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Covenants of Numenera

There are five tides. Blue, Gold, Indigo, Red, and Silver.

As the PC's play, the GM may give points to PC's toward a tide color. The PC's
should not know about the points they receive or when they receive them; Give points
without the players knowing. The points should not be given lightly, and they are a
reward (or result) of making a decision that makes a significant impact on something.
Usually a moral choice.

The points further the likelihood that they can join one of the covenants that follow
their corespondent colors.

The Erudite
Color(s): Blue
Sigil: A grail wih overflowing letters
Headquarters: Latos of Achiel
Notable Locations: Secular Archive Complex, Penultimate Reliquary
Leadership: The Primecoder, Valas Thun (Epiphanist), Rewalt Balley (Primate
Seeker), Myko (Senior Retriever), Lionus McCalvin (Chief Commissioner)
Hierarchy: Theomancy

Erudite is a covenant that prides itself in study. Not study in the numenera
specifically, moreover the study of study . Learning is the highest form of being
according to the Erudite. The covenant was started for a larger community to share
knowledge of anything. Whether it be numenera, martial skill, trade skill, or
psychological insight.

Members of the Erudite do not signify or adorn themselves in any form of
identification toward the covenant. They do not set out to recruit for numbers, and
will only tell you about the covenant if they believe you have a knowledge, idea, or
artifact that can make an addition to their great data-circuit.
The only form of identification is a small metal piece located near the spine of the
member. Non-members would not associate this with anything of importance without
knowing the reason or function it serves. Members sometimes try to hide it, but most
do not mind it being shown.

The data-circuit is not explained to non-members, and not even a single member has
full knowledge of it. Some say that it has always been. Others believe that it was
created by another civilization prior to the Ninth World. Whatever the case may be,
the data-circuit is an ever flowing ocean of knowledge.
All members of the Erudite are granted an unique implant to access the data-circuit.
The implant usually presents itself as a series of metal intrusions to the back of your
neck near your spine. The implant will automatically reach it's way into your brain
and keep track of new experiences and ideas.

Member life/duties:
The Erudite has appointed members called Seekers that dedicate their life to finding
and recruiting people that are in possession of an unknown or lesser explored idea or
knowledge. Most members spend their time studying or researching their specialized
field, while it is not uncommon to have members that are adventurers or treasure
hunters. Donations are always welcome and sometimes members find it necessary to
embark on side adventures in order to garner supplies, tools and sufficient wealth to
keep the covenant as a whole going.

How to Join:
Players cannot join the covenant unless they are approached by a Seeker. Seekers will
present themselves to the player when their blue points have reached 40. Seekers
often wear robes or loose clothing and speak in a very precise and eloquent tone.
Seekers will introduce themselves as a recruiter for a community of scholars and
enthusiasts of knowledge. The seeker will ask the player if they would like to join the
Erudite. If the player accepts, they have an option to receive the data-circuit implant.
The data-circuit implant gives the player the following benefit: +1 Intellect edge. The
player can absorb the knowledge from the data-circuit and can be retrieved whenever
she chooses. That burnout process is very taxing and tedious for the recipient in the
cost of one day (28 hours) in which time must be calm, serene and undistracted (can
eat, drink a little but nothing else). Can't be done during her adventuring, under
strenuous activity or some unknown imminent danger. At the end of the day, roll the
task difficulty (usually 6, but there some lost or unknown translations in which the
difficulty raises more higher, GM's discretion) in which you can apply up to your
maximum allowed level of efforts. If you succeed, you are gifted with the insight of
the skill or task and it counts as 2 assets to your benefit. You have unlocked a new or
a lost area of study and you can be trained in that skill or task as well. That can be
done only once per week regardless of the outcome and you can't retry. You can tap
indefinitely after the completion into the data-circuit at the cost of 4 Intellect point as
a free action to assimilate to your circumstances.
The data-circuit lowers movement in the neck region. This results in -1 Speed Edge

1st 40 points - Hand of the Seeker
When the Seeker appointed the player the title of the Hand of the Seeker, she is
officially an Erudite. She can contribute even further to the covenant, enrich her
sapience pool and discover new horizons of insight. Many Hands spend much of their
life, if not all their life, to the devotion of the study field, either it is numenera,
martial skill, or some other spiritual purpose. Thus only few can obtain the title of the
Retriever. And from them even fewer can become Seekers.

