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Berdasarkan SK Menteri Pendidikan Nasional RI. No. 109/B/0/2009
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan 1/33 Cikokol Kota Tangerang


TAHUN AKADEMIK 2021 – 2022

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 1

Dosen Pengampu : A. Muzakkir Mahbub, M.Pd
Semester : I (Satu)
Program Studi/Kelas : Teknik Elektro, A2 Malam
Hari / Tanggal : Jum’at, 28 Januari 2022
Waktu : 90 Menit
Sifat Ujian : Take home

Nama / Nim : Muhammad Aldi Ferdiansyah / 2120201042

Kelas : A2
Prodi : Teknik Elektro

1. Buatlah kalimat lengkap menggunakan pola dari adjective + prepositions dari kata sifat
berikut :
a. Annoyed with = Honestly I wouldn’t be annoyed with you, because you are my
favorite person
b. Bored with = And I cannot be bored with you if you always be by my side forever
c. Glad about = So I would be glad about having you in my life because of all the things
you do
d. Ready for = Then i am so ready for marry you, for comforts me at all time of my life
e. Sorry about = but I am so sorry about all the things of my weakness that sometime
makes you uncomfortable.

2. Subordinate conjunction adalah kata sambung yang menghubungkan antara main clause
(independent clause) dengan subordinate clause (dependent clause). Ada banyak
subordinate conjunctions dalam bahasa Inggris. Contohnya, after, since, wherever, dan
banyak lagi. Perintah: Gunakan ketiga subordinate conjunctions tersebut dalam 3 kalimat
 My father came through your house after you went there.
 She became my girlfriend since we were sixteen.
 And she would go with me wherever I go.

3. Geotechnical engineering
From a scientific perspective, geotechnical engineering largely involves defining the soil's
strength and deformation properties. Clay, silt, sand, rock and snow are important
materials in geotechnics. Geotechnical engineering includes specialist fields such as soil
and rock mechanics, geophysics, hydrogeology and associated disciplines such as geology.
Geotechnical engineering is a branch of civil engineering.
Pilihlah 3 (tiga) kata yang menurut anda merupakan kata turunan (derivation) dari
penjelasan tentang Geotechnical Engineering diatas kemudian tentukan kata root dan
Contoh :
Interchangeable: Inter (prefix) change (root) able (suffix)
 Engineer (root) ing (suffix)
 Assosiate (root) ed (suffix)
 Define (root) ing (suffix)

4. Jelaskan pengertian countable nouns. Kemudian buatlah 3 (tiga) kalimat lengkap dalam
bahasa Inggris yang didalamnya terdapat countable nouns.
Countable nouns adalah kata benda atau hal-hal yang bisa dihitung satuannya dengan
 How many girlfriends do you have?
 My girlfriend own two houses in London.
 I would like three books please.

5. Buatlah 5 (lima) kalimat lengkap beserta artinya menggunakan relative pronouns berikut:
That, who, whom, whose, which.
I am so grateful that I was not with her anymore.
And she is the one and only girl who trashed me in the past.
But my ex whom every boy adores has just became an english teacher,
So everybody whose lamborghini can get her.
Then I cannot get her because I just have a nissan GTR which is a cheaper car than a

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