds and accommodation, condition and gas

ne bilge's in the holds, sealing of the hatch covers, ventilation shafts and manholes. Recommendations
for repairs and amelioration of the sealing were made in written to the master during the pre-fumigation
inspection. The necessary actions were completed by the

crew before sailing. There is no evidence for possible leakage of the gas out of the holds or towards the
accommodation. No living quarters are used immediately adjacent to the fumigated holds. All necessary
information and recommendations to the ship's crew concerning safety and working procedures related
to the fumigation in transit are written down in this booklet called "Safety and Ventilation Instructions". In
our opinion, when the recommendations from these "Safety and Ventilation Instructions" are respected,
the cargo can be fumigated with phosphine gas without any risk for the crew.

All cargo holds are ready for fumigation. Cargo holds due to fumigation:

- Holds : 1-2-3-4

- Description of goods : WHEAT FLOUR JUMBO BAGS

- Packing : BIGBAG

Areas considered as dangerous through fumigation process.

- Cargo holds : 1-2-3-4

Areas considered safe during voyage

- Living quarters and working areas not placarded with danger signs
NO: 1

Date of fumigation : 30.04.2021 Time : 22:30 – 23:15

Date of measurement : 30.04.2021 Time : 23:15- 23:30

Place of measurement : CEYPORT / TEKIRDAG – MV “ GOLDEN SEA

Turkey agricultural quarantine fumigation regulations, provisions, and agriculture and rural affairs
ministry Registration date 24.01.2011, license number 20 and commerce registration number is specified
as 677 and other conditions to comply record with this marketing authorization, fumigation work identity
follows to make the written BİOTİM İLAÇLAMA TEMİZLİK VE GIDA SAN .TİC.LTD. ŞTİ in accordance
with the veterinary phytosanitary and feed law numbered 5996

Holds fumigated : 1-2-3-4

Description of goods : WHEAT FLOUR JUMBO BAGS

Packing : BIGBAG

The PH3 gas concentration was measured on deck, in engine room and accommodation of the
M/V "……………… …"
The measured PH3 gas concentrations are as follows:
Engine room : 0.00 ppm
Accommodation : 0.00 ppm
Deck : 0.00 ppm
Gas-free measurement was carried out with Drager x-am 5000 ARKH 0629
We certify that the Phosphine concentration is under 0.1 ppm (TLV-Limit) and the deck, engine
room and accommodation is free from the toxic gas.
Even in case the first check, does not indicate any leakage, it is important to continue checking the
premises, as the gas concentrations may reach highest levels in few days
It is possible gas dispersion through the cellular double bottom and / or the ballast tanks. Any
check for leakage should be recorded in the ship's log-book.

Master Fumigator-in-charge


1. Required inspection before shipping duly done into account the IMO Recommendations : Yes No
(IMO Tavsiyeleri dikkate alınarak usulüne uygun olarak yapılmış sevkiyat öncesi gerekli uayene)

2. All processes associated with fumigation are performed according to the requirements : Yes No
( Fümigasyon ile ilgili tüm işlemler gerekliliklere göre gerçekleştirilir )

3.All cargo premises are ready for fumigation. : Yes No

( Tüm kargo tesisleri fümigasyona hazırdır.)

4. The premises in unsatisfactory conditions have been hermetically sealed : Yes No

( Yetersiz koşullarda bulunan tesisler hava geçirmez şekilde kapatılmıştır.)

5. The Master or his respective duly trained representatives have been duly informed about the special
zones - where gas concentrations through fumigation period are to be monitored the engine
room,acomudation, deck : Yes No
( Kaptan veya usulüne uygun olarak eğitilmiş temsilcileri, özel bölgeler hakkında gerektiği gibi bilgilendirildi -
burada fümigasyon periyodu boyunca gaz konsantrasyonlarının makine dairesi, komudasyon, güverte .)
1.Chief officer -Name - Mohamed EL ABD 2. Second officer -Name

6. The Master or his respective duly trained representatives have been duly informed about the fumigant
label, the methods of its indication, the safety measure, safety procedures and emergency procedures
: Yes No
( Kaptan veya uygun şekilde eğitilmiş temsilcileri, fümigant etiketi, endikasyon yöntemleri, güvenlik önlemleri,
güvenlik prosedürleri ve acil durum prosedürleri hakkında gerektiği gibi bilgilendirildi.)

