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we can safely say

anything intelligently

put together

to serve a purpose

we can say it's a creation

anything intelligently put together to


a given purpose

for more than one purpose also

is a creation

we use this word creation in that sense

sriti we use the words

the word creation is a red drag for


because there is a creationism

god created the world in seven days

so first today he created this month and

second day

created this much and third day created

this month

and fourth day created this morning

700 and afterwards

he found out that there was

no sun so no light

so he created the sun

the ten-year-old son is asking the

because there's lot of mother in him


she thinks

he asked this question father

dad how can there be seven

days without sun first today

second day third day fourth day without

sun how can you

how can you say that that there was

first today no sunshine

shut up

this is creationism

6000 years ago god created this world

i had a discussion with a fellow in

in in california

california is a very advanced state

and he has got a lot of things

he's not only so it is in certain ways

he's very progressive

and certain ways it is very funny

and his fellow was in sacramento so i


staying in a hotel and suru came to me

and then

he got a location with me

then young man and uh

he told me

the world was created three thousand

years ago
now they have increased three thousand

years more

three thousand years ago the world was


god created the world 3000 years ago

i told you how can you say this

some of our houses in india are 3000


he has millions of years

tales to tell

how can you say

and what about dinosaur skeletons in

california they picked up

and they are millions of years old

and he says we don't believe in carbon


hey it's not a matter for belief


carbon test is sights

his nyan knowledge it is

and he finally you know he won

he won the argument because who wins the


the one one one one who gives up the

argument is the loser

so i gave up arguing and therefore i am

the loser

and he's the winner and he had a winning


amazing he asked me swamiji

do you accept god as almighty

i said yes yes god is almighty

don't you think almighty god

can put some skeletons also 3000 years



he won the argument because i gave a


he wanted

if you argue with this kind of fellows

is is foolish you know

you have to give up our humans they


this is creationism

and scientists have a reason to

reason to have

the nightmares about this

this creationism

because they are able to see

through their giant telescopes

light coming from


12 billion light years away

we are able to see today

12 billion light years away

started it started 12 billion light


before and

in the distance is so much

it is measured by light years

light to travel

that it travels one year how water


like this 12 billion light years

light traveling that much distance

comes to your eyesight today

this much they are able to see

they are able to see

something this universe was

not there they are able to see

and able to see what was there at that


12 billion like years away

what was that it's a very interesting

data there and they have

here a certain definiteness

about the the world

is more a manifestation

than a creation

they are able to be able to

say that it was

one hot soup

group of matter

which manifests itself in this point

they have reasons to talk about this is

the big bang theory

we're not we're not

propounding the theory but

for them god created three thousand

years ago six thousand years ago this

world and all that

this is a

red rack for them

therefore the word creation

is unacceptable word it is an

unacceptable word

in the in the discourse of

scientists this is unacceptable

but we need to use the shriti

therefore i am saying is what is

purposefully put together

is a selective

whether it is

a hardware a computer

a car

a bi-cycle a table

or this room or a clock

they're all purposefully put together

to serve your purpose

suppose there is a clock without a dial

what for is the clock

there's no purpose served

they should read them

and there is a dialogue right

but there is no one two three four

at least you can guess

hands are there

the short hand and the long hand

and what do you call them handsome

and handsome

but hands are also not there

what for and

what for is the words

a time piece is

useful even though it doesn't work

as long as there's a dial and two hands

are there

it will show right time twice a day


therefore i always say nothing is

useless in the world

including a broken timepiece

with broken timepiece shoes twice a day

correct time

and therefore the

whatever is intelligently put together

with a purpose has to

have certain things

in that places they have to be

in their own places

so whether it is a car whether it is a

house whether it is a fan

or a clock or even the enchilada


it is put together

so what is

put together to serve

your purpose is called shriti


and being intelligently put together

and before being put together there is

a certain knowledge involved

and so before even cooking

you always visualize two things

one thing is what do you have

the other thing is who is going to eat

and also because we are going to eat

certain things

and so if there are some guests are

there then you want to

you don't require something therefore

who is going to eat

also is very important in deciding what

you are going to cook

it is just just the one person

your household person did not cook also

so whatever that is cooked there in the


and therefore that you can bring it out

and then more engineering bomb it up and

then give it so

this is how it is done


anyway this is a another topic

altogether and i will conclude

later i'll complete later then vedanta

in day to day life for sure

so i'll complete

you have to visualize

who is going to eat number two is what

do you have

what time you have

what vessels you have all this you have

to take into account

you don't have time so quickly you have

to do

in india they have got some cook to

clean this australian thing

to clean what to do what what is what to

do quickly

checkpoint your what will you do