2nd 100 points - Retriever

At some point during the following days, the Hand “senses” a change in the data-
ciruit. It provides access in some kind of restricted field with important details about
the Latos of Achiel and she receives the appropriate instructions to travel to the
Sanctum. There she can bind a facility if she wants, learns the responsibilities of the
covenant, participate in other activities and she come and leave whenever she wants.
When the blue points reach the 120, the Retriever may check out one artifact per
month and keep it for up to one month for research or one mythic legacy per year and
keep it for studying for up to two weeks, in which time she can't check out an artifact
and must pass a month from the time she give it back before take an artifact again.
Members who abuse the borrowing privilege in any way are sought out and disbarred
from the covenant (and the artifact or the mythic legacy they have in their possession,
if an, is retrieved). While checking out a relic is usually done purely for research, a
member may use the relic however she sees fit during the period of time she is
allowed to use it. If a relic is damaged or destroyed while in a member's possession,
the member must obtain a new relic for the collection or be disbarred.

3rd 250 points - Seeker

This is the pinnacle title that can achieve a member but the goal is near impossible. In
that stage the devotion to the study and research is so complete and unquestionably
that needs no more to contribute any kind of payment and can freely use any
storeroom or facility in the Sanctum without restrictions. While she is still under the
commands of her superiors and the limitations of the order, now can “sense” and
“detect” in the recursions ambitious, wise and insightful personae to recruit for the
beliefs of the covenant. This scenario is beyond of the scope of this book (GM can
create a campaign for just that).
The Seeker can ask from her superior a special clearance to retrieve anything she
wants from the Penultimate Reliquary by signing a document. That requires 3 Seals of
Approval: from the Chief Commissioner, from the Primate Seeker and from the
Senior Retriever as well as the solemn purpose of that retrieval. If the request
accepted, she is granted the permission to take the artifacts or the mythic legacies and
return them with the completion of the mission.

The order also expects from the Retrievers to contribute to the archives. Each ten
years, every Retriever must participate in procuring one new mythic legacy for the
archives (going on a retrieval mission). If the member engages in other types of work
that directly contributes to the cause of the covenant (such as research, study and so
forth), this requirement is waived. If neither of these circumstances applies, the
Retriever must contribute 100.000 shins for the period in order to remain in good
standing and continue using the facilities. Other responsibilities include upholding the
ideals of the order at large, obeying the leaders in all their rulings, and never
attempting to steal an item from the Penultimate Reliquary.
Only twice in the entire history of the Erudites has a member turned rogue. In both
instances, a member stole an item from the Sanctum of the order and fled with it in
hopes of gaining the item permanently. The Erudites hunted down the first culprit and
Lianus McCalvin passed sentence and meted out justice. That criminal now rests in
stasis, another piece of the collection in the Penultimate Reliquary. The second thief is
unknown even now who will might it be, but there is a rumor maybe is the legendary
prowler Issther Hathati, former Retriever and present member of the Explorers of the
Infinity, but somehow every effort to be proved were fruitless.
The advancement in the order is time and life consuming and will take great effort
both physically and spiritually. Below are the ranks the members can achieve through
great discipline, but for some members life is too short to dream even the goal to be a

-For every new artifact she discovers and donated to the cause of the covenant gains
1 point. Only at the rank of Hand of the Seeker and beyond.
-For each learned or innate specialized skill or task (without help from other sources)
gains 1 point.
-For each mythic legacy she discovers and donated to the cause of the covenant gains
15 points. Only at the rank of Retriever and beyond.
-For every 4 XP she gives gains 1 point. That it is possible only once per week and
only 4 XP even if she has more.
-For every moral decision, personal ideal, critical juncture, etc that it is in harmony
with the beliefs and the principal ideas of the covenant and has ethic impact to the
member and in the course of the story (GM's discretion) gains 1 point.
-For every successful crafting of a numenera item, artifact or some other nonstandard
permanent object (difficult task 7 and above) gains 4 points or maybe more depending
and from the level of the item (see crafting objects, Numenera Corebook pg 107-108)

The Erudite houses itself in the Sanctum of Achiel, a unique and discrete artificial
demiplane that's preserved in the transparent head of the Latos (see Bestiary pg 74).
Unlike the other Latoses, due to the unique form of construction, it only partially
touches upon the dark energy network of the Strange and is neither coexistent with
(doesn't overlap) nor coterminous to (doesn't naturally touch) any known and
unbeknownst recursions. That means can't be accessed by any kind of conventional,
mundane or superficial methods of travel and cannot be convinced to do so. It's a
living artifact-vault, an everlasting vestige from an unknown civilization.

