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Student: Ronald Soriano Instructor: Mr.

Rodelio Garin
Course Title: 3 Binary Operations Code/Module: Abstract Algebra
Problem Set

I. Determine whether the given set with the operator ¿ gives a group structure. Give the property of
binary operation which is not satisfied.
a. X and Y are vectors in R3 and ¿ define as “dot product of vector X and Y”.
b. * defined on Z by a∗b=a−b
c. k ( x )∧h ( x ) are linear functions and ¿ define as “k ( x ) ° h ( x )”.
d. * defined on Q by a∗b= .
e. * defined on Z by a∗b=c where c is at most 3 greater than the product of a∧b .
II. Determine whether the binary operator * defined is commutative and whether * is associative.
1. * defined on Z by a*b= a-b
2. * defined on Q by a*b= ab+1
3. * defined on Q by a*b= ab/2
4. * defined on Z+ by a*b= 2ab
5. * defined on Z+ by a*b= a b

----------------------------------------------End of Activity for Chapter 3--------------------------------------------------

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