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Steps of a Journey

“The journey of a thousand miles begin with a single courageous step that drives away all doubts
and fear as one faces the unknown,” a famous philosopher, Lao Tzu, said. A baby for example, babies
only need to take a step and everything follows. Once they learn to take one step, they will learn to walk
and with that, their journey continues.
However, building courage to face everyone is easier said than done. Do you know what it feels
like to be judged when all you did was be yourself? Do you feel anxious every time you walk in the midst
of a huge crowd and everyone is looking at you? Or perhaps feel so embarrassed that you won’t try it ever
again? That’s what I meant by building courage. As a person, there are factors that may result to
discouragement. To start a new journey, you need to step up your game. You need to have confidence,
self-esteem, and of course, courage, to take on the unknown. If they turn you down, lift yourself up. It
may sound hard, it really is, but you need to move forward.
If you won’t and can’t walk or even move your feet, everyone’s going to leave you behind. Don’t
rely on others all the time. If you can’t walk, ask someone to get a wheelchair for you and you can move
on your own from there. I’m not saying don’t rely on anyone or don’t ask for help, but if you can, then do
it. Yes, it’s hard. Yes, it’s painful. But staying there will get you nowhere.
Imagine that the reward you want is on the other side. You need to walk across the sand to reach
it. Motivate yourself. Tell your mind to walk so that you can get what you desire. Take your first step.
The distance between you and the reward is shortened and all you need to do now is keep it shorter.
Okay. Now stop imagining. Make it real.
The footprints you left behind are the memories you’ve made of your efforts before you succeed.
From building courage to taking steps to looking back at your footprints. These footprints that you didn’t
expect to be there on the thought of not taking a step is actually there? Get it? To sum it all up, life is like
a journey. Take one step at a time. You can look ahead but you can’t skip a step. You can look back but
never step back.

Reign Assley Faye A. Comia, SSC9-LA, S/Y 2019-2020

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