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Active Listening

For the sake of understanding what someone is saying, responding and reflecting on it, actively

listening is paying attentive attention to what they are saying (Richard Farson., et al). By doing

so, the speaker and the audience are both kept completely involved in the conversation.

I have tried to observe my own ability to listen especially in recent conversations and have come

up with a conclusion about how I personally listen. Listening actively requires a lot of

concentration on the speaker as they speaker while putting into account various non-verbal ques

and gestures that constitute of communication. I have noted that I am far from being a good

active listener more so because I am easily distracted during conversations. I also have a hard

time trying to follow along conversations while maintaining eye contact. Also on the point of

getting distracted I would like to point out that my phone is the biggest distraction in my


I intend to become a good if not perfect active listener, this can be achieved by putting my phone

away during conversations to minimize the distractions present. Another strategy would be to

maintain eye contact with my speakers as I listen to them. By rectifying on the faults above I

look forward to improve my active listening.


Work Cited

Rogers, Carl R., and Richard Farson. Active listening. Mockingbird Press LLC, 2021.

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