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Assalamualaikum wr.wb, and Allah mercy and blessings. Greetings to all of us.

Thank God for

the blessings that God has bestowed on us so that we can gather in good health this morning. Dear
friends, I am very happy to be able to attend a presentation on how to make special orange juice with ice
For the next 4 minutes, I will explain to friends about how to make special orange juice with ice
cream completely solid and clear so that friends can make special orange juice with ice cream using the
steps or methods that I made here and here I am I will also explain the advantages of consuming orange
juice because orange juice has many benefits for our body, so I will start explaining how to make special
orange juice with ice cream.
on this occasion I will also invite friends to make special orange juice with ice cream to make it
easier, let friends listen to my explanation and steps carefully so that friends can understand what I
explain and the steps on how to make orange juice with ice cream

How to make special orange juice with ice cream

Making special orange ice with ice cream is a fun activity if we want to learn we can definitely
make this easily and deliciously, special orange juice with ice cream is a very varied drink, so this orange
juice is very popular with many people and the price is very relatively cheap . Because the price is cheap
and the manufacture is relatively easy, but not everyone can make the taste of this orange juice unique,
which makes the characteristic taste in this orange juice very tasty and in demand by many people.
Orange juice is very beneficial for the health of the body because in this orange content there are
many vitamins that make our bodies healthy. This orange juice produces reciprocity for us to drink it and
for those of us who like orange juice can vary by adding vanilla ice cream to make it tastier and creamier

The ingredients used to make orange juice are:

>ice cream powder
>Hot water
>cold water

tools used to make orange juice:

>Orange squeezer
The steps for making orange juice with ice cream are:

>First, prepare the tools and materials which will be used to make orange juice with ice cream
>Second, squeeze the oranges with a squeezer into the prepared glass
>third, pour a little hot water into the glass after that pour 1 1/2 sugar into the glass and stir until mixed
>Fourth, pour cold water into a glass after that put it in the refrigerator first
>Fifth, pour the ice cream powder into a bowl then mix 150 ml of boiled water after that the mixer until
evenly distributed
>sixth, put the ice cream that has been in the mixer into the freezer and wait until it freezes for 2-3 hours
>seventh, take the orange juice in the refrigerator when it's cold and take the ice cream in the freezer
>eight, put ice into the orange juice glass and take enough ice cream and put it on top of the orange juice
>ninth, put a straw and orange juice with ice cream ready to be enjoyed

so after I explain the steps on how to make special orange juice with ice cream, friends can follow
those steps because the steps I explain are simple and easy to understand for friends, so come on, let's
make this orange juice so that our bodies are always maintained with vitamins and minerals. the body's
resistance so that it is not easily attacked by disease, so orange juice and ice cream have become famous
and liked by many people because of their properties and the taste is very good.
That's my presentation, I hope this presentation is useful for friends and can be an example for
making special orange juice with ice cream, I apologize if the words and actions that I present are not
pleasing to all of my friends. With this, my presentation concludes with the reading of hamdalah. and
thank you wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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