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Chat Application

Project Phase IV Report


Chat Application

Submitted for the requirement of

Project course



Submitted to Submitted By:

Shruti Bhatla (Supervisor) StudentGroup:-
(E11263) Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Tushant Yadav (20BCS5879)
Himadri (20BCS5854)
Tanish Gaba (20BCS5865)
Aaryan Goyal (20BCS5861)

Satwinder Kaur


June 2022
Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application


Earlier there was no mode of online соmmuniсаtiоn between users. In big or

small organizations соmmuniсаtiоn between users роsed а сhаllenge. There wаs а
requirement to reсоrd these соmmuniсаtiоns аnd stоre the dаtа fоr further
evаluаtiоn. The ideа is tо аutоmаte the existing Simple Сhаt Rооm system and make
the users utilize the sоftwаre sо thаt their vаluаble infоrmаtiоn is stоred digitally
аnd саn be retrieved fоr further mаnаgement рurроses. There wаs nо оnline
methоd оf соmmuniсаting with different users.
There were mаny different interfасes аvаilаble in the mаrket but this methоd
оf using PHP and JS tо соmmuniсаte between people wоuld be fаst аnd reliаble.
The mаin оbjeсtive оf оur Simрle Сhаt Rооm рrоjeсt is tо сreаte а сhаt аррliсаtiоn
thаt helрs different users tо соmmuniсаte with eасh оther thrоugh а server
соnneсted. This is а simрle сhаt рrоgrаm with а server аnd саn hаve mаny сlients.
The server needs tо be stаrted first аnd сlients саn be соnneсted lаter. Simрle Сhаt
Rооm рrоvides bidireсtiоnаl соmmuniсаtiоn between сlient аnd server.
It enаbles users tо seаmlessly соmmuniсаte with eасh оther. The user саn
сhаt using this сhаt аррliсаtiоn. If the user аt the оther end is асtive then they саn
stаrt а сhаt sessiоn. The сhаt is reсоrded in this аррliсаtiоn.

Keywords: HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, SQL

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application


Sr Topic Page No.

1 Use of Modern tools in design and analysis
2 Discussion and report/results analysis
3 Project management and Professional
communication (Presentation)
4 Attainment of stated outcomes

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

Use of Modern tools in design and analysis:

In this project, we are using JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS to style,
structure, enhance the web pages so that the user gets a really good experience while
using it.

The reasons why we chose these specific tools only:

▪ JavaScript:- We have used JavaScript to make our web page interactive and it
is also used by Web browsers to primarily create a dynamic and intuitive
experience for the user. Also, it is a powerful language a developer should have
on their toolbelt to create websites.
With JavaScript we have used Ajax to develop our login and sign-up form
to send and retrieve data

▪ PHP:- PHP here has been used for its versatility as it is the language which
supports all the major web servers. Also, it was easy to integrate with our
already using technologies and languages which saved our time.

▪ MySQL:- We needed to use a database to store our user data. And for that
here we have used MySQL for our database and storing the user data. On top of
that, it is the world’s most popular database

We have used MySQL because of its privacy and security which enables
only genuine persons to access the server.

▪ HTML:- It has been used to give structure to a website, as it is also its sole
purpose to do so. We have used it to give structure to our major web pages like

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

login form, creating sign up form, creating users list page, and creating Chat
Area page. We have used HTML because it is the language without which we
cannot make the website.

▪ CSS:- It has been used to give the styling to the website and enhance our UI
page after structuring with HTML, such as styling our web pages like login
page, sign up page, users list page and enhancing the main Chat area page
where the conversation will occur.

Discussion and Report/Result Analysis:

We propose an application that allows users to create a chat room with a live
server and share messages or talk while on the road. Create an instant messaging
system that allows users to interact with one another while still being simple enough
for a beginning user to utilise. For example, a real-time chat room (online).
Teleconferencing, often known as chat, is a technique of bringing people and ideas
"together" despite geographical obstacles. Although the technology has been
accessible for many years, its adoption is relatively new. This is an example of a chat
server in this small project.
The chat application is straightforward. It doesn't require a login, has
AJAX-style functionality, and will support numerous users. It consists of two
applications: the client app, which runs on the user's device, and the server
programme, which is hosted to operate the chat room live over the network. To begin
talking, clients should connect to a server where they can practise two types of
chatting, public (message is broadcasted to all connected users) and private (between
any two users alone), and security precautions were implemented during the latter.

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

The existing system:-

In the already existing system, chat applications have reached a long way and have
improved a lot but the one problem most chat applications are facing is the privacy
issue. And the main source of data leak or privacy-invading is directly or indirectly
related to users’ contact numbers.
Because of their phone numbers, a large amount of data can be retrieved. Chat
applications nowadays are filled with ads and sponsorships, which ruins the user’s
experience of having the conversation.

The newly designed system:

In the newly designed system, we have developed a chat application in which the
users do need not to give their contact or phone number to have a conversation with
their friends or relatives. This solves the major part of the privacy issue. So, in our new
system, the chances of data leak are minimum than most of the commercial apps out
there. We do not show any ads and sponsorships on our application, which maintains
a good user experience.

Chat Room achieves its goal by delivering an exceptionally rich conversation

experience. We attempted to keep the UI clear and clean, with no obnoxious or

unnecessary embellishments. Design flexibility encourages users to utilise their
creativity, and as a result, even inexperienced users may create effective websites. We
have used PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS and HTML to build a dynamic internet
messaging system.

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

Project management and Professional communication


a. Introduction:

b. Objectives:

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

c. Technology used:

d. Designs

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

e. Screenshots

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

f. Outcomes:

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)
Chat Application

Attainment of stated outcomes Outcomes

1. In this project, we have covered most of the major issues users are facing
nowadays, like secure communication and privacy.
2. And we would love to add some more features to our project like video calls,
voice notes, etc.
3. This application will allow users to chat freely without thinking of privacy

SDG goal attainments:

1. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for
2. Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests, combat deforestation, halt and reserve land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss
3. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for

There is always an opportunity for improvement in every product, and we
attempted to adjust the design accordingly, while still keeping our constraints in mind.
During the course of developing this application, we faced a slew of issues and learned
how to solve them through study. With the end product, we think our idea was
evident and well-presented.

Ritu Raj (20BCS5857)

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