Notable Locations:
Secular Archive Complex
The interior of the Sanctum constitutes by a sprawling complex called Secular
Archive. The Secular Archive provides spaces to meet, research facilities, living
quarters for members who prefer to live “on campus”, food, and essential tools all at
reasonable prices ( list prices in Numenera Corebook, The Strange Corebook and
Cypher System Rulebook). It also serves as the outer perimeter of the Penultimate
Reliquary where the Erudites keep their prized artifacts safe. Here the Erudites have
access to every kind of study be it knowledge, lore, numenera, etc all compiled in the
secular stacks. Ironically, the secular stacks are now so large that any attempt to
completely peruse the files in their entirety would take a lifetime or longer. The stacks
take the form of row after row of parallel hyper-terminals separated by a space of 10
feet, and stretching vertically over a hundred stories. Flying is the only way to move
around the stacks. This is not the best use of a member's time, at least not that of a
member dedicated to adding to the body of work.
Members who become lax in their efforts to bring new fields of studying into the fold
or who are obviously more interested in using the secular stacks for personal gain
rather than to further the covenant's ultimate end, may be cast out never again
welcome in the consecrated halls of the order.

The Penultimate Reliquary

The Penultimate Reliquary exists as a permanent repository of dangerous relics and as
a temporary storage of artifacts to be researched or studied while checked out. Access
to the greatest collection of rare and wondrous numenera is certainly the biggest
reward. The extensive list of artifacts from the various recursions is going on and on.
Some examples are The Excalibur, Hand and Eye of Vecna, Powertech Armor,
Gauntlets of Ultramar, Holy Grail, Rho Aias, Necronomicon, Durandal, and Gáe
Bolg. To ensure integrity of the system, the protocol for accessing the Penultimate
Reliquary to check out a particular artifact requires two Committees. The Committees
must be present to either store or retrieve an item and expend every effort to protect
the Penultimate Reliquary. Part of the protocol calls for using Recognitiators (see
below) while transporting a checked-out artifact or a mytchic legacy.
The Recognitiator
The Recognitiator is a consciously animated chamber (level 9) constructed by the
Primecoder to store and protect prized possessions, a defensive entity, designed to
guard treasures of all sorts, though it can attack when necessary. It has an array of
unique functions that allow it to ward off even the most aggressive attempts to
penetrate its interior. Even living creatures can be stored in the Recognitiator,
carefully locked away for future interrogation.

The Reverent Vow

Color(s): Gold
Sigil: A ringing gold bell

The Reverent Vow is a collection of philanthropists, charity workers, healers, and
guides. Followers of the Reverent Vow hold compassion and empathy above all else.
The covenant was created for people to always have a home or place to feel safe and
cared for. The Reverent Vow prides itself in never turning anyone down, even to it's
own detriment.

The Reverent Vow's sigil is a fairly well known sign of charity houses, medical
facilities, and shelters. Members proudly wear the Reverent Vow's gleaming sigil.

The covenant has hundreds of facilities around the Ninth World. Whether it be a small
town, or bustling city, the Reverent Vow's compassion seems to have had a wide
impact around the Steadfast. Members always have a place to stay at these facilities
While the members of the Reverent Vow do not ask for compensation, they are often
gifted with offering of food, services, or shins. This results in some members of the
Reverent Vow being fairy wealthy and well off.

Member life/duties:
Members of the Reverent Vow are often charity workers, guides, and medics.
Members are not payed in any sort, nor are they pushed by anyone within the
covenant to do any work. Surprisingly enough the covenant runs almost completely
by independent workers around the Ninth Workers who have been impacted some
way by the Reverent Vow's kindness.

