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Bella Hernandez


Ap Lang

04 August 2020

Summer Homework - Review 7 habits

It has been almost two years since I created my own personal mission statement, and it

still has a positive influence in my current day life. In january of 2019 my personal mission

statement consisted of living my life with honesty, integrity and personal accomplishments while

striving to embrace any learning opportunity that comes my way. Some of my goals in my

personal mission statement included graduating from University HIgh, staying organized, not

procrastinating, improving in my extra curricular activities and focusing on my mental and

physical health. In creating my personal mission statement I used the four human tools from ​The

7 seven habits of highly effective teens​; self-awareness, conscious, imagination and will power.

Keeping these four human tools in mind I have created goals to help myself improve this school


The tool of self-awareness is the ability to stand apart from yourself and observe your

thoughts and actions. I have a habit of unconsciously distracting myself from my priorities

because I don't want to deal with them. A goal of mine is to hold myself accountable so that I

stay on task and prioritize the important things. I will be doing this by remembering to stay self

aware and analyze my actions constantly to stay on task. All of the four human tools go hand in

hand however the tool of consciousness ties directly to self awareness because it means that you

can listen to your inner voice and know right from wrong. You need to be self aware to listen to
your conscious, therefore by being self aware and analyzing my actions to stay on top of my

work I will be doing what's right by prioritizing rather than doing what's wrong and

procrastinating. Another goal of mine this year is to stay organized, when I'm going through a

rough patch I have the habit of focusing all of my energy on one thing at time. This habit is not

the most productive way to stay on track to reach my goals however using willpower; the power

to choose, the power to act, to control our emotions and to overcome our habits and instincts, I

will have the willpower to use the tool of Imagination to envision new possibilities, allowing me

to escape our present circumstances and create new possibilities in our heads. Using the tool of

imagination will allow me to think about what actions I can take to reach a better outcome, in

terms of thinking with the end in mind.

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