and every lady here will tell

from the south so if

just just the water has to boil and

there is always

hot water available and so that's all

there is reading

what time available what ingredients you


got and who is going to eat

all these are

involved in designing putting together

what do you put

that means your body is also put


your body is put to it your eyes are put

and your ears have to be all spare parts

full of that part

that's why you can fix up one thing

one is not there then you can put it

is all put together

and it's intelligently portable

because they serve the purpose eyes are

able to see

ears are able to hear

and the sense of taste touch these


are the most the most

five orbitals

and they are not simple

but they are put together

it implies knowledge whether

you put certain things together

or someone else

puts certain things together

what is put together this is

what you have to get what is put

together is

so you have to establish so whether

things are put together

your own body you take it is

intelligently put together

you can't improve it

i used to think why not we put the nose

on the top of the head in a thinking

when i was in my in my

early teens 12 13 i used to think

why not god

why not he puts this nose here

at the top of your head

it because i thought that's an advantage

one advantage is you will have nasal

complex you won't have because

in the future the the face doesn't have

a nose as a part of the

face that means one feature is less one

feature is less means

so many others so many people can pass

as beautiful

these noses and nuisance and therefore

the nose is there is a black nose

follows their fat mouse below

you look at his nose so this noose

is not there everybody will have a

little black face here

and that's how everybody looks and

therefore all are beautiful

more people will be beautiful

this is this is my idea so why not here

why crowd the face

here is the rules and i began thinking

little more thinking because of this

type of thinking only i became a swarm

one more i was thinking if if i

keep the nose here what are the other


suppose i come from a flu

then i sneeze i cough

then i radiate uh the same disease to

other people

indian all the bugs will go up

you know so less

chances of my spreading the problem

this is wonderful i thought

so i am really thinking

well and

then i thought another thing also i see

of these fellows smoking

and these smokers will

great advantage you know there will be

no sympathetic smoking

because this will serve as a chimney


and the smoke will go up it's wonderful

candy take a man so this will go

so i thought what you good idea

if god consults me i'll tell you that so

then then i'll i'll tell you this

and i continued thinking you know

i continue to think then only you become

a form

i continue to think then suppose

i want to have a cup of coffee

not tea but both are available

so here is a cup of tea is a cup of

coffee both are available you can take

whatever you want

then both look the same

now i have to smell whether it is

take this to my head then

then they won't pick up because parallel

it doesn't break up then i have to do

like this


it's it's in the right place

because you have to pick up your eating

the flavor of the food also so it is not

otherwise you have to do like this just

to pick up the

just think a flavor bit

don't think too much

therefore let the nose be where it is


let the nose deal variety

it is in its right place

teeth are inside your mouth

they are not hanging outside

it is inside the mood it has to be done


so if you if you look at

this this body

it is very
complex and it is a

high-tech organic


there is knowledge involved

anything put together is

written there is so much knowledge

whether it's a simple thing

like what you cook

or it is a complex computer

it is it presupposes


whether it is if you see

a nest of a bird

you see only a nest you don't know that

it is of a bird

it's not natural

and the materials

outside the

the tree on which is this

nest hanging a viewer bird


all materials do not belong to the tree

they are all picked up by somebody

who is that somebody this nest

no human being can create


human being is intelligent

he will bring the nest and put it there

and he is on the wall

he will enjoy that

if he creates that it becomes a again

intelligent creation

some people may imitate created

it becomes

an artistic

so this bird

is an artist

this beaver bird is an artist so

you you understand him with god

yes he does there is an intelligent

being involved first

then who is an intelligent being then

you appreciate that it is simple

then which bird then you have more


it's a beaver bird it beams

and you know there is a suppose the nest

is dead

and the whole thing is covered there is

no way to go

is useless purpose

is useless there's a way to go

there's a way to go and there should be

a seat there

and for the for the for the eggs first

and then cheeks later

there should be a seed there and the

seed should not be rough

the fibers have to be different and they

are cotton fibers

silk cotton fibers and this and that

soft fibers

sometimes you know the

the you can see they some of

these the feathers

of birds are also picked up by

birds and then kept there

soft feathers because

where do you know but the babies

should be soft

that small bird

has enough knowledge

enough skill

to create

we conclude we human beings conclude

that there must be an

intelligent being

who is that being you arrive at that


if you don't know who is that being but


definitely you are definite that there

is a conscious

intelligent being mere conscious being

is not enough

a conscious intelligent being

who is capable of knowing and capable of

doing wow
you are very smart

if that is so then

your own body

is it intelligently put together or not

yes it is intelligently put together

hands are where they have to be

hence suppose the fingers are not their


it won't be hands won't be efficient

there should be fingers and suppose the

fingers are there there are no

challenges no joints

is useless again so you should be able


hold the grip etcetera your point and

the thumb should be a part

thumb should be a part