How to Join:
The Reverent Vow is unlike any other covenant in terms of membership. There are no
ranks, and no one needs to be recruited. It is entirely voluntary. Anyone can be “in”
the covenant. There is also no need to show a sigil, however most members proudly
Once a player's Gold points have reached a 10 or higher, they will start gaining
benefits that grow with the number of points they have. Benefits include:
– Emotional Insight: Members are trained in understanding the intentions of
people who are projecting strong emotions such as (but not limited to): anger,
sadness, and guilt. Decrease the difficulty of interactions with these people by 1 for
every 10 Gold points the PC has.
– Gift and Be Gifted: Members of the Reverent Vow are sometimes adorned
with gifts or offerings from random strangers. Once every day, players will receive a
random gift. Roll a d20: 3 shins(1-5), Glowglobe (5-10), Book (10-15), Brilliance
Cloth (15-17), Random Cypher (17-19), two random cyphers (20). Increase rolled
number by 2 per 10 Gold points the PC has.
– Overly Generous: Reverent Vow members are often taken advantage of due to
their kind nature. Increase the difficulty of interactions with criminals by 1 level.

The Dimensional
Color(s): Indigo
Sigil: An open human eye, always watching

The Dimensional are an order of unknown that beckon justice from beyond. They
manipulate events and exact peril on wrongdoers. Rumors say that they are not
human, but demi-gods of moral law. The Dimensional are not without reason, but you
cannot reason with the unreasonable. Dimensionals strive to create a world without
crime or unnecessary death.

The Dimensional are widely unknown and are even considered a myth by many. If
you have had a crossing with them, you would probably not even know. As some
stories say, the Dimensionals appear in loose hooded robes, transparent, with a slight

The Dimensional specialize in altering dimensional fabric, and would appear to be in
a ghost like state. Members of the Dimensionals have powers or technology that allow
them to jump in and out of phase at will. This makes them very powerful assassins
and manipulators.

Member life/duties:
When the Dimensionals aren't spending their time gathering information about
criminals, misconducts, and other nasty deeds, they are hunting criminals and
manipulating events to the detriment of evil. Most members are purely information

How to Join:
Players will be approached by a ghost like hooded humanoid once their Indigo points
have reached 20. They will be asked to gather information for the greater good, and to
help cleanse the world of injustice. If they player accepts, they will be given a
translucent synthlike wristband to transmit any information to the Dimensionals.
Every time a player gives valuable information to the Ethereals, they will gain 2
Indigo points. Players gain the following when they are a member of the

– Moral High Ground: Dimensionals believe what they are doing is extremely
important and valuable to humanity. This results in high confidence when facing
cruelty or criminals. PC's lower the difficulty of interactions vs others that are known
to have performed high criminal activity by 1. This usually includes bandits,
assassins, and thieves.
– Hand of God: Players can beckon the Dimensionals to punish a particularly evil
adversary. The Dimensionals work in strange ways, typically very slowly. However in
rare cases they will act immediately. Players have a chance to summon a
Dimensional. Dimensionals will only appear in 2 of 1d100. Increase this number by 2
for every 10 indigo points the PC has over 20. Dimensionals are level 7 and deal 7
damage. They can switch phases at will raising their defense against physical attacks
to level 8.
– God Complex: The power of the Dimensionals can inflate the ego of some
members. Overconfidence can cause members to believe that they can do no wrong.
PC's are more prone to GM intrusions WITHOUT XP GAINS when making an
overaggressive or unreasonable action. GM makes this judgment call. Examples
could be: attacking without being provoked, overkill, or running into an unscouted

The Ardor Continuum

Color(s): Red
Sigil: Wings surrounding a mountain

The Ardor Continuum is a collection of explorers, adventurers, pilgrimers,
pathfinders, and travelers. The covenant believes in the frontier of exploration. Every
man has a right to their own section of the world.

Most members do not prominently display their membership outright. They may have
an identification sigil, but that is only used to enter covenant housing or to gain
special benefits from other members. The red and gold winged sigil can't be missed.
Recruiters do wear specialized red and gold robes/clothing that resemble the shape of
birds wings. Since members pride themselves in exploration, the Ardor Continuum
sigil could be recognized from
any corner of the Ninth World.
Members of the Ardor Continuum will help each other out on expeditions and
adventures. It's not uncommon for a member to offer another member a means of
travel or equipment in return for a map or other item they may need. The Ardor
Continuum also has covenant housing for members that could be found in even the
most perilous areas.