7. The fumigator has checked that the Medical equipment required as per MFAG requirement.and gas
indication equipment and the respiratory protection on board (as required by IMDG and IMO
recommendations)of the vessel are in good condition and that there are fresh supplies of material
needed for this equipment, allowing the required taking of samples : Yes No
( Fümigatör, MFAG gerekliliklerine göre gerekli olan Tıbbi ekipmanın ve gemideki gaz gösterge ekipmanının ve
solunum korumasının (IMDG ve IMO tavsiyelerine göre) iyi durumda olduğunu ve taze malzeme tedariki olup
olmadığını kontrol etmiştir. bu ekipman için ihtiyaç duyulan, gerekli numune alımına izin veren .)

8. The Master has been notified in written about the following : Yes No
( Kaptana aşağıdaki hususlar yazılı olarak bildirilmiştir

B/all other premises considered as dangerous to enter through fumigation process : Yes No

( B / fümigasyon sürecinden geçmesi tehlikeli olarak kabul edilen diğer tüm tesisler )

The following procedures should be followed applying the fumigant and closing and hermetically
sealing the cargo premises.
(Fümigant uygulanarak ve kargo tesislerinin kapatılması ve hava geçirmez şekilde sızdırmaz hale getirilmesi için
aşağıdaki prosedürler izlenmelidir.)

1.Presence of gas has been acknowledged in all the holds due to fumigation.
( Tüm ambarlarda fümigasyon nedeniyle gaz varlığı kabul edilmiştir.) : Yes

2.All the holds have been checked for leakage and are correctly sealed.
( Tüm ambarlar sızıntı için kontrol edildi ve doğru şekilde kapatıldı.) : Yes

3.The premises next to the treated cargo premises have been checked and reported as "gas-free.
( İşlem görmüş kargo tesislerinin yanındaki tesisler kontrol edilmiş ve "gazsız" olarak rapor edilmiştir.) : Yes

4.The authorized members of the crew have been informed of how to read the gas level
indications, if any, as well as how to use and handle the gas indication equipment available. Each
leakage check must be made every 8 hours during the transition time and recorded in the log of
the ship (IMO Recommendations).
( Mürettebatın yetkili üyeleri, varsa gaz seviyesi göstergelerinin nasıl okunacağı ve mevcut gaz gösterge
ekipmanının nasıl kullanılacağı ve kullanılacağı konusunda bilgilendirilmiştir. Her bir sızıntı kontrolü, geçiş süresi
boyunca 8 saatte bir yapılmalı ve geminin günlüğüne kaydedilmelidir (IMO Tavsiyeleri.) : Yes

5.Method of applying :
( Меtod uygulama yöntemi)

A / Non-Residue surface method of applying / in the upper part of the cargo premises with
further downward infiltration for a longer period
( A / Kalıntı Olmayan yüzey yöntemi, daha uzun bir süre için daha aşağıya doğru sızma ile
kargo tesislerinin üst kısmına uygulama ) :
Yes No

B/Deep probing / Gas dispersion faster than as in A win low concentration in the upper parts of
the cargo premises
( B / Derin araştırma / A'dakinden daha hızlı gaz dağılımı, kargo binasının üst kısımlarında
düşük konsantrasyon sağlar.) : Yes

C/Re-Circulation : : Yes No
( Devirdayım )

D/Others : : Yes No
( Diğer )


Vessel Name : MV GOLDEN SEA

Date of Fumigatıon : 30.04.2021
Place of Fumigation : CEYPORT / TEKIRDAG
Place of Destination : HODEYNA YEMEN

Aluminium Phosphide Magnesium Phosphide

Fumigant used :

Method of fumigant application

Short Probe Long Probe packets Sleeves Recirculation Surface application

Annotate amounts of fumigant blankets, sleeves, plates, sachets, ducts, pipes or fans placed in each hold

Hold 1 Hold 2 Hold 3 Hold 4 Hold 5 Hold 6 Hold 7

Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume

………….cub.m ………….cub.m ………….cub.m
3522 cub.m 4851 cub.m 4857 cub.m 4403 cub.m


21.kgs 29,25.kgs 29,25kgs 26,40kgs ……………..kgs ……………..kgs ……………..kgs

Total Volume :17633 cub.m Total Fumigant :105,90 Kgs

It is hereby certified that the above mentioned fumigant formulation was applied to the above vessel on
/30.04.2021./ (date). After the application of the fumigant all holds were closed and warning placards posted
on all entrances to all fumigated holds. The cargo was treated at the rate of/ 6.0/ grams per cubic metre of hold
space using a Sachets

Total amount of residue retaining sleeves (if applicable) : ps

Required minimum exposure time : 120 hours

Estimated voyage time : 8 days

Master Fumigator-in-charge


Areas of free movement

The crew may move freely on the main deck during the voyage, but under no circumstances are
they allowed to enter the fumigated holds.
The characteristics of the fumigant fumes are: colorless, odor of decaying fish, garlic or commercial
carbide, slightly heavier than air.
If any gas leaks are detected or suspected of in the deck or cabins, engine room, rest rooms and other
working spaces and areas meant for use in navigation of the ship, the leak should be checked by means
of the gas detection equipment supplied to the vessel together with other safety equipment. The crew
members having been already instructed on their use
Instructions in case of gas leaks