then only you can close and then it got

wonderful and

the fingers must have the tips

nail the tips

nailed it

must have that nail to give the deep


how wonderful

nicely put together


anatomy proposal

she cannot put them together

father don't have any knowledge of this

but they are responsible for this

in a way

they are nivita now you understand what

is nimitz

in fact in everything you are limited

father he is responsible mother is

responsible for this

and there is responsibility flowing down

from the grandparents and

great-grandparents and


and great-great-grandparents

but no one is

is totally responsible because no one

has the knowledge

if monkeys are there on the top of the


definitely they don't know

they don't

the monkeys have their own parents

no person has knowledge

of this certainty

what is intelligently put together this


nobody has that knowledge

in this in the in this world

nobody has it

we try to understand it what is this

we dissect it we try to understand

as we have a big book

called anatomy physiology pathology

we have really big books

the medical student you know

has the toughest time where medical

student is the first year anatomy

start with fraud

and then they cut the frog and then they

try to learn and then

so they have the anatomy is the big


human or not

and the names by god

these the anatomy consists of

so many paths and each one has a name

muscles are there tendons are there they

have got names

names names names names names names


any one thing is again put together

even a cell is put together every organ

is put together

all put together

implies knowledge mother doesn't have

it father doesn't have it nobody has it

then who has this knowledge

this is where theology walks in


theology walks in

locally you don't find anybody therefore

you look up

he's looking up as no meaning

you look up and somebody is looking down

he is also looking up

that side he is looking up we are

looking up this side antibody

somebody is looking up there what is


looking at beyond me

therefore they can see naturally human

intellect has to

answer this question

it has to answer this question

to relax

and then the question is answered

by by somebody that

is all the same human intellect the

human intellect says

perhaps he

is a he either he

definitely and

he is not locally available

he's he is a father

father in heaven created this world

and he is sitting there see he

very certainly i'm saying

i asked him does he have a body

body of his own no he is formless

a fungus is he
formless is he

he is formless and he's a he

and he is formless that's formless

a location

this formless required a location

formless is sitting there somewhere

does formulas sit does it require


now you are asking too many questions

i'm not asking too many questions

you come up with some answer you you

come up with an answer and i am trying

to assimilate

your answer

and you are a responsible person and you

lead so many people

the thinking people you just completely

neutralize their thinking

blood their thinking blunder reasoning

by some kind of indoctrination don't do


make them think

how can i make them think i don't think

way location

that all knowledge we are talking of


all means what do you know and what you

don't know

what you don't know includes what do you

wrongly know understand this

all because i have to use the word all

so we are talking of all that is here

if there is a conscious


responsible for

this whole jagat

which includes my own body

and everything else

each one is intelligently put together

in the scheme of things

nothing is redundant

in the scheme of things nothing is

written no one is redundant

family do you see no one is redundant

no one is written does it

does it mean that my mother-in-law also


not returning yes she's not redundant

she needs to be there

why she needs to be there you have to

make complaint to me

and therefore she needs to be there yeah


everybody nothing is redundant

including your appendix okay


therefore this all that is


implies all knowledge this is what is


all knowledge we need that we need our

we need not have any problem with that


all that is here implies all knowledge

that's it

and knowledge has to rest in a conscious


all knowledge also will rest in a

conscious being

small knowledge also in a conscious


all knowledge is also in a conscious


is there a separate conscious being

having all knowledge

where is this all knowledge

where is this all knowledge

all knowledge physics


biochemistry electrochemistry

anything you take i'll be interested in

biology physiology psychology

all knowledge where is it

where is it all knowledge where is it

in the in the creation itself

in the sriti itself

where is neurology

you see the brain and there is

there is neurology you study the brain

there is new knowledge

you study the whole gastroenteric

tract and its work you have


and so too you study the heart etc

cardiology ophthalmology

reality everything

in that creation you don't don't require

to look for elsewhere

the creation contains

i will go one step further

never look for

this all knowledge conscious being

outside whatever that is here

there is no such thing as outside

all conscious being

his space i am giving

yes a statement i am making a statement

this all knowledge conscious being

his space his time

his galaxies

and his your

your own solar system is the earth

his water is fire his air

is your body and your your hands your


your pancreas

your mind your psychology

all that is here

isha was him


all that is here

is to be visualized

understood as ishwara

so it's entirely different thing

you can't say i believe it

they're not it is a matter of you can

believe anything

pending understanding when i say all

that is clear is


it's a matter for understanding

it's a matter for knowing

you see here the jager

you see space you you experience space

you experience time

you experience distance

you experience people's situations

this experience and your experience

this subject object experience

is israel that aspect i don't understand

both the subject and object

never away from israel

we will see further



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