Member life/duties:
Not too much is asked of members. However to join the Ardor Continuum, there is a
contract to be made. Once member have settled down, and plan to stop their travels,
they must open up their home to any other member to rest in. Refusal may end in
serious punishment, although this is scarcely an issue. Members are encouraged to
map their findings and journal their exploration experience for others to benefit.

How to Join:
Players may sign up to join in any covenant housing as well as be recruited from the
crimson recruiters. The player must have earned at least 20 red points before their
application is accepted. Once a member is accepted, they will be sent a covenant sigil.
Members receive these benefits:
– Ardor Sigil: This covenant sigil can request information on local areas and
creatures. PC's roll 1d20. If the player reaches a 15 or above, they will be provided
with information about their local area and any news, wildlife, rumors, or general
events. Maps may also be included.
– Covenant Housing: Ardor Continuum housing can be found in the oddest
places in the ninth world. If the player is near any sort of civilization, they may come
across one. PC's roll 1d100. If they roll a 60 or above, they have found a place to rest.
– Never In One Spot: Members of the Ardor Continuum are known to be active
and eccentric. Increase the difficulty of any action requiring patience or waiting by 1.
This could include: waiting to attack, or longer term scouting or stake out.

The Unwavering Grasp Society

Color(s): Silver
Sigil: Two colliding fists
Present Elite Council: Draxx Malador, The Shadow, Matthias Grev (Captain of the
Tarsiss V)

The Unwavering Grasp Society is a company of unique individuals who thrive for
competition. They value being the best at anything. Members of the Unwavering
Grasp Society will worship someone, and curse them in the same day if they have
failed to perform to expectation. Members stride to have their name on the top of the
weekly leaderboard.
The Unwavering Grasp Society do not bother to identify themselves to non-members.
If they aren't in the Unwavering Grasp Society, then they are not worthy. They
consider themselves the most elite of humanity, and only are impressed by their own
kind. Each member has a code card with a unique set of memory that stores personal
information and stats. Members use this to enter weekly competitions or provide
credentials for meetings.

Member life/duties:
Members can enter weekly competitions in their region to contest for fame as well as
fortune. These contests vary every week. Some examples include: bounty hunts,
treasure hunts, martial skill, mental skill, riddles, scavenger hunts, or any combination
of these. Weekly prizes and points are awarded, as well as the top ten leader names
being posted on the code cards of every member. Prizes can include artifacts, shins,
titles, and more. The Unwavering Grasp Society has a council of elite members that
create the competition schedules. This council changes based on popular vote among

How to Join:
The Unwavering Grasp Society is unlike any other. There is no silver point
requirement to join. Players can only join the Unwavering Grasp Society if they are
voted in by three members. Players must prove themselves to these members for them
to grant their vote. Once the three votes have been cast, the player will receive their
code card within a weeks time. Participating in weekly competitions, members will
earn Silver points. Members may gain these benefits:
– Weekly Competition: Players can participate each week for rewards! The GM
can create an adventure or to save time, simply roll 1d100. At the end of the week
they can collect their reward. Roll 1d100.
01-19 – Insignificant. No placement.
20-69 – Low Tier Placement. 1 Silver point.
70-89 – Mid Tier Placement. 2 Silver points, 2 shins
90-99 –Top ten placement. 3 Silver points, 5 shins, 2 random cyphers
100 – First Place. 5 Silver points, 15 shins, 1d6 cyphers, and 2 in 1d100 for random
First Place - Gylvaras Lin, Bazzik Yerut, Voral Beldorm, Issther Hathati, Morach’
Dir (Explorers of the Infinity)

– Self Love: A certain confidence comes with knowing you're the best. Dangerous
it may be, in most cases it boosts your morale for the better. For every 10 silver points
a player has, they can reroll a roll once per week.
– Heinous Envy: Members of the Unwavering Grasp Society are obsessed with
leaderboards. So much so that they can grow an inner envy of high ranking members.
1 in 1d6 chance of hindering a teammate when trying to assist

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