If the presence of Hydrogen Phosphide (Phosphine) is detected, proceed as follows:

1.Both crewmembers trained for emergencies, with gas masks with gas filter for Phosphine properly set
up and using the detection equipment supplied, will try to determine the source of the leak and will
proceed to seal the leak of gas with the masking tape or PU-foam supplied.
2.It is imperative that the trained crewmembers are well shaved, this means, must not have beard or
thick side whiskers, otherwise the gas masks will not fit properly and will allow the entrance of unfiltered
3.If the gas leak has reached a habitable area, this should be ventilated until the gas measuring
equipment indicated that the concentration is lower than 0.1 ppm.
4.After a prudential time and several intervals, repeat the gas test to assure that the area is free for
crew's transit or work.
Instructions in case of imperative need to enter a fumigated space
Having taken all precautions, if in case of emergency someone has to enter or open the fumigated
spaces, the fumigation can be interrupted as follows:
1.Only personnel properly wearing gas masks and canisters will enter the fumigated spaces.
2.Fumigation itself is interrupted, and its effect will be totally neutralized.
3.Before entering, hatch cover, man holes and natural ventilation should be opened. If vessel is fitted
with mechanical ventilation it is recommended to turn it on.
4.The gas will not vanish immediately from the fumigation cargo, but it will eventually do so after some
time (hours or days) has elapsed
Instructions during ventilation and unloading operations
Phosphine gas is very toxic, it is a necessary to ventilate the cargo before discharging, following these
instructions very precisely. The fumigation notice contains the date on which ventilation may be
commenced. This date should be strictly kept. Under no circumstances shall ventilation be scheduled for
an earlier date, in order to obtain the best results as to the fumigation treatment. After the exposure time
the ventilation must be start immediately in good "weather conditions".. Proceed to open the natural,
mechanic ventilation, man holes, entrance / with access from the outside /. When the weather conditions
allow it fully open every hatch cover. If vessel is fitted with mechanical ventilation it is recommended to
turn it on, start forced ventilation.

After minimum 6 hours the trained personnel, using the testing equipment supplied will make Phosphine
gas concentration measurements. The unloading operations can start only when the gas concentration is
under 0.1 ppm or on compliance with the legal requirements of the country of discharging.
Any access to the cargo holds without gas mask is strictly prohibited before the gasfree measurement.
When it is lower than 0.1 ppm the entrance to the area will be allowed.
Any accidents caused by non-observing the above instructions are beyond responsibility..


Prior to the arrival of the ship, generally not less than 24 hours in advance, the master should
inform the appropriate authorities of the country of destination and ports of call that fumigation in transit
is being carried out. The information should include the type of fumigant used, the date of fumigation, the
cargo spaces which, have been fumigated, and whether ventilation has commenced. Upon arrival at the
port of discharge, the master should also provide information on the fumigant label, such as the
recommendations of the fumigant manufacturer concerning methods of detection of the fumigant in air,
its behavior and hazardous properties, symptoms of poisoning, relevant first aid and special medical
treatment and emergency procedures.

On arrival at the port of discharge the requirements of receiving countries regarding handling of
fumigated cargoes should be established. Before entry of fumigated cargo spaces, trained personnel
from a fumigation company or other authorized persons, wearing respiratory protection, should carry out
careful monitoring of the spaces to ensure the safety of personnel. The monitored values should be
recorded in the ship's log-book.

Only mechanıcal unloading that does not necessary entry of personnel into the cargo spaces of such
fumigated cargoes should be undertaken. However, when the presence of personnel in cargo spaces is
necessary for the handling and operation of unloading equipment, continuous monitoring of the
fumigated spaces should be carried out to ensure the safety of the personnel involved. When necessary,
these personnel should be equipped with adequate respiratory protection.

During the final stages of discharge, when becomes necessary for personnel to enter the cargo spaces,
such entry should only be permitted subsequent to verification that such cargo spaces are gas-free.

Upon completion of discharge and when the ship is found free of fumigants and certified as such, all
warning signs should be removed. Any action in this respect should be recorded in the ship's log-book.

Received for acknowledgment and implementation:

Master Fumigator-in-charge


Gas masks and filters for this gas ( 1 pcs Delta Plus M6200-Jupıter ) :Yes No


Safety and ventilation instructions.

Discharge instructions.
Fumigation plan Instruction for gas detection.

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