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Walton 1

Ambir Walton

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp Pd. 2

8 Sept. 2021

College Application Essay

Have you ever walked a little faster when it’s late at night and you’re on your way home?

How many women have bought self-defense weapons because they don’t feel safe walking on

the streets while they’re alone? And how many women are burdened with PTSD after a bad

encounter with a male? I say this because as a sixteen-year-old girl, I've done all those things.

And though it may not be all men, it is all women.

I believe that in a way, almost everyone is sexist. Think about it this way, when we were

young, teachers would ask for “Big strong boys” to help them move items. We've all grown up

with the impression that women are known as the weaker gender. Which explains why women

are more likely to be raped because they’re seen as the easier target.

In a prison interview, rapists were asked what they were looking for in victims. Most said

they looked for smaller girls that wouldn’t put up a fight. The goal was to grab someone and

leave. The women that yell or fight back tend to scare off the rapists because the fight isn’t

believed to be worth it. The point I'm trying to make is, due to societies perspective of women as

the weaker gender, women identify as weak and make it easier for rapists and or kidnappers to

grab them.
Walton 2

According to society, women who wear revealing clothes are seen as slutty or trashy.

Women are supposed to be modest and leave something for the eyes to imagine. Things like

dress codes sexualize girls to encourage them to hide their bodies, blaming them for the

inappropriate reactions from boys. And wearing “provocative” clothing means that women are

in the wrong and it’s our fault men can’t help themselves. It’s our fault that we get raped.

Finally, I believe that women shouldn’t be taking birth control. One woman can get

pregnant once every nine months. A man can get an average of nine women pregnant every day

for 365 days. If we are so worried about overpopulating if the earth, men should be the ones on

birth control. Reversible vasectomy is an option for men, and a safer one. Birth control has many

side effects on all women. It can stop periods or prolong them endlessly. It can cause many

different types of illnesses, including nausea and migraines. A male vasectomy is the safer option

and an easier one.

Women have been so wronged by society. Maybe we can start teaching boys at a young

age the proper way to treat all people, but especially women. It is unfair to ask so much from

women and yet ridicule them for everything they do. We should be able to wear whatever makes

us comfortable and we shouldn’t have to conform to society to do so.

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